HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-04-07, Page 4ZURICH HERALD Cattle! Calve! Hogs! Sheep! Teronto has one of the best live stock markets in Canada, excellent acconxodation, free running water every day of the year. Market reales which are tested every market morning, and inspected once each month. Consign your stock to us and have it sold on the Olen ,Market, where buyers assemble from outside cities, towns and villages, whole- sale butchers and buyers from numerous packing plants in this city, also buyers for the U.S.A. and Great Britain. Market Prices Have Advanced Export Trade Increasing For many years we have been doing the largest live stock commission business in Canada, and have a stag of experienced salesmen for any and all classes of stock you .may have to offer. Our cheques payable at par in :any chartered Bank izi Ontario. For further particulars write, wire or Telephone—Lyndhurst 1143- 1144. THE UNITED FARMERS CO-OPERATIVE CO., LIMITED, LIVE STOCK "COMMISSION DEPT. UNION STOCK YARDS — WEST TORONTO U....,®.m.- . ,.s,no..m L E l? HOGARTH CUSTOM HATCH YOUR OWN EGGS ARRANGE NOW 1 For Suitable Hatching Dates Hogarth Custom Hatching is riot expensive. In fact when you consid- er the bigger percentage of chicks you get, the greater health,. increased vitality, and better chances of raising them, the cost of Hogarth Custom Hetching—just 3 cents per egg you truly cannot afford to fuss and worry with setting hens, or "cranky" home operated incubators. Hogarth Cus- tom Hatched chicks give much more for your money. I-IQGAR T H CHICK HATCHERY Phone 266 -- Exeter, Ont. STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mrs, E, Johnson and son George E. of Goderich visited with friend's in• this community, Mr. Frank Filliughma remrued from New Ontario, and has engaged with Mr. E. Mainley. Mr. Sam Oesch and family spent Sunday with Mr. David Oesch and family of Blake, Mr. and Mrs. Art Keys visited fri- ends in 'London last Thursday. BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartzentrub er spenteSunday with Mr. and `Mrs.' John nSteckle. Mr. and Mrs. Levi Smith from Markham .spent theweek-end with the former's sister, Mrs. Josiah Steekle. M.r. Rubon ,Gingerich from New Hamburg spent the -week-end with. his parents, Mr. and Mrs, .SamGing- erich. Mr. and Mrs. Alnos Gingerich and Jean, Miss Alice Erb, Mr. and Mrs. ' 'Roy Gingerich and son Melvin, were Sunday visitors With Mr. and Mrs. is Sam Gingerich. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Eichler, of Pigeon, Mich; and Mrs. Merano Be- chler were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Sol. Bechler. HILLSa-R. E'EN 17 Beautiful Shades — Washable — Durable Johnston and Kalbfleisch ZURICH — ONT. .liEla'"r.04.4 Follow this Bread Diet Plan This Dict Plan gives about 1600 Calories a day the re- ducing allowance of the aver- age woman. BREAKFAST 1 glass fruit juice Small serving meat, fish or eggs 2 SLICES TOAST, 1 sq. butter 1 cup coffee (clear), 1 tsp. sugar LUNCH OR SUPPER Moderate serving meat, fish or Average serving green vertbl 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter Average serving fruit salad 1 glass milk DINNER 14 glass fruit or tomato juice Generous servh'g meat, fish or fowl. Average serving 2 vegetables, 1 green 2 SLICES BREAD, 1 sq. butter ,Small serving simple dessert cup coffee or tea (clear), 1 tsp. sugar 'VMKT BREAD ET ite- duces you safely—builds up your pep as it ta+1 es ,off weighs. Tiemember, science has proved that bread itself is not fattening. It ie a come binatjon of carbohydrates and pitoteins that actually helps to burn up fat. To enjoy sparkling health es your ,p1ennds disappear, to11ow the bread diet. Eat ;six slices s4 bread daily! E,KE 1L'S J3A.KERY - Zurich t, The Women's Auxiliary : of the Hiilsgreen Church are invited to the Goshen Church for their April meet- : ing on Thursday afternoon nApril 21st. Mrs. Childs is the guest speaker So as many as can please plan to be there mid hear this speaker. Mrs. W. Huxtable of Centralia, visited her mother and family. Mr. Win. J. Jarrott and Annie vis- ited at the home of Mr. and: , ,2rs. W. Heart. Mr. James Cochrane of Toronto, visited his 'brother Mr. Allan Coch- rane, also his sister, Mrs. F. Farqu har and Miss Edna Cochrane at Ben- gali. Miss Annie Jarrott who has been working at the Huron Springs Hospit- al near Hensall, is carrying on there at present. The ladies are quilting the Mission quilts on Wednesday of this week at the church. Miss Margaret MacKenzie is work- ing at the home of IVIr. and Mrs. R. Love. DASHWOOD PAPERHANGING Over 600 .Samples to choose from. Estimates Free. Prices Reasonable C. F. PFILE--DASHWOOI t36 Wedding Bells are ringing this week. Mr. and Mrs. Hopkins of St. Tho - mash spent a few days with her mother ;Mrs. S. :Gottschalk and. sister Mrs. Wan. Stade. Mrse Gottschalk returning with them and will visit for a few weeks. Mr.' and Mrs. D. Meerburg and family .of. Port Franks were Sunday visitors with 11lr. Jonas Hartleib and Laeada. Mr. George .Kellerman has return- ed after spending a few weeks in Kitchener. Mr. Jack Guenther and friend of Ottawa is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Guenther. Mrs. Betty Taylor underwent an operation for her tonsils on Tuesday in Dr. Taylor's Hospital. Mrs. Roy Meaner of the 1.4th con., is spending a few days at the hoine of Mr. and Mrs. E. Rader. About twenty-five friends met at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Klumpp on Saturday evening as a surprise in honor of her birthday. The evening was spent in playing progressive enchre, after which a dainty lunch was served with the table centred with a lovely birthday cake. Mrs. Klumpp received a num- ber of beautiful gifts. Those whe attended the funeral of the late George Koch recently were; Mr .and Mrs. John Doerr, Auburn; Mrs. Mary Eeimbuch and-aMrgaret Heimbuch, Irene, Dorothy ,and Clay- ton Heimbuch from Tavistock; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. +Seims, Hew Hamburg; Mrs. H. Little, Hensall; .Mr. and .Mrs Geo. •Salmon, Mrs. M. •Siemon and Mr and Mrs. Carl Seinion and son from Brodhagen and Mr. and Mrs. Ethol Pitt and sons; Mrs. K. Moss of Dev- izes and Mr. C. Tuscany of Mount Clemens, Mich. WENSAI I Miss Beryl Druanmond has disposed of her beauty parlor *which she has successfully conducted foe a number of years to Miss Maud Hackney of Exeter and who has taken posession ?'r. and Mrs: Collyer ani children of London were visiting friends in Hensall recently. Joyce iScruton of Toronto was a visite'• here with her p1ctlier, Mrs, A. •Seruton and sister 'Mildred. Miss Florence Welsh was a recent :visitor in Toronto. Mrs. James Logan and Mrs. Al. ia,'arvey have .returned to their home after a pleasant visit with Scafpxth relatives. A bingo and dance under' Legion iispices was largely att,uli0d,. Mole ,Illi 20 prizes were giveli. Henry Horton bas sold his 50 -acre farm, part of lot 9, con, 2 Tucker - smith township, to Wes, Green, Mr. Horton is taking .Mr. Greens prop- erty here in part payment, while Mr. Green gets a nice farm. .Inspector Beacom of Goderich, public school inspector was perform- ing his duties here Thursday last. Fred, Manns still continues quite poo Leslrlyie Ratz spent the week end with his family at Mitchell. John McGregor, who was taken to St, Joseph's Hospital, London, for treatment, . underwent a major oper- ation at the hospital, and is progress- ing nicely The m.any friendse of M. G. Drysdale will regret to hear that he is confined to his room suffering from a severe attack of inflamatory rheu- matism, Mrs. Wm. Bell, who has been in London hospital for some time • past in•the interest of her health, has re- turned home, which her friends are pleased to hear, and wish her cantin- tied improvement. A very enjoyable event took place; last Tuesday evening at the farm of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Corbett, Blind Line, Hay, when some 40 of their friends gathered at' their home in honor of their daughter Mae Corbett bride -elect of the week. Old Landmark Removed Workmen are engaged now in wrecking the old Yorkshire Packing Hpuse plant here. The building is sit- uated near the station and has been a landmark for years. Return from South Mr, and Mrs. John Bolton have re- cently returned from a pleasant visit during the winter months in Florida and feeling anuch benefitted in health. While there they were just a couple of doors from Hensall friends, Mr. and Mrs. James Bonthron and Mrs. 1..0. Dayman, of this village, who were there also spending the winter months. Mr. and Mrs. Bolton made the trip by bus and were some four days in making it, as they did not travel at night. Former Resident Passes Word has been received that Wm. ssay, a former well known fanner f the .Hensall district, had passed a- ay;at Carbery, Man. He has been in oor health for several years. About Year ago he suffered a severe stroke orn which he failed to .recover and as been in nursing home in Carberry nee. Born 65 years ago on the Blind Hay Township, son of the late r and Mrs. Thos. Essay. He spent ost of his early life there and after e'death of his parents he conducted e' farm now owned by Wesley Cole - an till the farm was sold. 38 years o'he and his brother, Francis,went est'gnd took up land on the •Garber- plains''ne'ar the' village of Brook- le•''and where they were weIi kno . and tisccessful farmers. A few ars ago a large barn on their pro- rty was struck by lightning and antly killed. Neither brother: was fried; E 0 w a fr li si Li 1VI m th th ag w ry da wn ye pe inst ma +—+ COUNTY NEWS New Secretary -Treasurer Hugh Berry, of Usborne, hasbee appointed secy-treas. of the Kirkto Agricultural Society, to fill the va ancy.caused by the resignation of A Doupe. The Kirkton Fair has been existence for 60 years and durin than time it has had only two secrst axles. For the past 34 years Mr.Deup has filled the position in a very abl and efficient manner. Previous t that Robt. Beatty was secretary. Hutchsinson—Clark A quiet wedding was solemnize on March 26th, when Evelyn Ma daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harr Clark of the 14th con., Stephen, wa united in marriage to Arthur Hutch inson, son of..M', and the late Gord on Hutchinson df.Parkhf 1. The at tendants were James 'Clark and Nola Hutchinson, :brother of the bride and sister of the groom. The ceremony was performed :by Rev. D. Gladman, at the United ,Church parsonage, at Crediton, 30 Year Old'Pony Dies What is at least a most unusual oc- etlrrence, if not a record for the dis- trict, was established this week, with .the death of a 30-year-ol;i pony own- ed by Dr. J. G: Grieve, well known Soaforth veterinary .surgeon. Formany years the pony, which was rais- ed'by Dr. ,Grieve, was a familiar sight on ,Seaforth ancl district roads. Now 49 Mills At a' special sitting Goderich Town Council struck the tax rate for 1938 at 49 wills, a reduction of one mill as compared with last year. There is 'Atte change in the debenture or sch- ool rates or other uncontrollable ex- penditures, the mill saving being made by having public works and other committee estimates. Wedded 60 Years ;• Active and; cheery, seemingly 20 years younger than their 81 and 75 years respectively, indicate, Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Drinkwater of Goderich, on Saturday observed the 60th anni- versary of their marriage. Not only acre this couple `hale and hearty",but they are malting the most of every day, enioying tie with a broad out- look and a keen sense of humor to oeset the. wormer of this motion,motion,world. 112r, Drinkwater sailed all his lite as rine eisgh eer on the Great S�alegY in n n c-' g e a d y, Y 1 Thiwsaay, April 70t, l cJ3' S Well -Conditioned Barns— As Well As 'a rm Houses Farm 'owners take Justine ablepride in keeping their buildings in good condi- don. If 'you do nor have the ready cash to make needed repairs and J provements, you card bor- row at the Rank, under the Home Improvement P1an.1 You can get the money at any one of our 500 branches and repay by easy instalments. 1717 ESTABLISHED 1817 AL " bank inhere small assns are welcome" DON'T go through an- other . winter carrying wa- ter frown, am: outside pump:. prices are so: favorable and the crust can Be spread! over a period of xrro ntlr•s> ox . - yeaas -. . liav a DURO Pumping System installed._ A Ernie' System will pump sufficient water to your - home so that you may have running water to the kitchen,,. laundry, barn, etc.. A. modern Ensco' Bathroom may also', be ilrstalte*-L Janco• Prices are moderate. The Snow -White 20"x 42"- 1 nameli'ed+ Sink only,, including Faucet, ready for instal— lation, costs, ......... ».........� ._... $31.50 Sink and Cabinet with Faucet, as illustrateds1.so Trap, Iron Pipe and i ittings Iixtra The. Duro Special Piunp, illustrated, has a capacity of 250 gals. per hour—is supplied with a 30 gal. Galva • ' .ec1LL. Tank,, 25 or 60 cycle Motor, and costs only ihe,, jto Small Monthly Paynients- The Government Horne Improvement Loan Act enables you to purchase Emco fixtures, fittings and Duro Pumps on the monthly payment plan over a period of three years. Enquiries given prompt attention and estimates supplied without charge. FOR SALE AND INSTALLED BY STADE and WEIDO Duro-Special. Also, supplied for, Gasoline. EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Engine. operation. London Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg Vancouver 138 GENERAL NEWS EASTERN SYRUP IN' LONDON For the est time in more than as score of years maple syrup imported from. EasternOntario reached the city of London.. A truckled' of abea 20 gallons from I'hilipsville, was off- ered on the market on Saturday at 9 o'clock and by 10.30 it was all sold. As up to this spring a plenti- ful syrup harvest has always been tapped in the London district. Due to the unfavorable weather only 30 p.c. of the normal .Crop arem erstainestarsis year. li Canada's Defence, Canadas' jlefence bill for 1938-39 will be $2,000,000 less than last year despite a proposal to purchase two new destroyers for the Royal Canad- ian Navy. Expenditures by the Dept. of national defence totaling $34,034- 634 compared with ;36,034,371 last year are outlined ,in the estimates. Purchase of two new destroyeris will bring Canada's naval strength up to six fighting ships. These two new ones rviiil ,be bought from British ad- miralty for delivery in the summer. The increased destroyer strength will be assigned to duty on cthe Pacific Boast. At present two ships are en the Atlantic and two on the Pacific:, When the new destroyers arrive four will be stationed on the West coast .erre .two: on. the East.,