HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-04-28, Page 4VAC; POt7R
Easy -
to aise
Chick Hatchery
Phone 266 Exeter
iliaUS$y! . c @lti.' MMITE 1
A number of the ladies attended
the Goshen ladies' meeting on Thurs-
day afternoon,
Mrs. James Jarrott spent a day
with her sisters, Mrs, Logan and Mrs
Harvey of Homan.,
Mrs. Robert Hokpins of Chicago,
is spending a few rweeks with her
sister, Mrs. Edna Cochrane who re-
turned to her hone this week after
spending the past few weeks with her
sister, IVirs. F. Farquhar in Hensall.
Mr, and Mrs. Ross Love visited at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Mc-
Ewen of Hensel'.
The Young.People are holding their
Anniversary Service on Sunday ev-
ening May 8,th, Rev. Mr. Peters of
Cattle! 'allies! Hogs! Sheep!
Toronto has one of the best live stock markets in Canada, excellent
accomodation, free running water every day of the year. Market
scales which are tested every market morning and inspected once
each month.
-Consign your stock to us and have it sold on the Open Market,
where buyers assemble from outside cities, towns and villages, whole-
sale butchers and buyers from numerous packing plants in this city,
also buyers for the U.S.A. and Great Britain.
Market Prices Have Advanced
Export Trade Increasing
For many years we have been doing the largest live stock commission
business in Canada, and have a stair of experienced salesmen for
any and all classes of stock you may have to offer.
Our cheques payable at par. in any chartered Bank in Ontario.
For further particulars write, wire or Telephone—Lyndhurst 1143-
For Every Purpose — Indoors and Outdoors
Johnston and Kalbfleisch
nlye':n1.4%..:ret' a5 eve
Follow this
Bread Diet Plan
This Diet PIan gives about 1600
Calories a day the reducing
allowance of the average woatan.
1 glass fruit juice
Small serving meat, fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter
1 cup coffee (clear), 1 tsp. sugar
Moderate serving meat, fish or
eggs. Average serving 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
14 grass fruit or tomato juice
Generous serving meat, fish, or
fowl. Average serving 2 vege-
tables, 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Small serving simple dessert
1 cup coffee or tea (clear), 1 tsp,
OU. can have a,slitnsnez°
figure—and withc ut
paying the price, of -1 weak-
ness, fatigue or irritability.
The bread diet takes off
pounds—and does it safely!
For bread itself is not fat-
.toning. Szience_has proved
'that it is a coxnbivation of
. xbohydratt and proteins
duo actually ,'help to burn
up gat.
!~chow the bread diet. Eat
6 Aces of bread ,gyery day.
BAKERY - Zurich
,14 ,M1...r#','M�tx.,..'�fi-0�IRMOWW Jas $..
Varna will be the guest speaker,
Mrs. F. Farquhar of Hensall spent
the week -end with her brother Allan
Cochrane. .
Mr. William J, Jari+ott attended the
Presbyterial in Exeter Tuesday as
a representative of the K•ippen a lid
Hillsgreen charge.
Mrs. Noel Laporte attended the
funeral of her sister, the late Mrs.
Z..Charrette at Detroit, .
Mr. and Mrs. Peter Masse . of
Windsor were week -end visitors with
her father, Mr. Ed. Etus.
Mr. John Ducharme visited with
his daughter, Mrs. Wm. Ducharme
on Tuesday.
We are sorry to report than Miss
Josephine Denomme has been on the
sick list the past week.
lVtr. and Mrs. Fred Papineau and
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Denomme motor-
ed to Goderich one day last week.
We regret to report that Mrs. Ar-
mand Denomme is still confined to
her bed, the consequences of having
some teeth extracted.
Housecleaning, yard cleaning and
a general cleanup is the order of the
day and everybody should beat in
mind that spring is the cleanup sea-
son. And most of all we should not
forget to give a hand in doing this
to our house of worship, our church,
where we get closest to our creator.
School re -opened on Monday after
Easter holidays, the teachers having
spent their holidays at their respect•
ive homes.
Mrs. E. R. Guenther resumed
home on Saturday after spending the
past week in Kitchener.
Miss Emilia Tiernan of 'London,
,pent Easter holidays with relatives.'.
Mrs. N. Evans and daughter Cath-
arine of Kitchener is spending a week
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy.
Mr. E. R. • Guenther has purchased
a new G. M. C. bus to be used on
the mail route between Exeter, Dash
wood and Grand Bend.
(Intended for last Week)
Mrs. Jacob Hartleib
Mrs. Jacob Hartleib died on Wed-
nesday April 13th at her home nere
after .an illness of about six weeks.
She was •in her 73rd year and was
a nativffe of .Alsace Lorraine. She is
survived by her husband, three sons,
Charles of Windsor; John, Dearborn,
Mich; Oscar, Wisconsin; four daugh-
ters, 1VLrs. Louis Rinker of Dashwood,
Mrs. A. D. Jones, Ohio; Mrs. Emma
Schroeder, .Pittsburg, Pa., and Mrs.
Ethel miners at home. There are al-
so a brother, Adam Schroeder of
Pittsburg and four sisters, Mrs. Felix
Wild, Dashwood; Mrs. Rose Cunning-
nings, Chicago, Ill., Mrs. August
Moore of Seafoth, Mrs. Sophia Suth-
erland, Califorriia.
Late Louis Kleinstiver
Louis Kleinstiver died on Sunday
April 17th at his .home here after a
few days illness. He helped to clear
away the bush from the site where
the village now stands and was eng-
aged in sawmill work and butchering.
He ..was .in his 87th year. Surviving
are 'two .sons William and Louis Jr.
of Dashwood, a ,daughter, Mrs. Ed-
ward Edighoffer, Biggar, Sask., and
a .stepdaughter, .Mrs. Peter Mcisaac
of Dashwood. Funeral services we
re :held ,at the residence at 2 o' -clod!
ate Wednesday with Rev, H. E. Rop-
pel officiating. .Interment in Goshen
Line Evangelical Cemetery.
.Carr—Weber Nuptials •
A pretty Zaster wedding was sol-
emri.iled at .the home ,of Mr. and Mrs.
Daniel Weber is Stephen Township
where their youngest daughter, Edith
Marie ;becaure the bride of Cuthbert
Carr of Sarnia. While wedding mus-
ic was played by JtIiss Winnifred
Battler, of Zurich., the ,bride entered
the living rao n en the arm of her
father. She was lovely in w gown of
ivory satin, with late bolero, full
length veil with orange blossoms and
carried a white satin bible showered
with Sweetheart roses and forget-me-
not. Miss Thelma Weber was her
sister's bridesmaid wearing a gown
of .baby blue sheer and carried a col
onial bauquet of roses and sweet
peas. The groom was attended by
Sandford White -of Centralia. Little
Miss Norma Beaver of Exeter, cons,
in of the bride, was a winsotne flower'
girl in pink taffeta witle a basket of
sweet peas while master Orland Tay-
lor of Crediton, 'was the ring bearer.
The ceremony was performed by Rev
A. E. Pletch of Crediton under ik
pretty arch of ferns, flowers and
silver bells. After the ceremony a
buffet lunch was served by .four fri-
ends of .the bride, Misses Aldene
Eagleson, Ila Maven Loreen Beeker
and 1VJes, A. Becker. The !bride's;
table which was centred with the
wedding cake wee attractively arr-
f anged with ivory caililles and narcissi
I For travelling the beide wore a blue
suit with hat and accesso les to meta'
After a honeymoon spent fn London
mei Toronto, Mr. a"'i M1°;Y, 'Cti.thbert
„ear will £'reins; in SS.iurnrci.
Mrs. Norman Peppier and ohildren
of Hanover were visitors with Mrs.
neppler':s sister, Mrs . J. W. Bon-
Mr. and Mrs, Harold ,Scruton and
little daughter of Port Dover were
recent visitors with relatives here.
Mrs. Roy Parlmer and daughter of
Windsor were visitors with Mrs.
Parlmer's parents, Mr, and Mrs. John
Alice Dougall of Toronto, was a
holiday visitor with her parents, Mr
and Mrs. 'Wm. Dougall.
Mr. and Mrs A. T. Douglas of
Hyde Park and Mr. and Mrs; .H. Vair
of Toronto were visitors. here with
Mrs. John Johnston and l%riss Marg-
aret Johnston.
Olive and Viola Lemmon of Tor-
onto, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Lemmon
and children of Weston, visited with
Mr. and Mrs. Wni. Parke and other
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Parke and
two children Kenneth and Betty, of
;tanley Twp., were visitors with Mrs
Jelin Parke.
Mr. and Mrs. James Tapp: of Ot-
tawa were visitors here with his par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs. James Tapp.
George Ferguson has purchased
from the executors of the estate of
the late Josha Ashton, the property
on S. Richmond st. now rented by
Mrs. Peter Fisher.
Miss F. Logan has purchased' a
vacant lot on King st. from Mr. John
Mitchell and intends having a neat
dwelling house erected and will reside
in Hensall.
Mrs. Ida F. Harding of London,
wase a recent visitor with Mr. and
Mrs. Fred Corbett.
Milton Ortwein and son LIoyd of
London, were visitors at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Ortwein.
Levi Rands has received word of
the death of his brother, J. H. Rands
at Medicine Hat, Alt,
Lee Heddei of Glaaworth was a
recent visitor in town, he was accom-
panied home by Mrs. Redden who
hes been visiting here for several
•rice little son of Mr. and Mrs. Levi
-sends has been quite ill and has
and was taken to London Hospital
'or treatment.
Mrs. John Johnston, one of Hen-
sall': grand old ladies celebrated her
87th birthday on Thursday, April 7,
Iler many friends wished her many
happy returns of the day. She has
been very active, but of Tate she
has not been enjoying her good hea-
M. G. Drysdale who has been con-
fined to his home for several weeks
suffering from rheumatism, is now
gradually recovering.
Mr, Walter Fee, who has spent the
winter et Ailsa Craig, was in town
for his sale. He was accompanied by
his son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and
Mrs. Ernest Harris.
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dewar of
Bayfield, who recently purchased the
property of the late Jessie Moir on
Queen st., have moved here and are
now nicely settled in their new home
Mrs. Emily Boyle of Toronto sp-
ent a few days with her mother, Mrs
Richard Welsh and other relatives.
Robt. McGreggor, who was serious-
ly injured while working in the bush
a few weeks ago, is now improving
New Teacher
Mr. Ralph James, Toronto, has
been accepted as the new teacher at
the Clinton Collegiate Institute .to
take charge of the General Shop
Practice course. He will assume his
duties after the summer holidays
Fingers Mangled
When his right hand became cau-
ght it the gears of a cutting bed in
the barn of his father, 7 yr. old' i
Harry Daer of Goderich lost part of
the index finger of his right hand and
had others mangled. He is in the hos-
pital. The father had the handle of
the cutter tied up with wire to prev-
ent boys getting their hands into the •
knives, but there was enough pl'ayto'
permit the lad's hands to become en-
gaged in the gears.
A quiet wedding took peace at
the Main St. United Church parson-
age, Exeter, when Rev. A. E. Elliott
united in marriage Ruth M., daught-
er of Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Pearce and
William J. Gaiser, son of John Gaiser
and the late Mrs. Gaiser; Crediton.
They were attended by the bride's
sister and her husband, Mr. and Mrs
W. C. Redmond, of Detroit. Follow-
ing the ceremony a wedding' dinner
was served at the home of the brid'e's
parents. Mr. and Mrs. Gaiser left by
motor for a trip to Toronto, .OrilTia
and other points and on their,return
will reside on the,.groom's farm, to r
Doctor- Passes.
Dr. Wesley Jahn Reid, wild, hasTice-
ed retired in Goderich for two years
since he gave up his medical practice
in Detroit, died in his 62nd year
from :a heart ailment. He was a nat-
ive of Goderich. He died at "Camer-
on Castle" one of the residentaI show
places of the section, on which he
had spent much time and money since
eetireMent It was his hobby and he
carried many novel ideas to fulfil-
ment. 1'revio11S to buying this prop-
erty he had spent his summers in
Gotl,+,.ic1l, II, was e 1 -,,,ether t o
Dere lace MagIeeraie ;alas. .A.. Reid .
Thursday, April 28th, 1938
A Slashing Sale 'of up-to-date Furniture at House
Cleaning Time when it is most Necessary.
We are offering our entire Stock from 10% to 30% off.
1 only 3 -piece Chesterfield Suite upholstered in Home-
spun all over.
Large Chesterfield and two ,chairs. spec. Sale Price $54.
3 piece Bedroom Suite, Walnut :finish, Large Vanity
Venetian Mirror, Chiff., and Bed. Extra Special
Sale Price $49_Of
1 only 8 piece Dining Room Suite Buffet 60", Double
pedestal table with folding leaf, 6 Diners in Blue Leaner
Special Sale Price $73.00.
Tri -Lite lamps with pleated Parchment Shades. These
stands have Tri -Lite and 3 candle fixtures. Sale Price
Complete with Bulbs $8.95.
High.. Riser Cable Springs, Guaranteed Sagiess
Sale Price $6.95_ Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-6.
Guaranteed. all New Material. Heavy Roll Edge
Sizes 3-3, 4-0, 4-6. Sale Price $5.95.
Sale Starts Saturday April 30th, to May 14th.
We deliver any distance. Phone 99, EXETER
Open evenings until 9.30.
DON'T' T' go,
through, an—
other winter
carrying wa-
ter from an:
outside pump..
prices are so -
favorable and
the Bost can,
a periaad of
ino•nths5 or
,•e i"4 1, p
Tgdr^t �yp't4 tri
Cay t' ii. 4� t
years . . have a DURO Wiping System installed,.
A Duro System win pump sufficient water to your
home so that yorx!1smayhave running water to the kitchen,
Laundry, barn, etc. A modern Emco Bathroom may also
fit? installed.
E zn co Prices are moderate. The Snow -White 201/)t 42"
Enamelled Sink onl , including Faucet, ready for instal-
Dairion1,...............�...,......:. 31.5 (l'
Sink and Cabinet with Faucet, as illustrated.......$61.30E
',Tar& Sirens, ±'ipc ;ena i''sttings Axtra
The Duro Special Prep,, illustrated, has a capacity of
250 gals. per hour—is snmliedd with a 30 gal. Galvanized
"Tank, 25, or 60 cycle Adotteer, and costs only i ... $ 89, OO.
Also supplied, tea as
' •ngjne o' (LetsIioss
&mall Monthly Payments
' axe tGnve il1nent Hone Inii rover' Beni_
Loan Att enables you -to purchase.
Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro ,Pumps.
on the monthly payment plan over a
period of three years.. Enquiries given•
prompt attention and estiniates supplied
London ilemilfon Toronfo Sudbury
Winnipeg 'Vancouver