HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-04-28, Page 5• Thursday; April 28tre, /933 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E.HoLM a'S ARRJ STER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY ]PUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just of! the Square, GODERICII, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 IL COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COX N, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich Phone -96. _ _ A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc.1 Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All. ,diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness .Icfennels. Office on Main Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. FIENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AT IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will zacrake no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood °]$sone 13-57. PRODUCE Pura Produce WANTED HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. , O'Brien Phone 301, Res. 44, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ,tet Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yungblut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Feather !aural* Co. OF WOODSTOCK 'TUE LARGEST RESERVE 'BAL- .ilti:NCE OF •ANY CANADIAN NtU'.l'- L AL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Aitiount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31st, 1936, $22,391,627.06 Total Cash in Bank and Ronda: $273,613.47. $tastes ---$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years F. KLOPP--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lights - An ..Rod's and all kind* of I~'ire Insurance e ZURICH HERALD Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, Ads. in this Column. FOR SALE. 2 rebuilt DeLaval Cream Separat- ors. Guaranteed 'to skim clean. L. Prang & Son. FOR QUICK SALE Boy's Bicycle, C:C.M. Cadet, near- ly new for quick sale. Apply Hilton Truemner, 14th Con. • LADIES' HATS NE /S Mr, and Mrs. E. Stoskopf of Kit- chener, .pent the week -end at the home of Mrs. Thomas Johnson. Miss Louise Hartman who spent a Week with her parents, on the Bron- son line, has returned to Detroit. A number of villagers are attend- ing the sittings of the, Supreme court at •Goderich this week, Mrs. Minnie Weida of Windsor, Called on Zurich friends on Monday, The new large Provincial grader made its frrst appearance on the Zur- ich road on Tuesday when it came through on its rounds of (road im- provements. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Hartman and If in need of a new Spring or daughters Louise, Moniaand Rose Summer Hat, I am ie. a position to --..:e cf the Bronson, motored to De - make it up for you, troit over the week -end. ELEANOR DUCHA ME Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and•daugh- Phone 84rI�, Zurioh. te-• Miss Hazel of Stratford, were aaa.• Friday visitors at the "borne of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman.' Automobile Insurance Tariff and non -tarifa rates with old reliable companies. Information on request without any obligation. Also all classes sick, and accident insur- ance --Jacob Haberer, Zurich. tf3G HOUSE FOR SALE 2 story frame house in Village of Dashwood, good location, hot water heating furnace, Hydro, 3 -piece bath hard and soft water, large gorden and stable. Apply to Gottfried Oes- treicher, Phone 57r23 Dashwood cen- traI_ Bishop G. E. Epp, D. D., of Naper- sesesseeeassessaseeea ville, will be the chairman of the sessions. Mr. Morris Andersen r otoxed to Strathroy on Thursday evicerng.where he attended a Dairymen's; meeting which was largely attended. - Mr. Harry Hoffman of Dashwood and Dr. Bell will give an ,entertain- ment worth while in the Evangelical church this Thursday evening at 8 u.m, A small admission fee of 15c will be charged. The seventy-fourth session of the Canada Conference of the Evangel- icaI church will be held in Centennial Church, Stratford, newt week, begin- ning May 3rd, and ending May 8th. FOR SALE { Keep this date Open, May 5th. A quantity of choice 6 -row Seed First time in this community, a mov- Barley, guaranteed free from 2 -row ing picture "The Passion and Life 3f or oats. Price 75 cents bushel. i Christ" to be presented in the Town i Hall, Zurich, under the auspices o e Duncan Snider, Lasnwood. the Women's Missionary -Society of St. Peter's Lutheran Church. FOR QUICK SAT 100 acre farm for quick sale, plenty of water, well fenced, 8 acres of .bush on it, brick house with kitchen, woodshed, driving shed, pig- stable, large bank barn. Apply to: Arthur Weber, R.R.1, Dashwood. WANTED A full time Book Keeper, ltrndly state experience and salary expected in first letter. Forward letters to Herald Office. FERTILIZER I am taking orders for a high class grade of Fertilizer. Also keep some on hand. If in need of Fertilizer you will do well to see me. JOHN BROWN, Phone 8.84. NOW THE G E M ELECTRIC FENCER Mrs. Wm. Lamont and daughters Jane and Mrs. W. L. Hoffman, Miss Margaret Lamont motored 'co Forest on Friday. They were accompanied by Mrs. Wm. F. Braun and daughter Barbara, who spent the -week at her father's home, Mr. Wm. Lamont. A rare treat Was enjoyed in the Evangelical church on Sunday when Mr. Tawn a teacher of London, 'enter tained the large audiences with his musical numbers on the electric gu- itar. This instrument is much small- er than an ordinary guitar but has electrical amplification and is louder than a piano or pipe organ. This artist is one of Canada's best and it sure was a treat to hear him and it is to be hoped he will soon return to Zurich again with his fine playing OPENING DAY • Thursday May 5th is the opening date of the Toronto Maple Leaf base- ball team in their gardens. The team under the management of Dan How- ley are well a balanced club for In- ternational League campaign. The Fine Spring Season Truly, spring is ushered in this week, as the waren and balmy wea- ther greets us: The early flowers are coming oat nicely, trees are ad - And One Wire Holds all Stock: vaneing with their leafing, the mar- tins are here the past week, and ev- erything points towards "the good old summer time." Have you woke up about five o'clock and lent an ear to the beautiful song of the birds, your ,publisher, being "a on or the soil" where early rising, or about that hour, was the most appropriate time to get to work a few decades ago, and so it still comes very easy REINI•IOLD MILLER, AGENT I to enjoy this most beautiful music Dashwood, Ont. tf37 ( early in the morning. Try the Gem Fencer for 80 days on your own Stock. Stretch a single stran of barbed wire across the Iane or corner of the yard and connect the Gem and watch results. Why put up expensive heavy fences when one wire will do the job. For full information and particulars appy to the Agent: ,ltt+ TO MA), l'oth ORIGINAL p414 liARVO SALE i'" The event of the yearilakt advantage of the present bargaih prices of this sen- sational finish that has all the best fea- tures of paint. enamel and varnish combined in one easy-to-use product that h equally at home cm'wood or metal surfaces. One Goat Covera Ideal for ,floors, walls and wood- work. Order your supply NOW! Avafable in 30 beautiful colours. 'Gallons . . 34 Gatioos. Quarte.. Plat.... 34 tints. . " $6.90 310 L60 .90 ss tpso .20 ao .10 Stows $4.40 2.35 1.20 .70 .45 MS0 ors Tuft SALE NARVO SATIN EiNISM New— Washable — Semi-Lustrosu 9 Shades and white THU MURPN5 coMPANy LIMITED For Sale by IVIF14140'SC I ZU9. Cl 1 SO1p�Bl,t' buys this amazing +1 h \Ma IC Ah Fio CLEASEIX (with attachments)` +l r e The G -E Air -Flo cleaner does the work faster, easier and more efficiently, than other cleaners of the same type selling from $20 to $30 MORE. Be sure to see the G -E before you buy. PAGE FMB ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant, Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! r I : THE ZURICH CREAMERY EOa ssea aesaaaaata aeaHiageoxaea oeseeessraseaseeeseaaseasa aceee Cees r 2 vtd44 &••3••g.^y.•i•.3 44 ++++4+•1 i•4 ,.✓--;..i.,-1-•4•-1..4-4-i-✓-%.l✓.,;..✓14«-.•.;..k.l••§•,i••;..3••F••£•+•F CD -38 '1' DEMONSTRATED AND SOLD BY: + HESS --Radio, Electric ZURICH I3 — ONT. t• 4r 4- 4.t NOTICE WARNING NOTICE Re: CORN BORER All corn growers, whether on the farm or elsewhc_::, are hereby n-ti- fied that all corn stubble or other corn remnants, no matter whore : may be, must either be plower and completely or else gathered and be. ned before May 20th, and that fei to do so leaves the offender li ble to prosecution, or to having t pay the cost of sending men in t do the work. L. Caesar, Prov. En omologist. Ross Johnston, Count Inspector. 43p2 BUILDING MATERIALSI If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Year we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of Building Materials. Let us quote you. + SUMMER SCREENS Combination Doors --screens for the summer and glass 4. interchangeable for winter. Will make screens to prop- erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us have your order + Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials '3'' 4. Ifirt er. € t. PHONE 69 a - o +3•4•tis•i.•1..;..t.+•£•fr•$••1••1.•;,•i.¢.•1:=r+a•*i +.1..y.•1, ...� , x ....;..i q.., g •'•- fi..�..:..e . 1 g f 1 c :» § 1• d t NOTICE Notice is hereby given to all per - eons who make use of the vi'lege dump yard on the side road swath - west of Zurich to place the dis arded material in such a way so it will not interfere with the use of the drive• way in the yard, and no such mater- ial shall be dumped onto the road allowance outside of the yard. The :ard has recently been put in -':ape for proper disposal of junk and it is hoped that people who make use of the yard will co-operate and help to keep the driveway and road allow- ance free from obstruction. —Dv .Oirder— Police Trustee Board, Zurich. In County Court The $3,365 damage action o{'.T-'»+1 L. Parsons against Alexanara Marine and General Hospital, Godea.ch, for the assizes of Tuesday of this week has been withdrawn and abandoned by consent it was announced earlier in the week. So all that remained was a few divorce court cases which came before the judge. St. Joseph and Beaver Town Mr. and Mrs. Leon Bedard and her Sister Marie were Monday gues- ts 'to Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey. Miss Reta Ducharme of Drysdale is engaged with Mr.. Denis Charette of the Blue Water South for a few weeks. Mr. Frank Jeffrey of Beaver Town spent a few days with Mr. Eddie Mousseau of Drysdale. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Ducharme of Blake, spent Sunday in St. Joseph with the later's parents. Mrs. Rachel Denomme has moved in her new home in St. Josep:`i. Mrs. Denomme who has sold her farm near Pointe Aux Bouleaux where she had resided for upwards of 30 years, will be much missed by the citizens of that neighborhood. Mrs. Lyrus Stansberry and two sons of Detroit, who have spent a week with her parents, Mr. and Mrs F. Ducharme, returned to their home on Sunday last. Mrs. Lawrence Jeffrey of Windsor spent a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Bedard, and has now retarned home. In this issue it is with deep re- gret that we report the death of Mrs, Zophie •Charrette of Detroit, formerly 'Sarah Ducharme, and dau- ghter of Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Duchar- me: The deceased who was 34 year:4 of- age was married • to Mr Zephie Charrette twelve years ago. She leaves her husband and two daught- ers of tender age. Mrs, Onarrette was always of a kind disposition and being loved by all who had the plea- sure to know her. She will be great- ly missed in her community and by the bereaved family and friends. In- trinent being made in Detroit Mount Olivet. Seeding operations are in full swing and if weather permits till the end of this present week many farm- ers will be through. Mr. and Mrs. Frederick Papineau of Drysdale spent Mondayevening with Mr. and Mrs. 1.1. Laporte of Po- inte Aux *Boolean. Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Bea•vertown, spent t few days with her sister, Mrs Z;trioh, 6DOWOO®aD OOLDO0004030.0 100 8060Et iscitr3IDO FDOSOOSOL41Qt398p9tDR9tOOGIC' 43 IdcKinieys We Are Again Distributon-s for the well-known aaic1 Popular McKinley Chicks for the Season of s e 0 t 4. 0 0 1933, and will be pleased to look after you P.aby Chick Supply for the season... Arrange with us for your requirements. sic PURINA Stock Foc d s d Chews A guaranteed product them w ill FREE! FREE! Coronation sets of Dishes. and .Rodgers iIverware given to our Customers in exchange foi a required amount of Coupons which we are giving with pur- chases at our store... help your Stock lend Poulti y aeocoagesmaee ea assenaateteassom asainasas, weetmeesesee'eteees s rAiWiWWW1iMaiVAMWsWAVtiViliMiMiWolNii Zurich drug Store 1 101 School liesgC We have a full Line of :41, all the requirements of sAC School Supplies CSG All authorized Public School Books, inclhding the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Dr, L JI McKinnon, Zurich 1 +r •Q Af /[ th'.S'+�I� .0 iA .' o �T.,R?'1 r � ��j �jC R�p. R�� , il°Ra 11 via'