HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-24, Page 5Thursday, March 24th, 1933 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL_ DUDLEY E[01.JNICES 'BARRISTER,- SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE --Hamilton Street, Just off 1 the Square, GQDERICH, Ontario. Special .Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted 'at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. ,S. D. D. S. DENTAL. SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, • DASRWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. �5^. 11 H. �0iaEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURC=EQN OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -9 6. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. .All iiiseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness llennels. Office on Main Street. apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For . Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct .any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE, Farm 1—: x1uce WANT ELs' HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY W M. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric R.efrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Y unglani & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather ;s #« _,ice Cc. ���r.� a OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE l" T ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN 1t i CAI, COMPANY DOING BIM:y ns& , OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIU .Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31st, 1935, $20,479,730.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. Bates—$4.50 per $1.000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP --ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing, ightn.-- itt Rods Arid all kinds of Fire Insurance Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FEiTIILIZER I am taking orders for d high class grade of Fertilizer. Also keep some on hand. lrf in need of Fertilizer you will do well to see me. JOHN BROWN, Phone 8.84. WANTED TO BUY OR RENT One or two lots in Zurich, suitable for school gardening. Apply to George-Deichert, Secretary of the Zurich School Board, by Saturday night, March 26th. FOR QUICK SALE A lot of choice young pigs fox quick sale, Apply to Hy. Clausius. FOR SALE • A quantity of No. 21 6 -rowed choice seed barley at 85 cents per 'htlshel,at barn.—Orville Smith, Pan Line. FOR SALE A auant'ty of Alfalfa nay; aero some timothy hay for sale. Apply to Mr's. Mabel Snyder, Zurich. FOR QUICK SALE Sevc -al good farms for sale. -75 acres grass land to rent. :sinuses ,or ale in laensalit Exeter. {zrd Macon -Wm. Pearce, 'Exeter.. r - NOW THE G E M ELECTRIC FENCER And One Wire Holds all Stock Try the Gem Fencer for 30 days on your own Stock. Stretch a single strap of barbed wire across the lane or corner of the yard and connect the Gem and watch results. Why put up expensive heavy fences when one wire will do the job. For full information and particulars apply to the Agent: REINHOLD MILLER, AGENT Dashwood, Ont. tf37 FOR QUICK SALE e. 100 acre farm for quick sale, plenty of water, well fenced, 8 acres of bush on it brick house with kitchen, woodshed, driving slued, pig stable, large bank barn. Apply to: Arthur Weber, R.R,1, Dashwood. Automobile Insurance Tariff and non -tariff rates with old reliable companies. Information on request without any obligation. Also all classes sick, and accident insur- ance—Jacob Haberer, Zurich. tf36 "anion Shep I wish to advise the Public that I have opened a new Harness and Repair Shop, at west door in C. Fritz & Son new Garage, oppoeite the Zur- ich Creamery. I have eneened Mr Alex. McKenzie as instructor and am in a position to take care of -your harness needs. No old Stock. All hand work. New stock and hand sewing. Let us oil and repair your Harness. A call will be appreciated. HARVEY G. CLAUSIUS Zuriclue May We Serve You! TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders will be received by the Council of the Township of Hay up to one o'clock, pan., Monday, April 4th, 1938, for the following: For supplying power to operate the township crusher in WeIsh's pit; con- tractor to supply drive belt, move crusher when necessary, supply fuel and oil for power unit, look after crusher and keep it in good running ondition. Tenders to state amount •er cable yard of crushed material s!aced in bin. Townshipwill maintain Y. r.cshe.a p y for grease and oil for ;ante ,^.nd supply necessary repairs. ,e lea tenders for trucking crushed r 'al from crusher unto Township a at per yard mile. ender may be made separately or for whole contract. Successful contractor to assume all risks in case of accidents and give a satisfactory bond for $300.00 for faithful perfor- mance of work. Contract to be com- plete on or, before Septemeer lst, 1938, Lowest or any tender not nec- essarily accepted, Tenders to be handed or mailed to: A. P. HISS, Clerk, Tomtship of Ray Zurich 'RICH I-1Eli 9..I Mr. Samuel Elsie of Detroit gave is a friendly call one day last ,week. Mr. and Mrs, C. 0. Smith and sons Sordon and Stanley nnotared, to Bad. ;n one day last week, 112r. Hugh MacKinnon, who isatt- nding Queen's Univesit-y, Kingston, Tent the week -end at his home here l\l;r. Irvin D. Smith of Hamilton, .alled on his two brothers and father Mr D. Smith, one day last week, Messrs. Morris Anderson aaad Ed, 1. Weisser attended a large sale of turebreu stock held at the I A.C, Farm, Guelph, last week. Mm. and Mrs. Oliver Steckle •(brid- :d couple) are getting nicely.settur,rl on their farm formerly owneU Sy Ur. Lloyd Scotchmere, Bronson ; Line north. The Hay Township . Mutual Fire nsurance Co.,officials held a basin )ss meeting in the Dominion Rotel on 'Saturday when considerable bus. 'nese was transacted. The sap season is now in full swing hut the weather has been a little too warm for good rune of sap. Ir oriel 'Lo have these there must be frosts at eight and warm in day tunes with an Jccasional fall of iwet snow. Minister to Retire Rev. E. Burn who will, within n:: ether month have served the Zur c'; -vangelical congregation for • the past six years, has decided to 'retire from the ministry at the enol or: the present Conference year. Confer *nee will be held on May 3rd to 8th at Stratford this year. Mr. Burr. .who is now 72 years of age, has been n the ministry for 45 years and has decided to rase a well eelned • rest They have leveed a dwelling prep, - 1* in Milverton anal in due time w;i: move to that place where they were stationed for six year before coming to the Zurich charge. Spring Is Here Spring, the most welcome season of the year, seemingly is -here to stay. The robins, blue birds, grey . birds, blackbirds, and several ` other early arrivals. are here,and we also hear "te croaking of the frogs in thr nearby ponds, which is a sure iridic iron. However, we must not be o opinion that summer is here, i , only spring, with its_. changeable weather, and the cold winds • and tI c night frosts are apt to visit us at. al - mos any time. We learn of • snor curries at the head of the lakes, and at Avalank the mercury is 10 beam 'o don't be discouraged if the cold nippy winds will blow again, it is only spring and not sununez. W. M. S. MEET The regular monthly meeting the St. Peter's Lutheran W.M.S. held on Thursday evening, Mar 10th. The opening devotions we 'onducted by Mrs. H. Mous�•eau, :}so presented the topic for the ;Hing. The Moslem of. Yeaterda This was the first topic of Series The Moslem World, which are to' 'tudied during the next four .mee legs. An interesting feature of t program was the reading of the pe "Ishmael" by Miss Irene Turltinein Mrs. E. Klopp, the president, took charge of the business session. timely message from Mrs. L. Ka. flc�isch, Elmira, Secretary of th Prayer Partner Department was rea to the members. She pleaded w] he individual member to pray mor carneetly and persistently, not •onl for oneself, but especially for th labourers in the Vineyard of th Lord. It was decided to hold th weekly mission study class on '?'tie. •lay evening of the coming week. OBITUARY George Koch Pasties his week we are called upon to nide the passing of a well. known highly respected citizen or the munity in the person of Mr. Ge- e Koch who flied at his home in hwood. The deceased was born ermany on June 16, 1856 and as ung lad of 12 years iniigratodto ada with his parents, settling .ir- an Township where he joined the eran church later coining to Hai nship he married Miss Anna oeder in 1885. Several weeks he became bedfast, not because ny serious complaint but rather use he felt weak and tired con• ally in a coma, he quietly ant4. efully passed away ion Friday ruing, March 18th at the age of years, 9 months and 2 days. He rvived by his aged wife and 8 ren; 21 grandchildren. The chit - are: (Mary) Mrs. Joseph Doerr tirtl, Sask; (Amelia) Mrs. Elmer Hensall; (Lovina) Mrs. Johr London; (Alma) Mrs. Clarancr aay, y, Mt. [Clemens, Mich; (Alb - Mrs. Russel Pitt, Thorndale; ord Foch of Utica, Mich; (My Mrs. Arthur Wery, Kulp/tent, (Roselle) Mrs.' John Otterbor- Windsor; 3 sisters, Mrs. Henry lob of Zurich; Mrs, Joseph Mei- r, Lambeth; and Mrs. Doro wick, Sheppherd, Mich; The fun - vas held on Monday afternoon his residence to the Lutheran h with interment in the Bion' ine cemetery. Rev, T. Luft. ted. The pall bearers were., d and Karl Thiel, Melvin Dale,. rd Doerr, Victor Kraft .and Em- Schroeder n- Schroeder.. oil wa,' eh re who e IT be pee cro and coin erg Dass in G t yo San raog Luth Tow Schr ago of a beca tinu peat .no 31 is su .hind, -'r on T Mel Dale, Tose erta) Milfo ) Pa; ()ugh,Wese dingo Hain eral from churc son 1 ofticia Heron Milfo mined OBITUARY It is with, grieved ,feelings and wounded hearts that we are this week called upon to record the passing of one of `Zurich's best citizeii.s, suet a life . that has meant so much to' the soinmuni�ty at lar„e, as we give the passing of Dr. Allan James le ucK.in • non, physician, who doparrou • this life on Friday March 18th, 1338; aged 63' years, 10 months and 10 days. Deceased was taken i!1 early in December last with a col from which he did not rally. as rapidly, and then at about C:iristmas time be made some personal blood tests and found that his blood stream was in- fected •with Lymphatic Leucocytheinia a condition of the blood for which to the present time no permanent Jure has as yet been found, A. nunm- .er of blood transfusions were made, 'nut the disease kept on pulling down the vitals of life, that was at one time °o robust a person. Born May 2, 1874 in Caledon fcwnahip,. Peel County, of Scottish parents; son of James MacKinnon and Eupheinia MacKinnon; was edu- :ated in Orangeville High School, at- 1,end d 14o_nnal School at Toronto, .zl:tei which he taught school for throe ,'ears; then teak 'charge of the home :arm for seven y e After this the Nall came to his chosen profess re physician, and in 1908 he entered `_ University of Toronto in Faculty o Medicine and in 1903 graduat.;,d. „r graduation his intern:,:.:p w s: two years in Nev, York in foliar lif- erent Hospitals: New York Polyclinic Manhattan Maternity, New York Ly- ing In; and Erie County Hospital, Buffalo. In 1‘,116 Dr. MacKinnon came to Zurich and bought out the medical_ practice from Dr. Wilson, and has re- sided here since. • In 1923 and 1930 he took up Post Graduate work in New York City. One brother, Archibald John Litt - Kinnon, barrister of Acton, prede- ceased in 1918, and a sister, Miss Mary MacKinnon also c::en some years ago. Surviving are: His bereft widow, formerly Matilda Johnston, with whom the Doctor was united in marriage is September 1914; this un - on was blessed with two sons; Hugh who is attending Queen's University et Kingston and .Archie at :siome and who is attending High School at Ex - :ter. The funeral was held on Sun - .lay at eleven o'clock, and was largely attended, many of the medical fra- ternity being in attendance, also the_ members of the Zurich Masonic Lodge were represented in body; the -floral .tributes were also numerous. The de- narted's 'pastor, Rev. Mr. Peters of Varna was in charge of the' service and was assisted by Rev. E. Burn of the Evangelical church, Zurich. The Masonic trio rendered a number of suitable hymns. Interment followed in St: Andrew's Presbyterian church cemetery at Caledon where lie the re- mains of those gone on before oft'ie family. The pall bearers were: Hera. Mousse.a t, Walter Eckel, Morris An- dersen, Lee O'Brein, Menne Oesch and J. E. Gascho. LOST A GOOD CITIZEN • With the pa; sing of Dr. A. J. Mac- Kinnon last Friday, Zurich loses one of its best citizens. A man that had 'y(�•u�rv eld,.` St ` always the entire community at heart. `f s7 rb� Qpm wad, kJ Ever ready to serve to his utmost 3 ..,. ability and give of his very oest, re- i gardless of the sacrafice. Remuner- I -� .hTIa Di for services were always of Y , ,1 little consideration in his work. Dur • ,, . a , mg his professional life in Zurich he ., performed a cumber of major open-- �m % a..„, returns which were all very successful. He received nation wide publicity, recognition and praise from the med- ical profession a few years ago when the family of Mr. John M. Desch vivre ill with poison from tomatoes; the Doctor would not Ieave the prem- ises till the patients were past the danger period, rendering his services day and night. Always very inter- esting in conversation especially in regard to his chosen profession. And was considered one of the best country doctors for diagnosing cases in this part of Ontario. Truly, he was a fine example of the well known poem "The Country Doctor.” A man worthy to his vocation in life, and the community mourns with deep senti- ment the loss of this outstanding pro- fessional man. ... PAGE FI V3 1100 • 400.00000090604001tallear.11ov. eaaiaal0.0asaeasoseeeases a in. 1)q, "+,!� { --O E A �Ifl 0 0 0 a • Prompt Service and Highest Casht Trace Guaranteed 6 Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same e Day. a e VV�e Pay : a Premium of Two Ceps per P, , y i"J�..1+11... B. Fat for Churniz_g Cream &':,ii vereci r.t c= Service plant. 1 YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, accordingto •• grade. -.--Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY 96000301409008/400004009900000#3100091+0 090e10149,04a094009,049091900006090995e90003 3'44440•i..i..g,.g.✓r✓r•€•✓r•f•i•30ar•;w•F•++.; Cut Your Fuel Bill hi FLAAJ 4. ✓. ey • Buy Storni Ilimdows end DOCTS e3 a I. 4. 4. LET US QUOTEYOU!4. ,i' • REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES r 1; LARGE ASSORTED STOCK NOW. WE CARRY A a� OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL + d_ TIMES„ AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU + WAIT, .3. • Headquarters for Johns -Manville wilding Materi43 IA:Their I • PHONE ee I4'I^I4•4441e¢;.144I44q.. r,.e.;, e •Ir. c¢n ZURICH esus ve.tersra cc aFS•o a arbaase .s :v;raP *-00000146050001)@aaaeOaf We Are Again DistruEuto& , for the wAl-linown and Popular McKinley Chicks for the Season of 1938, and will be pleased to look after you l waa..)y Chick Supply for the season... Arrange with i.7s for your requirements. PURINA. Si a A 3 a Ia a a guaf'a help •• I7. M • Coronation r d `4 a n d given to ou. ,,oi ers in exchange fc; amount of Coupons which We are giving chases at our store... L;Schfl 1 wtCM;9110Q99*Baatn5Cfagt17 .4va,.: aleal)adf s49)0700 8?9844909:"r0kea :MDS,s 43 FRUIT GROWERS MEET Clinton—Professor Ferguson, o f the horticultural department, Domin- ion department of agriculture, Otta- wa, and Dr. W. H, Upshalls, of the horticultural experimental st_tio.i Vineland, Ont., were the guest speak- ers at a largely attended meeting of Huron County Fruit Grower's Assoc- iation held on Friday afternoon in agricultural board room. The address dealing nairily with control and er- adication of injuries insects were il- lustrated with moving pictures. The election of officers resulted: Presid- ent; James R. Sterlin ti•, Goderich Township; vice-president, R. J.- Mc- Laughliny Brussels; Secretary -treas- urer, Ian MacLeod, Agricultural re- presentative, Minton; Directors, Mus Irene se .;Smith, D, J. Lasoal George Dr,_.AMacKmnon,,5o epiw by, Gotleireh Twp., I�.. Casper- Zuric .,, on, Wesley Joynt, ,ucknow; 0. Rap- ,, is Tw• p. „oi , , i; a ;� ,r 1 1 'i I? Son, flullett ' V I. /7 � s `�} \�1 6 i"mK a f 4 1 .r R R, t � r 24 We 1 VG a full Li . e of all the requI ernen 5 1 -'b School Supplies All authorized Public School Book, inch cdir g t1. e New Speller All Iliph School Text Books etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfurnizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes and Brushes. riiSheS. Seo Our Supply of Toilet �1J.y Pr( paration s