HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-05-12, Page 1XXXVI.UU No 4 ZURICH, THURSDAY MORNtN.Q, MAY 12, 1938. Read the Home News, HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING, SALON S1PECIALS FOR, SPRING - Let us quote you om Specials for Spring and Summer Permanents, that are pleasing axul satisfactory, - and will give you personality Hair- -dressing air•dressing Salon on rear of store. For - appointments call, us by phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a. Cbug- ing World.' Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday --Choir Practice., SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m..—English service. Everybody Welcome ter all Services. E. TUERKHEIM , Pastor. Follow the Local Ads. Chester L, Smith, Pixbli $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advance, il.ua . 812 MAY $M Ciib.feetsa... A Publisher's Blessing O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due. Sends in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a hill we send, But ,promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES 0. E. 'Zurbrigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every Week Day Except Wednesday Highest Quality FINEST SFIFCTION LOWEST PRICES A CALL AT OUR. GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU 1935 v8 Coach, ark. finish like new. See this oar only.. $435.00 1931 Ford I3sLv. Town Sedan, perfect upholstering and re -fin- ished in dirk blues. These models are scarceHurry, 2 to pick from 1928 Ford A •sash, mechanic's chance; $78.00 As Is 1933 Master Chev Coacl, A popular •model in nice condition 1931 Ford Express Pickup, closed cab Steel box. 1934 Chev.. Standard Coach, original 'throughout. -•1929 Ford Coach,. uri nal finish and npholStesing. We installed new -rings in this car, only $150.00 1938. Dodge Demonstrator, low mileage, ;priced very low. • 1929 Ford Town Seams, a. real good car (rte-finish_ed:.) 1930 Ford .Coae1 D� Blue, good `upirel1tering. ' We have a number of tragi in Cars 'priced low. AS IS 1928 Essex. Coach, new tires, original _ . _ . $78.00 1928 Ford. A.. Coach ......... _ . _ . $118.00 1928Whippet Sedan _ _ ., _ .. $65.00 1927 'Whippet: Sedan $45.00 1927 Ford Coupe .,- . $32.00 1926 'Chev. Sedate _ X35.00 1929 Porti 'fracka 1 tom STAKE `RACKS. AND MANY OTHERS C. -'RITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS ZURICHi — ,ONT WE SELL ME REST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Rinso, large pkgeach._.ro............................... ..22c Strawberry Jam 32 -oz. per jar 23c Riverside Peas-, 17 -oz., 3 tins .._..-....._25c Aylmer. Tomatoes No. 2 tins, 2 tins 15c Aylmer Soup, 3 tuns 25c Grape Nuts, per pkg. 18c Corn Fakes,, 3 pkgs. 25c Lux Toilet Soap;. 3 cakes _._.............. .20c Rose Dill Pickles 117 -oz. 'jar, -at . ...._....w_............15c Aylmer Catsup I2 -oz. btl. each ...._ 15c Blue Rose. Rice,. 2 lbs. , . 17c Salmon, red Colitose„ half -1b. 'tin ....-......-....-.-16c All sizes in Ladies House Dresses' 98c Ladies" Silk Slips;, at 69c Ladies' Fullfas honed first QuaTity Silk Hose, Service Wight -sr Chiffon at _.......... 59c E NE J. Vir Betty Ann Beauty Shop To complete your new spring cos- tume come in and let us Permanent Wave your hair. We have added. another dryer to our equipment, a new Turbinator, which will cut your drying time in half and which will enable us to handle more work in less time with two dryers. Come where better Permanents are cheaper and all permanents are guaranteed. Phone 159 for appointments and get your appointment in early to avoid being disappointed. We solicit your patron- age. Mrs. Edwin Gascho .. Zurich, Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thurs., Fri., Sat, May 12, 13, 14 "GOLD IS WHERE YOU FIND IT" All Technicolr Special Feature With GEORGE BRENT And all Star Cast MONDAY MIDNIGHT at 12.15 a.m. One Night — Only One Night "THE OVERLAND EXPRESS" (Western) with "BUCK JONES" Mon., Tues., Wed., May 16, 17, 18 "DANCE REVIEW" Presented by MISS ENA GOODING :BORN Masse—At Hay Township on iMay 6, to Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Masse, a daughter. Keller — At Hay Township, on May 2nd, to Mr. and Mrs. Edward Kel- ler a daughter. Miller—At Hay Township to Mr. and Mrs. Ferd Miller, on May 3rd, a daughter. ONLY# DOWN Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Stoskopf of Kitchener spent Mother's Day at the hoome of Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Rowe and fam- ily of Thorndale arrived in town on Saturday afternoon tq spend the we- ek -end with Mrs. Rowe's mother, Mrs Lydia Geiger. Mrs. Edward Appel of New Ham- burg; Mrs. Jacob Wagner and chil- dren Lloyd and Helen of Sna::espeare were visiting their mother, Mrs. L. Klopp and other relatives on Sunday Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich, was in town .on Monday presiding at the sitting of the Tenth Division Court. Solicitor James Morley of Exeter also attended. Mrs. Clara Decker, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Decker and son Karl; Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thiel and little daughter, spent the week -end in Detroit visiting Mr. and ,Mrs. Marley Witmer and family. Mr. Clayton Hoffman, Mr. and Mrs Clarence Hoffman and son Bobbie; Mr. and Mrs. Bloomfield all of Galt, were Sunday visitors at the homes of Mr. and 'Mrs. W. H. Hoffman and Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert. Mrs. 'Clarence Hoffman and son Bobbie are remaining over for the weak. A goodly number of public school scholars and attendants motored to Goderich last Thursday evening to take part in the musical contests and -we notice the following received re- -e 4+10gnition • Senior boy's solo: Ralph Krueger, No. 10 Hay took second with 81 points; while in the three - roomed choirs, Zurich took first with 85 points. We congratulate these pupils for their singing and also their attendants and trainers. Huron -Perth League Has Large Entry Twelve teams entered the Huron - Perth. Baseball League at the annual meeting held at Hensall. Wm. Ful- ford, Clinton, was elected president of the league, and it was decided to affiliate with the Ontario Baseball Association. J. W. Scott, Galt, presi- dent of the O.B.A. was in attendance and addressed the meeting It was decided to hold a schedule meeting in Hensall later, when dates a nd groupings will be arranged. The foll- owing teams are entered: Goderich; Clinton, 11Iitchell, Ailsa Craig, Cred- iton, Exeter, Hensall, Zurich, Blyth. and Lucan, and probably Seaforth. Following are the officers: Pres., Wm Fulford, Clinton; 1st vice., H. Hod- gins, Lucan; 2nd vice, W. Snipaway Ailsa Craig; secy, J. R. Butler, Cl- inton; treas., D. H. Wilson, Clinton. ..Patrolling Blue Water Road.. An addition was made to the pol- ice stair stationed at Goderich, when Prov. Constable Edgar A, Webb, motor patrol, arrived from Oakville, and will 'patrol the sixty -odd mile stretch from Kincardine to Grand Bend. With his wife Constable Webb has taken an apartment on the squ- are. This new official has had a lot of busines and looking after. He is a strong believer of law inforsement and has stopped scores of motorists to examine their qualifications, such as proper drivers permits, good lights ar brakes, and has a score or more of these listed who do not comply with the regulations required. He is also looking after the tractor owziers•that they do not damage the new asphalt roads in this southern part of his area. But his busy time will soon come when the speedsters and reck- less drivers happen along during the holiday months, and we trust the people of the community will. co-oper- ate with Mr. Webb, in raging the drivers of cars to obeerve law and order. Celebrate Birthday A very pleasant time was spent at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Hor- ner on Saturday evening. The im- mediate family and grandchildren of the hosts including Mr. and Mrs. G. Gerhart and son, Mr. and Mrs. N. Parent of Detroit, gathered to cele- brate Mrs. Horner's birthday. Mrs. Horner was the recipient of many lovely gifts. With a dainty lunch ser- ved was a beautifully decorated and inscribed birthday cake. The memb- ers returning to their respective hom- es wishing Mrs. Horner many happy returns of the day. " Fiftieth Anniversary One of those unique events which rather few married couples have the honor of enjoying was appreciatevly celebrated by Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kalbfliesch on Saturday when in the evening some thirty guests including their children and other friends gathered to do honor and respect to this fine and genial coupe of fifty years ago. Mr. and Mrs. Kalbfleisch have been highly esteemed residents of this community all these years and have a large circle of friends with whom we join in extending congratu- lations. Friends were present from Kitchener, London, Michigan and other points. FIRST GAS BUGGY We are very grateful to Mr. F. W. Hess of Hensall who gave us the foll- owing information:: On Sunday, May 8th last it was thirty years since the first New Gasoline Auto- mobile was brought to Zurich. Some of the eider residents now living will well remember the little "one cylin- der" Reo "Devilwagon" and it was owned by Mr. Fred W. Hess, jeweller and now jeweller of Hensall. Mr. Hess tells us that at that time gaso- lene was 65c per gallon, bought at the drug store. The license was 31. and the number was from year to year (the same) until 1911, when cars became more plentiful on the highways. This notorious Ileo ear probably carried the first load of tile in Canada. Wm. Hess was the driver, and Mr. John Hildebrandt the passenger and it steerned into Zurich with its load in 1908. What a re- velation the .:auto industry has bro- ught us since 1908 or the pest thirty years, and just what is before us? Well, We'll see!—Thanks, F, W, S'ecikl FOR LADIES Sma rt, modern design. Natural finish with brace- let to match. $16.5® $15 A G. HESS `tat MEN Big value in this i 5jewel watch. Fully guaranteed. Hand- some natural finish. Why pay for cheap Coat where you can buy Blue Coal for that same price and have the best: Also Miller Creek Alberta -(lose dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets an& Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 - Hensall ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦v♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦t♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦•♦f♦ i • ♦ •a• •' • • • prrngSeason • 44 i • «t • Is Now Here ♦ ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT 41* • - NOW! • BE IN LINE, • BE ON TIME! ei • • CHOOSE •• • FROM THE FINEST RANGE • EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH lei •♦ SPLENDID RANGE AT $20.0 ! e„ • Wm II: IIoffT.an ao. • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ♦' • • ♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦0♦♦**,..0®+a♦♦♦♦r♦4t *0 ♦®♦.A♦sta♦t4044, 44-604G' SPRING TIME Requirements Here are some of the Goods the Farmer will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, such as: New Flower, . Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices. Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 17 .97 BLAKE