HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-05-05, Page 1Read the oiale News. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALO' SPECIALS FOR SPRING Let us quote you on Specials far Spring and Summer Permanents, that .are pleasing and satisfactory, and will give you personality, Hair- dressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us by phone! 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT "A Changeless Christ. for a Chang- ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther Leraeties, Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—Germain Service. 11.1.5 a.m.—Sunday Sche aL 7.30 p.m.—English, service. Everybody Welcome to an Services. E. TUERKHEUW, Fester. A Publisher's Blessing o blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due. Sends in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till abill we send, But promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account, > COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zur brigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every Week Day Except Wednesday • st . u lit FINEST SELECTION LOWEST PR/CES A CALL. AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU 193,5 VS Coach, orig. El -11'A' like new. See this oar only$435,00 1931 Ford DsLux Town Sedan, perfect upholstering and re -fin- ished. in dark blue_ These models are scarce. Hurry, 2 to pick from 1928 Ford' A Coach., mechanic's, chance;...... _ $78.00 As Is 1933 Master Chev., Coach. A popular model in nice condition 1931 Ford Express: Pickup, erased cab steel box. 1934 Chev., Standard Coach, original throughout. 1A29 Ford Coacr, rri�nal 'finish and upholstering -We installed. new rings- in this car, " only41.50_00 1938 Dodge Demonst2atoi; low mileage, priced very low., 1929 Ford Town Sedan„ a, real good car - (refinished.) - 1930 Ford Coach, Dark B1ne, good upholstering. We have a. number of tirade Tit Cars prated row. AS IS 1928 Essex Coach, new tines, original ...... . _ . _ _ _ .878.00 1928 Ford A. Coach $118.00 1-928 Whippet. Seton - _ . - _ _ - ..........,.......... $65.00 1927 Whippet Sedan '_._, $45.00 1927 Ford Coupe .. $32.00 1926 Chev. Sedan _ _ _ $35.00 1.929 Ford Macke 1 tan STAKE RACKS. AND MANY OTHERS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH — ONT. laattaraioo WE SELL , THE REST FOR LESS Special's, for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Carnation Ev parated. milk, tall tin, 3 tins ,25c Aylmer white. senna„ 3 tins 25c Eddy's Red Bird rnatches, 3 bores . ......,25c White Naptha Soap 6 bars :.. ............ 23c: Singapore Sliced Pineapple, per tin ......... 1 Oc Rinso small..,..,... -10c. Large-pkg. 23c McCormick's sweet mixed cookies, special lb. 19c Heinz's Spaghattil 2 tins Loose soap chips, 3 lbs. 25c Salmon fancy pin _.., ,_... _...2 tins 25c Macroni loose, rearbr curt, 2 lbs. _.. ...,.,.....F..10c Received another shipment oF. Ladies' House Messes with zipper front, at ......,...98c Others made with very best paint, zippers at..."1,59 Also Children's Dresses for little tots from 1 to 6; Girls from '6 'to 14 years. J. V M:RNE Pie 140 u 'ollovv the Locai Ads. Betty 'Ann Beauty Shorn To complete your new spring cos+ tune coine. in and let us Permanent Waveyour hair. We have adde;d another dryer to our equipment, n4 new Turbinator, which will , .cut your: drying time in half and which Will; enable us to handle more work in 1es4 time with two dryers. Colne where. better Permanents are cheaper an, all permanents are guaranteed. Phone; 159 for appointments and get yotti appointment .in early to avoid beim; disappointed. We solicit your patron.:'.. age. Mrs. Edwin Gascho :. , . Zurich L avitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thurs., Fri., Sat, May 6, 6, 7 "WELLS FARGO Joel McCrea—Bob Burns and Frances Dee Historical Drama. The part played by the nations transportation system in the winning of the West. Plenty of action. Monday, Midnight at 12.15 a.m. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday "BULLDOG DRUMMOND COMES BACK" John Barrymore and all star cast EXTRA FEATURE 'LAUREL & . HARDY in "BONNIE SCOTLAND" Tops in Laurel and Hardy Feature Comedies Coming, May 12, 13, 14—Gold' where you find it. Buccaneer. PURCHASES BLYTH STANDARD Ma. Kenneth Whitmore, - isto for the past fifteen years has been em- ployed 'at the Clinton News -Record, has purchased the ,Blyth Standard from A. W. Robinson and gets im- mediate possession. Mr. Whitmore has a long experience in the News- Record office and we wish him every success' in his undertaking .1Fe+ CROP OUTLOOK GOOD Regina Sask—Smiles have returned to the faces of Saskatchewan people. The main reason is the crop outlook and 'the fact the economic situation -is reasonably stable at a fair enough monetary return for the produce of the farm. It is many years since the Spring .moisture- condition was as good as it is today. Those who keep tab on moisture conditions say there is enough to take the crop through to June 1, but since a lot of rain has fell quite generally with the rainy sea -on just on. So the prospects for a crop are more favorably than in a goodly number of years. LOST AND FOUND To lose a wallet containing $90 and to find it the next day after deciding it was hopeless to begin a search was the experience of a Goderich Twp. man. '1.'e farmer had the wallet in o hip pocket as he rode his tractor all day, 'cultivating two ten acre fields.He realized his loss only wiu a the day's work was done, and as he viewed the 20 acres of cultivated land he decid- ed a search was useless. The follow - ins; day with the harrows, and short- ly after begining on the second field lie found his wallet, the contents in- tact, lying on the cultivated soil. : MUCH ON JOB - Goderich—Scores of motorists here get the surprise of their lives on Saturday night when stopped, on: highway No. 21 by a provincial tra- ffic officer for nearly every offence in the }LTA, calendar. Itwasthe new officers first day ori duty. Highway 21 has not been patrolled in autumn winter and spring months. At one time the constable had a doyen cars pulled up at the roadside. Some had only one light, others defective lights bad brakes, overcrowded in wont seat two cars were ordered abandoned be- ing in poor condition, some drivart had no permits; and what not, Chester L. Smith, Pn.biraixauei $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advr ststo *La) att, raets,si KAY BA Oentatessa., „;.,nx1,. Mr.. Milton Oesch spent the week- end at Desboro. Hay Council held its monthly ses- sion on Monday afternoon. Mr. Harold Stade was a recent vis- itor with friends at Guelph. Mr and Mrs. L. A. Prang were vis- itors to Detroit over the week -end. Mr. Henry Steinbach made a bus- iness trip to Exeter on Saturday. j Rev. F. B. Meyer of Se.bringville, was a Thursday business visitor in town, Miss Vioet Frcmlin of Clinton, spent a few days this week with her sister, Miss Nora Fr•emlin of town.. llr. Horace Kloppand son Victor, of Stratford and Mr. Wm. Klopp and family of Stratford, were visit- ing their mother, and other relatives in Zurich recently. '_1tr..and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and fam- ily of town and Mrs. Wm. Snell of Dashwood have returned home after spending some time with relatives in .Saginaw and Bay Port, Mich., also • other partst of the States. Rev. E. Burn accompanied Rev. LMr. Roppel of Dashwood on Tuesday fto Stratford where the annual Con- „ference of the Evangelicar church will begin this Wednesday afternoon. 11:11e' local layman, 1VIr. Josiah Geiger ;;;rill attend later on in the week. Mr. Milton Deitz has reeked the last remaining building of what was years ago known as the old Commer- cial hotel barns, and in place of the old buildings nice new garages will be erected which will meet with .a ready demand of renters. Work is progressing gradually on the new garage being erected and equipped by C. Fritz & Son, opposite the Zurich Creamery. Gas pumps ,are being put in and a few other changes trade, and soon will be ready for business. 11Ir. and Mrs. Andrew F. Hess and son Fred, also Mr. Gordon Bloch, motored to Toronto over the week- end. The former's elder son, Mr. Quimby Hess. who is attending Tor- onto University left early this week for parts up north in the forest:, where a group of the students are taking. up research work. Celebrate Birthday A very happy event was celebrated at the home of Mr. and lrrs. Chris. Gascho, Brons n ;1'1,^ (en Sunday af- ternoon, the oc _usion 1 ing Mrs. Gascho's 65th birthday. About 20 guests were present, and Mrs. Gascho `vas presented with a fine "Beauty Rest" mattress. A most enjoyable time was repotted by all, n very suit- able lunch hour was len taken off. And all wished ribs. Gascho many mare such interesting and happy events. HAND BLOWN OFF Everett Stebbins, aged 26 of Grand Bend, had his left hand blown off just above the wrist last Monday af- ternoon when a stick of dynamite he was using exploded. He was treated by, Dr. Fletcher, Exeter and was tak- en to London Hospital, where his con- dition is satisfactory. The young man is a -son of Reuben Stebbins, Pine Ridge Road. He was accompanied by S. Hutchinson and L. Wilson, of Park hili, when the accident occurred. Ile was holding the stick of dynamite when it exploded and severed the hand and blow it to bits. It also blew out part of the left eye and the left side of thte body was riddled from head to foot with small holes, appar- ently trade by the powder. S. Hut- chison, who was close by had his c.lo- thing riddled with small holes small parts of Stebbins' hand going through his clothing. L. Wilson suffered a few scars- on the leg below the knee. One of the men took off his necktie and used it to form a tornigtte to stop the flow of blood from the wounds in Stebbins' arm otherwise the young nian would have bled to death before medical assistance had been secured, p None finer—none more beautiful. Delicately carved In 18 K. white or natural gold. Five diamonds. Eao;i &edit! A. G. HESS Why pay for cheap Coal when, you can buy Blue Coal for the' sarne price and have the best Also:' Miller Creek Alberta (Rose- dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 Hensall ' t 000404®Ao90a•00000000404+ 009 4 443 • 0 0 Sprkg • • e • • • • • ORDER YOUR NEW SPRING SUIT • NCD W! • • • • • • C t OSE • • • 4 • • 0 • • • • • • Is Now Here n BE IN LINE, BE ON TME! FROM THE FINEST RANGE EVER SHO r4 IN ZURICH SPLENDID RANGE AT $20.00 EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS ex e YIC 1i 060C104A40406d►4644,:scw4.14,00.4, ct,Ue 00400.n•y4_,j: @4>•fb3t....x.4,¢44y.'• 4,%e> SIMEZNIMEEMErallMM� 5* L.•.. ,�F�_c.' :.gid+ ttu s,n:�'ei;z ^�'�">.�i'ttif5t�`'" SPRINGTIME °!r menu. Here are some of the Goods the Fanner will need which we can supply you with at Reasonable Prices, such as: New Flower, Vegetable Seeds, Root Seed and Sorgum, Etc., Etc. New Formaldehyde, Paints, Varnishes and Varn-o-lac. Also: Dress Goods, Prints, Broad Cloth, Hose, Underwear, House Dresses, A few Stamped Mats left at Bargain Prices. Harness Repairs a specialty. Fresh :Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 1 a 97 BLAKE