HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-05-05, Page 5IslultdaY, My 504 Ton BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL PoDLEY E, HoLiviEs 16fARRISTER„ SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Epecial Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr, Hohnes may be consulted at Gederich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. ........,...Mrammacraw.a..1.0...n,rammerueaorrucisonsfugssimagrgneo.i...., DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASH'WOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETER1NARIA.T',1 B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. S. Routledge. Zurich A full time Book Keeper, mildly state experience and salary expected: weeks. Re was formerly a hole; in Dashwood, after an illness of twn Fhone-96. Q in first letter. Forward letters to keeper in 1:oneton and was born ; Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. M this Column. FOR QUICK SALE A quantity of good Alfalfa itay, also Some Timothy bay, and some good feed barley. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE Comfortable ibrick house and large garden and a barn in Hensall. Also several farms large and small.—W. C. Pearce, Exeter. 43-2p 1100.94.1.121....1......4“4,...ca.,10.21001041IIPLYMAIRIMMINNWOMMICAft LADES' HATS If in need of a new Spring or Summer Hat, I am in a _position to make it up for you. ELEANOR DUCHARME- Phone 84r1z, Zurioh. ZURICH HERALD :,t, 0, NEWS Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith and Mae motored to Exeter on Saturday. Mr. Henry Deters spent a week or so with friends at Tavistock and New Hambierg, Mr. Christ Heyroek o -f London, is spending the week visiting Zurich friends. Nies and Mrs. A- A. Webee of Sebringville were Monday 'visitors with friends in and around Zurich. Man. Martha Boutiedge is spending a few weeks with her daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Birk of Guolph. Mrs. A. C. Meidinger and Mrs, H. Little of Hen,sall were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Weseloli of town. Zile and Mee. Ezra Bender, of Dashwood., and NT. Arehie Bender cio3to called et the home of Pfile on Sunday. ' Many gardens are being pranted in the village these •days, as good NVKI- AUtOMObilil Insurance tieer should soon come along to keep !things growing. ' Tariff and non -tariff rates with old reliable companies. Information on I request without any obligation. Also! all classes sick, and accident ineurm ance—Jacob Haberer, Zurich. tf36 seateer.....=1.1=91=1SUOMU41n1.4115. HOUSE FOR SALE The Talking Picture show put on in tee Town Hall, Zurich by the Ire-. perks] e bring Pieture Co., of.Lositheii on Tuesday evening was well attend- ed rid the pictures were well, ' givers ale! met with the 'approval of the Notice is hereby given to ell per- , epeetators. . . .. . eons who make use of tee village. Mr. Hugh MacKinnon who. 'attend- (him' ; :-ftrl oi the side. road south - I ed Queen's University at Kingstone west et' Zieece te place the ds arded 2 story frame halve in Village of ! retell, ed to . hiei.h,ceinee. ._in... te.„.et:sei7, -6i.r41 itiltt'At;;;fri.3 !-‘. -,....::;;.7i- it' .. '('; Nuvl:st.:e.' l:; of itthrIV: (.10:,f... Dashwood, good loceitien, hot water heating furnace, Hydro. eepieee hate Dieted for the- year. Hugh will like- ' eeV ie t'se ytt,•,. ani ml sueb meter - hard an:I soft seater, large gordee .. • es esepertereet , sal shall be -dereeed. onto tee ree.,.. and stable. Ape] e to GoLtfried Oon -staff of engineers, in the matter of I allowzince me:Aids o the yeed. reee treicher„ Phone 57r23 Daeliwood con- . a few weeks. i yard hos recently been put in eeepe t.....1.....,,teseeeees..seeeseeseoseseets. I PETER SCHROEDER .PASSES le . : , teal. , . • .17,- .,,,,o •-• ..11 of iunk and it ie Only buys this aanozing DESER.R.i, FkEC: FAIC, CLSANER. (with attachments) ,uuou.s.1 e The G -E Air-Elo cleaner does the work foster, easier and more efficiently, than other cleaners of the some type selling* from 820 to $30 IVIORE. Be sure to see the Cr -E before you buy. •ky CD -38 DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY: HESS-Etat:do, ri..'20c1r:c ZURICH — ONT. sneeener NOTICE .„ . . eseesel tee ne.pes wee make use e . . Lase ,. otel---Poter Schro•edee"... died I the yard will co-operate and b(e) to WANTED , at Daehwoed in his 74th year at the I lies n th,'! driveway elle road alloy:- . i home c,:. ell seeer, Mes. ' Geo. Koz:, lance free from obstruction. —By Order -- Police Trustee Board, Zurich. A. R. Campbell, V.S, Stephen Township. He is sturvive Herald Office. by two clatig-iis Mrs. Geo. Hammer of Listowel, Mrs. Charles Murray of Toronto, two sons, Edwin of -Monk- I am taking orders for a high class ton and Emmanuel of Stratford; two grade of Fertilizer. Also keep some sisters, Mrd. Geo. Koch and Mrs. Ily on hand. If in need of Fertilizer Kraft of .Dashwood; also eight gamitr! children, besides a host of friends. A private funeral service was held ',on Monday at l'oclock at the home his sister, Mrs. Geo. Koch, followed by a public service at Zion Lutherae church, Dashwood, with Rev. T. Leci officiating.. The pall bearere evere: Fred Preeter, Levis Kral.; Elmore Thiel, Edward Kraft, John Dare, Clar ence Gale. nterment was in Avon - or elsewhere, are hereby- noti- bank 'Cemetery, Stratford. fed that all .corn stubble or other Grader Has 'More Work corn remnants, no matter where they The Provincial Department of may be, must either be plowea under Highways; have made arrangements completely or else gathered and bur- ned before May 20th, and that fail- with the Township of Hay to have the latter use their large power grad - Graduate of Ontario Veterinary =College, University of Toronto. AU diseases of domestic animals treated !by the most modern principles, charges reasonable. Day or -night salts promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Nennels. Office on Main Street, eipposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. 4.1•10.11•90.10.1AIME.-*I.11.9,019.1•M*.Vdrik.C.t.reGsr.-.1.0 Ca 2,49.mallets." LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middles I Am IN A POSITION TO CO - any Auction Sale, regardless s to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Daslawood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Palm Pncluce WANT FA HIGHEST CASH PRICES CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wrii. O'Brien Phone 101, Iles. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the MY Choice. of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Let., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yitingblut Solo ,NIEMIIIM....1•••••innifesote**Prnimmli!IMIes..........•mm INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Laurance C. OF WOODSTOCK MEE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31.st, 1936, $22,391,527.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $273,613.47. Rates -44.50 per $1,000 for 3 Year E. F.' KLOPP—ZURICI-I Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ng Rods and all kinds of Fire ; 1 .,,,i g ,,... insurance ,,. ,. FERTILIZER • you will do well to see me. JOHN BROWN, Phone 8.84. NOTICE WARNING NOT/CE Re: CORN BORER All corn growers, whether on the ure to do so leaves the offender lia- ble to prosecution, or to having to pay the cost of sending men in to do the work.—L. Caesar, Prov. Ent- omologist. Ross Johnston, County Inspector. 43p2 ..•01.1.1••••••••••••41., NOW THE GEM ELECTRIC FENCER er on the Zurich 'Road from Hensel]. to St. Joseph Tuesday and Friday ce each week, and in the mean -Lime, the Patrolman, Mn James Masse will LOC the lighter horsedrawn machines to take care of the surface work. The Zurich Road has been most won- derfully improved the past week with the Large new Peovinciat grader, which is identically the same kind of machine owned by Hay Township. With the -careful management of Mr, Masse, and the efficient management And One Wire Holds all Stock of.the large grader by Mr. Milton G Try the Gem Fencer for 30 days on1 Deitz of Zurich, the old Zurich Road your own Stock. Stretch a single should be kept in better shape than stran of barbed wire across the lane or corner of the yard and connect the Gem and watch results. Why put up expensive heavy fences when one wire will 'do the job. For full information and particulars appy to the Agent: REINHOLD MILLER, AGENT Dashwood Ont. tf37 t2,-..ok this summer. Not reflecting on the retireing patrolman, Mr. D. Os- wald, who has looked after this piece of road for many years, but when the County took care of it, at times the funds were scarce and there was a curtailing on the grading of the road. However, whet ie badly :need- ed is a good coat of crashed stone, and then some more. Imemicsowealowoomeses**I.e. SAtf,e oeeee -0; 600 :71 51.i11:;:to.117ts ,i::1:"4.S,t4.' b.PorYt deolaYNAAnRY 4)„, TE you have not yet ordered YOUR sup- yoentadroi • • . • .6S 140,Ct.t',"‘••-tytte, 3ctoo0Tirc:Ittpuo:olle;ifitocptin.t671:::: . • Y‘ i'S‘'a 91",64s 9 r"or Sale by; MENNO ZUiCH AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Tmeeere on N Lot 23, Con. 10, Iles, everee) Blind Line, un FRIDAY MAY in, Commencing at 1.30 p.ire LIVE STOCK -1 aged glee- horse, 1 aged bay ohrs.e. Red cow still ronn cow still mile -erg; 2 steces rising 2 yrs; Heifer rieene 2 yrs; 2 steers rising 1 yr; heifer ris- ing 1 yr; Spring heifer -calf. • IMPLEMENTS — M. -H. wagon nearly new, gravel box, flat hay rack nearly mw, fanning mill, spring tooth Cultivetore Bissel disc; 2 deem steel. roller, _Deering steel hay ra'se, M. -H. &ft cut binder, Deering 5 -ft mower, Superior disc, drill; 1 -bore a marigold seeder, speed jack, 3 -section PAGE Frvit • ...,'""*"""'"''''""'."'"'"'"'"'" elmeMeetweeeeneeeteeeeeaeveeeteeeteaceoatmoemeee • 0 0 0 a 0 We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and co. Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY 0 Qoemeeeseceeaqemaeoecoace t,e.;vottioeAmecitza5,25,20ti;oke Z RI 0 1-.1 C R E ERY. We Pay a Premitun of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY -. 4. •.„...,..,..:._...„.,..,..,.....,....„..........c. $ .., + BUILDING ATE i , ,-- .. o 4. 4 4 + If you intend doing any Building or R,-.,,pairiefg- this Year + we will e p,eased to supply you with the finest of + + Building Materials. Let us quote you. 4. SUMMER SCREENS Combination Doors -screens for the summer and glans I interchangeable for winter. Will make sceeens to prop- + 4- eriy fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your brdar 4' + 4, e• Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building- Materials .0eu.......umpa 11 . '..sote9 IL &IL (1 .... + PHONE 69 ."-. ., ZUFVCRI ++++44,41.+4•+++++,:,+-!-4,-7-4-1.0,-,1-1.-•?•••:4 • -,,,,!.0.7,-;."...*-«,.."..."--*,,4-4••:•4.-1.4444.-.% 0 4 tOEHDOVaIdeee,10 OGI•`44,ittle Cri mf44,0VV,A.',Ce-0.3000.Stafl/ef,fleMOCEelrall:§ei 2 1 harrow, yellow blossom sweet clov- e-, neckyokes, eveners, sling chain, sugar beet fork, set double harness, collars, sweat pads, del:ne- e-rat gear, Pr. bob sleighs nearly new Portland cutter, Cutting box, Little Giant erase seeder, and numerous other articles. No reserve, as proprietor is giving up farming. ''TERMS—CASH .Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Milford Muller, Clerk. Peter Schwalm, Proprietor. "-e"-ree'seeer COUNTY NEWS On their way home from Florida, where they spent the winter. Mr. ancl Mrs. A, M. Crawfoed and son Ken- neth of Wingharn. parkel 'ride ca.? in Detroit and thieves broke into it and took all the beggage. Dr. Margaect Stang Savege, for- merly of Hensall, ha3 res' Peel Presbyterian medical mie eery ie the Peace River district. Because of the pressuee of increased 1. on o1-4 det'es "nn- the birth of her deughtei Dr. Savage is now confined heeself to private practice. -,er Amtratated Lyle Worden of Staffa while cut- ting wood with a buzz saw on the farm of Mr. Miller, had the mi ;for- tune to hare his hand come in con- tact with the saw when the Meek he e, was holding slipped. The little finger 314 was badly cut and it was necessary to amputate it at the hand. Trip to Hol Land Rev. Fr, NI. N. Sullivan, pastor of St. Joseph's R. C. Church at 'Clinton, has been granted leave of absence from the parish for three months for a trip to the Holy Land. Father Sull- ivan says he has had the trip planned 'fee for 'some y,ars and now is a'. int to realize fulfilment of his deteeminati- 7:lee onl He will sail frern New 'reek on 1 3114 Ma.y 14th and expects to 'be away the full three months. Team Becomes Unmanageable John Mair, Goderich Twp., farmer died. in 'Clinton hospital from iniuri-1 es received when his team, which he ha,d hitched to a hayiloeding machine became tarmanager')Ie. In trying to' control therm he fell and the wheels passed over him, breaking his spinal column at the base of the neck. An X-ray examination revealed the ex- tent of his injuries. ,11/1r, Mair was in his 54th year, was -born in Goredich • june 1920, lie married Flos- a a 0 0 Unievs ,„;:.- We Are Again Distributors for the weE-11-nown and Populcr McKiraley Chicks :t7".*A' the Season of 1923, erti win pleased to look after you 17a7.7,y Chick 5..:lepisly for the season... Arrange wiel ts for your requirements. PURINA Stock Foods I Chcws A. guanuiteed produt thiA help your Stock Ind Poultry FREE! FREE! Coronation s(ttP of Dishes. and Rodger:, 9,7erware given to our Customers in exchange foi reqa.zired amount of Coupons which we are giving will pur- chases at our store,.. h, A e Son a ra.3a3tasesr,,e3o.taiesmwmRma.w.i@s- attlaeoessoolgoo*coaafmeisql 5es :TO 0 0 3 0 1 a iViVilANViYAVti\MIVIIAA WAV MAN AIVOW Zurich Dru Store Soh 01 upplius We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Eiapplies All authorized Public School Books, inch, ding theNew Speller All High School Text Bcoks, ete. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfmnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations r. A. J. MacKinnon, Zuricb KAARAVIANkuNAMPAPPY4AARARAPSIRRIAAPA liPMY?P,AAtiukri 01( Sr tor ed 18 eurvive. sie cole wbo, with one daughter, ag-smitivirn..AMM'' Mvvi,iatv‘nr, ,