HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-17, Page 5Then sday, IMGs reh.:J 7klr„ 1938 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DITDLOYE,HOI,Al Es . BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. OFFICE—Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and )'hone charges reversed. DENTAL • Dr. W. D. BRYCE Is D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEII3'S BLOCK, DA.SHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, Or. H IL COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. !Phone -96. Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All diseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable, Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness 'fennels, Office on Main Street, easposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm r-rocluce WA N TEI' HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- ' CREAM, EGGS ' AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zuriehs' Popular MEAT MARKE T Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh .and,Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand: Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins 11. Yungbliit & Sou INSURANCE — Western Farness', Mutual Weather:. Tsui nee Cc. OF WiQ sTocK THE LAFGES1 ' RESERVE•F' r •. CE OF ANY. CANADIAN DL • UAL COMPANY DOING l3USIN r:s: OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dee. 31st, 1935, $20,479,730:00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. Rates --$4.50 per 81,000 for 3 Years E. F. KiOPP•--ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rocls Wird all kinds of Fire Insurance Put Your Want; For Sale Lost, Fouad, Etc. Ads. in this Column. NOW THE G E II ELECTRIC FENCER And One Wire Holds all Stock Try the Gem Fencer for 30 days on your own Stock. Stretch a single strap of barbed wire across the lane or corner of the yard and connect • the Gem and watch results. Why put up expensive heave fences when one wire will do the )b. For full information and particulars apply to the Agent: REINHOLD MILLER, AGENT Dashwood, Ont. tf37 FOR QUICK SALE '75 acres pasture, good shade, nev- er failing stream. Pay like rent and own it• $400 down, balance ten, fifteen or twenty annual equal pay- ments.. Write or see Wm. Pearce Exeter. FOR QUICK SALE 100 aere farm for quick sale, plenty of water, well fenced, 8 acres of bush on it, brick house with kited -n, woodshed, driving stied, pig stable, large bank barn. Apply to: Arthur Weber, R.R.1, Dashwood. MICALUSirialgials Automobile Insurance Tariff and non -tariff rates with old reliable companies. Information on request without any obligation. Also ali classes sick, and accident insur- ance—Jacob I-haberer, Zurich. tf36 FARM FOR SALE A nicely located farm consisting of 146 acres of good farming lane;, good buildings, .continuous supply of good water. mile west of Blake. For further particulars apply to E. A, Westlake, R. R. 3, Bayfield. New Hamas Sop I v-ish to advise the Public that I have opened a ne,w Harness and Repair Shop, at west door in C. Fritz & Son new Garage, opposite the Zur- ich Creamery. I have engaged Mr. Alex. McKenzie as instructor and am in a position to take care of your harness needs. No old Stock. All' hand work. New stock and hand sewing. Let us oil and repair your Harness. A call will be appreciated.. • HARVEY G. CLAUSIUS Zurich. May We Serve You! How to Pasteurize Milk Dr. B. T. McGhie, Ontario deputy minister of health, advanced his own recipe for city folk spending summer holidays in cottages or camp to pas- teurize milk: Using an ordinary double Boiler of any size, merely heat the quantity of milk desired to a mininum of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, and after holding the milk at this temperature for 30 .minutes cool and ;?se. TORONTO CHURCH DESTROYED A three -alarm fire destroyed thi- interior of historic Jarvis Street Bap• tist Church at Toronto and did exten• sive damage to the stone walls. Ons fireman was injured when part of the, roof fell on him and a fire truck war damaged when one of the towers col- lapsed on it. The loss is very heavy, and the Pastor, Rev. Dr. T. T. Shield, is asking a half million dollars to re. build the church. It was partly cos erect by insurance. Oil to be Sought in Huron 11evivin • a rumor which has bpi tr, u,nte d to oec ta,uils, dai+ papers report that within a month oil will be sought in the Clinton part o f •,Huron County. It is hoped that this tire-' the rumor will materialize, It is r.r•", d that a group of'business men 'es! by W. L. Forrest, Goderich, already leased 4,000 acres in Millett and Goderich townships, and it is expected that drilling will start on the farm of Howard Trewartha: An oil vein has been traced across Huron County to a point where it strikes the Blue Water Highway be- tween Goderich and .Bayfield, Some $15,000 has been put up in private capital and a compan'v charter will be taken out. Until the charter is granted the work will be held up. LOCAL NEWS Special .Lenten services are bein held in the St. Peter's Luther church every. Wednesday evening. Z U ttici-I HERALD g an Mr, Newell Geiger left last week for St. Catharine Where he has en gaged for the summer months oe a fruit farm. L. Schilbe & Son have ,agin arrange ed to handle the popular baby chicks known as the McKinley Chicks for the season of 1938 Mrs. Lydia' Geiger accompanied b Miss Pearl Gabel left last, week 10 1'dxorndale, where they will be lo seine time with Mr'; and Mts.',lP. J Rowe, Nies. Geiger's daughter:;, Let the Herald have y:ous itepxs of news each week, phone, send by lit.• Ser or drop your items in our letter box on our office door, and plc' ..s. always attach your name which wiL' not .be printed. Miss Ruth C. Hendrick, daughtei of Mr. and ,Mrs. Albert Hendrick of the Blue Water Highway, a few nil' •'s south of St. Joseph, was oxn of ten ,students to enter the training: class of the Stratford General Hos- pital on Monday last. y FIRE PERIL AVERTED • Goderich—The court house v raved from serious damage, x erhap: total demolition, by fire by the ol, portune visit of George James, cars taker, who made his nightly visit 0' inspection and found smo>e issuinr from a red hot switch and the mete eovering of electric wires in the;e be went. When he entered Lie buntline he found hall lights burning a di red, and inspect:on of the furna:•c room in the basement revealed a t':le curl os smoke from the switch. bo:: which wsa red hot. A short circuit it a joint of the pipe covered wiring is the basement was believed to hart caused the trouble, Thank You! Stratford, March 2nd, 1928 Dear Editor: Enclosed find mon- ey order for renewal of your valued paper, the Heral,- for 1938. We are all well at present, hoping this will find you'se all the same. We enjoy file the same as ever, as we are get ting older every day, I have not beer working the last two and a hal years. Work is not so plentiful i' Stratford at Present, although' a lift] better than it has been. Give ,'r best regards to all our Zurich friende Mr. Fred Leibold, 66 McNab St,. Stratford, Ont SIXTY-SECOND ANNIVERSARY _On On Sunday, March 13th, 1938inan event of unusual interest took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Fr'eckleton, Port Elgin, when Mrs Fr.•eckle:ton's parents, Mr. and Mrs 2obert W. Turner celebrated their 62nd wedding anniversary which tooli place at Exlomme, Devonshire, Eng on March 15th, 1876. Relatives pres- ent from Goderich were: Mr. and Mr; iobert E. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Fee( W. Turner, Mr. and Mrs. Haroli Newcombe, Mr. and Mrs. Glees. Bis sett and two grandchildren, and Grant Turner; .also Miss Mary Camp bell from. Bayfield. Mr. and Mrs Turner have two daughters and four sons, and 11 grandchildren; the fan ily circle being unbroken. Those' o� the family not present were: Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Campbell, Bayfield; Will- iam of Windsor and John of Bayfield. Congratulation, gifts and flowers poured in on the happy married 'cou- ple of 62 years, The day was spent quietly with music and singing, and all returned home thankful for hav- ing aving spent the day together on such a rare occasion. Mrs. Turner will celebrate her 85th birthday on Wed- nesday, March 16th and if spared, Mr. Turner will celebrate his 87th birthday in July. C, M, WALKER OF GRAND BEND PASSES Clayton McPherson Walker died suddenly on Monday afternoon fro,,: a heart ailment at his hone, Oak wood Park, Grand Bend, in his 74t1 year, Mr. Walker was formerly of 1 Wingham where he was in the furn- iture business of Walker & Clegg for :32 years, when about twelve year: ago he sold out and went to Grand Bend, ,purchased and developed the Oakwood Inn, Golf Course and made many improvements which induces' summer home seekers to locate in this fine and ,attractive location. It• is said that he was the first roan to drive an automobile into Grand Bend that was a goodly number of .rte ago: Mr. Walker Wes a vex .interesting man to meet, having travelled the country from east tc west many times, and he will be greatly missed by ,the many people who visit Oakwood Grove during the. sumer months. The late Mr. Walk- er is survived by his wife, formerly Miss Kate -Stiff; one son, Fred, at horne; a daughter, Mildred has pre-., deceased a few years; three sister, Mrs, F. T, ,Ranney, of Salford; Mrs. J. L. Bell and Miss Mabel Walker of Grand Bend, and one brother, Prof. W. O. Walker, of McMaster Univer- sity, Hamilton. The funeral is being held Thursday at one o'clock at his home Grand Bend, interment at In- gersoll. PAGE FIVE BORN At Hay Township, on March 13, to• Mr, and Mrs, Fred Jackson, a da- ughter. At Zurich, on March Stix, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Pauli, a daughter, Horse 41 Years Old "Polly" said to be the of letrt horse, in the county, owned by Wa ter Car- ruthers of Turnberry Township, is now as close as the owner may fig- ure 41 years old. Carrut'•hc:r:; is not certain of the exact date, but said it was some time during this week,when she shold be that age. This is the first winter in the 31 years that Carruth- ers has owned the horse, the, she hes not made regular trips to Wingham, Her owner is crippled who by means of a device in the cutter and buggy, able to drive the horse, when he is p aced in the vehicle. Since e num _._____ _._.. r ofnewspapers have run articles 9.0!0a•0* cwo0a09 100.0 *100 .�r00000449 ro+sahsar*010401 0 5 .ZURICH CREAMERY i aWe Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Po m]i Ido w Fat for Chuming ing Cream deli rcred at our plant. moi Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed '$ • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same e o Day. e a YOUR • EGGS AND POULTRY co a We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and o Poultry at Highest . Marketaccording o g Prices, acco. ding to li grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated !• 4 THE ZURICH CREAME "Y• • fl ae:ooeoegies oeecorispa�;�e,coviso s,svoboolteatioceetec+oee • *•• h .in the horse and her owner, MY'. Car- sr i••i••i�r.t ti f k °s �r -:^ >r✓ ,� �� .;. +..r.,; ruthers has been receiving; letters ! '1 I„ ';' e:'.r i om all parts of the world. + r L ___-,_ -._._ o el .dill HALF! ! :;, ' STEPHEN COUNCIL • Buy a Windows ax,� . a _.The Council of the Township of 3- ��• :Asiplien co een::d in the To1:n Hall, e ., rediton, on Mon ay, the 7th of . REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A 3a i arch at 1 p.m. All members being LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL + resent, The minutes of the preview 4. {ting' were read and adopted, a TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WO WHILE YOU The reports of the Auditor.; of the 4. 11/Fl l 1[ casurer's , 4, Boors for the -ei r -;c1- ng the 31st of Dec., 1937 reed] ee Headquarters for Johns -Manville Buil Sid accepted on motion, thei fees � �-Dain Building M terYa�3 �' 1' ° ,tf'. M ordered paid and the creels iii, t u ted I 7 - "' Ao have 50 copies of the report prin- 4 i, r ,gyp �y' , i relIBC 1 ted for distribution. 's' a The following motions: I PHONE 69 That the following be appointed : seeesaassessaa members of the Township Athletic ,,,,„, a o `- , ` Field Committee for a term of two ° i f'Y r c l 'r �� r , 1 ,- � c i ,1.1.,÷ years: Mrs. F. W. Morlock, Mrs, J. T. Woodall, Sylv. Wuerth, E. K. Fahn- er and F. W. Morlock. That byla-w No. 521 to pini.:.: for the salary of the Medical Ouc i of Health having been rend three F y times be passed, signed and sealed. 0to „a..:r�in.le ., That By-law No. 522 to amend by- gn law No. 512 fixing the salary of the a Auditors, having been. read thee° 3 times be passed and signed, etc. That the time for the return of the Tax Roll for 1937 be extenuea to 3. the 23rd inst. at 8 p.ni, when a spec- • ial meeting of the Council will be held for the transaction of business. Mr. W. R. Mountain, Govt. Relief Inspector, interviewed the Council Z T :rid the matter of adopting the relief • PURINA RL I.i V A Stock Foods a k Chows iystein in this Township was discus- o sed at some length. s A guaranteed That the Twp. of Stephen adopt k�t7 �� will the Relief System for the year 1938 as provided by the laws of the Prov- I ince and that each member of the >o Council 'act as a Relief Officer. The 5 maximum allowance per week to be 9 i0 ;'c, of the schedule set iut in The fi Campbell Report. That the following orders be pas- I sed: 9 Road aecounts to the amount o $1648. Other orders: Exeter Tim; S ° v Advocate printing $26.49; Han:t • LO6 cod Ler hall x;62; L. England Aiid- tor's fees $20; Dan. Weber ditto $20 • Waterlio Ins. Co., insurance on hall 23; .Hydro Elec. acct 3.95; F. 3, Vickwire, printing 12.50; Can. flank f Commerce, cashing cheques 1.85 , England postage re Auditors, not- ces 2.34; Hay Stationery Co. Ltd., tationesy $2; Tress, Tp. Hay relief e Jackson 30.91; E. K. Fanner roceries re Haggitt $4; V. L. Beck - ✓ wood re Held 10.75; C. Zwicleie groceries re Waghorn $4; a. ;; , Wc'• onveyance re ,Mathers 3.70; C. Love e acct. re Mathers 75c; Treas. Co. uron, Hospital accts: Cliff 16.60, fluter 32.90. The Council adjourned for the next eeting to be held on Wednesday; e 23rd of March 1938 at 8 p.m, ext regular meeting to be held in he Town Hall, Crediton, on Monday e 4th day of April at 1 p.m. Herbert K. Eilber, Clerk. LET US QUOTE YOU! ZURICH t 099991290919990999991 1 We Are Again Distributors for the wall l now l and Popular McKinley Chicks for the Season o^c • 1938, and will be pleased to look after you Ea.$37 Chick Supply for the season... Arrange with us for your requirements. • help your Stock find Poultry FREE! FREE! Coronation sets of Dishes. and Rodgers.Silverware given to oar Customers in exchange for a re :i ed amount of Coupons which we are giving with gaga chases at our store... • • •a is• • •P 0 L i s r g e c i H H m th N ti th THE HERALD ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 year, strictly in advance; $1.50 Ir arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 1 S. $1.60 in advance. No paper discot. tinued until all arrears are paid uta loss at option of publisher. The daft of which every Subscription is pair is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards not exeeedir; OA inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 60c, 25( for each additional verse; Card o: Thanks, 50e. Display advertising made knov, ,. on application. Miscellaneous articles of not mora than four lines, For Sale, To Rent. Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser tion 25e, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.0C for first month, $1.00 for each fol lowing month. Auction Sales -••-$2.00 per single insertion If not over four inches it Address all communications to: 1 length. }s ' ' b A, `"e tF'lllJ$i'' tip' �I �•i4,, ,r v .i� MM • 4gleM SSc929e469i$91998909a3CM99 ®6aaa®9e999ee!®sso09999o9oa `,`,;1/4:WWIEWAVEiiiVAVI4 W'M 'AYA Wcimt WWWWAN4i,Ve 3 VtAiiVvr' yVcAlY fif i Zurich Hi g Share Sehool Su plies We have a full Line of all the requirements of Sohool Supplies All authorized Public School Books, incI I dire ti e New Speller All nigh School Text B c, oks, ( to. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. ,f'erf uses; Toilet. Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes. See Our Supply of "11olot Preparati oP s DL A. J. MacKinnon, Zuricil