HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-24, Page 1Vol. XXXVI I .NO.38 U 1C s THURSDAY rdwiNINO, MARCH 24, 1938. Read th om e News. HAIRDRESSING HIEL'S HAIRDRESSING SALON SPECIALS FOR EASTER Special Easter prices, on Permanents beginning on March. 24 and ending on April 16th. Hairdressing Salon on rear of store. For appointments call us on phone 102 Zurich. y. MOMWf,CLMID,lttlOJIDM2,. 1 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless emits Ear a Chang- ing WarrkL" Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a, m.—German Service. 11.25 a.m.—Sunday Scheel. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHElM, Pastor. A Publisher's Blessing O blessed is he who does not fuss When he receives a bill from us; But knowing his subscription due.. Sends in the money to renew. And doubly blest is that good friend Who waits not till a bill we send, But promptly sends us the amount, Wherewith to straighten his account. j COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. T. Zurbrigg,R.o. Successor to FITTON at EXETER 0 a c••c: ' Week Day Except \i7och 'esday • FINEST SELECTION Quallty LOWFST PRICES A CALL. AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU WE RAVE OVER 35 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM BEDOW IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST: 1937 Dodge Coach—Small Mileage. 1936 Chevrolet Coach—Trunk, Heater, Hydrolic Brakes. 1931 Ford DeLux—Town .Sedan.. 1929 Chev. Sedan—Looks Like New. 1928 Ford Coach -5 to Pick From. 1930 1931 1928 1929 1928 1928 1935 1930 1937 1928 Ford Coach Original Upholstering_ Ford Coupe_. Chev. Coach at _ _,. T125.00 Ford Coach at _ __..__.-_-------_$125.00 Chev. Sedan at —...... ...._.._.,..... _$100.00 Essex Coach, new tires . $75.00 V8 Coach at - $425.00 Chev. Coach, Repainted nice Mohair Upholstering $225.00 Ford. V3 Light Delivery Truck_ Whippet Coupe, at ..._.__.__._..$38.00. AND MANY'0'TFERS C. FRITZ Z & SON DODGE AIS DESOTA DISTRIBUTO ZURICH .•—• ;ONT. rt/ WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS Sultana Seedless Raisins, 2 lbs. . 21'c Aylmer choice Golden Bantam corn, 2 tins i 9c Peanut butter. bulk, 2 lbs........ ....,... --..-.25c Hillcrest shortening, 2 lbs..... ....... ......-25c Emfs choice tomatoes 28 -oz. fin, Life Buoy soap, 2 cakes .............. Old English floor wax, each Heinz' Spaghetti, med. 2 :tins ...... Super Suds concentrated. (sample Fancy pink Cascade salmon, 2 tins Prunes sweet, meaty, large 'Is, 2 Chicken Haddie, per tin .......,...._.. 2 tins ..._._•.,i 1 c ...._..w_.,_.,,_..-15 c ... 59c ...._25c pkg.free) _.20c 25c tins 25c _•._ ._..._.._... 14c L vit's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Wed., Thurs., Friday and Sat. March 23, 24, 25 and 26th "THE GOOD EARTH" With Louise Rainer and Paul Muni. Achnission—Adults 35c. Children 25c Children under 12 not allowed TWO NIGHTS ONLY Midnight Shaw, Monday at 12.15 a.m.. And Monday Night BOB ALLEN 1n "RECKLESS RANGER" western Two Nights Only, Tues and Wed. ;March 29, 30 "TOPPER" Metro Goldwyn Mayer Farce Comedy Constance Bennett, Carey Grant and Roland Young. ' Metro Goldwyn Mayer Coming—Bing Crosby and 'Martha 'Rage in "DOUBLE OR NOTHING" Come! TO THE Evangelical Supper IN The Church Basement On Thursday Eve., March 31 st. Prices -25c and 15c. EVERYBODY WELCOME 95 YEARS OLD Mrs. John Becker of Dashwood, and formerly Miss Margaret Keller, celebrated her 95th birthday on Sat •lyday, March 19th at the homeo of her 'daughter, Mrs. Peter Martene in ', shwood. She was born in Kreis Lauderbach, Hessen -Darmstadt, Ger- aany, and came across the Atlantic n •a sailing• hot when she was 21 I -ears old. 0-1 "rr arrival she was -arried to 'lb-. Becker who had :ome across several years earlier and -iter a .time of visiting around among he German families had settled a- ' . or --'.gat is now called the city of Kit ' • they lived for a few ye- ars near Elmira, later they settled in Ilay Township, Huron County. 13e - sides farming, they operated a looin, making woolen blanket:, and. home-'. epun cloth, the old loom, although not in use is still in the old house on the farm now owned by her soTr, Henry. Mrs. Becker is enjoying fair health and able to be about the house Mr. and Mrs. lh'eker aaised a family; of ten children, all but one of whom are still living. Mr. Becker died in 1914 and since that time she has made her home with her daughters, Mrs. E. 'Stire, of the 14th con.; Mrs. Wm. Bieber, Exeter and now witIi i available at this point. Tnen it will Mrs. P. Martene of Dashwood. Her + also be a convenience to the water descendents also include 40 grand- users in that part of town, as at pres- childhen, 40 great grandchildren and ent, owing to the small pipes, the 1 great -great-grandchild. Liocal creamery has great difficulty -in getting adequate supply o1 water WALLPAPER Get your Wallpaper Now, we have it," and don't forget, we are giving ;Coupons,•with what we sell, Phone 140 ow she Local Ads. Chester L. Smith, Published $1.25 a year, U.S. $1.,50 in Advance $1,50 IN AR34 W S, so MAY Z5 OBARG g is i1Ziss Anna 'Tatars was a visitor with her friend, Mrs. J. E. Hamilton aVLondon the past week. I1iss Sarah Manson of Hensall was a ;Tuesday visitor with her friend, iVlr`s. Menno Oesch. Mrs. William Thiel and Mrs. Peter Haberer attended the funeral of the late George Koch at Dashwood on Monday. and Mrs. H. H. Cowt-n and family of Exeter were. Sunday visit- ors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. Fritz. :,JVIr. and Mrs. Lennis O'Brein and family of Hensall were Sunday vis- itors with the foriner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O' B -rein. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Ilamilton and daughter Miss Doris of London, were week -end visitors with Mr. and Mrs. John Galster. Mr. George Thiel, the local road patrolman, gave the streets of town a mace grading last week, and it sure makes a .big improvement. Rev. E. Burn will serve at the Ev- angelical Anniversary at St. Jacobs neat Sunday and Monday, and Mrs. Rev.) H. Roppel of Dashwood will col}duct a service in the Zurich chip:eh on Sunday morning. The ev- ening service. will be withdrawn. r. Henry Edkins, living near dean'sall, in Ea.y ,Township and who ha*, boen visiting with his relatives in"England the past winter months, has returned to his home and family, and has had a most enjoyable time visiting With the relatives of the Iand of his birth. A .Student, Mr. Eidt, of the Wat- erloo College had charge of the ser- vices in the St. Peter's Lutheran church on Sunday, this supply was causekby Rev. E. Turkheim the loc- al pstor being absent as he was con- ducting induction services in a church near Stratford on Sunday. Mrs. Menno Steckle (Sr.) and members of the family motored to Waterloo on Tuesday to attend the funeral .of the former's nephew who died in Saskatchewan last week. The remains were brought back to the home of his mother north of Water- oo for burial. A New Pipe Line At a meeting of the Zuricl Police Village Trustees on Wednesday of this week, it was partly deuced on to commence laying water pipes in the village. The first line is to run from the fire hall south on Victoria street across the road at A. G. Hess' Jewelry store and then east to . one block to the front of Thiel's :block where a hydrant will be put in so as in ease of fire the waver will be T,� ° w Taking titres TOWN HALL' ZURICH On THURSDAY MARCH 31 st. World Bios. piesent 2 Big Western Stars GENE AUTRY Radio's Silver Voiced Singing Cow- boy, and KEN MAYNARD With his Wonder Horse, Tanen IN OLD SANTA FEE An unusual Western, also Dionne Quintuplets With the renown Dr.. Defoe. I'erfoct wound and Vision. ADULTS 25 Cents, CHILDREN 15c. just when needed. This will also be an inducement to get. a few more: new customers on the line. HYMENEAL Steckle—Baachler A very pretty and quiet wedding; was solemnized at the home of the officiating. Bishop, Rev. Christian Schultz of Pool,, Ont, when Mr. Oliver S. Steckle, son of Mr. and Mrs,. Men - no D. Steckle of the Bronson line, Stanley Township was united in marriage with Miss Gertrude Beech - ler, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sol- omosi'B•aechler of the Bronson line, Hay Township. The wedding taking Place •on Thmsday, 1VIareh 10th. The bride was supported by her sister, Miss Eva Buehler while Asa Steckle brother of the groom acted as best man.. After a shore honeymoon trip to Markham, Toronto, Niagara Falls and other eastern points, they will reside on the groom's fine farm on the Bronson line, Stanley Township. The Herald joins their many friends in extending most hearty congratu- lations to his popular young couple, IPTG O - t/ ficwe. n t rte de - „.,.. 14 K gold B. Exquisite de- sign set with 3 perfect diamonds, $18.5 C. Modern style in 14 K natural or white gold, A. G. HESS POE YOUR O'Et FOR Why pay for cheap Coal when you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best., Also: Miller Creek Alberta (Rose-. dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON g We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 - Hensall a • • • • i • 4 • • • • • • • 4 • • • • 4 • • • 4 • • i 4 e 4 • 4 4 • • 4 4 4 • 4 • 4 • tre 4 s 4 04dti+P044#4 GeA.;,. 0.4, a,Rvs..A.a • <.•040 0,4 44WP414,c94>QQs00044 6®6S08.0040•04.64•0®40©44 -4Q 4).400A0444,'4444)4'44b4• • e Reduced ON All WinteT SWEATERS WINDBREAKERS SOX - CAPS SCARFS OVERCOATS AND ALL B +� OTHER rriirM n Fasces Goods WINTER APPAREL sath .,5)i EMEALMBIS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS . ; - F= ' :. `r.+'Ft; We Thank Our Many Customers who Pat- ronized Us Dining Our Two Week's Sale and We have decked to Continue to sell all our Winter Goods . at REDUCED PRICES. New Goods. Arriving all the time. Your Patronage Solicited. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUG LA S GENERAL. MEROHANT