Zurich Herald, 1938-04-14, Page 4PAM l OUR
Cattle! Calves! Hog
Toronto has one of the best live stock markets in Canada, excellent
accornodation, free running water. every day of the year, Market
scales Which are tested every .market morning and inspected once
each month.
Consign your' stock to us and have it sold on the Open Market,
where buyers assemble from outside cities, towns and village;, whole -
hale butchers and bu;t:'rs from numerous packing plants in this city,
also buyers for the U.S.A. and Great Britain.
Market Prices Have Advanced
Export Trade Increasing
For many years we have been doing the largest live stock commission
business in Canada, and have a stair of experienced salesmen for
any and all classes of -stock you may have to of v.
Our cheques payable at par in any chattered Bank in Ontario.
For further particulars write, wire or Telephone ---Lyndhurst 1143-
HOGA R' itr
YOUR O7' l!
For Strit.'le Hatching Dates
Hogarth Custom Hatching is not
expensive. In fact when you consid-
er the bigger percentage of chicks
you get, the greater health, increased
vitality, and hotter chances of raising
there, the cost of Hogarth Custom
Hatching—ut " cents per egg—you
truly cannot afford to fuss and worry
with setting hens, or "cranky" home
operett (1 incubators. Hogarth Cus-
tom Hatched chicks give much more
for your money.
Phone 7/16
Exeter, Ont.
[The New One Coat 4 Hour Enamel's,
Johnston and l albfleisch
Follow this
Bread Diet Plan
This Diet Plan gives about 1600
Calories a day --the reducing al-
lowance of the average woman.
1 glass fruit juice
Small serving meat, fish or eggs
2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter
1 cup coffee (clear), 1 tsp. sugar
Moderate serving meat, fish or
eggs. Average serving 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Average serving fruit salad
1 glass milk
% glass fruit or tomato juice
Generous serving meat, fish or
fowl. Average serving 2 vege-
tables, 1 green
2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter
Small serving simple dessert
1 cup coffee or tea (clear),
:... 1 tsp. sugar
REDUCING no longer means
extreme measures. On the
bread diet, you feel splendidly
energetic -- never weak, tied,
This is because bread is ,a
combination of protein and
energy -giving carbohydrates,.
Science has proved that this
combination actually helps to
burn up fat.
So build up pep as weight
comes,aeff. Follow the bread diet.
Eat 6 .stices of bread daily!
Lenten services are being held in
Goshen United Church this week,
when the following clergymen will be
present and give. the address e Mon-
day night, Rev. Mr. Burton, Clinton;
Tuesday, Rev. E. F. Chandler ox
Nippon; Wednesday, Rey: C. W.
C. W. Cousens, Clinton; Thursday.
Rev. J. Penrose of Elirnville. On- Fri
day night a sacred contata "From
Olivet to Calvary," recalling the last
day of the savour's life on earth,
will be given by the young people •of
the church.
Goshen. Auxiliary of the W.M.S.
are holding their Easter thonkolfering
meeting in the church on Thursday,
April 21st at 2.30.
Mrs. Herbert Chiles of London
will be the guest speaker. • Blake,
Varna and Hillsgreen auxiliaries are
invited. Following the meeting a • ,so=
tial hour will be held.
Mr. and Mrs. Orval McClinchey,Mr
and .i11,rs. Bruce McClinchey and •Mr.
and :Mrs. Elmore .Stephenson visited
with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Gillis, Park-
hill one evening last week.
Miss Anrta Forsythe of Toronto. is
visiting her friend, Miss re''orene
Robinson. •
Mr. and Mrs. John Cluf of Kirk -
ton spent last Friday with Robert.
E. Robinson and family.
Miss Dorothy Armstrong has re-
turned home from a visit with fri-
ends in Clinton.
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
On Sunday Iast, Palm Sunday, a
cake sale was given in aid of -the
parish .church, under the direction of
the pastor. We might say all respond-
ed well to the call, for there were
Ilots of cakes (cakes). of all kinds
and to satisfy the sweetest tooth, o f
I course there were no prizes awarded
to this work, but we believe it was a
little contest among the fair sex as
to whom could produce the best swe-
etie, so great was the demand by the
bachelors that for a time it aook the
skill and patience of the salesmen to
avoid a confusion, and whilst the ma-
idens stood back and watched glee
fully, their gatteaux (cake) dissap-
pear out of sight. The ladies must: be
complimented for their good work.
But we must also give praise to the
conft:tto and will spend their honey-
moon in London, Palmerston and.
Owen Sound. The bride travelling in
a blue suit with accessories to match,
On their return they will resale on
the groom's farm on the 14th con.
Hay Township.
Spring Wedding
A very pretty wedding was solem-
ni.ed Saturday morning Iasi at the
United Church manse, Hensall, when
Rev. A. Sinclair united in "marriage
gdna Mae, daughter of Mr, and Mrs.
Fred Carbett, Hensall to Norman
Wesley Jones, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Norman Jones, Kippen. The bride
was charming in midnight blue triple
sheer dress with snatching accessories
and carried a bouquet of pink carn-
ations. Miss Kathleen Jones, sister of
the groom, was brideswaid, and t he
groom was supported by the bride's
twin brother, Edward Corbett. A sum
ptuous wedding dinner was served at.
'the hone of the bride's parents to
about 25 guests. l:liss Annie Cole-
man and Miss Irene Mousseau, fri-
ends of the bride, waited table assis-
ted by Mrs. Alex.-1Uousseau. Later
the happy young couple left amid
showers of confetti and good wishes
on a honeymoon trip to London and
Stratford. The bride travelling in a
smart gray suit with navy accessor-
les. On their return they will ta';e •up
residence on the 2nd con., of Stanley
Death of Wm. A. McAsh
The death occurred .at his home of.
William Alexander MeAsh after a
week's illness, at the age of 84 yrs.
and 3 months. He was the second son
of the late John and Jane McAsh of
Varna, and was born on the old Mc -
Ash farm. When a young man he Iea-
rned carpentry ria*.•ileid with .T-11
Adams, and spent a number of years
in Detroit. Late). accompanied by lt's
sister •Miss Mary McAsh he went
West, spending 24 years in Saskat-
oon, Sask. A year ago they returned
,east locating in Hensall. He ie pen,
ived by five sisters and two brothers
'The funeral was held last Wednesday
afternoon from the United Church,
of which he was a member. Interment
taking place in Baird's Cemetery. '
parish priest who as so successfully. . .
financed the administration of this
parish and to bring it to a point free
from all ehcumbranc such as it has
not enjoyed in many years.
NOTES—The Messrs. Dotnique and'
Maxim Jeffrey of Beaver Town are'
busy working at their cottage in St
Joseph and when completed It will
be occupied.
Mr. and Mrs. :Bernard Hartman of
Thedford and Ralph and Nathan `-
Ronpf of Forest were Sunday visit-
ors to Mrs. Hartman's parents, at
Pointe Aux Bouleaux.
Mrs. Maurice Masse and daughter
of the Blue Water south were guests
to Mrs. Fred Ducharme on Friday
MT. Louis Ayotte of Cheboygan,
Mich., has been visiting his daughter,
at St. Joseph, Mrs. Filbert Denotnme
Mr. Clayton Smith and sons of
near Beavertown have planted a few
hundred trees around their cottage,
it will add greatly to the appearance
and should attract the attention of
the summer camper.
Mr. Peter Mcisaac is confined to
his home through illness. His friends
hope for a speedy recovery.
Mrs. Hoperoft is spending a few
weeks with friends in Niagara.
Mrs. Gill who has been visiting
with her sister in Detroit, has re-
turned home.
Special services are being held in
the Evangelical chv.reh this week.
A number of friends met at the
hone of Mrs. Hy. Hoffman on Fri-
day evening as a surprise in honor
of her birthday. The evening was
spent in playing progressive euchre,
after which a dainty lunch was ser-
Miss Jean Willert is spending a
few weeks in Kitchener.
Miss Verna Kraft has returned to
London after spending some time
witth her mother.
Mrs. J. Bruce of Windsor is spend-
; ing a few days with her parents, Mr
• and Mrs. R. Hayter.
Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Ervin
Guenther, a son on Monday April 4.
Zion Lutheran church, Dashwood,
was the scene of a lovely spring wed-
when Greta Magdel'ino, youngest
daughter of Mrs. John Dieterich be-
came the bride of Leonard Ernest,
son of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Restern-
eyer. Rev. T. Luft performed the
ceremony. The bride. accompanied
by her brother, Theodore, entered
the church to the strains of Lohin-
grinwedding march which was play-
ed by Mrs. Edgar Restemeyer. The
bride was lovely gowned in white net
with jacket of braid trimming and
her silk veil was held by orange blos-
soms and carried a bouquet of pink
briar roses. The bridesmaid, Miss
Amelia Rader was dressed in blue
lace with silk net trimming arra hat
ito match and carried pink Nancy
.roses. The groom was supported by
Harold Kraft, buries' the signing of
• the register Martha Rader and Alvin
Vd;'l'eee song "0 Peeeeee Leree n Te.
'Reply couple left amid shower's of l
Thursday, April 14th, 193$'
1 If You are Thinking of Furniture this Spring, Visit
We have a very large Stock of Furniture in the very
Latest Designs
3 -Piece Chesterfield Suites, large size IN GOOD COV-
ERS, priced at $57.00, 6944 79.00, 89.00 to 1.50.0
These suites are all exceptional value and are much
better than offered in the Cities at the same price.
We carry a full line of Dining Room and Bedroom
furniture, occasional pieces and lamps galore.
Our Bedding Department is second to none.
We have a full line of Bed Springs and Mattresses
We can fit any bed with springs and mattresses at
Prices to suit your purse.
Pay us a visit at our Store Mils Sr; Exeter, whether
you are in need of furniture or not. We are glad to
Show our GGIXIS,
We deliver any distRnce.
Phone 99, EXETER
Water System
Plumbing Tixtures
Visualize your own home
with these fixtures and equip-
ment installed. Try to realize
the countless number of steps
and tiring tasks that running
water, under pressure, will
save .you.
A Duro Pumping System will
provide water at the turn of a
faucet and make it possible for
you to modernize your home.
Emco Fixtures are moderately
priced. Fixtures complete with trim-
mings, as illustrated, ready for in-
stallation, cost:
Bath Tub ,
Toilet ,
Basin,17"x19" .
Sink, 20"x42" only, with. faucet
Sink and Cabinet, with faucet
No. 30 Range Boiler
complete less heater
Septic Tank .
Duro Pump with 30 Gal. Tank
(Soil Pipe, Iron Pipe and Fittings extra)
Enquiries will receive prompt atten-
tion and estimates will be furnished
without charge.
Under the
Gov't l'lotne
Loan Act the
cost of mod.
homer mizie Cara n gc youber
spread ever a
three year
For Sale Ey
EMPIRE mitss Z `F. CO'LIVIITEV—toacon. Hamilton Toronto, Sudbury,, Winnipeg, V'anco:vet'
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