HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-03-03, Page 7• 10 bi- ,t., he im 110 of ht 14 ut• en tit! 13, ,c- ve 3 id id s- td .r= to )e le 3S at Is Is ;h ill rd 11, 1e to al ;8 if 8, a- a it n 1- ,o d e e 11 d s (9r.►�.:0K4: > 9* irog1,f0,~9xotifPYeP.v4:10 4�� 0 x 4�9:P:r ' ` ' • + + Y �. T ► - � � a � ,� .► � w i .� ,,.. � +�Rn ��,.���a9aP P;P.1 i•4� 9.414.9:9x�0^� u Classifi.ed Advertsing P �i AGENTS WAIVTI0D FURNITURE g.f1NTED—MAN WITR CAR TO TAIIE over profitable Rawleigh Route. 'Es- tablished customers. Sales evay up this year. Must be eatisfled with earnings of .$30 a. week to start. Write Rawieigh's Dept. ML307-101-C, Montreal, Canada. BOOKS AND MAGAZINES OUl? FAVOURITE MAGAZINES OI"- fer thrilling and fascinating enter- tainment, vital Instructioe, and help- ful inspiration at surprisingly low prices. Subscriptions make excellent gifts, too. Complete list free on re- quest. D. Scott Service, Toronto 10, Ontario, BOOKS ON FUR FARMING 'UR FARMING—PR01' 1TABLE BUSI- neds. 60e book now 25e. Fur Farms publishing Co„ 31 Arcade, Utica, N.X. CATTLE HEREFORD BULLS, HEIFERS, REG- istered, fully accredited, year old, Foreman, Model X. General Greenly's CLOTHING FOR SALT] GOOD USED CLOTIIING., LOWEST prices. Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. CLYDESDALES WHERE TO BUY CLYDESDALES, DO- mestie and imported. 50 head regis- tered breeding stock now on hand. 10 stallfons, various ages. 40 young brood mares and fillies. West Point Farm, H. C. McLaughlin, Owner, Galt, Ontario. DEAF? BONE CONDUCTION. A NEW METH oil that gives you natural hearing through the bones of the head. The Potter Bone Conduction, the smallest macre is applied to the bone behind the ear, nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the age. Write to H. Potter Company, 405 Ryrie Building, Toronto. Established -10/7. DEVELOPING AND PRINTING BEAUTileIJL ENLARGEMENT, HAND colored in oils, free with each order. Roil developed and printed. 25o; re- prints, 10 for 25c. Ray's Photo Ser- vice, Station 3, Toronto. ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED, 25c. Free glossy enlargement with each order. Gem Photo Service, Box 729, Station H, Toronto; Ontario, ARTICLES FOR SALE 1:M PLOYMENT PLANNED EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL workers. Send ten cents per copy to Dept. W. Canadian Placement Insti- tute, 21 Dundas Square, Toronto. ICDMPLOYMENT 'WANTED STENOGRAPHER— DICTAPHONE OP - orator; age 25; 7 years experience. Very good appearance; asks twenty. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT—B•;. Com.e 8 years financial, manufacturing, post work; asks three hundred. SALESMAN; CLERIC; SENIOR MA - trio. Age 23, men's furnishing, gen. merchandlsq; what offers? -YOUNG MAN FAMILIAR W I T H building materials wants opportunity leading to traffic work. No employment fee. Send ten cents for copy of "Planned Employment For A11 Workers" to Canadian Placement Institute, 21 Dundee Square, Toronto. FEATHERS WANTED — GINSENG GOLDEN SEAL poultry, goose andduck feathers._ Satisfaction guaranteed. W. Heller, 147 Harrison St., Toronto. PrLMC AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 25c. Re -prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 18R',6 King E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 26e. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- nrines, Ont. FREE!—TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- ments (one colored)' with roll de- veloped. eight glossy. fade -proof prints, 28e; highest quality. Machray Wilms, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for 150 prints, 51- S. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, To- ronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT'WITH EVERY 25c order. Roll film developed and 8 Prints, 25c. Reprints 8c each. Bright - ling Studio. 29 Richmond St., E., To- ronto. FOR SALE ELECTRIC, HAND OR POWER MEAT choppers and bone grinders; fully guaranteed. A. J. Deer Company, 158 King St, W., Toronto. CLIP THIS — LEFTOVER BROKEN Tobaccos, mixtures, sweet smoke, little need to cut; 20 lbs. bag 52.50 F.O.B. Rival Cigars Tobacco Co., Reg'd. B-21, St. Romuald, Que. DEPENDABILITY SPECIAL WEEK - END PRICES — 510.10 ton Genuine Pocahontas stove (bit.) Screened and Treated; 58.45 ton Domestic Stove coal (Bit.) excellent for hot water;• $7.25 ton Domestic Nut coal (Bit.) City-wide prompt de- livery. Ontario Fuels Limited, 23 Scott Street. TLgin 8388. Full EA WRING MINK RAISING — SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal. Box 31, Toronto, On- tari n. GROW ANGORA WOOL! CLEAN! IN- terestiug! Profitable! Free literature. Otto's Angora Ranch, Drawer 2098, Colborne, Ontario. HAiR GOODS WIGS, TOTJPES, TRANSFORMATIONS, Braids, Curls, rind all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Num an Hair Supply Co., 528 Bathurst, Toron- to. tiA.IRDRESSiNG SCHO®T,S e MADAME HUDSON SCROOL, NAIR- dressing and Beauty Culture. Write s for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St., Toronto. MEN ANT) LADIES, LTOARN BARBI:R- il ins;' or Hairdressing, under New Mo- e. lee System. Free Information. Write 6110 Yonge Street, Toronto. Il ii V e f RAVMAR, Go/this foremost A:lvLn on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart irce to anyone who writes him. This amazing free ofin is made merely to advertise b MASON'S 49 COLD REMEDY and le wa0able fora Iim]ted time only. Wait today, encloting • sell.addressed, •tamped envelope and your birth -date. Adtkaaa--Raymara MASON,EMEDt6S LItt:SiD • 14 Naomi Pt, . rokottrc, CANADA LYONS' FEBRUARY SALE OF RECONDITIONED FURNITURE litione dtandasaniltarilyttreated Toronto's largest used furni lure market. A11 goods sold on a definite money -back guarantee if not' satisfied. •••e•.95 Kitchen Cabinets in perfect condition, 6.95 Dressers, any finish. 11.50 Singer drop -head Sewing Ivla- 9 95 chines. 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves. ' Guaranteed. iiets, any finish, 11.95 14.50 6 Pc. Breakfast Suites, enamel Bnedlr Outfits e all steel anel 12.95 beds, walnut finish, excellent springs and brand new mattresses. A11 sizes. 32.50 3 Pc. Walnut Mohair Chester.: Reversible MaSrshate ll cushionscoAcliwon- derful bargain. 24.50 3 Pe; heavy taupe repp covered cushions suite, with reversible Marshall 24.00 8 Pc. in perfect oak ddining room suite, large round table and buffet, with six chairs, leather uphol- stered, completely reconditioned. 69,00 9 Pe. 2 -tone walnut dining suite, large buffet, glass door china cabinet, square table with six panel back, leather upholstered chairs. This suite cost over 5200.00 when new. Looks perfect. A real snap. 38.00 5 Pc. bedroom suite, walnut finish. r itcsleaier, and uilse bed wh chiffon- ier spring and new heavy roll edge all cotton mattress. Al condition. .A. snare67.00 6 Pc. Moderne walnut bedroom suite, te fseb,striple mrrvany,ullsizedag- less spring and new. excellent quality all -felt roll -edge mattress. .A. real bar- gainndfine oneytorderrfor complete of goods: price Any chartered bank our reference. Money back guarantee. LYONS' CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS 478 YONGE TRADE-IN DEPT.ORONTO HOLSTEIN COWS HOLSTEIN COWS SPRINGING AND 1 bull ready for service. Cows bred to son of 37 and guaranteed, accredited and bioodtested. 'Blanchard Bros., Middle Road, Freeman, Ontario. MAGAZINES MAGAZINES — WESTERN, DETEC'- tive, Women's Stories, etc, 5 Back Numbers 26c, Postpaid. M. Montgom- ery, Box 505, Station F, Toronto. MEDICAL 6000 EDMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy—rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, 51.50; one month $3; two months, 55. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta. Agents: Ly - mans, Montreal. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms: Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips. in- digestion, gas, constipation colic. Product of - German doctor. Price $6. Mrs. Geo. S. A1mas, Box 1073X, Sas- katoon, Sask. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. ON'T Puffer needlessly, our remedy "Davis ile Treatment" will help rid you of the terrible discomfort of bleed- ing, itching or protruding piles. Sent postpaid in plain wrapper' on receipt' of $1.00 Money back if not delighted with. results. Address, Davis Pharm- acal Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. NOVELTIES DRESSED DOLL, EASTER CHICKEN, Cow Boy Doll, Paper Hat, Balloon, Dancing Monkey, Blow Out and Horn all for 60c postpaid. Circular free. Robert Harvie, 238 'King St. East, Toronto. OFPICE EQTIIrMENT FIRE -PROOF SAFES, $50 AND UP, Cash Registers,, Credit Systems, Coun- ter Check Books. Send postcard for illustrated folders. McCaskey Sys- tems Limited, Galt, Ontario. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Drawings; Registra- tions; Sales. 14 Metcalfe. Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL MARRY — WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property, Particulars, 10c. Confidential. Cana- dian Correspondence Club, Box. 128, Calgary, Alta. LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send stamped, addressed envelope, Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, inexpensively. Home reme- dies, Testimonials, Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COM - fort, positive support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or under - straps or steel. Write Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept, 219, Preston, Ont. PHOTO FINISUING 26c — BEAUTIFUL HAND -PAINTED enlargements with every eight prints.,, Falcon Photo Finishers, 151 Sherbrooke Winnipeg, Man. ' 1'l;l'1'tlr' AND POUr;I'RY PI(1 UIl' yI GIN'!' JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred), Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Mizell Poultry Farm, Princeton, Ont. MY VERY BEST LARGTe " TIRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks, tic; big even ];arced Rocks, 10c. All blood - tested, 100% arrival. Bob Kimber- ley, 13ox \V,, Ivssex, Ontario. WOULD YOIJ LIKE TO HAVE BAR - red Rock pullets laying 75%, cock- erels weight:1g 5 to 7 lbs. dressed at 435 months, Leghorn chicks that travelled 2800 miles mortality nil, Pullets laying 80%? If you would, write for the Twecidle "Chicalogtre". It's Free and 'lot Mr. Kinstead and Mrs. Embersaie tell you the true story of the above success they have had with .Cweddle Chickr:a. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Limited, flex 10, Fer- gus, Ontario. • YOU GET—El QUALITY GOVERN- ment Approved Chicks from Blood - tested Breeder's at low prices when you order Baden Chicks. Send for .catalogue and prices. Baden Elec- tric Chick Hatchery, liox 50, Baden, Ortt:n rio, SAVI. 1+'TFTl CENTS HUNDRED BY ordering 'Pray Chicks thirty days in ITi1trtrt atchey, 130Jo n St. Ham- ilton, Ontario, Color Calendar New Shades Shown For Spring And Summer Turquoise, gold and rust are smart shades for junior frocks: Lime, citron and chartreuse are popular colors for spring evening gowns. Flower colors are to be smart for gloves to wear with spring tailor- mades, Orange skin is a bright novelty shade suede leather for novelty bol- eros for sport wear. Pink instead of white is the sugges- tion for the light midseason hat — good with the black and pink and navy and pink prints shown for ad- vance spring wear. Delicate pink is being discussed for lingerie blouses for early spring—a fact which checks neatly with the foregoing paragraph re, mid-season hats. Dark green is a high style novelty color for new ski-wear—seen at the second annual show and ski meet at Madison Square Garden. It is featured in cotton ski jackets and in dark green dresses for snow wear. Navy still re- mains the popular color in ski clothes and there is considerable interest In contrasting pastel tops. Light bright colors are forecast for girls' spring coats, replacing the con- ventional navy and other dark colors.. Reason: The increasing fashion for sports toppers in fleece cloths. Colors. to be featured are tan, strawberry, cadet blue, topaz gold, some pastels, but mostly in plaiding or dark ground's. A rosy rust shade, an intense, slightly grayed aquamarine and a bright yellow are conspicuous in sports clothes for spring. New shades for spring millinery are selected from old Chinese art. Two lovely ones are "Yan blue," which is a lavender -blue and "Sung Beige," which is a very rosy beige, almost a pottery rose. The United States contains more fossilized remains of dinosaurs than any other country in the world. Bo- livia,. Argentina and Mongolia also have large bone deposits. Treatment Eases Pains Of Cancer Doctor Claims That intraspinal Injections of Alcohol Aid Its Victims A new treatment which has proved successful in easing pain in such diseases as cancer, angina pectoris and chronic arthritis, by intraspinal injections of alcohol, was described to the Washington Medical Associa- tion by its inventor, Dr. Elias L. Stern of Sydenham Hospital, New York, Vitamin B-1 Added Fundamentally, the effectiveness of the treatment, Dr. Stern explain- ed, is due to the connection of the spinal fluid with the sympathetic ner- vous system. In experiments on cats, the disintegration of sensory nerves when so treated was clearly shown. It is this effect, he said, that makes the alcohol injections a deadener of pain; • After 12 years of research, Dr, Stern announced that his technique of intraspinal injections of alcohol and Vitamin B-1, had been invariably successful in his last 60 cases. Earlier attempts, while partially successful, had been hindered by complications, in which the size of the dose has proved to be the determining factor. Primarily a remedy for beri-beri, Vitamin 8-1 has proved one of the most potent rejuvenators yet discov- ered, Dr. Stern said, and curative in many other deficiency diseases. Its use in one case of infantile paralysis proved 25 per cent. effective in re- storing mobility, Stern said, and sug- gested that it was probably effective in halting the disease before the on- set of pulmonary paralysis. Seventeen preachers discoursed continuously for six days before a throng of 80,000 persons at a large camp meeting in Kentucky in 1801. It was the largest camp meeting in American history. -Iron and steel mills of Czechoslo- vakia are breaking production records in filling armament orders. Along Canada's Mining Highway BARBER LARDER COMPLET- ING INSTALLATION. Douglas A. Mutch, well known mining engineer, states :- - "Barber Larder is, completing installation of new electrically, driven plant and preparing for shaft sinking to a first objective at 550 ft. with four levels to be es- tablished at 125 ff. intervals. As formerly reported, very extensive diamond drilling was done here before deciding on shaft sinking with sixty holes completed. This drilling indicated a practically con- tinuous ore zone for approximate- ly 800 ft. with average grade es- timated at $7.05 across an average width of 25 ft. This average grade was obtained after reduction of numerous high assays. It is esti- mated that some 475,000 tons of ore have been indicated above the 250 -ft, level. Diamond drilling returned very important ore sec- . tions with widths up to 400 ft., some of which carried exception- ally high values, withone averag- ing $119 across 12.8 feet. A fur- ther hole averaged $ 10.60 across- 31 cross32 ft. Others returned $9.50 across 20,5 ft.; $8.60' across 14.2 ft.; $16.90 across 35 ft.; $7.56 across 20 ft.; $8.82 across 10'.7 ft.; etc. One hole showed a width of 100 ft., averaging $4.97. "In addition to the main ore zone further drilling some 2,000 ft. west of the shaft returned. val- ues of $25,25 across 1.2 feet and $8.06 across 5 ft. This indicates important possibilities for the find- ing of further ore west of the shaft section; along the 3000 -ft. length of favourable structure contained in the company's prop- erty. LOOKING FOR BIG, STURDY, HEAL - thy, fast-growing chicks? The Bray Xtra -Profit chick does the trick. Free catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. SOME BRAY PULLETS LAID 70% during October and November (two high price months) last year. See our 1938 catalogue. 12 pure breeds also cross -brads. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. CHICKS BARRED ROCKS AND White Leghorns; nil breeders blood - tested and under Government Ap- proval; L J. Ardagh, Streetsviile, Ontario, Box E. TRENT °BIG - REVENUE" CHIOICS are fast becoming a Buy -Word and Standard for Superior Chicks among poultry minded people, because they quickly turn feed and labor into Profits". Ready now. Trent Elec- tric Hatchery, Trenton, Ont: POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUA- lity at low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators Ltd., 196 River St., Toronto. SPECTACLES EYEGLASSES, 51.75 UP. WE SEND ten pair to test your eyes. Satisfac- tion or money refunded. Glass eyes, 54.00 each, assortment sent. Accur- ate Optical, Dept. K, 67 Sussex, To- ronto. STAMPS COLLECTORS! TEACHERS/ CORON- ation Souvenir Stamps. 60 different, showing who and what it's all about, 25e. Guiton, Box 14, Station K, To- ronto. o-ronto. TANNING EXPERT TANNING OF I3;IDES FOR harness, lace and robes. Bear, deer furs. Free list and tags. Towne & Sons, Merritton, Ontario. STOP THEM SCREAMING 11 you worry—with that' queer taut feeling in your stomach—take PITOSFERINE, A few tiny, economical drops each day will help steady thole ragged nerves, improve your appetite, build up your streagth, At drtugginte, 500, $1.00 nett 81.50. OS TWA: GRIA`t IPLOSFE .IMSA tOl Issue No. 10—'38 A --C Japan Increases Luxury Taxation TOKIO.—The finance ministry has approved plans for a special "luxury" tax on such articles as watches, foun- tain pens, hats, automobiles, umbrel- las, footwear and radio sets, it is dis- closed. The tax, ranging between 10 and 15 per cent. of value, will apply to 45 articles and is expected to raise about 63,000,000 yen. Among articles affected are precious and semi-precious stones, clocks, toi- let articles, smoking equipment, canes, luggage, curios, upholstery, cameras, gramophone records, opera glasses, electric fans, electric refrigerators, motor boats and musical instru- ments. An excise tax was announced on matches and liquors. The Longest Race Entrants for the longest race in the world—the "Grain Race" from Aus- tralia to Europe—are now sailing for Australia, where they will load grain for the long run home.. The race is confined to sailing ships, and this .year's "field" will number 13. Shades of.. Britain's Sea Dogs -13 sailing ships and not a British vessel among them! All but two0of them are Finnish and are owned by one lnanr Calltain Erikson. The other two are gwedish and German. The last race was won by a Fin- nish ship, the Pommern, which com- pleted the voyage in 94 days. She was followed home by the Passat, an- other Finnish vessel, which arrived a .few hours later. But these times are slow compared with the voyages trade by British shipsin the days when their sailing ships were the fastest in the world. Thele al'e two kinds of people in the world, talkers and doers. What we would like to know: Is just where the nudist camps go in the win- ter time? A story is told of a woman on holi- day at a fishing village who asked an old sailor of the wind -jammer days why, a ship was always spoken of as "she." Old Salt (slyly) — "Mebbee it's be- cause the rigging costs more than the hull'." Mr. Brown was interviewing an ap- plicant for the position of caretaker: Mr. Brown — "How long were you in your last place?" Applicant — "A month." Mr. Brown — "That's' not long. And the place before that?" Applicant — "Two weeks". Mr. Brown — "Not so good. And the time before that?" Applicant — "There wasn't no time before that, sir. I got off with a fine." READ IT OR NOT! England, as a nation, spends about 580,000,000 annually on laundry work. Minister (to church janitor)—"Look here; see that carpet you put on the floor of the pulpit?" Janitor — "Yes sir." Minister — "Well, what do you think would happen if I should step on one of those tacks in the middle of my sermon?" Janitor — "Well, I reckon that would be one point you would not lin- ger on." Hal — "A friend of mine named his child Carol because she was born on Christmas." Jim—"'She?' I thought a carol was a hymn." A lot of folks who are saying they want to make heaven their home, will feel mighty out of place if they should happen to get there. Katherine — "Frank doesn't call on us any more. Mother said they could not agree." Dorothy — "Did your mother think he stayed around. too long in the even- ings?" Katherine — "No! He thought that mother did." Funny things sometimes get into want ads. Here are a few instances: "Wanted, a cow giving four gallons of milk daily; none other need call." Then this from an aged Negro. "The podnership resistin' between me and Mose Skinner is herewith. resolved; dem dat owes de firm will settle wid me; dem what tie firm owes will set- tle with Mose." Sounds like Amos '11 Andy, doesn't it? Finally this: "Lost, purse by lady with initials on back." We Like Butter Every man, woman, and child in Canada. eats 31%, lbs. of butter a year—or more than J/s lb. a week. Canada's yearly consumption of but- ter in 1936 was nearly 350,000,000. lbs. Eggs Are Off!—Conjurers, clowns, jugglers in Germany have been ord- ered not to use eggs—or any other foodstuff—in tricks, on pain of charges of sabotaging Four -Year Food -Plan. ... STOPPED IN A MINUTE ... Are Youtormented with tie itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's toot, eruptions, or 01 her ekitt afflictions] For quiet and happy relief, use cooling, antiseptic, liquid D. D. D. Fraser/Onion. 1te gentle elle soothe the irri• fated akin, Clear, greaseless' and staintete— dries fast. Stops the most inte',ae itchlre !sfantly. A .15r l'.ri hottic, at drug stere•, brOvice it-ef luonel back; 20 right D a. t Cuts n Heat Engineers Find Color on Radia- tors Reflects Warmth Backward If you are paying $25 a month for; heat this winter, two or three dollar0{ of it goes for the bright paint on the, radiators. That is to say, according to an en gineering study announced. at Cornell University, Ithaca, N.Y., bright' paint; on radiators cuts down the heat by a big percentage. Bright paint, like aluminum or gold, acts like a mirror. It reflects heat, the reflection is back into the radiator. This applies to all the "radiant" heat given off, which is about 40 to 50 per cent. of all the warmth from the rad- iator. 25 Per Cent. Loss The radiant heat is the wave -motion sort, which travels like light, and at the speed of light, Bright paint, the Cornell study shows, cuts down the radiant heat by 25 per cent, Twenty- five per cent. of 40 to 50 per cent. (the total radiant heat) is a fat piece of the coal bill. Black or dark and modest paints let the radiant heat out. Heating engin- eers have known for some years that bright radiator paints were doubtful. Today's report shows the exact loss. The study was made by Dr. Kennedy P. Rubert, instructor in experimental, engineering. Detroit, Mich., suffers a loss of $12,000,000 a year in destruction caused by rats. your fogs. Pans �. dairyEquipmailt ALL COPPER ALMOST A WRECK!. MANY folks are thin and pale —they're weak, feel tired, logy and dull. This condition should not be overlooked. Dr. Pierce's Gold- en Medical Dis- covery is a tonic which increases the appetite, eliminates waste from the intestines, and tones up the digestive system. Read this: WRansil- ton, Ont.. said: 'lI9eoul t roteniAve., aIm eal because "£ the bad alter -effects—• -eta .tomach, gas and acid indigestien. Finally, I took a few bottles of Dr. T'ierce's Golden Medical Discovery and, my dirreti"n was better, I enjoyed my meals, 1," i11 effects, my appetite improved' and :I felt melt better in every way." l3uy now of your erugg]st. USE PIDARD New and re- markable re- medy f o r heaves. Sat- isfaction is guaranteed- regardless of the severity or length of time your horse has Inffcl ed from this disease. 1331 nail $1.00. Chs, Eng. Girard, Ste, ..'nthee, Laval, Quebec,