HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-05-26, Page 1V o1. XXXVIII N 3, 45 ZURICH. THURSDAY Mg Read the Home News. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING. SALON SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you an Specials for Spring and Summer: Permanents, -that are pleasing and satisfactory, -and wi•11 give you personality Hair- dressing Salon an rear of stare- For. -appointments call as by alien 102 . Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang - lag world." Friday, 8h—Luther League. 'Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: " 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM. Paster. A Publisher's Blessing' O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription. due, Sends in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E . Zurbrigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every Week Day Except Wednesday Highest Quality FINEST SEJ 1CTLON LOWEST PRICES A CALL AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU 1935 V8 Coach, orifi: finish like new. See this oar only..$435.00 1931 Ford. DsLux Town. Sedan, perfect upholstering and re -fin- ished in, dark blue, These models are scarceHurry, 2 to pick from 1928 Ford A Coach mechanic's chance; $75.00 As Is 1933 Master Chew.. Coach: A popular model in nice condition 1931 Ford Express Pickup,dosed cab steel box.. 1934 Chex: Standard Coad, original throughout 1929 Ford Coach+, orrginzl finish and upholstering We installed 'new -gaga aSx this, car,.. only .$150.00 1938 Dodge Demanstrat low mileage, priced very Tow. 1929 Ford Town Sedan, :a zeal good car (re -finished.) 1930 Ford Coa:cfr„ Dark Bine, good upholstering. We have a number of trade in 'Cars priced Iow. AS IS 1928 Essex Coach, new tires, ?Original . _ $78.00 1928 Ford A. Coach _ _ $118.00 1928 Whippet Sedan .. _..._..,......... _ $65.00 1927 Whippet: Sedan $45.00 1927 Ferd Coupe ......................................'32.00 1926 Chew. Sedan $35.00 1929 Ford Truck, 1 ton STAKE RACKS_ • AND MANY l'OT.I-1.1± RS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH — WE. SEUL THE BEST FOR LESS Specials for 'may, Friday and Saturday 4 Choice Golden Bantam corn, .3 'fins ..---.......25c Peas, I7 -oz fin,, 3 tins .. 25c Tomato, juice„, Aylmer .I.O/-oz, .5 this ._...., ,_25c Life Buoy Health: Soap, 2 cakes .,_. _.......,_. i 5c .,.:` Certo, per bottle ........ .... .... .___.......__.....—<27c Sunlight Soap,„ 4 .cakes _................... 25c Cascade Satmo ,, 1-s" ' each ---- 14c Red Rose Coffee„ 'lib. tins __...,,...._•._ . .35c Hemphill's; wheat Berries, per 'bag ... 25c 1/Mixed pickles„, per jar ...... ....... ......._....... .._..........._25c Raspberry and. Strawberry Jam, per jar ......._"25c 21 c Chipso, large pkg. at :Soap Chips„ bulk!, 3 lbs. ...,.__._. ,......., 25c F•ullfashioned Hose, chiffon or service wt. 'per piar ._...._...,69c Ankle Socks at: ....,...,....... ...........1 Sc and 25c pair GetYour Coupon when buying here and get Silver- ware S lver.xa+xe or DliAes _:FREE! ,M WO IERNE Rene 146 aoiaiomionvoliseiti*itielu a N1NO, MAY 26, 1938. Chester L. Smith, I' xbli'sb : $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advocaat *Lou LsVhlil EA-RS,$`L MAY BB GRABIBIA16' Follow the Local Ads. Betty Ann Beauty. Shop To e-omplete your new sSring cos- tume come in and let us Permanent Wave your hair. We have,' added another dryer to our equipment, a new Turbinator, which will eut your drying tune in half and which will enable us to handle more work in less time with two dryers. Caine. where better Permanents are cheaper and all permanents are guaranteed. Phone 159 for appointments and; get your appointment in early to avoid being disappointed. We solicit your patron- age. Zurich; Mrs. Edwin Gascho . . . Special Notice E. J. DATARS, your new Shoeman, wishes to .announce to the public that W. C. Wagner of town. he is running an all Cash Store; this Mr. Willi Siebert motored to Galt on Sunday. Mis mother, Mrs. W. L. Siebert, who had been visiting there, returning home. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. McCann and son George, and Mr. Arthur Smith of St- ratford were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Mary Miller. Miss Grace Free of Seaforth, is spending the week with her friend, Miss Lylyan Rader. Mrs. Peter Haberer was a recent visitor ;with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Weil near Tavistock. Rev. E. Burn preached his farewell sermon in the Evangelical church on Sunday evening to a large audience. Mr. and Mrs. John Wagner of Guelph, were holiday visitors with the former's brother, Mr. and Mrs. of course enables him to sell at the lowest possible prices, and the price on every box in the store has been marked down. Come and see for yourself. We solicit your patronage:- Buy your shoes at the quality shoe store with the lowCash Prices. J. DATARS, Your New Shoeman.':. 25th ANNIVERSARY Milverton, May 19th Ministers, representing the Ev. Lutheran Synod of Canada, gathered at St. >Peter's Lutheran church to celebrate with the congregation the 25th anniversary of ordination of the pastor of thachureh Rev. E. Gomann, who has ibeen sta- tioned in Milverton for 10 years. A special service was conducted her Rev E. Tuerkheim, of Zurich, presidentaf the; Stratford Conference gi'sd' ad- dressed by Rev. J. ,Keble of Hamilton, president of the synod, and was foll- owed by a banquet. Mr. Tuerkheim and Mr. Rebie are particular friends of Mr. Goman for many years' stand- ing. Rev. E. Gomann was ordained May 18, 1913, in St. John's Lutheran. Church, Waterloo. He received his undergraduate education in Berlin, Germany, and was called to ,Canada by the Home Mission Board of the United Lutheran Church of America. Presentation A very interesting and appropriate address and presentation was con- dwted at the close of the preaching period in the morning service of the E, -angelical church on Sunday morn- ing, when Mr. Alfred Melick etOok the tweeting in hand and after :a few well chosen remarks read an address and Mr. Burn, who has been the paster of the congregation for the past six years was made the recipient of a beautiful uphalstereu lounging chair which.. had as part a footstool. Following is the address: Zurich, May 2.2, 1938 Dear Mr. Burn: Six years ago, we the members and adherents of this con- gregation, had the pleasure of wel- coming you as our new pastor. Today with sincere ,regret, we must bid you farewell as our minister, but not as our friend, for we shall always remember you as a kind and loving friend, one who was more than a brother. As we look back over the sax years we can truthfully say, "Truly it was good that Conference saw fit to send you to us." Not only has our con- •regation grown numerically, during this time, but through your thought- ful, prayerful and divinely inspired sermons, have we grown spiritually as well. Not only have you served in the pulpit but you were ever willing to ,serve in each and every society of tie church, whenever called upon. We trust that the cheerful, willing way you went about your work among us; might be reflected in the lives of each and all of our people here, in • the years to come. Herein is that saying taus, one soweth and another reapeth. May God :reward you for the sacri- fices and tireless efforts you have put forth to further God's Kingdom. .Since you have decided to take a year's rest, we sincerely pray that God will be very near to cheer and to bless you. Will you please accept this gift as a kind remembrance of your many mer pastor, and Rev. E. C. Hocken- friends ie Zurich; and may you be (c-orn, 11'e new pastor, will be in pared many years. to envy it, i5l charge of tlrc� services. The bereft our prayerof Sieiied nrt be elf of t}a family have the sympathy of, their irranl err of ErriBtlttCl alftgiiE .� Ch1;i ra, Zurich, Mr. William Dumart, accompanied by his housekeeper, 1Vliss Schiedle, of Kitchener, were holiday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Yung- blut, Dr. Addison motored to London on Tuesday and was accompanied there by Mrs. John M. Oesch and Mr. Jac- ob Brown, the two latter remaining there and •taking treatments in the hospital. Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Williams, Mr. Calvin and Miss Ethel Williams were on a motor trip to Coboconk, in the Kawartha Lakes district, where They visited with Rev. and Mss. R. White - sides for a few days. Mr. Quimby Hess who has com- pleted the year's term at Toronto Un- iversity, returned to his home here over the week -end. He has for the. past few weeks been up north on re- search work in the forests. Another interesting real estate deal has been effected in Zurich, we are told. Mr. Whitney Brokenshire has purchased from the Hy. Truemner estate the fine dwelling property lo- cated in the north-westerly part of town. We understand Mr. 1?roken- shire will make some improvements on this house and then wizi :aeee the same. OBITUARY Lydia Rannie is Called This week we are called upon to cronicle the calling into the better world of a very highly respected cit- izen of Zurich, in the person of Mrs. Lydia Ronnie, relict of the late Rev. A. E. Geiger. The departed was been on the Rannie homestead, Baby- lon line, Hay Township, and was still in middle aged years, being 55 years, 5 months and 6 days old, and had been a sufferer for the past fifteen years or so when she suffered several strokes, but regarding all these years of discomfort she always was pleas- ant to meet and bore her affliction with great christian fortitude. In January 1911, while her husband, the late Rev. Alfred E. Geiger was stat- ioned in Pembroke Evangelical church he took sick and soon passed on leaving his widow with two small children. Mrs. Geiger with her two children thea moved to Zurich. op- posite ±e Evangelical church and resided there since. A very good neighboo;, and ,always pleasant. to Meet. Before hes miction Mrs. Gei- ger was organist of the church for a number of years. Surviving are her two children, Mrs. A. P. Rorie of Thorndale and Newel at home, also one brother, Milne Rannie of Sea - forth ; six sister, Mrs. (Rev.) S. R. Kreechtel, iVIiss Elizabeth Rannie and Mrs. Jane Guenther all of Kitchener, Mrs. Helen-S:outhcott n f'Venice, Cal; Mrs, Jessie 'Stelek of Vancouver, B.C. and. Mrs. Lucinda Paulin; of Regina, Sask. Also two grandchildren. The deceased died on Monday forenoon and 'the funeral will take pace on Thursday at L30 p.m, at the house, to the Evangelical church for serv- ice thence to Bronson line cemetery for interment. Rev. E. Burn, the for - many llt.losla fit the vidnIty, • Your Eyes THEY ARE IMPORTANT HAVE THEM EXAMINED HERE BY A REGISTERED OPTOMETR- RIST EVERY TUESDAY EVENING OR ANY TIME BY APPOINTMENT BOKEN LENSES DUPLICATED ANY SIZE, ANY SHAPE WITHIN 48 HOURS A G. HESS JEWELER AND OPTICIAN Why pay for cheap Coal wheat you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best; Also: Miller Creek Alberta .(Rose dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and; Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs - Pone 10 m Hensal:I. •10.•••••••••••••••••444•••••••••••••••••••••••••• 4110 • • • 114 : Spring Season • • • • • • • • • • • • • r • • • • • • ♦ • ♦ • • ♦ • •♦ • • •• • Is Now Here ORDER. YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT NOW! BE IN LINE, BE ON TIME! CHOOSE FROM THE FINEST RANGE EVER SHOWN IN ZU i" ICH SPLENDID RANGE AT $20.00 : WO •• an,• • EMBALMERS ikND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 40• a, • `• • i►••••*••l•••0441:-gav=00,04r*e*dr0*•o•00•04,000•00 oaa•0os 0 off c, a- •r Ap SPRING TIME Reqi i .re ,encs Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, 'Paints,, Varnishes and Vaal -o -lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, , House Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices. 1-Iarness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 ' ►?' LA KE