HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-17, Page 1VOL, XXtriI 37 ZUR1CHp TH U.RSDAYORlil' IN , MARCH 17, 1938. :head the Home News, low the Local Arts. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR Mss. Fred Thiel wishes to advise the public that she is now open for business. Permanents and Finger- -waving a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 182 Zurich. ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH —, ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chasta- ing World:" Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Prsaiice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a.. m.—German Service. 21.15 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 pan.—English service. Everybody Welcome to all Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. The Relief Problem It would cost the Dominion treas- ury $100,000,000 a year to assume the full cost of relief in Canada, Lab- or Minister Rogers told the House of Commons. The present rederal share is :(;30,000,000. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z ai'brigg,R.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER C-: a cr'e-y Week Day Except V r(1 esday Higest Quality IFINEST SECTION LOWEST PRICES tt A CALL. AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU WE HAVE OVER 35 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM BEDOW IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST: • 1937 Dodge Coach—Small Mileage. 1935 Chevrolet Coach Trunk, Heater, Hydrolic Brakes.. 1931 Ford DeLux--Town Sedan. 1929 Chev. Sedan Looks Tike New. 1928 Ford Coach -5 to Pick "From. ,1930 Ford Coach—Original 'UpholSterbsg. 1931 Ford Coupe 1928 Chev. Coach at _ ...$125.00 1929 Ford Coach at. _......... ..._ .... . ....... $125.00 1928 Chev. Sedan at _ .............. - _".....,...... $100.00 1928 Essex Coach,. new tares .......... ...........$75.00 1935 V8 Coach at - $425.00 1930 Chev. Coach,. Repainted nice Mohair Upholstering $225.00 1937 Ford V8 Light Delivery Truck. 1928 Whippet. Co•upee at ...................... .• .$38.00 AND MANY ,OTHERS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND OESOT.A DISTRIBUTOu' S ZURICH —NTT_ •tea t - IT PAYS TO BUY AT MERNER'S Sunlight Spap, 4 .cakes for 24c Maxwellt,Holose Coffee:, :each 36c Quick eats,, large. pkg. 20c Aylmer Tomatoes 2% large ;tin, 2 tins 23c Corn Flakes, 3 pkgs. . Spaghattt cooked, 2 tins .,..:.- .;, ....... .:19c.. Libby' s,Tonafo juice 101 -oz, 5 tins ' 25 c Salmon: Cohoe halls, per :tin 16c Royal York coffee 1-1b. tin 39c " 131ue Rose Rice, choice, 2 lbs. 19c Pumpkins per 11m .~ ._... �._.. .10 FIillcrest shortening,2 lbs. _. 25c Peas No. 4 sieve per 'fin... 10c1. Sardines per tin ..—...-_. _..._.j ._...... Sc Sno`�ricap Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls 25c Miracle Whip salad .dressing per jar 2lc WALL PAPER.. ixr' fewest Designs and Patterns. '1 -lave a look t'hrongh sur Sample Book, also Room lots from left avers -very cheap. New Curtains and. Curtain materials, at Lowest Prices. Remember Coupons are Given. Here ett Pane 1.40 FREE! FREE! TALKING PICTURES! Far Farmers, Farmers Wives, Farm- erettes, and Farm Boys Remember our big night show in my old shop in Dashwood fast year? We were very sorry that night •because we could'nt find room for everyone who came,—Well, this year we have arranged another bigger and better Show The Nicht of March 21st. In the Evangelical Church Shed DASHWOOD for 7.30 p.m. If you miss this—You just clone like a good time! Anyone interested in Tractors, power machinery or any farm implements is invited to attend the morning and afternoon classes and lectures in' our shop, Dashwood. March 21 and Mar. 22nd, Factory trained IHC engineers will be in ch- arge giving free instruction and ans- weringquestions. New model mach-' ines of the well known. McCormick - Deering line are on display in our shop. V. L. BECKER Dashwood and Zurich International Harvester Company "Good Equipment makes a Good Farmer be There" Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. Times, Fri., Sat, March 17, 18, 19 "BACK 1N CIRCULATION A fast moving comedy drama with PAT O'BRIEN & Joan • Blondell MIDNIGHT SHOW Monday Morning, March 21 at 12. Mon .& Tues nights, March 21, 2 EDDIE CANTOR In an All Star Cast "`.AL1 BABA GOES 'TO TOWN" .A,'Special Fox Production 15 2. Wed., Thurs., Fri., Saturday March 23, 24, 25, 26th. "THE GOOD EARTH" .'.-.guise Rainer and Paul Mari_ TAKE 1,000 JACKS The Exeter Gun Club held its last rabbit drive for the season recently-,. when fourteen hunters motored to the Lucknow area and bagged 65 jacks. Altogether this season: the Exeter hunters have accounted for more .than 1,000 -rabbits. In Magistrate's Court • Goderich—Because Albert Wass - man owed hint some mont:y,, Martin Connolly made four trips, in the dead of night, - to Wassman's farm, 20 rods array, and carried away a bag of oats on his shoulder each time through the fields, to hold; as security for the debt, he pleaded in justificati- on' in'1Vlagist�.ate's courl; on Thursday, when he faced a. charge of theft. The tdoy phebious at Seafott:t Connolly was convicted of attempting to steal a steer. "You have been in a lot of b ouble" said Magistrate Makins, .sen tencing him to three months in fail on cneh charge, concurrent. "I'm 'supposed to be a constable, the town clerk of Clirtoii swore me in last July", Frank Haynes told tete court as he tock the witness staked' -'to give testimony against E. R. Comiop, in surance supervisor, charged with reck less driving, but Haynes Was told that he was not an oflieer of the.law, Magistrates may appoint constables for a period of 80 clays; Mer which the county judge must confirm the appointment he was told. It was ilaynes' first cage in court, the mag- istrate disirisH jd the case after hear - Chester L. Smith, Publish 81,25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advanor 47.40 Lig ARItEAR8,M. MAY EN OXIARCIND (4;4,7:7 F'r' lord d D•r, and Mrs. W. D. Bryce motor - .Cd to London on Thursday. Miss Vera Decker of Exeter, vis- ited at her home here •on Sunday. Mrs. Egbert Heideman and son Al- bert motored to Sarnia on Monday. Rev. E. A. Pletch, D.S., of Cred- iton gave us a friendly call on Mon- day. Mr. and M'rs. Harry G. Hess vis- ited with friends in Goderich on Sun- day. Thursday of this week is St. Pat- rick's Day, and the wearing of the Green is popular on this occasion. ;Miss Deloris Mittleholtz of London was a week -end visitor -with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ted. Mittleholtz. Miss Nora Fremlin of the Bank of Montreal staff spent the week -end at her home, Clinton. ,Miss Martha Heideman, nurse -in - training of Sarnia Hospital, and who spent two weeks at her home here, has ;returned to Sarnia to resume her autres. rs. Bryce of Winnipeg, who has ben for some weeks, with her son, Dr; and Mrs. W. D. Bryce of Zurich, lef; 'last Thursday for Turonto from where she will go on to Winnipeg. elle Men's .Chorus of the Evangel- iee4aeliurch • will furpish special mus- ic at. both morning ancT evening ser- vices on Sunday. The condition of the Zurich road was very rough as usual, but the sun and winds this week dried it off to the extent that to -day, Wednesday, the big County Graders are at work thereon, and if the weather is favor- able a few days more, it will be sur- prising how improved this road will be shortly. There is a rumor that by April (first the Province will assume responsibility for this road, and we are all looking for that day when a heavy coat of gravel will be put thereon and finally hardsurfaced. Boys Have Banquet Last Wednesday evening the boys of the Zurich Hockey squad enjoyed a very appropriate banquet in the large room of 1 unblut's block, when about sixteen of these stalwarts gathered with keen appetites for to do• justice to a well prepared fowl supper. The fowI menu consisted of geese and turkey, and we are not in a position to disclose just how many- birds of each kind were con- sumed, but we would suggest one gored sized bird of each would about suffice'. Anyway, the boys ended the season in a very cheerful and happy way, haying not Iost a single game in the schedule of the Cyclone League NEW GRADER ARRIVES This Wednesday forenoon the new grader arrived eedered by Hay Town. ship Council from the Goderich Road' Machinery Comtpany, and it sure ie a beauty. As we observed it being maneuvered to and fro, we could not help but think this must be the last ward in road graders, all the work is being done by hydraulic force, the guiding of the big blade, the scarifier and all working parts are practically done by the press of the button. We congratulate the 1938 Township Co- !uncii of Hay for such a; worthy pur- chase and niay it be an outstanding purchase for many years to come, 'and that we may all point back with pride to 1938 for tie fine contrub-• ution to better road building and bet- tor roads in the township. During the.past few yeare the ordinary; small horsedrawn :graders were not ade- quate to keep the rods properly haped, but nor with this large and powerful mac'dne it will be an easy matter, and the result will be with better road§ our automobiles which always evert a lot of money will have a much prolonged life. Hay Town- ship, now has its power grader, a power stone crusher, and if they will A !in time acid a fleet of trucks then ing Ha+ . ' ovidel•ice which contain- they will have their' equipment cram. ed toq nuoll guess work, he said. lilerte. • c.aguette ce :rgn .n 14 K gold '5.00 B. Exquisite de- sign set with 3 perfect diamonds, 18.50 C. Modern style in 14 K natural or white gold, A. G. HESS • PHONE 'YOUR`t ..`" FOR Why pay for cheap Coal whet,` you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best., Also: Miller Creek Alberta dale) ; (Rose Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 - Hensall 4 @O+.0694,•93044^40a704•*04.44.*•0 J•04.0.0**4.00.44®400,1 e 0 • Reduced Prices e s ON • O All Wirter Goods a s e SWEATERS s WINDBREAKERS 4 • vSOX - CAPS Z o• SCARFS • OVERCOATS ••e• e AND ALL OTHER WINTER APPAREL 11.1 E"��3'? iLa 6k1 Cr y ,..:E 6J c z Cb i a°:r * EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS 0 •et at 4 • •••••aA•tyr 400. ,4 w � 6.04,*d•` 0. Q+taGti,$ai. o £..oce4 F,�.;.e.oe. �+e+ eee, et 41,5 etfr 4, • 41,0 • • as • • 4 We Thank Our Many Customers who Pat- ronized Us During Our Two Week's Sale and We have decided to Continue to sell all our Winter Goods at REDUCED PRICES. New Goods Arriving all the time. Your Patronage Solicited. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. D UGLAS GENERAL NIEROiLiANT PHONE' 11 97 BLAKE eallanlallialsellininaneeleMINUMIMOBMINVIEMMIRIMEMIMI