HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-02-24, Page 1Vol. ) 1.. VII e-. fid_ `7'` i i rl I P 11,.A ^G^ Lx e c R ro DAY Y a RORxrr,w rr+ _ _ 24,1938. Chester L. Smith, PublIalicer x1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Adlninc0 B3 QS ,Reef Read the Home News. elm DT Follow the Local Ads. Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling 'Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabolo Cream Separates, the separ- ator with a ten .year guarantee. Let us demonstrate' this :machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON- tf44 ...gymavesuovesinnomgesasum ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH --- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. . Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: • 10 2.. m,—German Serrvfioe„ 11._'5 a.m.—Sunday School. 7.30 p.m. ---English service. Everybody Welcome to alt Services... E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR Mrs. Fred Thiel wishes to advise the public that she is now open for business. Permanents and Finger - waving a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER 0 a er -ery Week Day Except 'Wednesday • Highest Quality FINEST SET ECTION LOWEST P.RI' :g S A CALL AT OUR GARAGE WILL CONVINCE YOU WE HAVE OVER 35 USED CARS TO CHOOSE FROM BEDOW IS ONLY A PARTIAL LIST: 1937 Dodge Coach SmalI Mileage. 1935 Chevrolet Coach—Trunk, Heater, lrydrolic 13rakes. 1931 Ford DeLux—Town Sedan. 1929 'Chevy. Sedan—'Looks Like New. 1928 Ford Coach. -5 to Pick From. 1930 Ford Coach=—Original Upholstering. 1931 Ford Coupe_ 1928 Chen: Coach at 1929 Ford Coach at .. _ _ � ....... _ .. _ ..$125.00 ev 1928. Ch: Sedan at 4 w_.. .. , »�$100.00 1928 Essex Coach, new tires ......... _$75.0 1935 V8 Coach at at _ _ ` 425.00 1930 Cher. Coach, Repainted nice Mohair 'Upholstering $225.00 1937 Ford V& Light Delivery Truck. 1928 Whippet Coupe, at AND _L NY ;OTHERS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND - DESOTA DiSTRIBUT'O. i ZURICH — ONT. $125.00 -$'38.00 A THREE ACT COMEDY "The Adventures of Grandpa" By the Young People of Exeter, will be given in the Town Hall, Zurich On Monday Evening February 28 Under the auspices of the Women's Institute Admission -25c and 15c, COMING IN Town Hall, Zurich. On Wednesday, March 2nd. At 8.15 pan. Imperial Talking Picture Co. Present ing "SKULL AND CROWN" a very exciting border patrol outlaws piet ure. Also newsreel showing Japan esebombing of U. S. Gunboat PANAY The filming and delivery of this film made history Don't Miss It! Teil Others! Leavitt's Theatre EXETER — ONT. 'Thaws., Fri.,. Sat., Feb 24, 25, 26 "MAKE .A WISH" :Speacial Feature, with BOOBY BREEN In an all Star Caste. .. 1VIONDAY ik[IDNIGHT SHOW . . at 12.15 a.m. Mon., Tues., Wed., Feb. 28, Mar. let and 2n -d. "NIGHT M[JST FALL" Metro Colwyn Mayer Picture,. wrth ii ....abort Montgo..iery and Rosalind Russell. MililinanflipamniEntilldlippialinNomsaphoftsum WE SELL THE BEST FOR LESS MEENER'S .SPECIALS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday GARDEN PATCH PEAS,. 2 tins 19c, Singapore Sliced Pineapple, a 'tin , . , .... ec Cowart's Perfection Cocoa, 1-1b. 'tin ,.2'7c Sunlight Soap (Save the Cartons) 4 cakes ........ ._25e Quick Quaker Oats, large pkg. 24c !Princess; Soap Flakes, 2 pkgs. 29c Rinso, Jeep p1sg, (with 1 cake lifebuoy Soap le.) 26c Heinz's Spaghetti, m e L 2 .tins , ..,......... 25c ;Maple Leaf Salmon, half's, 20c; 1-s per tin 35e Royal York Coffee, 1-1b. tin _ . '39e Pruuto Jelly Powders,. 4 pkgs, . ,25c 'Coley Soap Special, 3 cakes 17e and 1 cake 1c., 4 cakes...18c Dried Apricots, per ib.. , 19e Dates pitted,. 2 lbs , .. , 25c Aylmer Catsup 12 -oz. per bottle -12c Snowcap Toilet Tissue, 4 rolls . ,. - - .. - _ ..... _ . _ 25e Rice, choice Blue Bose, 3 lbs, ........... _ —23e Blue Ribbon. Tea, mixedor bulk, ill- all-lle ..... .....,....80e An order of jean Gordon -House Dresses just in They e real values at ... _.�..... � ...,,......_......:9& a�E1�leIEfft Phone 140 a,0111ING— "Heidi"; "Thin Ice' "The Lise of Emle Zola." IN MEMORIAM In loving tannery of our Mother, Elizabeth Schnell, who ed away one year ago to -clay, ruary 28, 1937. i1 We To But As dear pass- Feb - have only your memory, dear Mother remember our whole life through the sweetne-s will linger forever we treasure the image of you, —Her loving Children. Another Attempt failed The Exeter 'rink have made four unsuccessful attempts to have, the London Skating Club stage an ice carnival in the arena. On each occas ion after advertising the carnival the weatherman stepped in on the. scene and ordained otheewist in the farm of mild Weather. Shot a Wolfe Last Wednesday, Dan Rose, Ash- field Twp., young man who killed a large brush wolf north of Kintail a short tithe ago, came to Goaerich eyih the pelt to 'enter his claim fog. the $15 bounty. The pelt, measuring two inches short of six .feet from nose to tail, was left with County Tr- easurer A. H. Erskine, who is making' ee preparations to send it to the Dept, as of .Game and Fisheries. An applecati- on form also 'will have to be procured and filled out before the beauty can ' be collected. Young hose, who tame east from Saskatchewan, last fall, was on a hike carrying a rifle, when he sighted three wolvos north of Kin tail, near the lake :bunk. His first shot aae t19 Miss Inez and Earl Yungblut were week -end visitors in Detroit. Mr.' and Mrs. Ed. Haberer, and Miss Lenora, motored to London one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Beaver and fam- ily were Sunday visitors with friends in London. :Mrs. Idella Fisher of Dashwood, has returned to the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Siebert of town. 1VIr. Victor Dennin, Principal of Zurich Public 1Shchool, spent the we- ek -end at his home near Cromarty. Rev. A. J. Datars and twin sons of ibesboro, and Mrs. Irvin Dedels of Kitchener, called on their mother Mrs, Ed. Datars; Sr., on Monday. Dr. A. J. MacKinnon who has been -taking treatments at Victoria Hospit- al, London, the past week; returned to his•home in Zurich on Sunday. Judge T. M. Costello of Goderich presided at a short sitting of the Tenth Division court in the local town hall, Monday morning. No case's were argued out. Dr, H. F. Klopp of Kitchener, Mrs Jacab Wagner and daughter .Helen of ' Shakespeare and . Mr. Leonard Klapp of Waterloo were visiting their mother, Mrs. Louise Klopp,and other relatives on Sunday. . the. recent 'euchre and dance ,p 44*. b'y'the focal Band boys the euchre prizes, went to, ladies' Mrs. Joseph Rau, of north of Drysdale, while ,Mr. Norman Gascho won the men's prize. Auction Sales Two important auction sales of farm stock, etc., will :be held next week when on Wednesday the sale of Mr. Henry Krueger will be auctioned off then on Friday the effects of Mr. Jacob Kipfer of the Babylon line will be sold to the highest 'bidder. A Large Calf A very ram and unusual large calf was given birth by a purebred Here- ford ,cow on the farm of Messrs. E. J. Walper & Sons, Bronson hne, Hay Township on February 19th. The calf which is in good health at time of birth weighed 125 pounds„ and is a very exception for this class of livestock for so Iarge an offspring. New Equipment .The Zurich Creamery has added another unit to its modern equipment and this time it is a large refriger- ator system with a capacity of four tan cooling. A unit has also been installed which will cool .the water to almost freezing before it is used to cool off the cream in the pastuer- izers. The cream will also be cooled in this Ierge vat before put in the churns_ Heralds Late Sorry that a few Heralds last week reached the subscribers a little later, as eve had overlooked a part or our n; g Iist, and just discovered it on Monday morning, so we then got busy and sent out these copies. ..We have received word from Mx'. Valle Gerber, a former resident of this community but late of Rolph, Iowa, that they have moved to: Spring bora, Fenniislvania. Died in Texas In last week's issue we made men- tion of 'Miss Very 'Siebert, late of Montreal calling on her l .rents here in Zurich enroute to Michigan where she joined a Tarty to motor on cows to the mountains in- Arsona in anter - est of her health. Sorry to report that. on Monday word came that )Iiss Si«chert; passed away •et Glago, 'Texas when only within a day or so drive om her destination, the news came a great shoe!; to the family and lends.. The remains are. being 'ought back to Zurich to the fain- t residence from where the funeral ilI take place on Friday at one clock pan. 'Service at the house, lc'r,.inent will follow to L.ingelbaeh uneterr, located a few miles east Shakespeare. The bereft family ave the sysniaathy of the entire coifl- tinity, 0 er b] wa 0' In 00 brought down %hq Welffi but the oth- ha ere escaped. tr V niirg C. E. Zuti riga Register Optometrist WILL BE AT OUR STORE FOR EXAMINING EYES AND FITTING GLASSES MAY WE HELP YOU' TO SEE BETTER 4' • • • 4 • • • • • • 4 • • a • • r • • e r 4 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • *44,040* A G. HESS Jeweler and Optician A1;73LATCS 92 MAX E PHONE YOUR O � ` . FOR Why pay for cheap Coal when you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best. Also: Miller Creek Alberta (Rose- dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 - Ilensall Reduced Prices ON All Winter Goods SWEATERS WINDBREAKERS SOX - CAPS SCARFS OVERCOATS AND ALL OTHER WINTER APPAREL E74;1-1,1 11 �aaaan. EMVMBALM.ERS AND FUNERAL DRECTORS �•40,1> 0aao'*-4.60 •64>ee.. 41..4030Q+1,P4 .0-6 4.44 00 • •r We Thank Our Many Custoaaaers who Pat - ionized Us During Our Two Week's Sale and We have decided to: Continue to sell all our Winter Goods at REDUCED PRICES. New Gods Arriving all the time. Your Patronage Solicited. Fresh Groceries Always On Hand Rf R DOUGLAS- . GZNERAL MEAOHAIVT PHO/ME 11 - 97 E3 LA Ki; .