HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-04-07, Page 1• Vol. XXXVIII N040 . ZURICH. THURSDAY MORNING APRIL 1938. •11.011..01.101•11•••••,,, .••1 Chester L. Smith, Publish* - •...efre2' g1.25 a year, U.S, $1,80 in Advent* 0,50 INARAHAR% 02 MAY OS (MARCUM ead the Home News. Follow the Local Ads. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR EASTER • • Special Easter prices on Permanents beginning on March 24 and ending on April 16th. Hairdressing Saline on rear of store. For appointments- call us on phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church; ZURICH - ONT. "A Changeless arriat for a Chene-: Ina World." fr:Friday, 8h -Luther League. Thursday -Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. ne-German Serviee. 11.115 a.m.-Sunday SchoeL 7.30 p.m. -English service. 'Everybody Welcome ta all Services. E. TUERICHEIM, Pastor. A Publisher's Blessing o blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due. Sends in. the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amoimt, Wherewith to straighten his account. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z urbrigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER awy Week Day Except 'Weanesday _747_ Highest Quality FINEST SFI.FCTION LOWEST PRICES A CALL AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU WE HAVE OVER 35 USED CARS TO 'CHOOSE FROM BEDOW IS ONLY .A PARTIAL LIST: 1937 Dodge Coach-Sinall 1936 Chevrolet Coach -Trunk, Heater, diydrolic Brakes. 1931 Fard DeLux-Town Sedan. 1929 Cher_ Sedan -Leas Eike 'New. 1928 For1coech--5 to mi1r.,.P2tom. 1930 Ford Coach---Grighnil Upholetering. 1931 Ford, Coupe. 1928 Cher. Coach at e• *125.00 1929 Ford Coach • $12'5.130 1928 Cher. Sedan at 1928 Essex Coach, neve tires ......-...,....... ..... $75.00 1935 V8 Coach at 442590 1930 Cher_ Coach, Repainted nice linbrair Up'heleterhig $225.00 1937 Ford V8 Light Delivery Truck. 1928 Whippet Coupe, at $38.00 AND MANY .0IMILRS C. .FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUT021 ZURICH - ONT. Cockshutt Parade of Program • MOVING PICTURES WITH SOUNDS RADER'S GARAGE DASHWOOD See our Sample Implements and see COCKSHUT MACHINES at Work on 'Canadian Faxm. Come one! ,Come all! This show is FREE! FREE! Friday, April 8th. at 8 p.m. -All Canadian HAIRDRESSING • -,-- lotar .,) Mr. and Mrs. Herb Mousseau were recent visitors to Kitchener. Miss Eleen Turkheim of London is spending a few days at her home here Miss Pearl Gellman has moved to rooms above Merner's store in the Melick block. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron A. Wcber of ISeleringville were Friday visitors with friends in Zurich area. Mr. and Mrs.E. P. Klopp. spent a few clays at Elmira, the guests of Rev Get your Permanents for Easter at and Mrs. Lloyd Kalbfleisch. Bayfleld: 42.00 $3.50 • $5.00. , Mrs. All work guaranteed.-Makins' Beauty Amelia Fuss is visiting with her daughter Mrs. J. J. Swartz in Shoppe. Phone Clinton 631-25 Detroit for a few weeks. .1111, In Magistrate's Court It took only a few minutes for Magistrate Makins to dispose of the police court docket at Goderice. last Thursday, there being- only two cases on the list. Both were set over air a week. On a reckless driving charge Ray Dean was remanded to next Th ursday, to allow the crown to secure witnesses. Charged with non-support Stanley Dutot, Stanley Township,was remanded to jail for a week. HAY COUNCIL The xegular monthly meeting of the Council of the Township of Hay was held in the Town Hall, Zurich, on Monday, Aptil 4th, with all mena bees pre.&ent. The minutes of the ni Mr. and Mrs. James Paterson of •Hensel]. were Sunday visitors at the home of Mr. and Mee. Ed. Gascho. • Mr. and Mrs. Len. Heist and .son, and Miss Edith Klopp of Detroit, were week -end visitors with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Klopp. Mr. Alex. McKenzie attended the ,funeral of his brother, James Mc- Kenzie at Aline, Michigan on Thurs- day last. ; Miss Mildred Merner, a grand- daughter of Mr. William Merner of Winnipeg, is visiting at the home of 3. W. Merner and family at present. Mrs. Elizabeth Weber,:who •spent tl-,e past winter in Rochester, N. Y., ed to Zurich and. will assist ;di's.- H. go' • • • • • thapt !JE JUNE' BRIDE! Two feature values In lovely hand. carved rings. Above,. Smart design with carved flowers I 4 K sole Left .Modern Bright faishe41( PRICED TO SAVE, YOU MONEY A. G. HESS Why pay for cheap Coal when you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best., Also: Miller Creek Alberta (Rose- dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 Hensall 40041.4.006100.4).4,4.00,:., •.!...,› 4 0 0...tr.**44.4.440•44.+Cottr • „eaareek:Iiitebener, Ont., xecently return - ding held IVIarch • 7th were adopted • Mousseau with her work this coming as read. .Among the communications laid season. • before the Council was a. statement aVIr. and Mrs. Albert Hendrick and ifrom the Department of Highways of 'sans Donald aof e Bine • • • Ontario with cheque attached for and Lloyd th $3562.87, being amount of subsidy on Water south, Mr. Crair Geiger and d sister Romaine of the Bronson line, expenditures on Township Roads and attetrded,the funeral of the rate Mrs streets Zurich Police Village for 1937.• The following resolutions were pas- . sed: • • . That J. A. Addison, B.A., M.D., be ppointed as Medical Officer of Ilea - 11 of the Township of Hay in place WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESe. Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Chipsoz, large pkg. . .19c Aylmer Tornato No. .2 Tins 2 tins i 3 Del Maiz Corn,, 2 tins .. 25c OldDutch Cleanser,, 2 :tins -......... ..... .. ... ...... 19c Pork and Beans 2 i -m, 3 'fins ..... .............. .... . 25c Tomato juice 25% -oz, 2 tins .. i 9c Quaker corn flakes f II :slop.ping bag free with 3 Plizgs-) 25c Corn Starrlz per pkg. . 10c Toilet Tissue, 4 pkgs. .. 25c Royal York coffee 1,46. ;fin 37c Cheese, half -lb. boxes, per box . 15c • Prunes large iize;„ 2 lbs.,• . . ,25c WALLPAPER At Moderate Prices. See Our Sample Book jean Gordon Dresses at .•• 98c Rayon Printed Dr.esses at 25c f Dr. A. 3 1-acKinnon, deceased. That carotaker of hall be instruct- Sunday visitors at the home of Min. and Mrs.. Kuno, Hat Liam,. •Goshen trim ed that no more transients 'will be given accomodation after April 4th. rear L H. Turnbull and Fergus Ternie-:!1 be awarded the contract of crushing gravel at Welsh's .•.ar 14 cents per cubic yard of material pla- Herva Vallette, at Flint, Mich. • Mir. andvfrs. Hector Laporte, and •Clarlette, Mr. and Mrs. Remie Jeff- rey; 'Me: and Mrs. F. E. Ducharnre and children Leopete, and Blelse, all from the St. Joseph •district, were Hand Injured Mk, Eavard. Beavere who is an. em- ployee rt the Kalbfleisch planing mill had the misfortune Fast Nveek. to'haver cid in bin attached to crusher, and his hand injured while working aro- also contract of trucking crushed and the large band sasv. In soma material unto the township roads at way the back of his right hand came rn contact with the fast travelling' Ibladb- of the saw and S'efore he coul'd' jerk it away the comdson the biz of his hand were severed feom a few - lingers: rt wilt be, several weeks and. perhaps longer l5efbre Mr, neeeec will] again have. Rilluse of his haii4 - TO END COUNTY COUNCILS-, T'oronto-It was: reported on gawi R. Adams rd lg $4; A. Reichert rd authority that. the. Ontario Geri - 4 88; R. Miller rd 9 1.75; M. G. Deitz meld will take. tender consideration gasoline & oil 49.23; H. Steinbattle. between new.- and! the next seTebe of Road Supt. $21; E. Campbell rd 1 the House the question of aballieon 8.60; C. Aldworth rd 2 4.25; 0. Greb of county conneille and reduc-t4 of rd 6 5.25; A. Rader plow replies: the Legislature from 90 to 7'01 eats. 5.75; W. Farrell rd. 18 $6; T. Stein-IThe general' inanicipal situatlien will bach rd 8 7.50; U. A. Wile rd'be brought laimediately undlee survey 6.70; A. Mousseau rd 3 $2; P. Neu-1 by Hon. E. Cross municipal affairs I schwanger rd 7 3.60. m dept., it was said, A Cabinet con - Hay Telephone -Bell Co. tolls- San ittee analle selected to dlati. with the to Feb. 87.83; Econ. Fire Inc. CodriS redistribution qteation int time fol. '7.20; Northern Elec. Co. material possible, peing of implementairy leg - 183 31. P. McIsaac, salary and Tahoe, islation next spring. Beier that the 6I/e. cents per yard mile. That accounts covering payments on Township Roads,. Hay Telephone, Chaeity & Relief and general acco- unts be passed as per vouchers: Township Roads -C. L. Smith, adv. tenders 4.65; Huron Expositor db 4.41; R. Munn rd.. 1 $10; S. Ropp rd. 2 9.65; P. Campbell rd 14 4.40; E. Hendrick rd 14 94.77; S. Hoffman ,d 8 12.40; J M. Ziler, rd 10 56.51'; 564.80; Workmen's Comp. Board, ast 9.77; W. F. Hamlyn, carleaci poles 430,90; A. F. Hess, part salary $90; H. G. Hess 1 month salary 1:65.00. Charity & Relief -Exeter, ee ind- iqellt 18.50; C. Rinker milk 8.78; J. Albrecht re transients,. 4.50; E. Tiereart & Son 'acct. 21.75; Mrs. E. Geiser milk 4.96; E. Ilendriek• rent 3.50; W. Hay allowance $20, L. • Provinglimi House is too, ilarge and un- weildy, insofar as membership is eon - corned', has long been entertained by Premier Hepburn. WSping out of the, county councils is said to have been conaidered aeveeat Cabinet meet- ings last fall, and even in some lakete sures right up to the present seeston. Reported plans were to test etneton on the ticklish. issue by having: • • ee. 0 • • • o • • • • 2 E STER • 4111 • • • 4 rpt• April 17th • ORDER YOUR NEW EASTER SUIT N WE BE IN LINE, BE ON TIME! CHOOSE • • FROM THE FINEST RANGE • • eat 0 • • • • EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH • • •20.00 • SPLENDID RANGE AlAT .. • • , - - . , n4:9721 4Ff O 1 In arn • i • Zo. ( La Egi Uk ; • ; • ; • EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS - •411,14.04,40.444,044to _ - . is a ..:. • 0 i',004.0,00ooc.e, as 4p ix . • Hartleib acct. 8.32; De Tiernan wood irate member either introduce a bill $2. General Accounts-Fiestbrook,Mota teith & Co. audit $112.00; Municipal World relief vouohers 5.27; C. Fritz wood for hall $15; A. F. Hese part salary $85; 0, L. Smith printing act. 87.80; W. S, Johnston postage 2.22. The Council adjourned to meet a- gain. n 'Monday, May 2nd at 1.80, o'cleak in the aftel:noon. A. F, ItE?","fi, providing foe the abolition, ex a re- solution faeeroxing such a course, William Fbilayson, Conservative me- mber for Simcoe East and former minister of lands and forests, advoc- a ted in the Legislature that member- chibe cut to 50, This Legislature too large", hqoaid. "You coukti go right down the line with counter coun- cils next. They 6hould be, alagialied entirely." AIMMIMENNI=EIS22MIgl` We Thank Our May Customers who Pat- ronized Us During Our Two Week's Sale and We have decided to Continue to sell all our Winter Goods at, REDUCED PRICES. New Goods Arriving all the time. Your Patronage Solicited. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT BLAKE PHONE 11 u,97 1.4