HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-05-19, Page 4WAGE for
to Raise
Chick Hatchery
Phone 266 tmeter
held Harness S=20
New collars are nes cie.i at this
time of the year. Give us'•a call and
we will fit you up. If .in' need of a
harness 'ask for prices, all our work
is .done with hand sewing. `Your :binder
nanvass needs repairing, 'bring them
in and we will repair thein before the
.rush starts, All kinds of repairing
neatly and promptly none. Collar
repairing a specialty. pt -5
H. G. CLAusrus. ZURICH
The Ladies' Aid of the Lutheran
:church intend having a strawberry
social on Wednesday evening, June
22nd. More particulars later.
Mr and Mrs. Well. Mair of De-
troit spent the week -end with his
Sather and other relatives.
11r. and Mrs. Burns of Port Huron
Miss Anna Ilt>SI of Zurich al;'d M`i':
Vti Belt of Flint, Mich,, were Sunday
a'ieaaors with ¥r. and Mrs. Hy. Hof-:
Mrs. Chris. Steinhagein whe spent
the past week with relatives an Park-
hill, returnod home Sundae.
Mr. and 'Mars. Lorne Pfile of De-•
trait are visiting with 1'elativres,
Mrs. R. Armstrong' and .noxi, Bit-,
on and Miss L. Armstrong of London
visited with Mr. and Mrs.'. Mcksaac'
•on. Sunday. '
'We are pleased to rt aort, tha`t.MI
:Nlclsaac .who has ,been en 'the csicl
.list for some time is 3mproving,
Mrs. Louis Rader as on tale 'sick
list, her daughter, Mrs. W. •Schultz
of Detroit, is attending :her.
Miss Emma Tiernan of 'London
spent a few days with l'elatives'here
Stuart Wolfe 'visited friends at
Grand Bend on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob ']Vlarner of
Detroit, visited With 'l2h's. "G. Merner
and family on Sunday,
Mr. Elgin Merner 'and Kathleen,
and Miss Helen 'Luft were Sunday
visitors with friends in Kitchener.
Mrs. Hamacher is visiting in Dor-
Mr, and Mrs. R. Geiger and •dau-
ghter Romaine 'o'f Zurich, spent Sun-
day with Mr. and Mrs..J. Wildfong,
Little Marlyn 'Bender is spending
two weeks witnher aunt in Toronto.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
(Intended for last week)
Mr. Philip -Bedard of Tilbury and
Mrs. Frank -Denomme of Chatham,
„pent the week -end with friends and
relatives in 'this vicinity.
Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey who has been
away a week visiting in .Chatham,
Windsor and other points, has re-
turned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Laydon Denomme of
Windsor are spending the week with
their parents, respectively.
MMr. and Mrs. Vincent Jeffrey and
spent the week -end with her mother son of Detroit, were Sunday visitors
Mrs. Witzel, f in Beavertown.
17 Beautiful Shades — Washable — Durable
Johnston and Kaihfleiscll
Follow this
Bread Diet P1061
This Diet Plan gives about 1600
Calories a day — the reducing
allowance of the average woman.
1 glass fruit juice
Small serving meat, fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter
1 cup coffee (clear), 1 tsp. sugar
Moderate serving meat,•fish or
eggs, Average serving 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
34 glass fruit or tomato juice
Generou's servinerneat,.fish or
fowl. A i age serving 2'vege-
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Small serving simple dessert ,
1 cup coffee or tea (clear), 1 tsp.
T TNLIKE extreme diets
11.J that cause fatigue and
jumpy nerves ... the bread
diet builds up . energy,. As
weigh t comes off,pep:goesl3pt
For bread is not Jun 1
!'starchy" food. Science bi13
Proved tbattt,is a combine.
tion of carboydrates .and
protein that aewally helps
to burn up fat.
So follow the read diet.
and reduce safely? Enjoy
six slices of bread eyyv day.
ww nxv Sh aaa
Mr, hnd Mrs, Nelson Masse And
-Mr. and Mr's. Marcil Corriveati :ol'
the 14th Con., were Sunday evening
guoits to Mr. and Mrs. Jos, Bedard.'
of Pointe Aux. 13ouleaux,
Mr. and ;Mrs. James Masse and Mr
and Mrs. MorrisMasse all ,of the
Blue Water soath, motored to Wind-
sor 'and Detroit the past week -end,
The Misses Gabrieal and Yonne
Cantin of Detroit, were Sunday vis-
itors to Mr, anw Mrs. N. A, Cantin
of St, Joseph.
Mr. and Mrs. Kuno Hartman of the
Goshen line, were Tuesday evening
callers to the latter's parents on the
Blue Water Highway.
Mr. Zeppie Charrette of Detroit?
and Mrs. Walter Jeffrey also of De-
troit were here on Sunday last `bring-
ing with them baby girl of Mr.'thar-
reatte who was bereaved 'by 'Elle
death of its mother, incharge of
Mr. and Mrs. Leonard' Je1treey of
Blake, while the elder child is With
the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. 'Wm.
Duchanmie. We deeply sympathize
with Mr. Charrette for The loss of
his wife and the separation of *the
children for the time -being. -Both.
children will receive the be of care
and that will be a great .consolation,
we are sure to the broken hearted
Huron -Perth Ball L:egue
The formation of ,a new baseball
league, namely the Hawn .and Perth
League, promises an :outstanding
for baseball in this Locality. The
clubs represented in this group are
North:, Clinton, Goderich, -rtrccnell,
Blyth, 'Hensall and Zurich. The
southern group are :Lucan, Crediton,
Ailsa Craig, .Centralia ax_cr ^Lieury.
The winners of the two groups will
play off for the Cup in the Huron-
Perth League and the winners will
carry on in the paydowns of ;the 0.
B.A. The first games Will'be on May
24th, when the Zurich team will be
at Blyth, Goderich at Mitchell and
Hensall art Clinton. Following is the
24—Goderich at Mitchell
24—Zurich at Blyth.
24—Hensall at Clinton.
27—Clinton at Goderich
27—Mitchell tat Zurich
30—Goderich at Hensrill.
31—Blyth at Clinton.
1—Hensall at Mitchell.
2—Zurich at Goderich.
3—Clinton at 'Blyth
3—Zurich at Mitchell.
G—Clinton at Hensall.
7—Blytbh at ;Goderich.
9—Hensall at Zurich.
10—Mitchell at Blyth.
10—Goderich at .Clinton.
13—Zurich at 'Hensel.
14—Mitchell at Goderich:
15—Hensall at Blyth:
16—Clinton at ."Zurich
20—Clinton at :MltcheTL
20—Hensall at Goderi_e
24—Goderich at Blyth.
24—Mitchell at Hensall)
27—Zurich. at Clinton.
29—Blyth at :Mitchell.
4—Mitchell at Clinton,.
4—Blyth at Zurich.
7—Goderich at Zurich.
S—Blyth at Hensa1, i
Mr. and Mrs. Bled of S.aste he-:
wan, have been spending some +m0-1
with Mrs. R. J. Paterson,
Mark Drysdale is still coutned to+
the house with an attack of tli,:euxu.
Alton McQueen, grain w,arrb i se'
employee for Mr. Thompson, ;is sec Y-!
ering grom pneumonia.
The Band will commence to Mayon;
Saturday evening June 5th.
The annual Liberal -Conservative!
convention was held on Friday even:
ing in the Hensall and was addressed'
by Mr. Douglas, of London.
Miss Ethel Murdock has returned
from Aylmer where she spent the{
past number of weeks with friends
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Iludson and;
Roy Webber were in Niagara Falls on1
Sunday rat.
Mr. and :Mrs. Maynarl Harman, of,
St. Marys, ;spent Sunday rase with
Mr. and Mrs. Drummond.
A. W. Kerslake recently purchased
the produce 'b,lsiness of Lentils 0'-
Brien and will imove into Hensall `
Mr. and Mrs,. Peter Schwalm and
family of near Zurich have moved
into town and sire occupying Mr.
Henry Horton's house on N. R,ichm
and st.
Ray Patters on, of Toronto, ac-
connpanied by his friend, Fred Jones
of Winnipeg, who is ;attending the
University of Toronto, Win.ivee
end yh ± with the formees parents:
Miss June Kennedy, of- Winnipeg,
who is Making an karts course at Tor-
onto Unlv,ereity, was a recent visit&
with her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs
' Geo. C.'Petty.
Mr. aiict Mrs. George Grant were.
visited by members of` their family
from Lansing, Mich., and a grand-
son was �haptixed 'lin the U'nitod Chu -1
rch last Sunday inorning.
S1uipping coati nos very brisk at
the railway station and the fanners, o
being through seec`lfig, are bringing h Hess, daughter
l in to the market muela surplus glzin, his 6138th year. 3ie was taken ilI some
1 find the dills are very busy. petition ty;f .girls under 10, Obtaining time ago with 2t foot infection. Later,
Thos,- Welsh aand his staff are kept n '•',gh peredixtage of manes. 1n Ilso he was taken to S aforth hospital
I'.i1sy looking after the. euttE . .. , utio ..
rig of 3 r'Oaf1Yf Gefl5�4l�7, ns, Hensall came tar almputattrare of ant, leg, and -*rat
Arbil iii
'r'•, L,4 a .0is, ..d g z) a' ! third ,. the u n• f, :^.tor1vdei`�io stud hr:)', gilt :.._`'r 'b ys h tr r i t 'United .4�4M1 4;`�,. Viz:: .)pT'it i;�"wL.�ti'd �?.% R�%�' meq...::'+" n� C'1L''l1tC`.pl
sons ut' onntests, , :„,1. ,.•�.M; ,,,,,,,,.• . Xe44:tXQ1;'fiatt , Send, .a BIcztidlc►r' ill the 1 I church There were many
".1hursslay; May i.9,th, 1938
"0 o
lines of agricultural business often
need improvements or nevi equip-
ment, to stop waste and make
better' profits:
. • ((,,'44.-,, �� Good mann-
alters in ever
line of busi-
_.r; ness know.
where small expenditures would'
increase efficiency and
profits. If they can
spare' the money from
their working capital,
they will spend it
promptly for such.
purposes. If they have good se-
curity, but not the ready cash,
they will wisely borrow.
in Canada,
business is
carried on, �14
there is a branch of the Bank
of Montreal, acquainted with
local needs and
conditions, ready
to consider appli-
cations for loans
- for such constructive
"a b arJ w small accounts are welcome"
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING Ski VICE ... the Oirtcorra of a2a YYer,tre Slincesfrl Operation
The De Luxe Ford V-8 Iooks big and is
big --. in performance and value
The :)e Luxe was desa�gr eit fora defi-
nite group of customers -- folks who
liked the basic Ford features, but wanted
a little mope. size and style. We've put in
everything they asked for..
The De Lute is richly appointed, in-
>e►ide and out, Closed sedans have longer
bodies and larger luggage space. The
Vr,8 engine under the hood de-
velops 85 smooth -flowing horse -
„,t4 power and gives 22 to 27 miles
on a gallon of gas, as owners report.. In..,
comfort, performance and pride off
ownership, the De luxe Ford sets.a:new•
high for the ha—price held.
De Luxe prices, are especially reason+.
able when you lealize that they ine Bide
a great deal of equipment for which • you
are often asked tci pay extra..... The
newly styled Standard Ford V-8 is evenz
lower priced. Because both cars are.
Fords, you know that whatever:
you pay, you'll get good measure.)
for your money.
®A MO1STI3, with reasonable down-pa�'ntent,'buys any
new ford Y 8 ear under 7. K: C. National ;lPinn ace Plan,
At the recent South Huron Mus-
jcal festival, held at. Exeter, little
Ruth d augnter ofMr. and Mrs
Geo. H'oys, came out first in the cern-
Fed Martis Passes
spied Manns, barber here for more
than 49 years, died on Thursday in
9.O.P. and the Masons.
The funeral'
on Saturday afternoon was largely
attended undor ;tike auspices of Hen-
saii Lodge 1.0.(.1'., burial was ;rade
in Me 'aggarPs ternetei y. The serv-
ice was nonducted by his paster, Rev
ur Sinclair, ofhe� church
•,itt o± 1amN�rl'r1dA�lilrga f .: tits ,_i�'�