Zurich Herald, 1938-03-31, Page 1'Vol. XXXVI I lt ZURICHTHURSDAY MORNING, MARCH 31,1938. HAIRDRESSING ead the Horne News. THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING, SALON SPECIALS FOR EASTER Special Easter prices on. Permanents beginning on March 24 and ending on April 16th. Hairdressing Salon. on. rear of store.For appointments call us on phone 102 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ Cr a Chain- ing- World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICE'S: 10 a. ro.—German Service. 11.2.5 a.m.—Sunday SehooL 7.30 p.a1.—Exigligh service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIRT, Paster. A Publisher's Blessing o blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due. Sends in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good. friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account. Xe..7322MORIGIOSINIMINIV COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z urbrigg,R.o. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER 0 v.-er-e Week Day Except Viccity esday Highest FINEST SELECTION Qualit a - V, LOWEST PRICES - A CALL AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU WE HAVE OVER 35 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM BEDOW IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST: 1937 Dodge Coach--Srnall Mileage. 1936 Chevrolet Coach—Ti.unk, Heater, Hydrolic Brakes. 1931 Ford DeLux—Tovm Sedan. 1929 Chev. Sedan.----LoOks lake 'Nifty. -1928, FortrCoach-.--5. to Pick From. • 1930 Ford Coach --Original Ilpholatering. 1931 Ford coupe. 1928 Chev. Coach at. . . .$125:00 1929 Ford Coach at .. . .$125.00 1928 Chest-. Sedan at 4100.00 1928 Essex Coach, new tires $75.00 1935 V8 Coach at $425.00 1930 (3hev. Coach, Repainted nice Mohair Irpholaterbog .$?.2-5.00 1937 Ford VS Light Delivery Truck. 1928 Whippet Coupe, at ... 4:31120 AND MANY OTHERS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTOI`:.3 ZURICH — Chester L. Smith, PublimbiA. $1,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advatum $1.50 INARREA,B,S, $2 KAY Follow the Local Ads. li,21•1•11•1.•11M111111111•1111=1.11..... Leavitt's Theatre, EXETER — ONT. Thurs., Fri., Sat. •March 31, Ap. 1-2 "DOUBLE OR NOTHING" With Bing Crosby and Martha Raye. Exclusive motion pictures of the World's Heavyweight Championship fight, Joe Louis—Nathan Mann. Midnight Show, Monday 12.15 a.m. Monday night TRUE CONFESSION Carole Lombard—Fred McMurray John Barrymore. A FARCE COMEDY • '••••••-'''Zi"9344/ • • Dr. A. Moir of Hensall called in 'town on Tuesday. Mr. Alfred Melick is visiting rela- tives in Detroit and Pigeon, •Mich., for a few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Wilson of Crediton called on Zurich friends one day last week, Rev. and Mrs. J. P. Huh of St. Jacobs were Tuesday visitors at the Zurich Evangelical parsoinze-a. Tuesday and Wednesday ,• Mr. Gordon Draper and lady fri- Two nights only end of Toronto were week -end visit- ors with Mr. and IVIrs. Erwin Schilbe "THE LIFE OF EMILE ZOLA'. Featuring: PANL MUNI Mrs. William Miller was a Sunday Visitor with ,Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hag- ai, Mr. and Mrs. Jack McDonagh and son Ross of Lucknow visited Mr. and Mrs. Ward Fritz last Thursday. Coniing—"Thin Ice" with Sonja Henie. IMO Come! TO THE Evangelical Supper IN The Church Basement On Thursday Eve., March 31st. Prices -25c and 15c. EVERYBODY WELCOME Pastuerizing of Milk! Farmers, it seems, are not to ;dome under the provisions of the bill mak • ing pastuerization of milk ,compuls, Dry. Town. and city people are to be protected against the perils of raw milk; but farm children are to be allowed to drink all they like of .the , "dangerous" and "germ -filled" fluid. Coderlich Star -Signal. WE SELL THE. BEST FOR LESS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Corned beef„ 2 tins for ........................23c Standard Peas, 2 tins 19 c Palmolive Soap (tooth paste or shaving cream free,, 2 cakes - 12c Heinz catsup, large bottle, each 19c Peanut butters, 2 lbs. 25c Maple Leaf salmon, halls 19c,; 1.4b. :tin - ...... McCormicks Soda Liscuits, blit .pkg. 2 pkgs.....25c Sliced pineapple per tin Oc Raisins, Seedlss, 2 lbs. 25:t ,Castle Floor wax, each - 25c Bon Anti powder pkg. . ... 14c WALLPAPER We have it. At .all prices and .pattems. If you want to decorate ata moderate price see our Sample Book. Jean Gordon I -louse Dresses At ,98c Aff _V. Phone 140 mititi..ditnelainsreiretroirliereirraisortimrsisaresseirrienteerteere - Huron Old Boys The annual euchre and bridge get- 1-gether of the Htn-on Old Boys' As- eociation of Tat:auto will be held at Lovereign Hall, 805 Dovercourt Rd. on Tuesday -evening, April '5th. There All • ..tiod prizes and special -attrac- tiona. dl Huronites are requested to be present as this is expected to be the big night of the year. TOOK COURSE AT O.A.C. Ontario Agriculture. College,. Guelph March 22nd„ 1938 To whom it may Concern. Mr. Melton Walper has spent the past two weeksat the Dairy De- partment, Ontario Agriculture Coll- ege, studying and practising the sampling and testing of whole mirk for butterfat with the Babcock test. His work was done under the direct- ion of our staff and we feel that he is qualified to do the sampling and testing of milk necessaryfor cow - testing work. Yours truly, W. H. Sprule, Professor of Dairying J211111MW Talking Pidares TOWN HALL' ZURICH On THURSDAY MARCH 31st. World• Bros, present 2 Big Western Stars GENE AUTRY Radio's Silver Voiced Singing Om - boy, and KEN MAYNARD With his Wonder Horse, Thezan IN OLD SANTA FEE An unusual Westerat also Dionne Quintuplets With the rteeeacit Dr, Defoe. Perfect .Sound and Vision. ADULTS t15 CeritS, CHILDREN Le, Messrs. Ivan Yunblut and Jacob Eaberer attended the hockey match at Toronto Saturday evening. Rev. and Mrs. F. L. Howald and family of Elmwood attended the funeral of the former's aunt, the late Mrs. Cyrus Colosky on Monday. `Mr. Quimby Hess who is attending '11 (vont° University was a recent vis- itor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. ' 4 F. Hess. I A supper is being served ter the ,. angelical Church this Thursday evening to which the public are in- vited, " Mr. Norman Overholt of the Bfue Water Highway has leased the farm of'IVir. Alex. Etue, near Drysdale, for -a term af years. Miss r-sabel M. Manson, R. N. of Receiving Hospital, Detroit, who has' spent the oast two months at her home on the Goshen line, no'rth, due to a fractireed ankle, has returned to,' s' . a Detroit, hong to resume her duties. e 1 WE ING sinty Howe, end baguette de- gn ta 14 K gold 5.00 8. Exquisite de. sign set with 3 perfect diamonds. 18.50 C. Modern style in 14 K natural or white gold. 3.00 A. G. HESS • 41:005**pir PHONE YOUR 0 Why pay for cheap Coal when you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best. Also: Miller Creek Alberta :(Rose- dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON 1 We pay Cash for Eggs 1 Pone 10 Hensall • 0.+4,0900.0.0044.040004-0i000+00.0004044.0.0004)-440.400 01- * * ex. • • • • : • ' EASTER:.„ • • : • April 17th : .. : : : oi • ORDER YOUR NEW EASTER SUIT _ . w, •• NOW! a, ek Z gai • 4*' CHOOSE 0 CHOOSE .2. .0, 0. • Rev. A. E. Pletch D.S. of Crediton conducted services in the Evangelical church last Wednesday evening. Af- ter which the quarterly conference was held and at which time Mr. Jos- iah Geiger was appointed as layman for the congregation to attend the annual conference held in Stratford earlyin May,. " OBITUARY a • • • a 4?). Late Mrs.. Cyrus Colosky Zurich and cammunity were greatly shocked on Friday afternoon when it was mads known. that Mrs. Annie Schilbe, relict of the late Cyrus Kol- osky was founiL in her home lying in front of hex be.d with the spritihaving left the body and life was extinct. Deceased hadheen in her usual good health the preetions evening when her daughter Mrs, J. Albrecht of town had called an the mother. The pass- ing evidentit, was sometime during the night as. the elictric light was turned one and the departed was in her night. attire. Always a very rugged and hardy woman, sra had known lfttle else but hard wosit all her life, and. elle will beefreati miss- ed itt hex. neighborlood, as elle was alwayse5t a dtieerful and obliging diateesjAn to meet and vtey good co(naanz. Having lived tca the age OV,5: years, 10 months ar, 11 days. ,l'analnutd, the late Cytus Colosky peesieeeaaed in 1932, mad' the only / • .sm, Harvey Colosky massed on a- • t; nine years ago. •ftvivina arta 01. 'daughter, Mrs. Wm Albrecht (00 7 rich; one brother, Mr. Abel Schilbe o Kitchener and ane sister, Mrs. 4loiph illiforenz Dashwood. 'the titeral was held an Monday ater- mien and was largely attenaea. Rev. Turkheirn her pastor offi6.ated, and was assisted at the house by Rev. F.: L. Howald of Elmwood, a nephew of the departed. After se.tviees in ,S,t, Peter% Lutherait chureb the re- mains were laid to rest in the Luth- emit cemetery, Goshen line. Friends and relatives were present attending the funeral from various places from a distance. The daughter Mrs. Al- brecht and her two daughters and the immediate relativeS hays, the sy, mPathy of ,ge larZe OP& Of WOWS, • • • • 4* BE IN LINE, BE ON TIME! FROM THE FINEST RANGE EVER SHOWN IN ZURICH SPLENDID RANGE AT $20.00 uasia ta.w Lia aa___ 0 11-1 .0,1 all r E EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 01 40. 4', f90.00,t4,6.004-,00, 4, .,•:•••• 00 00,64,4 00004.0 .444, 0,00.,PO4.140.0 gn,1=1=-'41g1EMISTEREE=.,,,-9V'',-' -:•=rymmummxtvisgame LI! We Tha11 Our Many Customers who Pat. .ronizq,4 Us During Our Two Week's Sale and \Ve have decided to Continue to sell all our Winter Geods at REDUCED PRICES. New Goods Arriving all the time. Your Patronage Solicited. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE 11 - 97 E31.AKE matopoommtaximinimapinfoommonewmpimmomeargit