HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-05-26, Page 4° 'AGA' MUR
to R. ise
Chick Hatchery
Phone 266 Exeter
Zurich Hams
New collars are ueedod at this
lime of the Year. Give u a call and
we will fit you up. If ii. reed of ..
harness ask for price's, all our work
is done with hand sea ing. Your binder
-r:anvass needs repairing, bring than
in and we will repair then before the
-rush starts. Ail lcin.ls of repairingI
neatly and promittly done. Collar
repairing a spic•cl: tt-. pt -5
May the 24th \'. P?y, pass-
ed oil' very quietly in ear midst as
there was little . .:'_':?Ni•xa a large
:iaun:°:rer of cars
Beginning T1 ........ :.horn€ng of
thi; week the Fey.: ;l, vi ; ;' [->t,•oiicn
. e.rvice will be observed in St. 1•et-
Mr. and Mrs. Nell Laporte and
fainily of Detroit were week -end vis-
itors with his- parents, Mr, and Mrs,
Charles Laporte.
Mr, and Mrs, Leo Denomnle and
family of Detroit spent the weekend
with his parents, Mr. and Mrs• Philip
Mr. and Ml's. Chas, Kennedy of
McNatawan, Ont., were week -end vis-
itors at the Gelinos home,
Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartman of
the Bronson line spent the 24th with
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Papineai,, •
The cold weather over the week-
end did not help growth very much,
and the land is fairly soaked with the
The Goshen Young Peoples' Soci-
ety will hold their Anniversary ser-
vice next Sunday at 11.15 a.m. when
Rev. E. F. Chandler of Kippen will
lie the guest speaker,
Sunday visitors at the home o:C Mr
and Mrs, Robt. E. Robinson were:
Mr. and Mrs, Will Cliff and Mr. and
Mrs. Fred i'r ham of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs..Frank Hobson of St.
l meas ware Sunday last visitors
with :liar. and Mrs. Harold Penhale of
the Bronson line.
Mr. and Mrs. Barry iNIcClinchey
,od eon Wm. of Detroit, N -.-ere visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. McClinchey
of Stanley.
Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Westlake
spent a pleasant week -end with fri-
ends at Detroit.
Mrs. Thoma: Snowden who spent
a week with Mrs. Geo. Coleman of
Seaforth, has returned home.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
In this issue of the Herald we are
deeply grieved to ,report the death of
Urs. Oscar Ducharme Sr., who pass-
ed away on Sunday morning last on
her home at the Blue Water High-
way. Mrs. Ducharme, who had re-
Ile New One Coat 4 Hour Enamel's
Johnston and Tfalbfieisch
;R •..• >i
Follow this
Bread Diet Plan
This Diet Pian gives about 1600
Calories a day — the reducing
aliowanceof the average woman.
1 glass fruit juice
Small serving meat, fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter
1 cup coffee (clear), 1 tsp. sugar
Moderate serving meat, fish or
eggs. Average serving 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
3.e glass fruit or tomato luire
Generous serving mead, fish or
fowl. Average serving• 2 vege-
tables, 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Small serving simple deesert
1 cup coffee or tea (clear), 1 asp.
Bh7;1 11D is an important
aid in reducing. It
builds up nerve and muscle
tissue -- apteps up energy.
Remember, science has
paved that 'bread itself is
not fattening,eet is a come
bination of proteins and
energy=giving earbo-
So follbw the bread diet
—and feel strong an, ener-
getic while you reduce. Rat
6 slices of bread daily!
FCK fi 'S B,AKERY - Zurich
'Thu scs+Ia, ,111fay 26th, 1938
R 3 Y `e
(Signals ,generally understood by Canadian
Most accidents are preverttable, Do your part by
clearly signalling your intention before
making a right or left turn.
or greatest safety get Blue Sunoco;
we challenge you to find a quicker
acting motor fuel.. .
In an emergency, its lightning quick_
pick-up snaps you to safety .. .
Nand and ore extended
upward or moved with a
'sweeping motion from the
rear to The front.
Hand and arm extended
horizontally. Many drivers
also point with their index
Nand and arm extended
its high knocklcss power minim :-:s h r
shifting; reduces one -handed steering
a •
Its freedom from harmful chemicals
and from corrosive action makes it
safer for your motor.
General Repairing and Used Car Sales
Leather Goods and Harness.
tired on the previous evening in her
usual feeble health, , though not in
any immediate danger seemingly.
She was found lying crosswise on her
bed in the morning by hex aged hus-
band, probably having passed away a
few hours earlier, and in an attempt
to get up being stricken with the
call into the better world. Deceased's
maiden name fas Sarah Jane Wilson,
being born within a quarter of a
mile from where she died, then prac-
tically a wilderness.
The late Mrs. Ducharree was in
her eightieth year and had lived all
of her married life with the except-
ion of a few years, in the same house
where she died. Having been married
64 years, and having :the distinction
of being with her husband, the long-
est married couple in the history of
the French 'Settlement, firs. Duch-
arme was always ready to lend a
helping hand to those in need, shar-
ing in with their troubles and assist-
ing them. with words of encoiaragenl-
"Do their union ten children were
horn; six of which survive being:
Wilkiam, Alfred and Oscar of the
Blue •Wiater Highway; Mrs. David
Geromette of ll,t Carmel; Mrs. Sol.
Willialite oiC Seaforth and Mrs. 13e,'tm-
lta>,elt Hartman of Thedford. The
remain, were taken en Tuesday morn-
ing to ,St. Peter's church Cemetery'
foe burial, The Mass being celebra.
ed by the Rev, Father Marchand.
Pallbearers were six of her grand-
children; Avila, Napoleon and Maw
ime Duehaltme, Jack Williams, Ralph
Ronrpf and Dave Gera/nett°,
Those that attended the funeral
from a distance were; her three bro-
thers, and their families from Siincoe,
Hamilton and Sarnia, also relatives
i1 From other .points who carne to pay
their last tribute. Oursympathy go-
es to the bereaved family and to the
veil husband and father who Will
et .,,'t raiz; ,' ^:1 0:
' ety-four years the greatest,
General Store
CARD OF THANKS . 50 girl friends of Marguerite Mc-
Queen, brideelect, gathered to do her
We wish' to thank Friends and Nei-
ghbors who have so generously given honor, and to present her with a mis
their assistance. in our bereaveinent,
and for their special offering.
—The Ducharme Family.
celIaneous shower.
Died at London
The death occurred at St. Joseph's
Hospital, London Tuesday last of
H N L L Albert F. Selves, only.son of Mr. and
Mrs. Jno. Selves Jr., of the north
boundary, Usborne. He had been poor
Mr. .and Mrs. Wm. McLean and ly for several days. And underwent
family of Hamilton, visited with her an operation the previous day. The
parents, Mx. and Mrs. John Pass- remans were brought to Bonthron &
more. Dlrysdale's parlors and later taken to
Harold. Bonthron spent a week in his home. He was in.his 20th year
Toronto attending the school of em- and was sa fine type of young man,
baiming, and will be sadly missed in the home
Mi, and Mrs. Jack Verbeen, who and community thence distributed over this section of'
have been residents near Ailsa Craig the Province. He was' unable to find'
for some time have moved to Hen- Rigby—McQueen
t sufficient unoccupied land at the heal --
sail and are occupying an ,apartment A quiet but pretty wedding took hor to which there would be aeeeas t
in the Joynt Block. place at the Presbyterian Church by land, which of course would be -
D. W. Foss of Toronto spent a few manse, on .Satur'day, May 14th, when necessary.—God. Signal -Star.
days in town visiting Geo: Douglas Rev. W. A. Young united in marriage
and other friends. )ills Foss was a John. McDonald Rigby, son of Mr. Exeter Races June 22nd.
former: well known resident of Hen- and Mrs. J. Rigbn of Blenheim, and The Exeter rase committee heire'.fiE
sell. Flora Marguerite McQueen, eldest entrees in 4 classes for the stale 11a
Lloyd Passmore; of Delhi was a daughter oil 1blr. and Mrs:. •Stewart es on June 22..In each of the 2.1'.
visitor with hie parents, Mr. an[3 Mrs McQueen of the bondary. ;Thi bride class, the hieery . o'ld pa l; thiel -jis.
John Passmore. was attended by here sister, .feat, old trot rthez+erare 11 entries, while 21
•t< :Mary Me,aC,leggrbr lips 'golie to Lon -while J. Rigby, brother of the groom
have entered for Ftlie 2.28 clam, IAA.
doh. Hospital,` for care°and rest. acted as groolnsiatall: year year one holtise turned.qt :ox at
Roy Veber has made a number of -- Exeter in 2.06%; This year the,, arose-.
improvements -to his 'radio and shoe
COUNTNEWS i1littee have added $100 to the purser
pat rbuilili'aig. Also !enlarging the land have called fox a' •2,],8 class€ is
tp for showing radios. On Trip to Coast
mead ° 2.22 class.
Mrs. Bertha Bell, Mrs. Fred Manns Fred Elkr•,rington, Alex. Stewart, Rees at Southam 'to
and Mrs. Reid visited with friends at N. Stanktke and J. T.riebner of. Ex- Ciiiaens of .Southampton #reoentl ��'
Flint, Mich. eter are off on a motor ,trip through voted on to end the local option ey
Levi Rand who is employed on the the West to the coast. They will vie- stem which has been in effect for 25
C. N. R. section at 'Shakespeare, was it at various planes and at Nelson, years .and to permit the opening of'
a visitor at his home here, B.C. will visit with Mr.Stanlake's beverage rooms. Beverage rooms we -
Dr .�Harry Joynt left recently for brlother: re approved by a majority of 45 oar-
Saranac Lake where he is taking a N Harbor Sight Available t:t' •the required thi•ee�fifths noeossary
noP!graaduate course at the Grudeau The rorr•esentative of a larmp hu.a- to nnake the change in system, Th
''nitmrium.' €nems concern with interests all over vote: For beverage rooms 570, ag�a.-
.'! <r^:.y pletieant event took place, t"1nf rrur was in Goder^rth iooking, for mast S02. The voting was.arnon'rst'th
,• +n ••rr
1. e: - eeee, 1'r."., SSier,nl ee 1 . •,1 : i otze r e vit.:.!... a w'e tavl . t 1
.. ... ., .... ..> I.1 :est ever p.,I.eal i z t :: te::. aunt
riitehetl, Tuchersniilh, when about lee& coed he brought iii. by water end; climaxed a yrardfouglit campaign,. 1 . .
sold by
Louis Schilbe and Son, Zurich
W. R. Davidson, Hensall
Stade an clWeido, Zurich