HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-10, Page 4't the FO[`14 AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Inp14itents, on Lot 4 I.R.W., Hay Township, on Blue Water Highway, one mile south of Drysdale, en WEDNESDAY, MARCH 16th, ZURICH HEKA At 1 o'clock; p.nx. HIORSES—Bay Carrlege horse, works single and double 6 yrs. old bred by (Oliver Evans) ; Clyde mare Clyde colt rising 3 yrs old. CATTLE—Red Durham cow still milking; Grey Durham cow due May Loth; Grey Durham cow due •_May 20th; Durham heifer 1'5 months old; Durham •calf 6 months old. These cattle have been tested Feb.• 22nd, 1938 for T. B. and have been found free. IMPLEMENTS, ETC._Massey-Har- ris bindey 6 -ft. cut; Deering fertiliz- er disc drill; Deering mower 5 -ft, cut; Massey -Harris spring tooth cult- ivator, Maese Harris No: 8 2 -row bean cultivator. Oliver beat scuf]`.ler, with puller combined, puller has new knives; Massey -Harris walking plow new; 3 -section diamond harrows new- ly sharpened; Cockshutt disc; pair -bob sleighs, pair bunks, cutter, open buggy, Chatham wagon, gravel box, hay rack, land roller, horse ,rake, Chatham fanning mill complete with screens; power cutting box with 'blower; root pulper, 900-11.r. cap. Gur- ney scales, bag truck, Ford motor pewee plant, 12 -.inch gram roller, 'wheelbarrow, 3 h.p. Ellis Engine, buzz saw frame, 4 sling ropes, 120 - feet of big rope new, a quantity of hardwood planks, quantity,_of inch lumber, set double harness, set single harness, -horse collars, some grain bags, stone boat, steel drams, forks shove's, spades, crowbare, scythe, doubletrees, neckyokes, hand sleigh, Renfrew cream separator new; Daisy 'churn,. Winchester depeating shot guar model 1897; 8 -tube Remler rad- io set; and numerous other articles. No reserve, as theowners are giv- ing up farming. TERMS—CASH Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Wm. S. Johnston, Clerk. George Denomme & Son, Proprietors AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock, Implements a -nd household Effects, on Lot 24, -Con. 10 Iiay Township, One ''mile north of 'Zurich, on THURSDAY, MARCH 24th 1938 Commencing at 12.30 o'clock, a.m. LIVE STOCK--Raanhorse riding 5 ;years; Grey horse rising '9 yrs. 2 cows due at time of sale; Red cow :due in Apz71; Roan cow due 'in May; Roan cow due in June;.'Bed cow still 'milking; Jersey heifer rising 2 yrs;;' Brindle heifer rising 2 -yrs; 5 calves rising 1 yr; Purebred -York sow due: at time of sale. About `8 dozen' Ledo- drrorn hens. IMPLEMENTS, FTC a—Massey- Harris Binder .6 -ft, cut; M,H, znowtr 5 -ft, cut; Noxon plower 5 -ft cut, Nox on hoe drill, M.H. spri gtooth cultiv- ator, wagon, truck, wagon box with shelves and spring seat, stock rack, hay rack, 8 -section harrows, dine, hay rake, roller, 8 walking plows, fann- ing mill, 1 -horse seufl:ler, top buggy, cutter, 2 1200 -ib. cap, scales, bag truck, wheel barrow, stone boat, pr. bob sleighs, pr. bunks, extension lad- der, 30 -ft, ladder, 3 15 -foot ladders, cutting box, meat barrel, quantity of grain bags, 2 sets of sling ropes, 2 large ropes, one nearly new about 40 and 120 feet`long; Galv, water trough 2 tubs, 2 sets double harness, 2 sets 1 -horse harness, 2 single harness.; 4 horse blankets, 2 robes, 2 strings of bells, set of chimes, team bells, 8 horse collars, a quantity of planks, some scantlings, quantity of inch lura bel, gravel box, 2 immure boxes, emery grinder, grindstone, onion se- ed 'thresher, onion seeder, onion sme- llier, onion sieve, 4 -wheel etrailer, quantity of onion crates, about 500 feet of 1 -inch piping, quantity of posts, double plow, cradle, scythe, barley fork, 8 -prong fork, number of windows, forks, shovels, spades, i'log- ging chains, iron kettle, good copper kettle, 'eveners, neckyokes, DeLaval cream separator, chicken coope, 60 lags of 'potatoes Dooley, large pine oat box, about 35 ton of mixed hay, -2 cross cut saws, bucksaw, sledge, axes and nurnberous other articles. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, — Org- an, Peninsular range, cook stove, baseburner heater, sideboard, 2 kit- chen sinks, glass cupboard, lounge, kitchen table, extension table new, drop leaf table, cellar table, piece of Linoleum 10x12 ft; Linoleum 9x9, kitchen chairs, hanging lamp, bench, Iqunitity of pictures and frames, pa- per .rack, Victor phonograph, Edison phonograph, Raymond sewing mach- ine, 2 leather upholstered chairs, centre table, 3 rocking chairs, high- chair, bedroom suit complete, 3 dou- ble beds and springs, 3 small bed- room tables, wardrobe, washing mach ine and wringer, a number of curtain and curtain poles. flower plants and pots, washboard, boiler, 2 large bak- ing bowls, 50 -gal vinegar barrel, 2 small barrels, 3 wash tubs, 3 lantern 2 churns, 2 butter dishes and spoons,' lamps, 6 1 -gal. jugs, 3 4 -gal. crocks, 2 'large bake boxes, bread pans, 2 dish pans, granite dishes, cabbage cutter, kettles and pails, stands a nd shelves, flour. bins, ironing board, roll of linoleum, curtain stretchers, quilting frames, toilet sets, Arninis- ter rug 7?ix9 feet, Etc. TERMS—CASH 'Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. Milford Merner, Clerk. Heavy and John Galhnan, Executors, Jacob •GaaJ-man Estate. STANLEY TOWNSHIP The young Peoples' Society of Geee Mien—and Varna intend• 'hold'ing a Box' 'Social at the Hall, Valuta on Friday evening, March "nth. 4++++;e+++++44.44+++++4+4+44. 44 ++4, ,4 e++ ++ ++.i i' l'+,, +4++ 4 + el 641 F. 1 1 ..PP Bread : .A..' la' 7n . .. .+ . . 4. .4 •Y' 4: . 4! TRY CKE.L'S also 1.7 CHOICE 'VARIETY :OF CAKE, PIES, A;1 SWEET ,,"GOODS. • All Ingredients Used .are :of the = hest Qu ,y ALL CONFECTIONS .— ' ICE (CREAM Our Store ‘wril be closed -ea;dh Wed.nestity Evening Eckel's Bakery . .. Zurich Telephcme 11;0,0 +++++++++++++++444.44++++++ ++++++.++3:&++41s .4.1.4 444 # 11111111 mpm111111111I1 11 II tl!iit11111l 111Nh1, I3t filIItill 1 [f6 d111111111111 r g3i I®ERMIE ' II (I WIREMIgl T 'HERALDt Do You now? Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have. power in your store, to influence the decision of your c 1S- iomers in regard towhat they buy from you, Your ,ustorners rely on you to give them products which ilk use or consumption, will give them complete wtisf action. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationally cit c'ulated magazines then, by the salve token, it Is' ri right .i use local weekly newspapers! 1 am ,tho Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE '11111.1P.11111111111.11110111111 111411111 114 Argit r !,i>II[V1omomill 1l1111)olllMl! "1>Im ilo'1f1I01 I1 4 • Mr, Vit. H. Stephenson •of Marl- ette, Mieh., is spending a few days, visiting friends in Stanley and I3ay� field, HILLSOREEry Mrs. Evelyn Broderick and daugh- tetr-in-law, Mrs, Arthur Broderick of Exeter visited. et the home of her daughter, Mrs. Orville Smith and family. 111.r. and Mrs, H. Fuss and' •family' attended .the anniversary party held for Mr. and Mrs. IT, Carie ori of Clinton recently, • Miss Dorothy Maud Love is,irnprov ing after being seriously ill the past few weeks. Mr. and Mrs. W. Weide and. -sons and Mr. C. Clackwell and Annie'Jar- rett spent an evening at the home, of Mr. and Mrs. F. Corbett, Miss Edna G. Cochrane, R. Vii,, was taken to the General Hospital at -Tor- onto during last week and was op- erated on for a fractured skull. llor sisters, Mrs. H. McMuxtrie of• ;I ippen and Mrs. F. Farquhar accompanied her, and are staying until the, pati- ent is recovered somewhat. Hexinany friends wish her a speedy Mcoveey As she is missed very much 711 tie community. Mrs. Archie Parsons and son. 'Ger- aid are spending a couple of 'days with her parents at Denfield. : The W. A. are sponsoring a. 10ct. tea on St. Pataick's 'night, March 17, at the Hillsgreen church. The. -ladies are bringing their birthday offering and hold their party that evening too. A good program and games 'will be the evening's fun. So come o.one and all the fee is only 10 cents loots Mr. William J. Jarrett and Annie visited Mr. Robert Jarrott :at :Kippen recently. Dr. A. :Moir of Huron Springs -Hos- pital called on friends during the pat week. - DASHWOOD PAPERHANGING Over 600 Samples to .choose ` from. Estimates Free. Prices Reasonable C. F. PFILE—DASHWOODf. t36 Mr. Harry Koffman .attended a banquet at Strathroy on.Friday ' night put on by the H. C. Downham Naus- ery Co., and had :the ,pleasure of meeting an -old friend .Mx. Hepb• Buzzel of Abbottsville, Que!hec, who attended the C.oxonation with Harry last 3fay.. Mrs. Morenz is .spending a_i few days with her ,bauother.an Guelli this nveek.. Fred' Hopei -eft who . has been in Toronto for some _time has returned home. Mrs. Sellery ,who. has. ;been visiting with her sister.Mrs. W. !Wolfe has returned to her home.in Seaforth. Mr. V. Dinnen ..and .Miss Lylyan Rader .of Zurich were Sunday visitors with. Mr. and Mrs.. Maurice. Klurnpp. Mx. and .Mrs. L, . Ireland..of , Guelph. spent ,Sunday with.his.,iuother., MTS. 'Ireland. Mr. and 'Mrs. Meerbuxg. and twin daughters of Port Franks spent Sun- day .with .Mr. and _Mrs. Jonas •Hart- leib and .Lavada. Mr. and Mrs. Henry _Krueger of the 14th Con., had a. ,very . successful sale last Thursday and have. moved to town .on Friday and ere now getting settled :in :their new home. Mee :anti :Mrs. Ed. I'kadiger and Mn and Mrs. Wm. Nadiger:attencied the funeral of a relative in Galt on Wedne eth y.. Mr. „and -Mrs. A. E. (Ci•steekher attended the funeral of her uncle Mr J. McNee in 'in London ;en 'Thursday. Mr. and Mrs. E. Hamadan -of Dor- chester spent a few days %es. Hamacher.. Mr. Peter Schroeder aiatl adaul;hter Mrs. Han sxrar eof Listowel spent the week -end Wx+.ith Mr. and Mrs. Geo,: Koch. Mr. Wm 4Go„sman has jus' azatuene ed from a nyixp 'to Montreal, Deetawa, Pembroke anis other places snaking the entire trip' in four weeks ils, . lltd1U-; ing out his tb dela. •We extend our sympathy to ;liIr. weld Mrs. (Harold ',Weber on the ,death ) of ;their little son Robeat Arthur ati the;age of 11 xx:t'1,,;. Interment tosiki Plage in the Breer un Line Cemetery en Thursday ai't+ a croon. Rev, T. LnfI officiated. --.—sae..�.- HENS,, Mr. and Mrs. Glen Bell entertained I. number of relatives and friends at their home :recently, the eaeasion be- �n ing him bireletiay. Mrs. (Dr.) Campbell left on Wed- nesclay last to a,isit relatives in Nova y>fltia. :Mr. and Mrs. Andrew 1Vlurre*y,who herr/ been visiting erith relatrvee' pane friends in Hensall :ad vicinity for several weeks, left eon Wedneedady last far their home in 'Regina. Mn and Mrs. Norman McLeod of Dearbore, Mich., attended the fungi al of Mrs. M,eLeed's sister, the lute Mrs. Lloyd Veinier, held here ori Fri day last. Lloyd Passmore has renter] to T1el- ]ii 4.ner .spending two weeks' holidays .4 itl rg his parelitsi Mr. told Mrs. 31O ,I' P rS]YI (fin, Thursday, '.ch 1 Qui, 193:, WING F ! FIT ” . %tI a cine a m i' for �CY r ov� i®+V instance.. Ammo usa Cy Fumes are not the only business met who need to borrow to make next season's "crop" possible. Manu$aci> rers have to purchase raw materials for a "crop" of future finished products. J olesalers must stock up in advance and ararehouse their goods, if they wish a seasonal harvest of businen. Retailers, buying for the new season's demands, may need money to take advan- tage of discounts. Many lines of business need to borrow, in order to carry on. The Bank of Montreal makes loans to ail kinds of Canadian business for such constructive purposes. AMR F UAL ESTAB3.ISHED 1817 "a bank where small accomas are welcome" Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager /CODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ...- the Outcome of 320Years' Successful Operation 4 Earl IPalener was a week-end;busin- ess -in Temente. Mrs. Wm. Sangster, who .since the passing of .her husband two years a- go, has conducted the grocery store formerly .owned by her husoban.d, has decided to quit the grocery bus- iness and rived the balance of the stock and :fixtures to her hoarse on Saturday last. MVlr. and Mrs. Chas. Abbott of De- troit and Mrs. (Dr.) Smith lel St. Marys were recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. G. C. Petty: Geo. C. Petty has sold the ' brick building known as the former Petty pork packing plant and one of the first brick buildings built in Hensall td Geo. Thompson -who intends erect- ing a large grain warehouse on, the site which is !a8osxg side his present grain warehouse. The new building will be erecta: 't'h'is nueruner. Bob Drysdale left for London last week to take a special :business course at Westervelt College. Casey Hudson of Listowel, spent Sunday last here at his home of his parents on his way to London to at- tend the Ford school sof instruction, and will likely make a good showing as last year he was second best hi the large number of mechanics who took the course. The auditors report of the Village municipal books, made recently by Firstbrook, Monteith & Co., of Strat- ford has been ;printed. It shows that the village is in a splendid position each account sh in financially, showing a nice surplus. The debenture debt is '.ieing rapidly paid off. At the end of 1939 ,all the debentures will be paid except the balance of the school de- bentures due in 1942 and the hydro debentures, tlea balance of which will be paid off in 11!946. There is now en- ough money'on land to meet the pay- ments on the balance of the school anal rlrydro debt. Marks Wattsh , s Sun -lay ,We ion's .Sunday together with a women% choir of 26 -voices .featured Sunday's cervices at this United ch- urch. Be -v, A. Sinclair conducted both services with special discourses in keeping 'wlthr.the occasion. A. women's ^luartet composed of Mrs. M. 0. Dry- sdale Mrs. Gee. Hess, Miss Florence Welsh and Miss I- I. ,McMurchie was the feature of the morning service: Soloiss hi the avoxaing anthem were Miss Lottie Love, les. A. Clark and :vlrs. i4Z, Veda -en. A Beat at the con- clusien 1f the sermon wee rendered! by Mrs- Mamie Redden and tars. Geo Hess, Miss Neiripoi'' Fiyh:cih iirosided 4t the organ, Beaver—Wurm Wedding A pretty wedding was solemnized at the United Church parsonage, Hensall, Saturday afternoon. last when Rev. A. Sinclair united in: mar- riage Miss Emma Warm, eldest dau- ghter of Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Wur-m, who live on the highway two miles south of Hensall, and formerly of the Village, to Harold Samuel Beaver, second son of Mrs. John Caldwell of Exeter. The charming bride who was becommingly gowned was attended by her sister Miss Grace. The grooms man was Ernest Chipchase of Tuck ersmith Twp. After the ceremony about 20 members of the .families of the two contracting parties motored to London where a wedding dinner was served at the Royal Cafe and af- terwards were guests at a theatre party. Later in the evening Mr. and Mrs. Beaver left on a motor trip to Port Huron and other points in Mich- igan. On their return they will re- side in Exeter. Mrs. Beaver was a former popular Hensall young lady snd they both have the best wishes of their many friends. COUNTY NEWS John Schoenhals, who has oberrat- 1 'd the Clinton flour mill for 25 yrs. has suspended business for the pres ent. The funeral of the late Matthew Bates, an old and highly respected former resident of the front road was held at Bayfield cemetery Tast Tuesday afternoon. Mr. Bates died at his home in Goderich. Miss Beatrice Harris, Reg. 1'r.. of Enibro, has been apointecd assistant superintendent of Wing -ham hospital , succeeding Miss Nellie Walters, who 1 after twelve years in that position, ihas resigned and will be married. Purchases House• Lloyd Scotchiner, who reeezrtfersc►Id his farm on the Bronson line, Stan- ley,P urchased the beautiful' brick residence with a large stable, on the property besides the. Anglican Church from John Londsay, and win l'aecotue a resident of Hayfield. Choir Member, Half Century- S. enturyS. M. Sandershas retired *muffle tfre choi • of James street United church at Exeter, after 53 years of vo..rficc with the exception of a fewbrief intervals. He served 'trader eight, choir -leaders. Takes a .Position Mies Alice 1-?`i.iclson, daughter of IVZx'. and Mrs. Tsaac Hudson of Si a - forth, has been appointed >tenog't lilies+ tiff t o ofpiiice e1' ake, tri: e clerk' rant Public Utility Commission, to ssueeee$ Miss H. B. Swan, who has resigned. $272.89 Credit Seaf•orth Public Utility Commission receives of a credit of $272.89, the 13th adjusting bill for Hydro power bought during the year, shows. This bila has just been received. Arm Caught in Buzz Saw 'Heber Snell had his right arm had- ly mangled when it came in comet with a buzz saw while sawing woa& at his farm. in Hibbert Twp. Mr. Snelt got; ibis 'sleeve caught in the saw drawing the arm in. He was brought'), to the office sof Dr. Dunlop at Exeter and from there taken to London Hos- \ pital, and is getting along nicely. �. Fifty Years Married Mr. and Mrs. F. William Baker, of Exeter on Monday celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary of their wedding. Before :marriage, Mrs. Baker was formerly Elizabeth Ann Heanran, and the marriage ceremony was performed at the home of her father, ,Jeremiah Heaman, "Devon" by Bev. Kersehel, pastor of the Me- thodist church. The 50th celebration was held at the home of 1VLrs. Clark Fisher, ,daughter of the celebrants.. I-iit by Auto While walking to his home late at night or early in the morning H. 5. Farrant, salt worker of Goderich, was struck down by an auto and serious- ly injured. He regained consciousness; that forenoon and his condition la improving. He suffers concussion, se- vere .head and facial lacerations and'. multiple bruises. Dies in 89th. Year Mrs. Sophia Agnew, widow of Wm• Agnew. is dead at the home of her: daughter, Mrs. Geo. Phalon, of Cline• ton, in her 8Dth year. She was one of the :family of 11 of the late Matt. Hoist and Catherine Preszcator Hoist and was horn in Stephen Township, in 1849. She 'was married in 1869. ter husband died in' :t8:89, rn. 1892' Mrs. Agnew came to Clinton with i her family 1Y er since e and had v . ri resided there. Cm sister, Mrs. Little of Calif.. survives. There are four daughters arad two sons. Niiaety-Second Birthday Mrs. Agnes Alexander of Exeter;, observed her 92nd :birthday on Feb.: 13th at the home of her ,randson,. Ed. Alexander of the north boundary of Usborne. She was born on the Thames Road, her maiden name be- ing Agnes Gibson. All her Iife heel been spent in Usborne, Mr. Alexan•. der predeceased her 25 years agoMhd• 1111 able to be up and around but quite fait. liner family family consists of threedaughter, ten 'lrrandchildren '±n 5ev. ] grf. ,l: grandchildren,