HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-02-17, Page 1*blue coal' 41 ,••••••••••••••,•ft Vol XXXVIR No.33 ZURICH, THURSDAY IVIOHNING, FEBRUARY 17, 1938. Chester L. Smith, Pablisholl $L25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in, Advane., $1.50 IN Al.t)ihi...a8, KAY 1511 G.d.h.t6eciii Bead the Home News. Follow the Local Ads. Fanners! Attention! We have been. appointed. selling Agents for the celebrated Viking Diabola Cream Separator; the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let us demonstrate this' machine to you and compare it with all others. And don't forget, the best feature is the unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. tf44 11111111ill,MM• ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. A Changeless Christ for a Chang - ng World." Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 11.15 aare—Sunday Sehool. 7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welcome to an Services. E. TUERKHEJM, Pastor. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR rs. Fred Thiel Wishes to advise the public that she is now open for business.? Permanents and Finger - waving a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor located im rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich. COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every week day except Wednesday Highest FINEST SF1 FCTION A CALL AT OUR GARAG WE HAVE OVER 35 USED BELOW IS ONLY Quality LOWEST PRICES E WILL CONVINCE YOU CARS TO CHOOSE FROM A PARTIAL LIST 1937 Dodge Coach—Small Mileage. 1936 Chev. Conch—Trimk, Heater, Hydraulic Brakes. 1931 Fard De.Lux—Tow-n Sedan. 1929 Chev. Sedan ---Looks LEce New. 1928 Ford Coach -5 to Pick From. 1930 Ford Coach—Original Upholstering. 1931 For Coupe, 1928 'Chev. Coach at 1929 Ford Coach. at 1928 Chev. Sedan at 1928 Essex Coach, new tires 1935 V8 Ford Coach at e $125.00 $125.00 $100.00 $75.00 $425.00 1930 Chew. Coach, Repainted -nice Mohair Upholstering $225,00 1937 Ford VS Light Delivery Truck. 1928 Whippet Coupe, at $38.00 AND MANY OTHERS C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH — ONT. ...•01101.011=MIllaieriniv MERNER'S SPECIALS Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Enefo Choice Tomatoes 28 -oz tall tin, 2 tins 19c St. Williams Orange Marxnalade 30 -oz jar 19c Pe.arl. Naptha Soap, 5 cakes 19c Prunes„ Santa Clara Sweet large, 2 Ibs 19c Ginger Snap biscuits, 2 Ibs 19c Chocolate mallow biscuits, per lb i 9c Brunswick sardines, 4 tins 1 Golden -wax beans, 2 tins I 9c Neilson's jersey cocoa, halls, per tin 19c Quaker puffed wheat, 2 pkgs. I 9c MacrOni loose, ready -cut 3 lbs. 19c Tomato juice Aylmer 10 1/2 -oz 4 tins ..... 9c Rolled. oats„ 4 Ibs. 1 9c Icing sugar!, 2 lbs for . 19c Print Aprons each . 29c, 39c, 50c Jean Gordon. House Dresses at 98c New Prints,, a per yard 1. 19c and 25c NiERNER Phone 140 FANCY ICE CARNIVAL By 30 of the Outstanding Tigare skaters ,of the , LONDON SKATING CLUB . Including Mr. Clarence Hislop, Medalist of the National Skating sociating of England, at EXETER ARENA On Friday, February 18th Commencing at 8.15 p.m. Admission -50c,* H. S. Students 35e; - P. S. Students 25c. Skating and Dancing after 'Carnival A THREE ACT COMEDY "The Adventures of Grandpa' By the Young People of Exeter,. will be given in the Town Hall, Zurich On Monday Evening February 28. Under the auspices of the Women's Institute Admission -25c and 15c. CARD OF THANKS The bereft parents of '(Donald Carl) infant son of Mr. and Mrs! Ray Fisher wish to greatly thank the neighbors and friends for the assist- ance and sympathy, and those who. so kindly loaned their cars ,during their recent bereavement. CARD OF THANKS • Tiebereft family of the late Mrs. AlfredMelick • take this medium of ekpressing their most sincere thanks 'to neighbors and, friends for the ass- istance 'and sympathy extended dur- ing the' passing of their beloved wife and mother; for the many floral trib- utes; those who loaned their cars; the Evangelical Sunday School and Choir. —The Family. The production of Creamery but- ter in Canada in 1936 amounted to 255,043,622 pounds, the hugest ever produced in any one year and excee, ded the previous high record year of 1935 by 14,124,823 pounds. The to- tal value was $59,535,442, an incre- ase over the preceding year of $7,- 307,309. DASHWOOD Dashwood Planing mill has receiv- ed the contract for ,building the new home for Miss Logan at Hensel'. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Merner of Zur- ich were Tuesday evening visitors at the home of the ,former's brother in tawn. Mrs. Wellwood GUI of Grand Bend' is completing the interior of his new home. Material was purchased from the Dashwood Planing mill. George Merner Passes Death came as a relief to the ei.z& erings of George Merner, who had some serious inteinal trouble, and who passed away on Tuesday evening. Deceased who was well and favour- ably known in the community, 'being in the implement bniness for many years, was in his 64th year and': a resident of Dashwood for 20. yearS• 'being 'born on the Merrier' hdteestead Bronson line, Hay Twp., and from which he moved to DashwoOd. • He is survived by his widow SLIVAn Meyer. seven children. Milford and Elgin ofs,, S eb r g vine; and Rev. E. Turkheirri of El. Peter's church Zur- ich. We join in the many friends in extending sincere sympathy to the beret husband end family. 41‘ —are_ Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Smith of De- troit spent the week -end with relati- ves here, owing to the death of Mrs. Smith's sister, Mrs. Melick. Miss Anna Overholt and brother, Harold spent Saturday evening with their brother Emmerson Overholt at Goderich. OBITUARY Infant Son is Called The Angel of Death entered the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fisher early Thursday morning and took away their infant son (Donald Karl) aged four months and twenty-seven days. The little fellow had a hard struggle during his short earthly ex- istence, although every care and at- tention was bestowed on him that could be suggested, he gradually weakened and the frail threa d of life was easily broken. The funeral tak- ing place on Friday afternoon to the Lutheran cemetery and •was conduct- ed by Rev. E. Turkheim, who took for the basis of his sermon at the house, the words "Suffer the Little Children to .come unto me." Surv- iving are his parents, one elder bro- ther Bobby, eight grandchildren and the other close relatives who have the sincere sympathy of their many fri- ends. Mrs. Alfred Melick is Caiied The entire community was shocked beyond words when they learned of the sudden passing of Lovina Ort, beloved wife of Mr. Alfred Melick, .0!:Wencalled into the Better World .enorning. Mrs. Melick, whO had been enjoying' her usual. good .health, and who had no signs of any ailment, was attending a soc- ial in the Evangelical church on Fri- day evening when she was suddenly overcome by a paleytic strokea. She was immediately taken to her home' just north of town and atedicaill aid was called at once. Then. ore Satur- day morning early she was again str- icken and never regained conscious- ness, and passed peacefully away on Sunday morning. Mrs. Melick who wee; s. highly respected citizen of the community, always proved herself of a kind and loving nature to her fam- ily, who will miss her most, to her neighbors and friends. To .meet her was always a pleasure, ever cheerful and was a high standard of cheistian living; always adhearing to the "gol- den rule". Born in Blenheim town- ,. ihiip,,'and when a girl moved with the family to the „farm now owned by Mr. J. Eckstein, Bronson line. After her marriage to Mr. eMlick they farmed for a goodly number of years one the mid Melick farm, Bronson where the family were nearly all born, after selling this farm they moved to Crediton for a few years, and 19' years ago moved to' Zurich,. Where they have lived with the exc- eptiate of two years in Elkterr,. Mikht. Stilil in .the prime of life, aged 58 years 1 month and 7 days., she en- joyed doing her daily .duties, and al- ways made one feel welcorae in her home which was her joy of Surviving beside her husband are three daughters: Mrs. Lennie CaTTfas at Kitchener; Mrs. Ed. Geiger of Pig- eon, Moll; Mrs. Morris .Neil of De- troit; two sons, Clare at home a nd Gladwin at Kippen; also twelve grand children. Three sisters, Mrs. Eidt of Pigeon, Mich; Mrs. Jacob, Smith of Detroit; Mrs. Dan Mcisaac of Crediton; one 'brother Jacob Ort of Pontiac, Mich. The funeral which was very largely attended was held oraTuesday afternoon at 1.30 p.m. to the. Evangelical church for services andBronson line cemetery ibr inter - pent.) -ler pastor, Rev, E. Burn •Officiteph ..,Other ministers who took 'part in the service were, Rev. F. 13. Dashwood, Arnold of HayTwp; Mrs. Addison Tiernan and Miss Kathleen at home; Mrs. C. Pasw and Mrs. J. Roscke of Detroit; four brothers al-• so survive, J. W. Merner of Zurich; Ed. of Stanley Twp., Jacob of De- troit; and Wm. of Winnipeg. The funeral will be held on Friday aft- ernoon at 2 o'clock from his late home, Dashwood to Zion Lutiwran church for 'rvice and Broits,o,n lite cemeeeq inteement. Dearer to us, than words can tell, • Are the thoughts of her we loved so wen, Vis only those, who have loved and Who, can realise the bitter cost. eveth His Belo.q,kt soleep, Friday Evening C.. E. Zurbrigg Register Optometrist WILL BE AT OUR STORE FOR EXAMINING EYES AND FITTING GLASSES MAY WE HELP YOU TO SEE BETTER A G. HESS Jeweler and Optician • PHONE YOUR 0 R FOR Why pay for cheap Coal when you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best, Also : Miller Creek Alberta ,(Rose- dale); Glen Rodger's Briquets and Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON 1 We pay Cash for Eggs I Pone .10. Hensaill • •••••••••••••••••••••see•••••••••••••••••••••••••• • ev • • 1 • • • • • • • • • • • • • - • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n 0141 • • • , ,414' 4, •• • • EMRALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS • • • • • ste•••••••rooae000reeor0000Olegt.t.4.00.041,ADay0414.4,411,410.00••• Z • Reduced Prices ON All Winter Goods SWEATERS WINDBREAKERS SOX - CAPS SCARFS OVERCOATS AND ALL OTHER WINTER APPAREL • • • MID -WINTER Reduction SALE FOR THE NEXT TWO WEEKS Starting January 29th. We are offering all winter Goods at a Big Discount of our Regular Prices This will include wool and Flannelette Blankets, Men's and Women's Underwear, Men's and Boys' and Chjldrens' Wool Sweaters; also, Men's and Boy's. Rubbers and Overshoes, Prints and Broad Cloths, Etc.„ Etc, Fresh Groceries Always On Hand R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL MERCHANT PHONE - 97 BLAKE