HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-06-23, Page 5'3aamd y',. rune 234 1983, BUSINESS CARDS 1 Put Your LEGAL DUDLEY 0 iLOLN.fR as ARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. (OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just of the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Counsel and Court Work. Mr. Il'ohnes may be 'consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. '' . BRYCE L. D. S. D. • D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK., DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. De. U 11. Cr,O W E P3 L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETER1NARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, WV. Sc;. VETERINARY SURGEON :Office in the Home of the Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. ..R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. !Graduate of Ontario Veterinary !College, University of Toronto. All .diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, y or night allsCharges reasonable. y ed Oto. Also Bre- ederpromptly bier of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hennels. Office on Main Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. late Zurich LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - .duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit aronr business, and if not satisfied will . make no charges for Services Ren- dered. .ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Faun Produce Wi A N J I-U1IOHEST CASH PRICES --FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien :Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUiTCHERS u.richs' Popular "MEAT ._`. f. AR ET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- led Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices tor Wool, Hides and Skins .1, Yuu ghlut & Sou womeinsonawseammt neirmroxe*.•.....ff atm am. 'INSURANCE Western Farmers' ut Weather 8 sur ac ce CO. OF WOODSTTCCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at ICisk on Dec. 31st, 1036, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash hi Bank and Boads $03,613.47. 613.4'7. gates—$4.50 per $1,000 for S fears E. F. KKLOPl _ZURICiE Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire .4101 J neat rzxxacas Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column, FOR SALE MINK FOR SALE Pure 'bred Quebec Mink for sale Place your order now for arse more of this year's kits. We have over hundred kits to choose from at $5 a trio. • Correspondence invited. R. Faber's Mink Ranch, R. R. No. 1 Hensel!., Ont. C Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Ross of Sea forth were Tuesday visitors with JVIr and Mrs. C, L. Smith. The next public holiday will be o July first, Dominion Day, and it wil be observed on riday of next week. New Supervisor Miss Grace: Mason, of Goderich, experienced. Registered . Nurse, ha • been engaged as Supervisor at Dr e Ivloir's hospital, at Huron Springs. a Mr. Wm. Lamont and Miss Jane 0 also Mr. and Mrs, Wm. Dowson of town attended the Blake anniversary , services on Sunday and also spent the day with their friends there. Born—At Detroit on June 18th to Mr. and Mrs. William. L. Geromette, a daughter (Beta Rose Marie). Mr. and tales. Geromette are now favored with a family of six buys and two d::+',:rte is. Messrs. Lee Hoffman and Robert Willieni.i motored to Sarnia on Wed- ' nesday last, and while there took a good view of •tire new Blue Water CD -38 i'ridge that is being erected across the St. Clair River. DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY: Mr. and Mrs. Norman Paterson and HESS-- adio, Electric son; Miss Ruth Beetard of London; MTs. James Dayman of Kippen; Mr. ZURICH — ONT. and Mrs. Levi Makins and faintly of .�.,,�„s,�.ua,m , amodionumanat ,Seaforth; Mr. and Mrs. Herb Smith ' - and family of Varna were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Smith, Bronson line. 1 a s NOTICE Binder Twine , ?r?•r Weareare now taking orders for binder twine ale this :,u....;u.. leave your order at once—I+armer, Club. Samuel Hendrick, E. Blake Horner President. Secretary FOR QUICK SALE Four Guaranteed Rebuilt Cream Separators. Come, and look them Oyer. tf-47 THE ZURICH CREAMERY STRAYED From my premises at Zurich a &masticated wild goose. Reward of- fered to finder.—Ted. Haberer. FOR SALE 1 6 -plate double tractor disc, to Russell Manson, Zurich. apply FOR QUICK SALE - BROILERS—Leave you order with us for your broilers. Also, anyone wishing to join tennis club for season, fee only $1 for gents, ladies 50c, at Zurich Skating Rink. Ferd Haberer, • FOR QUICK SALE A Yorkshire brood sow due about June 10th; also a young Durham 'ufl which has 'been in service; and a 7 -yr. old mare. Apply to Russell -Sparks, Bayfield, R.R.3. - FOR QUICK SALE A number of Leghorn Hens for quick sale.—Apply to Delbert Geiger Phone 82-12, Zurich. DON'T OVERDUE SUN BATHING Take your sunlight in small doses. The department of health warns:The best treatment for sunburn is pre- verltion. In the summer, one should work up to the sun gradually. Watch the- children during the first week of holidays. Don't let them get their suntan so quickly as to develop sun- burn blisters. Exposure of a tender skin to the summer sun for 20 min- utes at a time, increasing by 15 min- utes each deer, twill do a person good. But over -dosing of sunlight resulting in ugly, painful blisters of sunburn, is decidedly haemful. Under certain conditions, exposure to sunlight fav- orabie affects growth and nutrition, but it may exert a directly harmful action on the skin and the body gen-1 erally. Oxesr-exposure causes sunburn with its erdness, pain and blistering, ,;and certaila skin diseases. if you do get blisters, apply rich table cream, face cream or cannon oil. Be careful, ai protect the blisters from infection if they sheuid .break. It will greatly help by applying olive oil before ex -I posing in the sae, which will keep the i skin nice and moist and not so sub- ject to burn, but best of all is mod-! eration. ZURICH HERALD Only buy's his cavrtca 9e�J ,LCT IC with attachments) gwAW is The G -E Air -Flo cleaner does the work faster, easier and more efficiently, than other cleaners of the some type selling from $20 to $30 MORE. Be sure to see the G.E before you buy. Accident to Hibbert Walnati: Mrs. Sinton Sararas, of Hibbert Townehip, near Chiselhurst, and• .a former re iee:it of Zurich while milk ing in the. barn xi'eently, has the mis- ae.t; tete, to '-t• knocked down by a cow and trampled on by another. She re- ceived serious injuries having several ribs bete l and otherwise .badly injured. Decoration Day Sunday afternoon was Decoration Day at the Bronson line Evangelical cemetery, and as the day was ideal, a good tut nou t was the result. After the usual decoration of graves by loved ones, the gathering met on the school grounds where a very appro- priate program was rendered. The Dashwood Memorial band rendered a number of selections, there was siugirg. end two addresses by Rev. Mr. Moppet of Dashwood and Rev. C. 0. Heekendorn of Zurich. AT GODERICH JULY lst Dominion Day will be observed .at Goderich with , a full-day program, morning, afternoon and evening. The Town Council has allotted .the usual $100 for children"s games in the mor- ning and the citizens' corn. has tuttite over the afternoon to the executive of the senior baseball club. Track ev- ents, open to Huron, Perth and Mid- dlesex athletes, are in charge of the ColIegiate Athletic Assoc. The Lucan Irish Nine will be opposition to God- erich in ,the baseball feature, sched- uled for 3 o'clock, both teams ere members of the Huron -Perin league. OBITUARY Late Alvin Workman Alvin Workman, a well known district resident, passed away sud- denly at his home on the town line between Hay and Stanley, two miles west of Kippen on .the morning of June 13th. A neighbor four, hire dead about 10 a.m. He had his morning chores all neatly done as was his costom and appr.rently suff- ered a weak spell, and laid down on a couch and passed away. He was son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Jia nc•, Workman, born 61 years ago ere til! Workman homestead faire, Stanley IParr Line,where he spent his early life. About 25 years ago nr, went West, taking up land. He spent 20 years there, Five years ago he cam back to this district. IIe was always a great lover of horses, and was nev- er married. Is survived by five broth- ers and three sisters: Percy Work- man on the homestead farm; Wm., Tuckersmith; Ralph. Flint, Mich; Rev H. V. of Petrolia; Norman or Mined osa, Man; Mrs. Grant Ryckrnan of the boundary, Usborne; Mrs. Milton Love iFJensall; Mrs. Howard Bolger, Lon- doai. The funeral took place on Wed- nesday afternoon from the hone of his .brother, William, Tuckersmith. In- terment •in Flensall union cemetery, Rev. Mn'. 'Chandler conducting the fun eral service. 14-1÷14++++++++++++++++++++ 4+++++++++++++++++++++4. t•+ BUILDING MATER ALS T. r: you intered doing any Building or Repairing this Year • we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. SUMMER SCREENS + Combination Doors --screens for the summer and glass • interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to prop- • erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order 4. • Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials $er K A111) � jl x.. • _..11. it PHONE , U t I • *x`.aa�utssaerrn,,,y.�at +v.'S E•*• I.:÷k.P.•b.'a 4 •' 4-24 + +++444 4 t,+f ++++++++4.+++++++++ 4 4 Oppose Beverage Rooms To:u Lto cVoeem's Liaend Associa- tion went -.;iacorn as ".being oppos- ed to beverageeooins for women," end with a ear.yest to the Provincial Government "to close beverage rooms to women." - HITS AT NEW IDEA (Esete" '1'in ee7Advocate) The new .vny of carrying on our public and secondary schools is com- ing trader severe criticise.:. Ira! com- plaint is that the new system is based en the principle of asking a child to ,:o only hilar he wants to do. We :nee of quire a :mailer of children who were brought up on this princ- iple. A good many of them found their way to the jail, some to t're poor -house and other's are 1h1.; on what their dads or their v.•i : - have provided for then:. TAX FREE EONDS AT END Ottawa --Elimination of the last o` Canada's ar.r•time t.i-r-f ce renals will result in an annual ineie se in income tab" returns of mor..than $1,- 700,000 Finnnce Minister Denning thl in budg•.>t speech. Thee 1 onus came due and were refunded late in 1087 and the new issues were taxa- hie. Estimates cf the increased in- rome. ta:.z returns was baser! on an ii4sun'rption the money was reinvested at 81,U per cent. BOATS TIED UP Thrace 'anew lake freighters have been temporarily Iaiei up at Ged.r- ich port for Iack of cargoes. Sone 00 sailors have been thrown out of e'erk and are d+'narting for thr•i` Domes, some as far awav as Fort William. A fourth boat is expected to lay up. Rumors are spread that 15 boats of one line were under instr- uctions to lay - up at Goderich, but this is not confirmed. Quite a few Goderich sailors are already hone from other ports and scene, similar to those witnessed at navigation close are being witnessed. PLENTY OF SPEED? -Seven ports of the guardrail on the 1 higarviv ri,o�it a mile south of Exeter l were broken off when the rear tire i or a car driven by Lloyd Fell, of borne. blew out and the car swerved from the road. Bell with several com- aanions was nn his way to Fxtetcr. when the accident happened. When the car swerved the rear end of the car struck the wire cable, the tiro ee11rier was torn ori and the cable left its imprint in the hack of the body of the car. Fortunately the occupants escaped unhurt, In Magistrate's Court With 21 windows, a set o E dishes and the family fruit jars all ::.ached. Salamia Cole, young tempormental deaf and dumb Goderich '1 vv ,. rarm- er's wife, is on the verge of victory in her 'Calgary -or -bust" carol ai;'n. She, already in suspended sentence for smashing things, has run .amuck several times since and was in court on Thursday at Goderich. Tired of the farm, she wants to leave `er hus- band and go with her little girl back to laer mother and city life in Cal- gary. When refused money to do so she takes to smashing glass, c t+tti g a finger. • She has her husband, :o a elute, her father-in14aw, who own.: the farm house, the police and court officials at their wits end to know what to do with her. A reckless dri- ring charge against John !d'uthcrboro London, co, tra.cttor, • was dismissed after a lengthy hearing. Because the doctor who examined accusal was not present, the case of Edward ;Maier, n;r;druood, charged with drunk driv- ing, was postponed one week. Maier pleaded not guilty and was granted bail. He •also faces a reckless driving count; Carnett Wildfong faced the unusual charge of permitting Maier to drive his (Wildfong's) cart, while in that condition, Trials of Wm. Web stew, Godauach, charged with 'being in charge of anauto white intoxicat; ed and Herman Pieter, cherged with ...1.'u : O 7' o l:+y ........ il'r ,.... ;1ioved off for 'a Nook„ 1 1 IC Deliver your Cream to the Zurich Crear aery and ob- tain correct weight, test and Highest Market Price, We pay 2 cents prenziuni per lb, butterfat for all Cream de- livr' erl to the plant. We also buy and pay cash for your Eggs and r oultrs according to grade. PAGE FIT ? We are Local Agents for the Viking Separator.. Le, us Demonstrate thi:, higa. quality Separator for you! The Z °r; ch Creamery 1 High quality bowl•—closersicina ming —more profit. 2 Perfect. necIsbearing — assuring years of dependable service of the mechanism. 3 Proven durability. 4 Highly endorsed by thousands of users. Durable materials, expert work- manship orkmanship and sturdy construction are featured in the Viking Separ- ator. We make sure that every machine sold continues to give satisfaction. Seven Models --One Quality SWEDISH SEPARATOR CO., LIMITED Montrea cvF'asSiTra. 0+:5B;3s 501050E1Rl50C455egtz.esame...)adifr?eace saaeo4tmas sD ka 173 743. 1 in TS, We Are Again Distributors for the well -.?mown and Popular McKinley Chiefs for the Season of 1933, and will be pleased to look after you Baby a Chick Supply for the season... Arrange with us - for your requirements. PURINA Stock Foods n In cl ChoTivs A guarar teed produtt twat -ill : help win. tock ..and Poultyi FREE! FREE! Coronation set. of Dishes. and .Rodgers ¶ilwerware S given to our Customers in exchange foI a a equired amount of Coupons which we are giving wait lour- r• chases at our store... • Zurich nal !rug Store chool Supplies Oa - We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Books, inth.ding the New Speller All High School Text Books, eto. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfu mizersn, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations TiE raiS MacKinnori, Zuiich