Zurich Herald, 1938-02-24, Page 7;L poll SFv SOLO COMFORT 1. t -ton to "TINE SHADOW" ---Every Wed., CFRB, 9 to 9.30 p0me #1+:0.14:42.:+:0:+:40:476Kaf.a.+0O'♦44X.aay4A",Pr,+:4;eA.ae"a_aaaoaao:4:da m4 ::Iassfled� 1 O .•.a0Qda4,m+, Asoa•;‹Pilx".a:v0.1XI: I s as tea:::axe.a'tom::eaaaaa ..,....w w.• a• uV 4' asesesissu FUR FARMING -PROFITABLE BUSI- ness. 60e book. now 25e. Fur Farms Publishing Co., 31 Arcade, Utica, N.Y. CA'1" ISLI I HEREFORD BULLS, HEIFERS, REG- stered, fully accredited, year old, by Alden Model X. General az•eenly's Foreman, Palermo, Ont, CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD USED CLOTHING, LOWEST prices, Write for catalogue. Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 602 Yonge Street, Toronto. COSMETICS LADIES! MAKE ALMOND CREAM LO - tion, Brazilian Balm, Olive 011 Sham- poo; just add water to ingredients. Store value $5,00;, satisfaction guar-, anteed. Send' $1.00 for 16 ounces of each. King Cosmetics, 37 Maitland, Toronto, CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE! ASSORTED 12" to 36" lengths. Silks„ Crepes; Cottons, Broadcloths, Ginghams, L i n.e n a, Voiles,. Prints, Piques; for children's... clothes, aprons, dress trimmings, ete. Values to 90c yard, 12 -yard bundle 99c. Refund Guarantee," Canadian Textiles, Dept. LY, Montreal. REAPS BONE CONDUCTION. A NEW METH- od that gives you natural hearing through the bones of the head. The Potter Bone Conduction, the smallest made is applied to the bone behind the ear, nothing on nor in the ear. The miracle of the. age: Write to H. Potter company, 405 Ryrfe Building, Toronto. Established 1917. FASHION MAGAZINE FREE FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two 'Beautiful Dresses, 99e. Ladies', g,irls', Washfast Canadian Prints, Broadcloths. All colors, styles. Over - ;sizes 46-52 99c each. Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal. EMPLOYMENT PLANNED EMPLOYMENT 11 OR • ALL workers. Send ten cents per 'cbpy to Dept. W. Canadian Placement Ineti- "-tate, .21 Dundas Sguav6, Thranto. FEATHERS *ANTED - GINS'ENG GOLDEN SEAL T. . poultry, goose, and dude feathers. Satisfaction guaranteed, W. Heller, 147 Harrison St., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS (- ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 2 free enlargement, 25c. Re -prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 1833% King E„ Toronto. ZERO PRICES EXPERT WORK. ROLL l with free enlargement 25e. Trevanna. Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE! -TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE - :mists (one colored) with- roll der veloped. eight glossy, fade -proof prints, 28c;,highest quality. MachrAy, Films, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface; cloth or paper, without skit/ or darkroom,. Less -than cent each! Miracle Foto. Kit complete with instructions for 150 -prints, $1. J. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, To- ronto. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 25c order. 'Roll film developed and W prints. 25e. Reprints 3o each. Bright - ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., E., To- ronto. ROLL DEVELOPED AND PRINTED, 25c. Free glossy enlargement with i every order. Gem Photo Service, Box 729, Station H, Toronto,• Ont. FOR SALE , 6 LADIES' APRONS, DDD , FIRST QUALITY "CANADIAN" Prints, Broadcloths; washfast, new- est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full size 14-52. "Refund. Guarantee." Can adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. FOR' SALE - THREE INCUBATORS Buckeye; capacity 600-600-100; gooct conditton. Sacritl.ce. R. Wellard„ 5181 Cote Des Neigees, Montreal, Que. ELECTRIC, HASID OR POWER MEAT choppers and bone grinders; fully guaranteed. A. J. Deer Company, 168 King St. W:, Toronto. 26 YDS. QUILTING MATERIALS; $1.ee MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED S' TO 18" lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints Broadcloths, Silks; for Iarge Quilt Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram tree! Refund Guarantee".. Canadian Tex- ' C tiles, Dept. LT, Montreal. FURNITURE LYONS' FEBRUARY SALE OF RECONDITIONED FURNITURE 'T Every article completely recondi- tioned and sanitarily treated. Toronto's largest used furniture market. All goods sold on a definite money -back O guarantee if not satisfied. 11.95 Kitchen Cabinets in perfect condition. 6.95 Dressers, any finish. 11.50 Singera- M hin s drop -head Sewing Ma- chine 9.95 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves, Guaranteed, 11.95 China Cabinets, any finish. 14.50 6 Pc. Breakfast Suites, enamel 6 finish, assorted colors. 12.95 bled Outfits, all steel panel beds, walnut finish, excellent springs and brand new mattresses. 611 sizes. 32.50 3 Pc. Walnut Mohair Chester- field Suite In perfect condition. [[!teversible Marshall cushions. A won- Iterfut bargain. 24.5U 3 Pc. heavy taupe Repp covered suite, with reversible Marshall Sushions, in perfect condition. 24.00 8' Pc. solid oak dining r0001 6 suite. large round table and buffet,,with six chairs, leather uphol- tered. completely reconditioned. 9.00 9 Pc. 2 -tone walnut dining" suite, large buffet:, glass door shine cabinet, square table with six )anal hack, Leather uphoistered chairs. Chis suite cost over 3200,00 when new. :seeks perfect. A real snap, #8.00 5 Pc. bedroom suite, walnut finish. Large dresser, chiffon - 'Or and full size bed with sagless spring end new heavy roil edge all tton mattress. Al conclitton A snap. X7.00 6 Pc.Moderne walnut bedroom suI to large 2t `• dresser, r 0 C 11i f 1 h d CSS C f C Ills l't le mirror ntrror vanii:y, foil size heel, sag- es spring' and new excellent quality Il -felt roll -edge mattress, A real bar - t 1n in fine furniture. Send rnoney order for complete. price if goods, 'Any chartered bank our reference. Nancy hack guarantee, LYONS' IHESTERFtEL.b MANtL}FACTURERS TISAtll;-IN 1)171"i'. a8 YONGE ST. TORONTO El/ In EA nl11INd MINIS RA.tSIN(i - SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free, Fur 'Prado Journal, Das 31•, Toronto, On- tario, GROW ANGORA. WOOLs! CLIOANI IN- Wresting] Profitable! Free literature. Otl'o's • Angora 13t1uc,h, Drawer 2098, Colborne, Ontario. BALI{ GOODS WIGS, TOUPPIS, TRANSFORMATIONS,. Braids, Curls, and all types of finest quality flair Good's. Write for illus- trated catalogue, Toronto Human Hair Supply Cu., 528 Esthurst, Toren-, to. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL , HAIR - dressing and 13eauty Culture. Write for pamphlet, 707 Yonge St., Toronto, MAGAZINES MAGAZINES, - WESTERN, DETEC- tive, Women's Stories, etc, 5 Back Numbers 23e, Postpaid. M. Montgom- ery, Box 505, Station F, Toronto. MEDICAL 5000 EDMONTON CI.TSZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy -rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month 33; two months, 36'. Druggists, or J -,'C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta, Agents: Ly - mans, Mientreai. HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, liver, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms: Paine in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas, constipation, colic. Product of German doctor. Price 35. Mrs. Geo. S. Alinas, Box 1073X, Sas- katoon, Sask. PILES OR HEMORRHOIDS. DON'T suffer needlessly, our remedy "Davis Pile Treatment" will help rid' you of the terrible discomfort of bleed- ing; itching or protruding piles. Send postpaid in plain wrapper on receipt of $1.00Money back if not delighted with results, Address, Davis Pharm- acal. Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto, PATENT ATTORNEY ROT L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents;` Drawings; Registra- tions; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS Pl OFFER TO EVERT INVENTOR: • List -Of inventions and full informa• - tion sent free: The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. • PERSONAL; IANESOMF? - WRITE THIS RELIA-' ble ChM established 17 years. Mem-, bars everywhere, many wealthy. Des- cription.' free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, fox 759-W, San Francisco, California, ARRY - WOULD YOU MAI:MY IF suited% Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmera' daughters and -widows with property. Particulars, 10c. Confidential, Cana- dian Correspondence Club, Box. 128, Calgary,. Alta. , IIARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces hi your nature. Send stamped; addressed . envelope, Box 352, New Westminster, B.C. UIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, easily,, inexpensively. Home reme- dies, Testimonials. Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box 1, Winnipeg. " ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COM - fort; positive support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic. or under - straps or steel, Write, Smith Manu- facturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. PHOTO FINISHING 50 - .BEAUTIFUL HAND -PAINTED enlargements with every eig t prints. Falcon Photo Finishers, 1 1 Sherbrook, Winnipeg, Man. PUPS ALil AT1AN PUPS AND GROWN Stook; have to dispose, of some. J. A. Johnston, Elmira, Ont. POULTRY AND POULTRY EQUIPMENT BABY .CHICKS HE BRAY CHICK DOES THE TRICK. Our 1938 catalogue shows statements and photographs of money-makiirg customers from Nova Scotia to Sas- katchewan. Write for your copy to- day. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. RAY XTRA-PROFIT CHICKS ARE 25% heavier than required for Gov- ernment Approval. Never seem to lose this head start. Sturdy, vigor- ous, thrifty birds. Twelve breeds. Catalogue free. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ont. ROSS -BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING in popularity. Hybrid vigor. Bray cross -brads gave remarkable returns in 1937. Get our catalogue. Bray Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ontario. `RSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred), Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Edzell Poultry Farm, Princeton, Ont. RDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND Save $1,00 per hundred. Enter the Tweddie Chick Contest, 1500 Twed- die Chicks free. Send for catalogue. Tweddie Chicks Hatchery, Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. Y VERY BEST LARGE BRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks, 9c; big even Barred Rocks, 10c. All blood - tested, 100% arrival. Bob Kimber- ley, Box 1V, Essex, Ontario. LBS. "QUILT R1:lINANTS" - 91.00 1 15, POUNDS ;2.25. "SURPRISE Package" Free! Choice of tubfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds. Large! "It et Guarantee," Sample Bundle 15u. Nhilross Textiles, Dept. ILD, Station 10, Montrenl. rt1PII\,t NTS LBS. QUILT REMNANTS MNAN 1S AND 7`L x 90 natural votton Quilt Batt, com- plete outfit 31.25 Choice of washtast Cotton Punts, Piques, Broadcloths, S 11 is s, Eiderdown, Flannelette, 9'weecls, Tapestry, 'Woollens, Repp, Iar•.ge! "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle 25c. Canadian Textiles, Dept. LB, Montreal. R ayin a r, Conado's Foremost Adviser on human problems, rill send o Character and Personality Chert Ire* to anyone rho *rites him 14,,'amazing free oiler is made merely to advertise MASON'S e1 COLD REMEDY end a ovmlable (a o lim,led time only Write today, enclosing o self oddrouad, stomped envelope and foot birthdate Address - R Sy h1111, MASON REMEDIES LIMITED t4 MteAUL 57, TORONTO CANADA 40 GET YOURS NOW Ask your druggist for a 70e Kruschen Grant Package. It con- tains a.regular bottle and a trial size bottle. Use the trial size first end if not satisfied return the regular bottle unopened. Your money will be cheerfully refunded, Claim Life Commences At Grandparent-hooz1 L• A group of Omaha, Nebraska, eld- ers have formed the National Assoc- iation of Grandparents of America, and plan to promote similar organi- zations in other cities. "Although books, plays and sons try to tell you when life begins," said a club announcement, "these gentlemen think that life begins when you are a grandparent." President Don Amsden said the club would be social, charitable and' benevolent. Says More Quakes May Be Expected Expert Sees Renewal of Earth Tremors In the Near Future The world may expect a number of earthquakes in the near future, Cap- tain N. H. Heck of the V:S. coast and' geodetic survey said last week. He explained, however, that quakes cannot be predicted with. any degree of certainty, because they give no warning of their approach. During the last'.year 56' earthquakes =severe enotigh to be recorded, on in- struments have Occurred' throughout the world, said Captain Heok. "After such' a' period, of' -quietness It is generally •Doesible to expect a re- newal of activity," he added. Tiny Radio Waves Travel In Pipe One Pipe Might Carry All 'Phone Conversations Between Cities Lilliputian wireless waves so short they travel inside a pipe and are picked up on an antenna only one inch high were placed before the radio en- glneering world at New York last week by the 13e11 Telephone laborator- ies. 111 pipes, the engineers were in- formed', these midget waves promise to travel like telegl'aphd messages, but without the limits imposed by a wire. A single small pipe, between two cities, for example, might carry all the telephone conversations want- ed. Four to Eight Inches Long The waves exhibited rangecl from four to eight inches long. They trav- elled through a 20 -foot exhibition pipe. Like all short radio waves these mid- gets reflect light. Metal discs, used as mirrors, reflect the waves into one end of the pipe. The inch -long anten- na picks them off at the other end. They have been piped a mile. The waves are made by tubes no Larger than a common electric light bulb, Their "frequencies" or pulsa- tions, are thousands of millions of times a second, Close to Heat Waves Still shorter wireless waves, only an inch and a quarter, have been pro- duced in the Pelt laboratories. These vibrate at ten thousand million times a second. They are very close to heat wav(3,s. At California Institute of Technology at Pasadena research workers experimenting with similar short waves, report unusual experi- ments in imparting artificial fevers to serected tissues. . Thus one type of Short wave might heat a bone, and another flesh, a third blood. In 1848 a firearms manufacturer made pistols. that had coffee -grinders in the handles'._ Along Canada's - Mining Highway Qutstandingg favourable devel- opments in the, mining fields of Ontario and Quebec crave creat - td -new and widespread Thterest. The new ore zone discoveries on Hardrock, found also tO extend over on to. the Macleod Cockshutt property, has put life into the Long Lac Camp of. Western On- tario. Nearby property owners' are filled' with a new hope. In Eastern Ontario close to the Quebec boundary, along a seven mile front from Larder Lake to beyond, Kerr Addison, operators of properties are endeavouring to emulate the success of Barber Larder with diamond drills. In the Noranda area of, Quebec, Brownlee Gotd Mines has enlarged its property holdings, closely adja- cent to Powell Rouyn and Noran- da, and is starting a diamond drill- ing' campaign. The Lacoma property in the Senneterre, area of Quebec Is rap- , proving up an important ore structure. The East Laconia prop- erty, adjoining, has diamond drill- ing starting under contract. An unprecedented season of mining activity is indicated front Coast to Coast, with great expec- tations in some quarters for the Gordon Lake, Athabasca and Great Slave Lake sections, of the North West Territories. London Traffic Found Lighter Arterial Highways Are Being Used More LONDON, Eng. -Scotland Yard has sprung a surprise on London's traffic experts, says the Christian Science Monitor. In the latest traffic census issued by the police headquarters It is re- vealed that central London's traffic has decreased instead of increasing as anticipated. For instance it had been confidently predicted that traffic at Hyde Park Corner, busiest point in the metro- polis, would have risen from ,the 1935 figure of 82,728 vehicles in 12 hours to about 100,000 in 1937. Instead there was a decrease of 2,000 vehicles on the day the census was taken. Congestion Reduced Meanwhile the new arterial roads skirting central London and the main roads out of the suburbs are being put to much greater use. These facts are taken as showing SPECTACLES EYEGLASSES, 31.75 UP. WE SEND ten pair to test your eyes. Satisfac- tion or money refunded. Glass. eyes, $4.00 each, assortment sent. Accur- ate Optical, Dept. IC, 67 Sussex, To- , ronto. sTAmrs COLLECTORS! TEACH17RS1 CORON- ation Souvenir Stamps. 60 different, showing who and what it's all about, 25e. Guiton, Box 14, Station K, To- ronto. TANNING EXPERT TANNING OF HIDES POR harness, lace and robes. Bear, doer fti'rs. Free list and tags. Towne & Sons, Morritton, Ontario. - ALWAYS REPAIR RAGGED NERVES 1 That deadly weariness that drags you down all day is probably a sure sign of nerve -starvation. Strengthen yyour nerves wrtb PIHOSFEIITNE. This great tonio'soothes ragged nerves, helps you sleep soundly end eat well, and gives you eonfidenee and vitality. At druggists, 50e, 81.00 and 31.60: 67 PHOSEENNET NERVE TO IC, that from the motorist's point of view central London has become an area to be avoided wherever possible, and that future arterial roads built around London would still further reduce the congestion in the centre of the city. Particular interest is attached to this aspect at the present time because it is an open secret that the Govern- ment is preparing a large-scale attack on London's road problems. Sir Chas. Bressey, appointed by the Government to study the problem and put forward - concrete suggestions, has now report- ed eported to the Ministry of Transport. During the census 64,000 more pri- vate ears were counted than in 1935, 28,000 more pedal cyclists, and 25,000 more light commercial vehicles. Both omnibuses and horse -vehicles showed a decrease, by 4,800 and 9,000 respec- tively. Casein, manufactured chiefly from skim milk, is used in industry and is closely affected by industrial condi- tions. Argentina is the chief exporter of casein, accounting for about half of the total world export (818,000 cwts. in 1936). France is Argen- tina's closest competitor, the two countries together providing over 80 per cent. of the world's exports. The business of a shoemaker is of great antiquity. Romans wore cork soles to guard their feet from water, especially in winter. TIRED or -NERVOUS? Is bile doing its work? Your liver is lazy, that's wily you feel so rotten half the time. Your sys- tem is not getting enough bile. Your head aches, your back aches. Your feed doesn't digest properly. It stag- nates and decays for rack of bile. Bile is a digestant and an antiseptic. Yo liver should produce. 18 to 36 flus enures o% Vic every 24 hotkl's Tan01 Tablets drill m{tl.e Your liver do its work. Rased tr[ibti a small pro - ion of Calomel pro- portion 1 blended c d withears o Lain other useful Medicinal ingredients, Tanol Tablets act promptly and direct- ly upon the liver, stimulating the flow of bile. They are easy to take and provide a safe, easy way of using enlo- mel, probably the most effective liver stimulant known. They are not harsh. But they are efficient. Your druggist has then). 50c. (a) Issue No. 9-'3S The best papers game in the handiest; booklet- 'It ook Eet-'It vs Double Automatic Some men go to a lot of trouble hiding their light under a bushel when a small cup would do as well. One of those flighty city women was visiting in the hi1Is of New Eng- land: She -"This place has so many odd and peculiar people." Native -"Yes, but most of them go home by the first of September." How Far Is It From "Bad" to °+Worse"7 At a certain church a beautiful lych-gate was put up, and over It was Inscribed: "Thus ?a The Gate Of Heaven" While the paint was wet a large printed notice was attached with the words: "Pfeaae Go Round The Other Way" Someone is now telling a story about an absent-minded professor who sent his wife to the bank and kissed his money good-bye. Why blame it on a professor? A census taken on asking a woman how old she was, received the foliow- inge answer: Woman -"Do you know how old the Hill girls are nest door?" Census Taker -"Sure" Woman -"Well, I'm as old as they are." The census taker wrote down: ".As old as the hills": Once in a while odd items appear in print. Three instances appear. here: "A young woman wants washing and cleaning daily." "Green colored girl wants work until after Christmas." "His first venture into the antique field was in Asheville, N.C. There he met his wife." Customer (pointing to a laundry parcel) -"Is that my name in Chi- nese?" Laundryman (hesitating) -"N -no." Customer (curiously) -"It is some kind of identifying mark. What is it?" Laundryman - "Just deseliption. Means li'I fat man, clooked nose, no teeth." The applicant for a job in the coun- try asked 'what hie duties were to be. Ile was told he would have to be up at 5 e'elock to clean and harness the horses and do various other jobs about the farm. After breakfast he could help around the house. The farmer was` going through a long list of other duties when the applicant interrupt- ed him to ask if by chance the soil of ifs farm happened to be clay. Farmer -"Why?" Applicant -"Oh, if it was clay I thoii'ght I might make a few bricks in my spare time." Mrs. Thistlebottom (to family wash woman) -"Mandy, have you seen my daughter Elsie's fiance?" Mandy (perplexed) ---"No, ma'am. It ain't been in the wash yet." Syrian bakers produce "bubblg bread" in round, flat loaves, whi look like astronomers' photogvapt of the moon. The bubbles are pro' duced by a mysterious leavening mix- ed with the, dough. ' Scarcity and high prices of als are handicapping Italy's con i0 tion program. I'LL. NEVER GO TO DINNER WITH A BOY AGAIN UNLESS I HAVE SOME PHILLIPS' TABLETS IN; MY PURSE Often "acid indigestion" is dis- tressing to. you -and offensive to others. But now there is no eitcuse for being guilty. You simply carry your ,alkalizer with you -and use it at the fflrst sign of "upset" stomach. $gimlly taketwo tiny tablets of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia when ouf with others. Or -if at home -you can take two teaspoonfuls of Liquid Phillips'. Both. act the same way: Relief is usually a ;natter of seconds. "Gas," nausea, "heart- burn," acid • breath -all respond quickly. Just' make sure you ask for "Phillips," pItchin TORTURIE In A Minute For qquiok relief from the itching of eczema, blotched pimples, athlete'sfoot melee, rashes antiother sldn eruptions,apply Dr, Dennie' pure, coollog, nntisoy. do, liquiD. D. D. PRESCRIPTION, As gentle oils soothe the irritated din. Clear, greaseless and statn- lece•-dela fast. Stops the moat Intense itching la - staidly. A 38o kW bottle, al dug steres, proves it- er money bank. Ask for D. O. D. PIIESCRIPTI ON. 28 USE PIDARD New and re- markable re- medy -f o r heaves. Sat- isfaction is guaranteed regatdless of the severity or length of time your horse has suffered from this disease. By nail $1.00. Chs. Eng. Girard, Ste. Dorothee, Laval, Quebec. TOWN RV' TOWN • VILLAGE BY VILLAGE MORE ONTARIO HOME SAY Let *BLUE be your guide to bolter heating efficiency and greater eto- nomy. Remember, your Furnace is de- signed to burn anthracite and 'blue al' is the world's finest anthracite. 'der o trial ton. Six sizes; ;; a size to suit every furnace. - Aek your nearest 'bine coal' dealer for free copy of FIRST AIDT O BETTER £EATING, or write to 'blue coal' c/o 217 Bay St., Toronto. I73AR Consul)Y ea nlaot r lw blue coal' deaieP today.