HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-06-23, Page 4l oink
Priced for Quick Sale
horn Pullets we have left.
For the few W h'te 1Leg-
Chick Hatchery
Phone 266 Exeter
"Ii<t.za Tas
Ilidith L$1110
firing i.iCh.
Mr. and Mrs. Mose Yanizi, Mrs.
John Yoe tzi and son Glen; Mrs, Mike
Yantzi from Baden, were Sunday
visitors with Mr. and Mrs, Gordon
Miss Beatrice Gerber who is work-
ing at New Hamburg spent Sunday
with her parents on the Goshen line.
Dashwood Sports .Day and Tatoo
July 13th,
Mrs. Graupner and daughters
Clara and Martha of Farniiugtoi ,
1Iich., and Miss Zeta Nadiger R. N.,
of .Howell, spent the week -end
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger.
Me. and Mrs. George Thompson of
Detroit are spending their vacation
with her parente, Mr. and Mrs. R.
.Ir. and Mg's. Stun 1Vitzei of Tor-
onto spent the week -end with his
oieeer Mrs. '\ 1tzel. family of the Goshen line were Sun -
Mr. Harry Hoffman assisted as day visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Hec-
eloist at the Anniversary Services in tor Laporte.
New collars are needed at this i rats•rloo on Sunday. Adis Doris Jeffrey of London Se -
time of the year. Give u a call nG,d l Mrs. Mervyn Tiernan and Nancy urinary spent Thursday last with her
eve will bit you tip. If in need of a; spent Saturday in Kitchener. p�arc nt7 in Beaver Town.harness ask for pri<,_•_, all our work Miss .Alvino DenoTnme of St. Jas -
3s done with hand sewing. Your biniter ( llr. and Mrs. lofting and family eph left on Monday for Mt. Carmel,
earnvass needs repairing, bring them! ale! "'r HenryJen `:n and Mil M. where she will he engaged for the
in and we will repair them befort the 1 Preston all of Wingham were Sun- summer at house. work.
rush starts. All kinds of repanir. i Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme of
Blake were Sunday visitors to Mr.
and Mrs, It. E. Ducharme of the Blue
Water Highway.
Mr. Clayton Smith and Sons of the
A Strawberry social under the aus- boundaries of Beavertown have been
piees of the Ladies' Aid of the .Ev- I hus y of late remodelling their sum -
angelical church will be held on i mer cottage to a more modern,. type.
Wednesday Jung 2S(t1T, .Supper will t Mr. Fred Ducharme had the mss
The Mission Circle of the Evangel-
ical church will present a pageant,
The Ton Virgins, on the church lawn
on Sunday evening when the band
will :also be in attendance.
Dashwood Memorial Band attended
Decoration Services on the .Beenson
line Cemetery on Sunday afternoon,
also the Weber re -union held on Mr.
Arthur Weber's farm.
Mrs. G. Shore and daughter Thel-
ma and Miss Tillie Miller of Woocl-
b.ridge called on friends here on Sat-
urday, also attended the Weber re-
union on Sunday.
'SM.isah el3uuR. incharg arnpe
St. Joseph and Beaver To'<
Mr. and Mrs, Filbert Denomme of
St. Joseph left on Saturday last for
an etxended trip visiting at Detroit,
Flint, and •Chehoygan, Mich., where
Mrs, Denomme's father lire.•.
Mr. and Mrs. Puno Hartman and
nwetly and promptly done. 'Dinar
uepairing a specialty. •pt��5
H. G. CLAUSIL'S. '7,i"I�It;H
BLAK i'.
'_1Ir. and Mrs. ,Toh.i ta, h t from
,Seaforth; Mr. and M.. .inns 1' ipf••r
spent ti ,nn • with
from. Dashwood, -I n t. ay
Mr. and Mrs.Sam tris t:ir n.
Mr. r. and Mrs. Ciri t . •e•Ft i e and
-,flaughter, were Sar lee ri - t,1 s with
Mir. and Mrs. Ruch Sw a to ntrulrrr.
lfr.'Jeseph Swage: •ntveaber and
eemfly og the Go t a 1 , . Sun-
day visitors with .Mr..urd J1rs. Amos
day vis=itors with Mr. and Mrs. O.
Miss Dorothy Mclsaac of Detroit,
is visiting with relatives.
be served from 5 to �`l p.m., after' fortune on Sunday last to loose a
i which an interesting .program will be valued brood mare and colt.
given including a play entitled "The Mr. hector Laporte also had the
Tithing ,,'
n„ rax by .a nunrher of the . borne misfortune as -AI.r. Ducharme.
young people.•1 This seems to be a most unlucky
Mr. and lire. Henry Hoffman, .1Trs year for Tailing colt,.
Stacey and Hairy Hoil'rnae were Sun- f Mr. I\elbon Jeffreyfof Windsor;
day visitor: in Kitchener and Water- who has ,pent a few days in Beaver
loo i Town and surriouncling district, has
I nal --- Sat face Satisfaction --- Outside
Johnston and aniifleisch
ell' relee
....e.senetee meek
returned to his home.
On Sunday last at their hone oon
the Blue Water Highway south, the
)rade at the open air rink and trees
and flowers will be planted in. diff-
erent parts of the grounds. A part of
the park property was given to the
town for park purposes by the late
Milliam Moir and the balance, about
thtrc e acres on the south side, was
purchased. The village has owned'
this property for about 12 years,but
it has never been properly developed
owieg to other undertakings that the
village •has had to pay.
(lir ,Saturday, June lith at 3 p.m,.
in the church parlor, ev. W. A. Yo-
ung united in marriage Eldon R. Kad.
ing of I,onclon, son of M1•. and Mrs.
Cina.e, Boding of Exeter and Myrna
C. Hudson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs
C. S. Hudson of Ilensall,. in the pres-
ence of a few close friends of the
party. The bridesmaid was Mrs. We -
they of London, while the groom was
supported by his friend, 7'..Wethey
of London. Immediately following the
ceremony the bridal party left for
London whore a wedding Iuncheon
was served at the home of the 'bride's
brother-in-law and sister, ear. and
;ire. Hy. Abrey. After a honeymoon
spent in Pt..Huron, and Detroit they
will inside in London.
The horse of Mr. and Mrs. M. H.
Harman, St. Marys, was the scene of
a.lovely June wedding when Rev. 1;.
Farr, of Dercheter, united in marr-
iage Hilda Beryl, daughter of Mr.
and 31rs. Errold Drummond, of Hen -
sell, to Harry Merehall Wilson, Phm.
B., 'Toronto, son of Mr. and iMrs,
Frank Wilson of Woodstock. The
:beide whe was given in marriage by
Mier hither, ler, was lovely in a navy blue
Suit and wore a core MO. of or-
chids. The bride's sister, Dorothy, of
Hen, ;t'.l. was a charming brad: •Haid.
The "oo'n was supported .y ni:; bro-
then Ihnbert, of Woodstock. Foil: w-
ing the to emony buffet refreshment?;
were served in the dining room. 'On-
ly the immediate fa.tniliee ane a few
clo-+" friends were present. The
bride's parents, who were celebrating
thea • :.Mie i.miiversary, were also re-
t'i acts of ninny lovely gifts. The
I1 ' couple left on an extended
r e 'eil:g trip to Niagara Falls, and
I o;b r points.
family of Mr. and Mrs. John Charrett i
• were united together in a body to
give a reception to Sister Monica of
Chicago, who has been away for near-
ly nine years and is now come to
visit .her parents for a week. Those
from Detroit were; Zeppie, Jane,
- Norman, Exodious, Eveyetor of Tor-
onto and Dennis at home.
Mr. and Mrs. Noel Laporte and
family of Drysdale were Sunday vis-
itors with Mr. and Mrs. F. Ducharme
Miss Alvina Denomme of Mt. Car -
,mel paid a Sunday afternoon call to
friends on the Blue. Water Highway
:Mr. and . Mrs. Filbert Denomme
of St, Joseph, who have spent a few
...!weeks Visiting relatives in Michigan,
have returned home.
Miss Gabriel Cantin of Detroit was
:a 'Sunday visitor in St. Joseph with
her parents.
Mr. •and Mrs. ' Iarcil Denomme of
'Blake spent Sunday in Beavertown.
:With :Mr. and Mrs, Percy Bedore.
Mr. and Mrs. Lyden Denomme of
'Windsor, spent a few days with the
'latter's •parent„ 1Mr. and Mrs. - Jas.
Mr. Frank Jeffrey who has been
away for a few weeks in Detroit, re-
turned to his 'hame. on Saturday.
Follow this
Bread Diet Plan
This Diet Plan gives about 1,500
Calories a day --the reducing al-
lowance of the average woman.
1 glass fruit juice
Small serving meat, fish or eggs
3 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter
1 cup coffee (clear.), 1 tsp. sugar
Moderate,serving meat, fish or
eggs. Average serving 1 gree
2 sLIGEs BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass mint
3/x glass fruit :or tomato juice
Generous serving meat, fish or
fowl. Average serving 2 veg.
etablee, 1 greens
2 SLICES BREAD, b sq. butter
Small serving simple dessert
1 cep cofroo or tea (clear), 1 tsp.
I1E Bread Diet takes
off pounds and des it
SAFELY. YY. You feel splen-
didly energetic while you
reduce * not weak ails.!.
Science has proved that
bread itself is not fatten-
ing. It is 41,combinatioil of
energy -gieeng carbohyd-
rates and ;protein that
helps burnt up fat.
Reduce safely! Follow
the Bread Dien. Enjoy
eix slices of brr44 each
On Tuesday :morning at 7 o'clock
20 yr more persons of this parish
mounted on the equipped and decor-
ated truck of Maurice Masse and
Father Marchand as their guardian
and •guide, pulled .out -north as far
:as Drysdale then Bait on their 700
mile. journey to attend the Church's
large Congress in Quebefc. They will
Visit many important centres and the
:trip wid'1 be one remembered. Many
of the parishioners attended church
:seevicr•',s in the morning i o give the
,delegates 'many good wiiihes on their
trip ell _a safe journey'bteek home.
Mrs, :Mallard Welch who hes been
quite ail ler several weeks at her
home here ;is now improving,
Mrs. Times. Richardson was taken
to Victoria Hospital, London 'where
it is expected she will have at oper-
Mrs. Jaron Park was visiting fri-
ends in Toronto recently.
Mrs. Edward Deters and daughter
Antra of Zurich Vire guests with Mrs
John ,Johnston .tui Miss Margaret.
Hotaoring Miss Beryl .Drummond,
bride -elect of June 15,; Mrs. Sam:
eeenie pleasantly nutrrtained a num
• beef of girl friends oe her home. Thr;
exciting war; spent in ; eanuaring games
and contests earn* ieh Beryl was
tete •reecipient of a beautifed floor lamp
the gi fe of the girls, tw eeve in num-
ber, 1`lis hos :ass was assisi,•nd in ser-
vine,daiiety refreshments ;b,y D•oreen
Far ga lar end Sara Nieman.
The is rain elevator being built
for Geo, l''hompson is rapidly `ieing
completed, It le a large massive str-
ucture sand will.. be a big help to lir.
Thompson In storing grain.
Good Athletic Fieki
The committee in charge of the itn •
pr'oveeeents .at the park fermate have
made a trplet�ndid lob and have now
_l e. i.e.. ">t:'z;i• ,tri1 ta.a 1
hes The .Clinton Public School Board
lis engaged Miss Evelyn Clark of
Goderich and Miss liabkirk of Sea-
inr ii to .1111ff"
11 vacancies on the sta.
Fifteen Candidates Confirmed
bishop Seager confirmed a class
of 15 candidates at Grace Anglican
Church, Greenway. The candidates
were presented by Rev. F. L. Lewin,
re ,j;,ar,.of .:Parkhill and Gireenwvay par-
Champion Marksman
A p ;:Guelph, Chief Constable T. W.
Platt of Wingham won the Watt tro-
phy, .emblematic of the open cham-
pionship of the Ont. Police Associat-
ion .evolver tournament, in compet-
ition with the pick of Ontario's pat-
ine .marksmen. It was Platt's third
successive victory. He turned in a
score of 166 out of a possible 180.
'Returned from Honeymoon
11I1:. and :Mrs.. Geo. Latta of Grand
Bend iiatze,xeteuneel from their honey
moon and haev the best wishes of the
Nurses Graduate
A large audience at Clinton saw
four ,young nurses, who having finish-
ed t)n' rr „name of training 1n Clinton
Hospital, graduate, the Misses Kath-
leen 311. Beacom, Lontlesboro; Mary
E. Garnies, Hazel Van Egmond, H"ulI-
ett, and Ella M. 'Wilson, Clinton.
Finds Old Coin 1'
Mrs. J. Kleinfeidt while working
her flower bed at the front of her
home one day, found an old can
dated 1806. The coin wasa little lar-
ger, than a Canadian cent, on one
side was the word 'Britannia' and on
the other side '•Geargius III D. G. Rex
1006.' The .amount of the coin was
not stated, but we believe it to be a
half-penny.—•Exeter Times-Advotate,
Clever Scholar Graduates
Mr .and Mrs. Louis Peacock and
Mr, and -Mrs. Win. Cook, of Clinton,
attended the graduation exercises at
McMaster University, Hamilton when
Roy C. Cook, son of the latter, recei-
ved iris degree. During Hoyy''s Univ-
ersity career he was a winner of a
scholarship in English, and, in 1933
was gold medalist orator of MnMas-
te,r University.
Program at County Mame:
The Young People's Society„.of the
Crediton :evangelical Church,, visited
the County Home, at Clinton on June
1, and presented a program for enter-
taininent of the inmates. Gard.. Rate
president, was iet charge of the pro-
ga'ain of quartette, duces, and readfugs
Tile minister, of the church, Renu., A.
+', ,Pleteh, gave a ,brief address. :alae
society left a treat for- the inmates
at the close of the evening.
Clinton Man Injured
Wm, el. Emil; Clinton was in the
hospital of that town with internal
injuries ireecrived when he fell from
a ladder White attempting to capture
a Swarm of bees. 'He has a number of
bee -hives on Itis grounds, and the
swarm of bees wcieled in a tree 111 111r:yarrj,.A brand bloke, throwing him
to that ground from the top of the
;adder, lis condition is seriout�, an'
i leer elet :, ':ldy feneeei1 b,ti.
:otttitw, A :poi,' tennis court lk,) paint:` j bones wore hroicon.
The Clinton Pudic School Board
has 'received the resignations or Miss
. ,C0 111 tis;e
and Miss
M Armstrong
from the teaching stab.
The many friends of Mrs. Johne;
Deitz of Kippen, will be pleased to
;learn that she has been keening some,•
what batter in hearth of late and are
hoping for continued improvement.
The Seaforth. Public School Board
has abandoned its plans for the re-
modelling of the school building and
will proceed with redocosating and
Workmen have started laying the
10 -foot strip of pavement from Ailsa
Craig to Parkhill, on No. 7, highway.
The Honsberger Paving Co. has the
Jack Sturgeon of Port Dover is
home in Hayfield for a few weeks to..
help his father who had the misfor-
tune to fall in his boat and crack
several ribs.
Takes. Over New Patrol
Traffic Officer Robinson, who has.
been located at Exeter some years,
has been allotted the patrol of High-
way No. 4 from Clinton to Wingham
Ile has already covered his new beat4
for a week or so.
Started an Pavement
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Finkbeiner, of
Seaforth, announce the engagement
of their eldest .daughter, Mary Boat -1
rice, to Wm. J. Faulkner of Sarnia,
The marriage to. take place an June
i.4th.--ddr. and Mrs.. Wesley Hiogg-
arch, .Seafo.rth, announce the engege.-
ment of their only daughter, Thelma
A. to Raymond J. W. Townsend, son
of Mee and Mrs: Amos Townsend of
Tuckersmith. The marriage to take
place in June.
Knocked Down by Colts
AIma Skinner, daughter of Mr. and
M.rs. Cecil Skinner, •of Usborne, was
knocked dawn: by Some. colts, was
cut about the face and was rendered
unconscious, she was heading off •
some colts that were running betwe-
en the orchard and house and one of
them must have struck her, when she
was found Iying on the ground uncon
eio;is, and suffered wounds about the
To Study in France
Miss .Mary E. Depew, teacher of
modern languages at the Clinton Col-
legiate Institute for the past eight
years, has resigned her position and
will leave for France about the end
of August.She has bee.; a:aa tlbd
scholarship by the goveri_.neent which'
entitles her to a especial course lin
French at Sorbonne, Paris. The awe,
and is based solely on merit, no wait
ten examinations .are he.Id..
To Open in Seaforth
An announcement has been nsade
that P. D. McConnell will open an
office in Seaforth for the practice of'
law. _Associated with him in a partner,
ship well be H. Glenn Hays. Both menetI
are well known throughout the dis-3.
trict, McConnell being a former re. -;1:-1
dent of Dublin. Recently he has ?Meal
a partner in a Toronto law firtn. Mr. I
Hays is a son of Mrs. Jas. Hays of
Seaforth, and the late James Hays.
His graduation front Osgood Half :WILT
announced on June lot.
tpeeg nun' ,iSupeettegr
lFroaa the West.
Mr. and Mrs. George Campbell, of
Killarney, Man., are visiting for a
few weeks with the "farmer's brother
Androw i ampbell .of Exeter and .othe
er 'relataivres, They are also attending
a convention of the C.A.F. at Niagara
Acting Postmistress
Mrs. J. A. Lee has been appointed
acting postmistress in Goderich to
take charge until the appointment of
a successor to the late John Galt.
Mrs. Lee ,came to Goderich from
,Soathanipten, on Nov. 193c, after Mr
°;alt's .health had failed.
:Returns from- England
Miss Reta ..Rowe arrived at Mon-
treal Sunday evening last on the
Duchess oe .Bedford, after a pleasant
visit In England :and Scotland. Mrs.
Rowe and Miss 'Vera and Bobby Din-
ney motored to Montreal last week
and were at the boat to meet her. .
Edeter 1 banes -advocate.
Stephen Hogarth of Exeter, suffer-
ed a fracture of his leg while visiting
•t l.e farm of his son-inelaw A. Car-
ter of Prospect Hill. He was standing
on a, box when the box gave way un-
der him, twisting his leg with the a-
bove results.
Dragged Into Saw
'T'ae tragic death of James Wilson,
prominent Whitechurch resident, and
manager of the Wilson sawmill, cast
gloom, over the community when
while engaged ire adjusting the set-
screw.: on a circular saw in his mill,
in some planner got his arm caught
in the shaft pulley. He was dragged
into the saw, and his bady was prac-
tically severed. Death was instantan-
eous. Only one employee was an eye-
witness of the tragedy. Born in CuI-
rarss Twp., he had been a resident of
the vicinity all his life, and for the
past ming°ger of years had contracted
a madams; hneinees. He was an exper-
ienced sawyer.
Fe?l Fro -s Earn R;,of
F3aviti tser n eel, aged 6() was in-
stantly killed when he fell from the
roof of hie ham at his f.u•m, lot 7,
con., 2, 'I'ue mega th. lie was a pop-
ula• famine and had served on the
Tr anhte, Council Sino 1085; The•
1 o. d while he and his.
:see! were. sleineding the roof of the
�... €ne° ..,..r,l was the roof pill--
ling up.: - : , wire . _:s son was-
onn -pee ,grome:l bundles to
a rove. 'the son be .ic only wit-
ness of the accident. It is thought
that in pulling on the rope he lost his
footin - and hurtled over the edge to
the gneund, a distance of about 30)
feet. He was conscious . when the son;
re.aclte d him, but died within a few
tree msnts and before medical aid
could be secured.
to finance improvernentsw3th
good business judgment ap-
proves, ante invited to consult
with our nearest branch
The Bank of Montreal recog.
Mikes the need of farmers
to keep theirrproperties
t'ro.m becoming run-
down and their .equip -
equip -
meat from becoming obsolete...
Borrowing to keep your farm
in good working condition
should be profitable; it is a coat-
£orxry use of credit.
Our local. 'branch managetil.
etre familiar with the needs of:
farmers in each locality-
They welcome applica- •
tions for loans having a.
£191Jfr11ctive purpose.
Ha bank where seeerfl acro;:nts ate welcome"
01EIi3V, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE .... the Qatcomr.. a+r',
�?ep1 Yrarre Suar f d Op -ratios
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGOG, Manager