Zurich Herald, 1938-02-17, Page 7^',7,:4./ ;@4O 740'4+:.4'41,:4 4 '4,"4 O 4�k:e:P4a�r4.'%.y v�,v4v vPr r. 444Aw M4 0444"i41.;,':.... 4.4rw.4..M*w,„ Ir. ra Ell AI El El 111 ka, ►P•a 45,,, i sr sotie } dierttiso Nt ► XPi :11 4.Pyo,.•/•s`a':' 1.4.:0 KO:4"..:14IA:+ 4: hd'.1'a'`''::+10:40:41.0.`,.''v <' AI.P; 4: +:4,IP:.'":'Atb ,4n44: ®:S•+ .:4,:+:4,:a•,i,'t'4 .vv"i.Pw9R41411 BOOKS ON ,t'1JIL 1rA11V1NG IIA ell iaO01)4 FUR FAR/CNC-PROFITABLE B'USI- ness. 60o book now 26c. Fur Farms PLlblishing Co„ 31 Arcade, Utica, N.Y, CATTLE f117RTLFC,IRD ]3ULLS, TIEIFIa11S, R1 a- istered, fully accredited, year old., by Aldon Model X. General GreenlY's Foreman, PalerrIM, Ont. CLOTHING FOR SALE GOOD 1JSIM CLOTHING, -LOWEST. prices. Write for catalogue, Yonge Street Clothing Exchange, 502 Tonga. Street, Toronto. COSMETICS. START A HOM10 FACTOfY., MEN AND women in every town, manufacture Cosmetics. Tust add water to concen- trated ingredients. Make $5 to $10 daily. Ittng Cosmetic Co., 37 Maitland St., Toronto. CLEARANCE SALE •CLEARANCE SALM! ASSORTED 12" to 30" lengths. Shits, Crepes, Cottons, Broadcloths, Ginghame', Line n e, Voiles, Prints, Piques; for children's' clothes, aprons, dre s trinrminge, etc. `Values to 90c yard 12 -yard bundle 99c. Refund' Guarantee," Canadian. Textiles, Dept. LY, Montreal: FASHION MAGAZINE FREE , FASHION MAGAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses, 990. Ladies", girls: Washfast Canadian Prints, Broadcloths. All colors, styles. Oyer - sizes 4G-&2; 99c each. Refund Guar- antee+', Canadian Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal. EMPLOYMENT PLANNED EMPLOYMENT FOR ALL, - Workers. Send ton cents' per coy to Dept. W. Canadian placement lnati- tute, 21 Dundas Square, Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free enlargement 250. Re -prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 1834 11ng E„ Toronto, ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE! -TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped. eight glossy, fade -proof prints, 28c; „highest quality, Machray, Films, Winnipeg. PRINT OUR OWN NEGATIVES AT home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom, LessthaQn. cent each! Miracle Foto Kit complete with instructions for 160 prints, $1. J. C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, To- ronto. - FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH. EVERY. 25c order. Ro11 film developed and & prints, 25e. Reprints Sc each. Bright - ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., IO., To r'onto. FOR SALE 0 LADIES' APRONS, 09e FIRST QUALITY "C A N A D I A N" Prints, Broadcloths; washfest, new- est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full size 14-52, "Refund' Guarantee," Can- adian Textiles, Dept. LA, Montreal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS; CORNETS and trumpets, twenty dollars. Clar- inets, Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars; trombones, twenty* dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; Terms. $arrow„ 208 Victoria, Tor- onto. • 106 YDS. QUILTING MII•ATERIALS,. $1.00 MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6" TO 18" lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths. Silks; for large Quilt Patterns. "Butterfly" Diagram free! "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- tiles, Dept. LT, Montreal. FUR FARMING MINK RAISING - SAMPLE COPY magazine 10c, book catalog free. Fur Trade Journal, Box 31; Toronto, On- tario. 6'UILNIT'URE LYONS' FEBRUARY SALE OF RECONDITIONED FURNITURE Every article completely recondi- tioned and sanitarily treated. Toronto's largest used furniture market. All a`ds sold on a definite money -back. guarantee if not satisfied. 11.95 Kitchen Cabinets in perfect condition. 6.95 Dressers, any finish. 11.50 Shiges drop -head Sewing Ma - 9.95 3 or 4 burner Gas Stoves. Guaranteed. 11.95 China Cabinets, any finish. lld 14.50 6 Pc. Breakfast Suites, enamel finish, assorted colors. 12.55 Bed, Outfits,' all steel panel beds, walnut finish, excellent rings and brand naw mattresses. {{y� 1 sizes. a7�t'C'.1� fie deSuitelnut in. perfecir Chester - t condition. Reversible Marshall cushions. A won- derful bargain, 24.5U 3 Pe. heavy taupe repp covered suite, with reversible Marshall oushions, in perfect condition. 24.nn 8 Pc. solid oak dining room suite, large round table and buffet, with six chairs, leather uphol- stered, completely reconditioned. 69.00 9 Pe. 2 -tone walnut dining suite, large buffet, glass door china cabinet, square table with six pgnel back, leather upholste;gene hairs. is Butte cost over $200.00 new, Looks perfect. A real snap, 38.00 5 Pc. bedroom suite, walnut finish, Large dresser, chiffon - 1 r and full size bed with sagless ing and new heavy roll edge all ton mattress. Al condition. A snap. I1 Q� 6 Pc. Moderne walnut bedroom (. suite, large dresser, chiffonier, Sole mirror vanity, full size bed, sag - iii spring and new excellent quality 1 -telt roll -edge mattress. A real bar- " n in fine furniture. end money- order for complete llriee of goods. Any chartered bank our reference. M'bney ).rank guarantee, LYONS' • CHESTERFIELD MANUFACTURERS '!'BADE -.s• Di' PT. 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO Reymer,Corrado't i<atoe t Ad+ate, an human problems, will send a Chotoete, and Penonelrty Cho" bet to anyone -ha writes him This mating tree otter rt made merely 11 ed'etlrte MASOII'S 19 COLD ftEMECY and N omdohb for o hm0ed lane onle Wnted today, en<faNnp o fell oddres,ed, sI.mped en'elope end you, buth•dert Add,o,- Raynor, MASON REMEDIES LIMITED 14 M<CAlli 11. TOAONTo CANADA WIUI , TOL)i'1'S, TRANSFORMATION'S, Braids', Curls, and all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue, Toronto Human Bair Supply Co.. 623 liriIburst, Toron- to, HAIRDRESSING SCIIOOLS" MADAME HUDSON SCHOOL, 1IA1R- drossing and Beauty Culture, Write for pamphlet. 707 Yonge St., Toronto. MAGAZINES MAGAZINIeiS WESTERN, D0TIIJC- tive, Women's Stories, etc, 6 Back Numbers 25e, Postpaid, M. Montgom.. ely, Box 5055, Station 1! , Toronto. 91 L'I)i6m, 5000 I]DMONTON CITIZENS TESTIFY for (R. and S,) Pow -der, herbal reme- dy -rheumatism, . arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, eto. Two 'weeks, $1,60; one month $3; two months,. $6. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Herbal- ist, Edmonton, Alberta, Agents; Ly - mans, Montreal, HEPATOLA RELIEVES STOMACH, Byer, kidney and bladder troubles. Symptoms; Pains in right side, under shoulder blades and across hips, in- digestion, gas, constipation, colic. Product of German' doctor. Price $5.. Mrs. Geo, S. Aimas, Jlox 1073X, Sas- katoon, Seek. PILES' OR HEMORRHOIDS. DON'T suffer needlessly, our romedy "Davis Pile Treatment' will help rid you of the terrible discomfort of bleed- ing itching or protruding piles. Send posbpaid.in plain wrapper on receipt of $1.00 Money back if not delighted with results, Address, Davis Pharm- acal Company, 350 Oakwood Avenue, Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS FURS. WERE THE ANIMALS FUR- nishing your coat tortured in steel traps or do you buy humane, furs? Information, Canadian Association Protection of Fur -Bearers, 73 Ber- nard Avenue, Toronto: PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Drawings; Registra- tions; Sales. , 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO' EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full infornia- tion. sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St.,. Ottawa, Can. PHOTO FINISHING 25c - BEAUTIFUL II ND -PAINTED enlargements with every eight prints: Falcon Photo Finishers, 151 Sherbrook, Winnipeg, M'an. PERSONAL, LONESOME? - WRITE THIS RELTA- ble Club, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Dee- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, Box 763-W, San Francisco, California. MARRY - WOULD YOU MARRY IF suited? Hundreds to choose from. Some with means. Many farmers' daughters and widows with property. Particulars, IOc. Confidential. Cana- dian, Correspondence Club. Box. 128, Calgary, Alta. LEARN TRUE SIGNIFICANCE OF latent forces in your nature. Send ste apyed addressed envelope, Box 852, -Nes' Westminster,, B.C. QUIT TOBACCO, SNUFF, DRINKING, easily, Inexpensively, Home reme- dies, Testimonials, Guaranteed. Ad- vice free. Box, 1, Winnipeg. PUPS DALMATIAN PUPS AND GROW+li Stock; .have to dispose of some. X. A. Johnston, Elmira, Ont, POULTRY ANi) POULTRY EQUIPMENT BABY CHICKS THE BRAY CHICK DOES THE TRICK. Our 1938 catalogue shows statements and photographs of money -making customers from Nova Scotia. to Sah- katchewan. Write for your copy to- day. Bray Hatchery, 130 John St. North, Hamilton, Ontario. BRAY XTRA-PROFIT CHICKS ARID 26% heavier than required fer Gov- ernment Approval. • Never seem to lose this head start. Sturdy, vigor- ous, thrifty birds. Twelve breeds, Catalogue free. Bray Hatchery, 180 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ont, CROSS -BRED CHICKS ARE GAINING In popularity. Hybrid vigor, Bray cross-breds gave remarkable returns in 1937. Get our catalogue. BraY Hatchery, 130 John Street, North, Hamilton, Ontario. JERSEY GIANTS (WHITE or BLACK) Plymouth Rocks (White or Barred), Indian Runner Ducklings. Catalogue. Edzeil Poultry Farm, Princeton, Ont. ORDER YOUR CHICKS NOW AND Save $1.00 per hundred. Enter the Tweddle Chick Contest, 1600 Twed- dle Chicks free, Send for catalogue. Tweddle Chick Hatchery, Limited, Box 10, Fergus, Ontario. MY VERY BEST LARGE BRED TO Lay White Leghorn Chicks, 9c; big even Barred tested, 100% arrival, Bob ]Kimber- ley, Box W, Essex, Ontario, 0 LI1S. "QUILT REMNANTS!' - $:1.00 OR 16 POUNDS $2,2,5. ,"STJRPRISB Package" Free! Choice of tubfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds. Large! "Refund Guarantee." Sample Trundle 15c. Phi 1rose, Textiles, Dept. 1.10 Station T'` Montreal, ift PrilivANTs 6 1,118. CZi'ir;r i 11AIN,\NTS AND 72 x 00 natural eot1 rn Quilt 11att, com- plete outfit $1.25 i'hoir•.e of washfast Cotton Prints, Piques, l lroa'deloths, 5 i 11: s, l,iclerduwn, Flannelette. Tweed Cnpest ry, 11 onLicus, Repp. large! "Refund Guarantee.' Sample !inutile 2.e, • TeNtilcs, Dept. T,1'3, Montreal. SPECTACLES EYE' GLA i 1J 3S, $1,75 111 11 T, SEND ten pair to teat your eyes. Satisfac- tion or money refunded Blase eyes, $4.00 each, assortment sent. Accur- ate Optical, Dept. IC, 67 Sussex, To- ronto. sTAmPs COLT,.IOC LOBS! 7"T,A(11f1)itii (.`.ORON- ettlen Souvenir St:unps. 60 different, showing who and what it's all about, 25c. Guilon, Box 1.4, Station K, To rnn'to, The Port Hospital at Sutton 131'idme, Lincs., England, has hacl only one patient in fifty years, The pres- ent staff has been there more than forty year;:, but the lone case was before their time, Agricultural Commissioner In London to Exercise Close Sup- envision; . Production Improve - lent Planned. The federal Department of Agri- culture will appoint an Agricultural 'Commissioner in London "to direct. the services of those following 'our� commodities and report back to pro- ducers from the United Kingdom, Ireland and Europe," Agriculture. Minister Gardiner told .the Canadiarn Chamber of Agriculture at Ottawa last week. "This official will also provide the department continuously with infor- mation regarding agricultural devel- opment in those countries," the, Min- ister said in a speech reviewing, the department's policy in relation to the United Kingdom market. To Maintain High Standard Production improvement and main- • tenance of the standard of Canadian agricultural products will be the basis of the department's marketing policy, Mr. Gardiner said. He said the departmenthas given careful consideration to the recom- mendations of the report on the United Kingdom market prepared by A. M. Shaw, director of marketing 83 and had decided on its market policy,, "Under that policy the department Proposes to see that Canada sets her house in order by co-operating with Provincial departments to Have pro- duction improved and developed in most, favorable locations," he said, Suitable Products Only The Minister said the department would try to ensure that no merchan- dise "unsuitable to that market be exported to .111e United Kingdom and that what is exported be improved in ' quality, packaging' and labelling." "The departrilent proposed to co- operate with producers, exporters, brokers and the trade in the United Kingdom in maintaining the standard 'of Canadian agricultural products in conformity with grades- packaging and labelling provided by Canadian regulations until the product reaches the consumer. "It is also proposed to co-operate with and assist all Government, pro- ducer and merchandising agencies in placing Canadian foodstuffs effective- Iy before the British housewife," A National. "Mark" Mr. Gardiner said the only proper basis on which the main policies could be carried out was by emphasiz- b Midget Engine Conveys Honor Key To Rd Chief A SPECIAL railway line was set up by the Halifax Board of Trade recently by which Mayor Walter Mitchell presented a golden key to the City of Halifax to S. J. Hungerford, Chairman and President, Canadian National Railways, and President of Trans -Canada Air Lines. The occasion was the annual banquet of the Halifax Board of Trade, dt which Mr. Hungerford was guest speaker. The track was laid along the head table and Mayor Mitchell, after making the presentation speech, placed the key on the tender of a miniature Canadian National locomotive which conveyed' it along the rail and stopped in front of Mr. Hungerford. The picture shows the President of the National System receiving the key. Among those present at the inauguration of this unique rail service were Hon. Robert Irwin, Lieutenant - Governor of Nova Scotia, Premier Angus L. Macdonald and Frank K. Warren, President of the Board of Trade, who presided. Go Without Sleep 100 Soli Rains Co-eds and Young Men End Uni- versity of Georgia Test "In Good State of Health" Six University of Georgia psycho- logy students who gave up sleep for 100 hours in the cause of science were pronounced "in a good state of health" at the end of their ordeal. The four co-eds and two young men showed little effect outwardly from the experiment conducted to determine the action of sleeplessness on body and mind. Results For Science As the non -sleepers yawned about him, Dr. A, S. Edwards, head of the university psychology department and director of the experiment, termed the test a success, adding that he hoped it would "show results first for science and then furnish practical applications." FEEL r yq���-.¢.pp,, �%Q� 1 21.x® YOU p�.-7p 1pyry gN SLUGGISH? Maybe you need more bile When yon feel you haven't a friend in the world and life is not worth a red cent -that's the time yam liver is fretting you down, Don't fail for i.t. Make your 1ivc:r behave, Tann] Tablets will do the iib. "Choy act directly 0n fhn liver, stimulating the liver's pr'ocl1)1tion of b!1e. Pom- prlsitrg a spevii,l 'blend of e4rt7111 lava- tivoa, Tarot "1"ablets In v10(10 a smni1 proportion of calomel, probably the: mgpt 'effective liver silmi:lout known. Tn' a day or two your liver is at work again as well a, over and you feel tit frigrds w►th the wide, wide wo •ld. .A11 ri1J, QQglsts have 'Satiol Tablets, Sod. (C) Observers Watched Theni The subjects went through their regular routines of classes, heals, exercise and, in some cases, dates. Student observers kept vigil at all hours, prodding the subjects awake when necessary. Bridge sessions, walks and talks helped occupy the nights. Tests were made of reactions, r steadiness, color perception, grip, typing, memory, temperance and visual ability. Hours Before Dawn Worst Miss Wallace and Miss Jimmerson agreed that it was hardest to stay awake on the second night and that the hours just before dawn every day were difficult. Newman said that the long loss of sleep, "while naturally stalling the mental and physical reactions," pro- duced no outstanding detriment to his body.. "For instance," he added, "my grip on the gripping devices grew stronger as the experiment con- tinued." The six prole esed willingness to undergo another no -sleep test if the results "would help science." Another test is proposed, Dr. Ed- wards announced, to compare the re- actions of non -sleepers and those of persons with normal amounts of sleep ttwo 'otos toN„moms $e)l tl P"i"iDMUsCNCFA1!rS!! 4 1r4.3 . .5, ys' Ing the consistently high quality of Canadian products. "Publicity for an inferior article is not only worth nothing but is de- finitely harmful to all good products," he said. To maintain high quality, Mr. Gar- diner advocated adoption of a na- tional mark for Canada's high grade products shipped to the United King- dom. The mark would be compulsory on specified products provided they at- tain the requisite standards and where it is not compulsory it would be accorded only to producers under license. Our idea of a perfect home is one where clothes flop on the line on Monday and the kitchen is filled with the scent of baking things on Satur- day. Money can no more make a home than it can make happiness. This appears to have a double meaning: Doctor -"How's your cold, Mr. Mill- er?" Mr. Miller -"It's very stubborn, Doc- tor." Doctor -"How's your wife?" Mr. Miller -"She's about the same." ,. The big potatoes get to the top of the heap, but they wouldn't be there if it weren't for the little fellows at the bottom, , And speaking of farmers, a tiller of the soil was in Saturday to remark that "lawyers' mistakes are In jail, the doctors' are in the cemetery, but the school teachers' mistakes grow up to be members of the school board." Mrs. Halfaere-"Your husband is always complaining that he leads a dog's life." [ Mrs. Wholesome -"Well, he comes home with muddy feet, makes him - Self comfortable in the best chair, r waits until he is fed and then growls." Read It Or Not: -The -star nearest to the earth is 22,000,000 miles away. Here is a gentle hint gleaned from Pathfinder: Blowfoot (after midnight) - "Did you know that I can imitate any bird that you can name?" Miss Zimpir-"Indeed! Suppose you start with the homing pigeon." Never judge a person by his out- side appearance. A shabby old coat may enwrap a newspaper publisher while a man wearing fine clothes and sporting a gold -headed cane may be a delinquent subscriber. Canadian National Railways Revenues The gross revenues of the all -in - elusive Canadian National Railways System for the 10 -day period ending January 81, .L)38, were $4,377,154, as compared with $4,x'3,390, for the corresponding period of 1937, a de- crease of $200,242, USE PIDARD New and re- markable re - needy f o r heaves. Sat - faction is guaranteed •'p;a , " regardless of 't.I.M ii�'V110Y Itari the severity ;r l nglh of ti your horse ha" ;uffcred from ilia disease, fly mail $1.00, Chs. Eng, Girard, Ste. Dorothea, Laval, Q8::bee, ti I: s 1e Nra. 8-'38 Ontario Cir Accidents Double In Six Yeart TORONTO. -H. G. Fester, genest al manager of the Ontaiio Safeti League, reported the lumber of. me tor vehicle accidents in Toronto hai, risen from 3,073 in 1032 to near') 7,000 in 1937. Of the cars ex'mine( by the Toronto police department the last five years, Fester said, 8! per cent. had defective brakes atilt 50 per cent. defective steering, lighfl or wheel alignment. Leading aircraft manufacturers of England expect to operate at cape city until 1940. WHEN pm. f :'S SWIG Relieves THROAT PAIN RAWNESS Enters Body Through Stomach and Intestines to Ease Pain The speed with which ."Aspirin" tablets act in relieving the distressing symptoms of colds and accompanying sore throat is utterly amazing ... and the treatment is simple and 'pleeet nt. This is all you do. Crush and ilislollve three "Aspirin" tablets in One-third glass of water. Then gargle wi1.h this mixture twice, holding your head well back. This medicinal gargle will act almost like a local anesthetic on the soro,.irri- tated membrane of your throat. Pain eases promptly; rawness is relieved. 0 "Aspirin" tablets are made in Canada. "Aspirin" is the registered trade -mark of the Bayer Conepany, 7.im{ted, of Windsor, Ontario. Look for the name Bayer in the forms of a cross on every tablet. MADE IN CANADA Demand and Get "A ,`j ti MN" "How to Become k Hockey Star" by that great authority T. P. `Tommy" Gorman, a Great Book profusely illus- trated and containing many valuable tips ote how to play the game. else AUTOGRAPHED v ieT013ES of GREAT PLAYERS (mountedfor fronting) Group Mutttrral Maronna" Group "Les Caundr_. or individual pie are,:. • Dave Trott ier Johnny Gawnoa I.erbia. Cain 13a1.lyNorthcutt F`i:''.( ;•1'e 2')..)11 •:-res Russ lilinco "? ah: " racrt PA htlly Enrlltobmnenn Aurel,Tiliat ;Warty. Barry • Bob Graeae Wttlterilusircil J..181',t Irest!ets Carl Voss C 1r;o Miantha `':1 . ' Bailey Gus parker Stew 7''1:m:i Fr:14k 1 lioneker 1) tt e 1.,.: r t a+l f e '1\, .4 ' i'lauey or an l Of 1740 14,1r •., ;.'7.n..,!! •.' , 9 o1y th fdnr.• v "'lac t . rzeuts 0 EA c ;.;ice of ..73 r to )t*1'0 0 For •1 1.41,..A fro -.a a tion of "CROW iN ),l: :r II)" or "LILY .. WFII'E �,19 Corn Syrup. -Write on the back your name and address and the words "Hoc- key Book" or the name ref Floe picture, you want (one book or picture for each label). Mail label to address below. DWAl413S lUR RA gl PARA �0p Givr eN E� FAMOm,v.e°'iY lre1b'.`7Yr"'oo® The CANADA 4'I .UC`;1 COMPANY 1.Imited Ton ONTO F" it.*tcEzi*,4rtr,i