HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-10, Page 8THE STORE WITH THE STOCK Martha Washington HOUSE DRESSES New ., s ;;<'aul House oe r 'Si . T T . rn wti aUa@. I , >iA 1iYv &:u. C'i ,.. 0e3t Q au•' ^'.4•y, Fast Color Prints, at $1.49 as; ja $1,93 each. Other Makes at 79c. and 98c Each. NEW P ' N' "S,. M y0 Fines in Seas' is Latest ?at- terns, at- ter s, P' ices range t'rora 15c to FOC a %are; r'WW NU -BACK CORSETS Solve Your Figure Problem! New Styles with A„p.n-n, also the New Patented Sesame. Prices from 3.50 to 7.50 Each NEW WALL PAPERS A ler`p supply of Reg. N. Boxers Wallpapers '` again in Stock, We invite your inspection. Also a few room lots at very low prices. LENTEN SPECIALS Macaroni per lb. Salmon, Pink, 1 -ib. tins Canned peas, at each Sardines, 6 for No. 1 peanut butter per lb. Pork and Deans, large Sonas, 2 ibs. for r Jello, 4 for Oranges, 2 dozen for J. PRODUCE WANTED SC1. 5c I Oc IOc %9c 15c 10c 25c -19c 45c &SON PHONE 59 • arm«+ sup +arwe Auto Insurance Owing to the numerous accidents in 1937 Rates have been slightly raised in this territory by the Companies. However, Motorists can still buy Protection at a reasonable price. "DON'T DELAY! DON'T BE SORRY! PROTECT YOU7,12ELz INSURE NOWT Rates and Information furnished wii.zlout Obligation. BE A SAFE DRIVER! Andrew F. Hess, e Zurich MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY ZIJFtICH 103"1- jp ,•1, ny1n ! r l ' llll1[rlfi + ill2u 115K ZkCA,S ., • sfckt- !4„U, i 25c 39c 25c Wheat Berries, 541b. pkg, Gold Medal Coffee, 1 4b. tin at Brooms, 5 -string at aach 10c Mincemeat per lb, Ginger snaps, 'per lb. ,. 10c ................ 10c 19c 17c Peas, size 1`J0. 2, per can Oranges per dozen Macroni, 3 lbs. Men r o ue ch EGGSAI'l .Da X,.1 11111 I 'tlIIIII!!1,!Erir,f51,.y T,1!mdli, unch P oa: ti 165 iflIil lt(P 1 EO:flillifF !lll;u i ' ElgIi 111 11 III 1111E11 1111 1 ITEMS r OF LOCA Etta Born—To Mr. and Mrs. Jacob G•ingerich, Hay Twp., on March 9, a daughter. Holy Communion will be observed in the Evangelical Church next Sun- day morning. Miss Jean Krueger spent the week- end with her grandparents at Dash- wood. Mrs. Louis Schllbe spent a day with her sister, Mrs. Henry Volland at- Goderich. Hay Council held its monthly me- eting an the town hall on Monday afternoon j Lenten Services will be observed S ; in St. Peter's Lutheran church every Wednesday evening at 8 p.m. Mr. Harvey clausius ani IVIr. and Mrs. Andrew Thiel of Zurich were Sunday last visitors with Mr. and Mrs Sam Daerr, at Auburn. The stork called at the home of I, Mr. and Mrs. 'Charle Scotchmer of Bayfield last Monday morning and I left a fine baby girl Mr. Alex. Kerrigan and slaughters,' Elva and Shirley, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hamilton all of London visited the home of Mr. and Mrs. George J. Thiel of town on Sunday. Mrs. W. Zinkahn of •Kitchener,1 who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Herb Krueger of town and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Krueger of the 14th con., returned to her i home in Kitchener ever Sunday. The Temperance Federation will hold their annual convention lin Trin- ' ity United Church in Toronto this week on Thursday and Friday. Rev. E. Burn of town expects to attend. LOC., MARKETS (Corrected every Wednesday) Butter, Creamery 41 Butter, dairy 35 Eggs, dozen 17, 15, 14, 13 Wheat, bushel 90c • Oats, bushel 40 Barley bush. 60 Buckwheat, bush. 60 Flour, cwt. 3.00-4.15 Bran ton 30.00 Shorts, ton 30.00 Hogs, cwt. 7.50 Potatoes, bag 4Gc warden J. M. Eckert and the two local legislature members, C. A. Rob- ertson of North Huron, James .Ballan- tyne for South Huron, and Mayor Henry of Stratford. • R. B. Benett to Retire Rt. Hon. R. B. Bennett, soon to retire from leadership of the Conser- vative. party at Ottawa and to some extent from political life in Canada, has behind a 42 -year record of. pub- lic service, begun in New Brunswick, carriecl;,on in Alberta and reaching its climax in the Dominion sphere at Ottawa. A capacity for leadership, demonstrated early in his• career, with a mind to set purpose and pursue it undeviatingl.y, marked him for a career dnpuiblic life, a careerethat reaches' its climax in the highest offi- ce in .the, gift of the Canadian peo- ple, the prime • minister's chair, A man of great wealth, a lawyer of re- cognized ability, a speaker of •com- pelling, eloquence, all Mr. Bennett's career,]aas been crowded into the pub- lic eye. •A bachelor, he had more pub- lic life than private as he more than once remarked. A New Milk Act Toronto—A bill prohibiting sale of unpasteurized milk in "certain areas"..of Ontario was introduced in the Ontario Legislature by Hon. Har- old J. Kerby, minister of health. The bill would give the health departm- ent power to make the compulsory provision epply in other areas when it was considered advisable, the min inter said. The bill in the form of an amendment to the Public Health Act, provides: "No person shall sell, offer for sale or deliver in any city or town •.;r r:;:y other municipality or other to which by declaration of the (health) •department this section is made applicable, milk which has not been pasteurized in a pasteurization plant to which the department has is- ;uecl a certificate of approval in the prescribed farm." The compulsory pasteurization provision does not ap- ply to'milk brought into any such city, town, municipality or area by the producer and sold wholesale to a distributor nor to products of wilk prepared in a plant and by methods opproved by the department. The Evangelical Senior League spent a pleasant social evening in the Meyer's home on Tuesday evening, when the following officers were elec- ted for the year: President, Ethel Gabel; Vice-IT.'resident, Pearl Gabel; Secy., Ruby Church; Treas. Ruth Brown. Fine March weather is prevailing in this part of Ontario this week, the lays are nice and bright, yet crisp ^nd c.:ld, while the nights are very HARDWARE -- SEEDS and FURNITURE • s 1Tjr ter9 s Fuel Colder Weather Always Demands the More Suit- able FUEL for Your Heating Equipment. Let Us Supply Your Needs with the Right Kinds of Fuels at Moderate Prices! HEATING EQUIPMENT Have You Looked Over Your Heating Equipment? Does Your Stove of Furnace Need Attention; or Prob ably You Need a new one... Let Us Look These Over for you aid • Offer Our Suggestion to Your Best Advantage f _ 1 Plumbing, Furnace'Work, Evetroughing and Tinsmith- ing our Specialty. Full line .of heavy and shelf Hard - ware always in stock. 1 STARE &WEIDO 1 ZURICH - ONT. 1 '' QUALITY — PRICE SERVICE a a s 42 0 9 i • w • t • S e • i ods but spring seems not far away. mods are all open for motor nadide but rough at places, in fact is real nice winter weather, and •••ill soon be followed by ;-Pring. Celebrate3 t3 u 1 D rthday lIr. Alexander McKenzie of town -:vho is with Mr. Harvey Clausius in the new harn e;:, 'business in Zurich, welt the pat •veelc at his hone in \r•bern, where ie cel bretod his 82nd 'iirthday and where a banquet was `c`id in the Forester's Hall Tuesday ,vening in honor of Mr. McKenzie's t2nd birthday, also for all the men in the community over 70 years. A- bout 50 men sat down to the table where in the centre was a three story irthday cake. Following the supper i program was given with Dr. Weir as chairman, and sppeches were giv- •i after which the entertainer Harvey McGee led in community singing and 'After of i r musical numbers Mr. Mc- Kenzie gave a very suitable address. Following this the party was brought o a close by ;:irping Auld Lang Syne Off to Ottawa Asking that Goderich harbor and 'harbor entrap^ `,e deep 'neer to a lepth of 25 fect to eveomodate the 'w T,..,• lake veseelc• • t',e installation of edio beacon and ship -to -shore recipe i;mnm::cai:ion aparetns and t',e con- :Y•r:ction of a road to the north side -,f the harbor to l:':oxide additional ^dustrial sits, a large delegation '17 Om Goderich and Western Ontario 's at Ottawa this week where they ill pi's cut their requerts to Hon. J. Cardin, minister of public works. e.nd Hon. C. B. Howe, minister of •.ransport. The party will ennsist of Mayor MacWwen and whatever me- mbv.s of the Goderich council can go also sothe prominent business men of •Goderich, Warden W. Haack° ex- t['hutsday, Murch 3.0lh, 1,Y88 , . +1+++++++.0++.• a++++++44:040+10.1. .13• i'"jy'' +++++ ++7rF'+++ .+,+++ k 41 • 4 + YO r Frnithre HARDWAR NEEDS , We Always Carry a Full . Line of the Best of both. Shelp and Heavy Staple Hardware;. Stoves, Furnaces, and all Heating Equipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this. Line. 04. 4' Airways keep a Good Stock of New and the very Latest 1 in Furniture at Very Reasonabl e Prices, quality Con- i sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, 1: Dining Roorn Suites, Occasional Chairs Rockers, Etc.. FURNITURE 4. 44 ,r e 4 G 3 4 4. SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE For the most conservative purchaser,we have a Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture that will give you big value for the Money, such as: Davenports, Couches, Dressers, Rockers, Other Chairs, Et& Be sure and look these over. Johnston & Kaibfleisch 4 1 Hardware & Furniture. Phone 83 } .F f++4+q.i,+'H+.f„i.,r,x44.+4.+++,++.+ +++ 4. +i,,++++++ ++++^Ft.Pt Choice Quality Zurich Garage Bads end Shoe We carry a nice line of choice Footwear for Men, Boys and Women. All our Stock is fresh and of very choice materials. No leftovers or second grade lines. Let us :fit you up with your next pair of Shoes. See our line of Sport Shoes. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Ont. WE GIVE EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Shot at Grand Bend. Mrs._ Erwin Holt; 19, formerly Hazel Marriotte, was accidently killed last Friday at her home near Grand Bend when a revolver in the hands of her husband was •accidently discharg- ed. After the police investigated they ruled it was a case of accidental death coroner Dr. Weeks, Exeter, said an inquest would not .be necess- ary. Mr..and Mrs. Ilolt were prepar- ing to go to Grand Bend to obtain yarn to finish a sweater. Mrs. holt was fully dressed, and was seated holding her tyro -year-old baby when She asked her husband to get a, samp pie of yarn from the drawer. Noticing the old revolver, the husband began to examine it. He emptied the mag - mina and cartridges on the sideboard but forgot about the shell in the barrel. Jack Holt, brother of the husband narrowly escaped injury. He was lying on the couch, reacting, and the bullet missed him by inches. Sur- viving ,Mrs. Holt are herhusband, the two-yearold daughter, her, and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aitken Mar riotte. Your Patronage Solicited Come and purchase your Aut- omotive utomotive Requirements fron Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station. We can supply.. your needs. Expert Automobile repairing, Acytelene Welding, Tires, Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. `i,r,,1; ._ LUNCH ROOM ' And clean Rest Rooms at your Service H. MOUSSEATS Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 NIIIIIIIII111111111111111111111111111 1111IIIIII111111111IIII!11111111111111IIIIIIIIIIII1111 NNINIIINNNIIII!1!IIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!II!Nliq!1!nNl!!1!!1!1!H✓ M1111!II!!!II!1!II!!!!!!!!1!!1!!1111111111!!!1!11!11!11!!1!1!11!1111!!1!p1Iii! • THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice • Painting Wagon • Painting Buggy Recovering Buggy Top $7.00 and 10.00 6.00 and 10.00 16.00 and 18.00 ▪ Reriinming Buggy Wheels Set 12o00 Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar. 1.00 Buggy Reach 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c g HESS, the Repair Man !ININNIN:IIIIIlIIIIIIIII!IIIII!!II!!!II!IIIIIIIIIII!IN!!i!II!INIIIII!!!!il11IN!!IIIIII11111!!11111N!!N!!!NIN!III!!!1IIIIIIII!1!!!!!i!!!I!!!!I!!!!I!lIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!!N!1!il!i!II!!1!II!!!!!!!1!!!IIIIN!IIIII!IIIIINIIIIINIII n MASSEY-IIARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires purchased from Us; Quality Best; Prices Lowest; Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat- alogues, we will meet all competition. Seeding Implements should be in good working shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67. AUCTIONEERING? YES!