HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-02-03, Page 71 alievae:40:e 41+:*:O Glii:� 4 4:e:‹+Ielre: 4:4:4:.I+Ie � e'r.e e:e oie:+7. re Kele: 47§:e:4 a 4:+ KeeriKe ■ to o yr; .�. ssa eed Avertisng :4w Md 0. aK4;p4.;21 :+:0 40:,e e:ele eie:VlaX•I+X., a Ole. a e:e 4fvI n0�,e:K..4','1q,,SIe:s..t '4,: ,'Kehl ARTICLES FOR S.AI,lie DOGS TRIC( S,jOiC10S, PUZZLES A N 1) Magi° Novelttes. Send 25 cents for catalogue, deducting' from first order of $1 or more. $1, $3, .$5 assortments, Crown Supply Company, 12A Queen Last, Toronto. 6 LADIES' APRONS, Otte FIRST QUALITY "C A N' A D 1 A N" Prints, Broadcloths; washfa.st, new- est patterns! Pockets, Ties. Full size 14-52. "Refund Guarantee," Can- adian Textiles, Dept, LA, Montreal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS, CORNETS and trumpets, twenty dollars. Clar- inets, Boehm system, thirty-eight dollars; trombones, twenty dollars; Conn alto saxophone, thirty dollars; Terms, Barrow, 208 Victoria, Tor- onto. SEED GRADER (KL'INE) WEIGHS each Kernel, proof best, Used Mines bring price new (Farm Sales). Kline Manufacturing Co., Islington, Ontario. 25 YDS. Q,UXLTING MATERIALS, $1,00 MILL CLEARANCE! ASSORTED 6" TO 18'" lengths. Choice of Cotton Prints, Broadcloths. Stilts; for large Quilt Patterns. Butterfly" Diagram tree! "Refund Guarantee". Canadian Tex- tiles, Dept. LT, Montreal. AVIATION COURSES IN PLIGHT INSTRUCTION, navigation, airplane and engine me- chanics, home study courses. Leavens Bros. Air Services, Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. FASHION MAGAZINE FREE FASHION MAGAAZINE FREE WITH two Beautiful Dresses, 99e. Ladies', girls'. Washfast Canadian Prints, Broadcloths, All colorsstyles. Over - sizes 46-52, 99c each. "Refund Guar- antee". Canadian Textiles, Dept. LO, Montreal, CLEARANCE SALE CLEARANCE SALE, ASSORTED 12" to 36" lengths, Silks, Crepes, Cottons, Broadcloths, r adcloths, Ginghams, Limon s, \ oilew, Prints, Piqucs; for children's cl'r"le' •Ilsrons, dress trimmings, etc. Values to 90e yard, 72 -yard bundle 990. "Refund. Guarantee" Canadian Textiles, Dept. LY, Montreal. CLO'T'HING P OIt SAVE GOO() USED CLOTHING, LOWEST Prices. Write for catalogue, Yonge Street ('lothing E (change, 502 Yonge Street, Toronto. COSMETICS START A HOME FACTORY. MEN, AND women in every town, manufacture Cosmetics. Just add water to concen- trated ingredients. Make $5 to $10 daily. King Cosmetic Co., 37 Maitland St., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 free entargement 25e. Re -prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 183'f. King E., Toronto. Z1:iR() PRICES. EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 25c. Trevanna Studios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Cath- arines, Ont. FREE! -TWO BEAUTIFUL ENLARGE- ments (one colored) with roll de- veloped. eight glossy fade -proof prints, 28c; highest quality. Machray Films, Winnipeg. l'1RiNT OUR OWN NEGATIVES A'2 home on any surface, cloth or paper, without skill or darkroom. Less than cent each: Miracle 'Foto Kit complete with instructions for 1.50 prints, $1. 3, C. Williams, 5 Richmond East, To- vont°. FREE ENLARGEMENT WITH EVERY 25e order. Roll film developed and & prints, 25c. Reprints 3c each. Bright-. ling Studio, 29 Richmond St., E., To- t onto. 1.111N`IT L R i4 LYONS' TRADE-IN o'oit SALll I4Nai.Ifle c OLT416 Pop- pies, $4.00. ,.boss broods 33,00, Fe- males $2.00. Yesii 11ng's Watch 1dogs,. lleelel's, (;. Sirnlnona, (tot'm'ie, Ont. l+'lllt FARMING FURNITURE BARGAINS Li -Ira below aro just 11few of the outstanding values picked at random Ervin the hundreds of lvuuciurful bar- gaine you will find in uur Trade-in Dept. If you cannot pay us a visit be sure to write fol' our 110W 1038 illus- trated catalogue to give you an idea of Lyons' remarkable values in both new and used furniture. $39.00 4 -Piece, walnut fluids Bed- room Suite: large dresser, chii'fonier, full size bed and sagless spring -completely re -finished. $21.00 8 -Piece Dining -room Suite 111 `W French walnut finish: buffet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs in good condition, $27.50 Beautiful 3 -piece Chesterfield Suite, upholstered in figured (French jacquard with reversible Mar- shall spring cushions. Thoroughly cleaned and re -conditioned. $12,5`P 0 'Beautiful Brass Bed, full size with sagless spring and brand new all -felt mattress. $22.00 Six -piece Breakfast Suite - �P large buffet with glass top. drop-Ie:rf table and 4 Windsor type chairs in ivory enamel - in splendid •rendition. $5.95Several 0 -burner Gas Stoves W with oven. Guaranteed. $4500 3 -Piece Chesterfield Bed - Suite, Kroehler Chesterfield bed with 2 big' chairs to match, uphol- stered In a good mohair with' revers- ible Marshall cushions, in perfect con- dition. Cost new 3105.00. $59.00 9 -Piece English Oak Dining - froom suite, buffet, china cab- inet, iteuare extension table and six leather :'eat chairs, Completely refin- ished. $5.95Dressers in assorted finishes with itttge mirrors and three drapers, $?.95Chiffoniers in oak and walnut 4r finish with five large drawers. $9.S"0 singer drop -head sewing Ma - 'P chines in good Condition. $65.00 Beautiful 6 -piece Bedroom fiui'e in excellent condition. Large dreeser, triple mirror vanity. chiffl'nbe, se :less spring, full-size bed and (.band new nil -felt mattress. $13.50 Solid Walnut liool case., dou- ble door. Completely refit ishe'd. $38.00 Dinette Sulte in Flemish oak, hefft't. extension table and 4, len thee Beet ('110!05, Completely re- finished lite new. $19.50 "Piece. 'Chev"lotlivid Stitic - 1eU.";e elvevlee il, ld Willi big choir 1" 1111"11, 0001sl(0, 1 10 n heavy 7 11 lir"1 tyle E' tt.y \ reel Isrt tela. 9'-'" . \\mitnut finish (attar/dal with side 1; erdrn1)c , five drawers and swill: mirror. Completely t'efin- Ished. $8.75Studio crouch in int stonen, rcpit---nrllccs into twin beds With nitShione for heel:. Before pts t'e11a51'01 11111,111 H(, 1n need furniture he sure to visit our '1'",tie-in Dept„ or it 1.10+11)10 in an ro write fol' otlr new 1910 ilia. leetee fir e rrtellerne. All our 01errhandise is mit le iirst class Pendinee end sold 11'"'er n money -Intel; F11'' n1tee if net retisfied. Cnreflell\ peelteel f safe ,h ,v:1"nt on receipt of money "order, LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Mc,nuf acturci's 478 YONGE ST. TORONTO MINK, RAISING SA.Istt'LE COPY ,magazine 10e, book catalog free, Fur Trade Journal, 13ox 31, Toronto, On. ta.ri0. wan GOODS WIGS, TOUPIIS, TRANST'ORMA'.IIONS, Braids, Curls, rind all types of finest quality Hair Goods. Write for illus- trated catalogue. Toronto Human Han' Supply Co„ 528 Bathurst, Turon- to. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS MADAME HUDSON SCE -TOOL, HAIR- dressing and Beauty Culture, Write tor pamphlet. 707 Yonge St., Toronto. MEN AND LADIES, LEARN BARBI7R- Ing or Hairdressing, under New Mo - ler System. Free Information. Write 590 'Yonge Street, Torontp, 3II1n10AL 5000 EDMONTON CITIZT3NS TESTIFY for (R, and S.) Powder, herbal reme- dy -rheumatism, arthritis, neuritis, stomach troubles, etc. Two weeks, $1.50; one month, 33; two months, 35. Druggists, or J. C. McIntyre, Edmon- ton, Alberta. FREDI "STORY OF BIRTH OF THE Dionne Babies," with every Jar of. Balsam Chest Rub." For stubborn Colds -head, chest, . Catarrah, Asth- ma, Bronchitis. Send 43 cents now, money order or stamps, to Canada Balsam Products, 23 Scott St., Tor- onto. MISCELLANEOUS FURS. WERE THE ANIMALS FUR- nishdng your coat tortured in steel traps or do you buy humane furs? Information, Canadian Asyoeiation Protection of Teur-Rearers, 73 I3er- nard Avenue, Toronto. NOVIi1LTiES PORTRAIT IN FOLDER - FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY developed and printed. 25c (coin). Star Snapshot Service, 166 King St. West, Dept. Y., Toronto, PATENT, ATTORNEY ROY L KNOX, REGISTERED ATTOR- ney. Information regarding inven- tion Patents; Drawings; Registra- tions; Sales, 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. List of inventions and full informa- tion sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered. Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can, PERSONAL 'ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COM - fort, positive support with our ad- vanced method. No elastic or under - straps or steel. Write, Smith Manu- facturing ro., Dept. 21!1, Preston, Ont. LONESOME? -1V1111.111 THIS RELIA- bre Club,, established 17 years. Mem- bers everywhere, many wealthy. Des- criptions free, sealed. Mrs. Budd, Box 758-W, San Francisco, California. POULTRY AND POULTRY ISQ.UIPMENT POULTRY EQUIPMENT, HIGH QUAL- ity at low cost. Made in Canada for Canadians. Write for our new cata- logue. Model Incubators Ltd., 196 Rivet' St., Toronto. WOULD YOU LIKE TO WIN 200 Tweddle Special Mating chicks ab- solutely Free. This is the first prize in the 1938 Tweddle Chick Contest. 25 Major prizes and a worth -while prizeesSend to everyone vcontc t theentering d 3. Tweddle Chick Hatchery Ltd., Fer- gus, Ontario, Box 10. (i1JILT REMNANTS FIVE FOUNTS! -QUILT REMNANTS $1.00. Free! -110 Patterns, Designs, Broad- cloths,Washfast , Silks.ottonsCollect Prints, Sample5c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime Textiles. Department \VILS. 804.0 Degaspe, Montreal. 6 L1BS. "(bc1:LT REMNANTS" - 191.00 ORac Sage" Free! Choice of tubfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, Tapestry, Silks, Eiderdown, Wool- lens, Repp, Flannelette, Tweeds. Large! "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle 3.5c. 1'hi1ross Textiles, Dept. LE, Station L, Montreal. It1MNANTR 6.90Bnatu QUILT REMNANTS Batt c2 x om- plete outfit 31.25. Choice of washfast Cotton Prints, Piques, Broadcloths, S 13 k s, Eiderdown, Flannelette, Tweeds, Tapestry, Woollens; Repp. Target "Refund Guarantee." Sample Bundle 25c. Canadian Textiles, Dept. LB, Montreal. SONG PUBLICATION PENSIONED jtrr FIT MAN egour5 ,of sic.' Life Did Not Hann Him At 50years of age lie was presum- ed to be beyond the arduous demands of police duties. But was he? Read what he says now -five years after he was pensioned: - "I am a loan of 55 ,years, It is now Jive Year's since I was pensioned off -'rom the Police. I Went through thick and thin, day and night in all weathers, white I Was on the Force, and am to -day as fit as any. man still serving o11 the Force, Peo- ple often ask me 'Hlew do you keep so young?' and my answer. is `Krusch- en Salts.' I have used ICruschen now for the last 13 years, and I Will certainly use these Salts for the rest of my days."-W.J. The numerous salts in ICruschen provide just that gentle daily aid your internal organs require to en- able then to perform their work properly. These vital salts keep yotu liver and kidneys in top-notch effici- ency, so that they help to free your system of poisonous waste (natter. The result is a feeling of youthful" health and vigour -"that ICruschen feeling!" NORTH AMERICAN SONG SERViCE offers lyric and song Writers Free service. Percentage basis. I'tibli 'n- tlon guaranteed. Write St. Giverego, Box 42, ShehO Snsk, RaymOr,CanadaI, Foremost Adviser on human problems. -111 send a Charade. and Petsonobiy Cheri Free to anyone -ho .riles h,m Th,, omo trig tree offers mode merely to advertise MASON'S e0 (010 REMEDY ands o,adabla lor0 lunged ume only Write W? today, enelosmg a sell odd,essed, stonmpcd en,olopc and your bath dole Addrets- MASON REMEDIES LIMITED 4, .,,CAUL 11 10(001(0 CANADA Claims Man Is Still A Savage Not Far Removed From Fre-his- toric Stage, Famous Author De- clares; Changing Conditions Jeep I-listori a s Busy. Booth Tarkington, Indiana's No. 1 author -playwright, discussed the World and its peoples and decided.: "We're still prettY close to the pre-bistot'ic savage, "'met great body .of the people i1) the world today is not much mese self - ,seeking than those in the world 4,000 years ago;" he said in an interview at 1adfan. '4C0untrleso)isare 8 -wallowing otiu'r.1 11) get slab by their conquests. The r iv - ages did the sans(', Count sies have been , built up. that Ivay. 1 doubt i; the 1)100000 is en' Nothingded.Actually NCv, rparlcingtOil, acti'i e ,'t (t: , Ifd 1'apid- 1y-changing conditions had 6given his- torians more to write 0h:rut. Ilut, he added,. the novelist end the piaywri;..ht rare)y, if ever, 1111:1 tin}'thing actually 1101','• , Nopelist 1 end playwrights arta epe- stantly in st search I'or the truth, which never Vat'ies," tin (r d "Mani- festations df truth chance, but the es- sential things abni t people never cllauge. Some writers find new view,:, DLit, those things nearly alwilys turn olrt to be old. Young tempie e`:preas was which they t11n1c are new. But many of those ideas worn expressed yeiirs ago by such men as Shaw and Freud." Revolt Has Gone Too Far The mention of "new views" turn - 'ed, the'autltar to "Penrod" and "Alice Adams". to a discussion of what he termed the 'revolt against pretti- ' nesse" -. "The revolt has gone to an ex- ' trelue," ho said. "Many persons seem to believe that nice dirty snow is pret- tier than nice clean snow. It seems unfashionable to think slice cleats snow is prettier. A subject has to be dirty to be art, 001110 believe, but we'll get sensible and frond the truth again:." • For more than 2.0 year=, "Old Faithful", a geyser in Yellowstone Park, has spouted at average inter- vals of 65 minutes. Third 4 - ration Company Executive Management of Can- ada Starch Company f,ilinited Continues fn 1-Iands of Benson Family, An announcement of interest is the change which recently took place in the executhse management of the Canada Yt;Tm'(li Company Limited, )nanufat.:t'r(rs of "Crown Brand" Corn Syrup, Benson's Corn Starch and other fen -tees starch products. Mr, Gcor:.;e F. Benson is retiring as Fresi: :it of the Company after fc *;:-;ot:r ,'ears of activity in that crap,,.:.',. --and now becomes Chair- man o the hoard of Directors of the Company. Ile is succeeded in the P: cicteney by his on, Major ' George F. Benson, Jr., who was As- sistant General Manager of the Can- ada Starch Company and also Presi- dent of Canada Starch Sales Com- pany. The new appointment is remark- able as it means that the Executive Management of the Company goes in- to the third generation of the same family -Whose name has been asso- eihte.i with the Starch industry in Canada for 80 years. The late W. T. Benson established the busint's in the year 1858, and shortly after his death, his son Mr. 'George F. l enson, who now retired from, the Pre:deney %vas appointed a Director of Edwardsburg Starch Company, becoming President in 1894. On the incorporation of The Canada. Starch Company in 1906, he was nominated President and •has now completed a total of over -half a eentuoy of service on the Directorate of the two companies. l.i!lflia_. ;r s T"-ex'Rsca1l Pills forPILES Medical autheritles riulte generally agree that 1'rCFtlf C IlLE 4t1INO 011 PIROTRUD1N0 P1LES are 000tH by an inflamed condition et the L•\;er bowel and congested liver, This HERBAL medicine hos been made from the t street of 110411ES ONLY for over 75 Years, to . l"enl the INT'f4I1NAL 51A08111 of PILES, price 52.00 by melt, eleinty 011(0910. Se. '. P. O. nr l Ixpl'ess Owlet, 1' et MONi:Y 1A(;IC if not re- lieved. Eunker's herbal Medicines, Toronto 9, oat., Can. Isc.:e NQ. 6--'38 D ----D ALONG CANADA'S i MAP OF PAR-TOF THE L ARSE k LAKE GONE AREA SCALE 2M1LE5 0 OMEGA COLO MINES LAAR LR ER MINES OHEM''9S GOLOM.. JCS LAIR -AD GOLD tv1IFJ�S The Larder Lake area, located thirty miles west of Noranda and twenty miles east of Kirkland Lake, promises to be an area of intense activ5t'jl: and in- terest during the next few months. Fernand has started shaft sinking, Clieniinis is preparing to diamond drill. Barber Larder has started shaft sinking and will be developing under- ground. Lar -Add will be doing surface: work. Pel - angio will be diamond drilling. The above, together Germany Will Make Leather From Fish "Ersatz" Process to Manufacture Substitute For Eggs, Flour A German fishing concern, whose fleet will operate in the North Atlan- tic off Newfoundland, will be estab- lished at Hamburg, to spur the 1'cich's four-year self-sufficiency plan. Construction of factories which will extract albuminoid substances from flsh and process them for use in the drive for greater quantities of "Er- satz"' (substitute) materials also will be started. The shipping enterprise will be known as the Viking Company. Large, speedy motor -driven fishing vessels, capable of carrying loads of 275 tons, will be operated. Albumin extracted from the company's fishing hauls will be used, if necessary, to replace eggs and other products and in fabri,'attion of substitute wool. The "German Albumin Company" will operate the factories. "Fish wool," "fish leather" and "fish flour" will be among the products (u1111.1 out. Japan May Lose Olympics In 1940 lord Burleigh, member of the In- ternational Olympic Committee, said is London, England, last weal:, that the g'aertion of hold ng the Olympic 11.11111011 in Toka c' hi 1940 is "creating \aidespeced concern " A decision after "i1mg the venue may be taken at the next mt'eting in C,xira in March. Lord Burghley said that there has been nothing like the situat'on ex- cept during the Wcr'ld War. If for. any reason, he addal, Japan with- dt'aws, plc c•;:eltco will he ;given fo. the clai .'s cf Iclsingtnl's and Lon- don since they were with 'T'okyo in the lost ciloic0 when Japan's :Applica- tion Was' stlerte-bfl:l, The fact that 16)40 is the 2,600th anniversary of the Japanese i::,rnl're was the official reason for the llc- ceptaltee of l oltyo's i;laim. !NG HIGH AY PEI-ANu^tO CHESTERVfLLE LARDER- COLD ARDERCOLD MiNES KERR ADDISON• OLD MINES SHELDON LARDER IVES THIS 1.4AP HAS BEEN DRAWN FROM INFORMATION SELIEVE0 TO EE RELIA&LE, BUT INDIVIDUAL OWNERSHIP ANOESACT LOCATION ARE NOT CERTIFIED. JAN. 24, 1938 NORMAN A . NUNN , TORONTO with the more advanced work on the Chesterville and I{err Addison, and the mining and milling on the Omega, makes a situation without parallel in Canadian mining development activity. Alert mining men are watching the' situation closely, as from just such operations can develop the big winners that come periodically. Kerr Addi- son, Moneta and McLeod Cockshutt are still fresh in the public remembrance. Claims Ears Reveal H m a rp. Characte Evert Says Position and 'Shape Are Equally Important In Reading Disposition That ear's tell character is the con- viction of John Clennell, _the well- known face -reading expert of the British Broadcasting Corporation and screen fame. The position of the ear is as im-- portant as its shape, he says. An evenly -balanced brain is shown by the ear being placed so that two-thirds of the head is hi front and one-third be- hind. In this case the intellect rules the physical. If the ear be positioned centrally, then the lower desires over- rule the intellectual. What Low -Set Ears Mean If the ears are placed high, say with,the orifice on a line with the eye, their possessor will be of the non- aggressive type, lacking in strong executive ability. But if set low, that is on a line with the nostrils, too much •physical energy mud brute froee is indicated. A squarish -shaped ear goes with a character that is firm and energetic; one courageous and enthusiastic. An ear that is fat and fleshy is possessed by triose that love the good thing of this life, folk who are amiable en social, Projecting ears often indicate great activity and energy; those set close to the head show the opposite: love of quiet and repose, Ears That are. long and narrow reveal' ambition; flat, badly folded Mars betoken a tricky cliepositiou; deceit is indicated by pointed tips. The Undying Past Small ears tell of a refined nature, though sometimes petty and finicky; lege ears no ft rule show that their l,n5N0°ser is large -hearted. A long ear with 0 long lobo means long life, No man As boric to be a criminal inescapably. Remove the cause of Criminal' thoughts, whether it be ex- anlit10, hunger, fobs or temptation, and the 111111, descended from criminal smelt has ,.very chance of grooving up a 'decent citizen, A low forehead and a pair of lobe - 1 :;.'. ill -placed ears do not antoniatical- ly brand the itemised as guilty. put they will- help to bring into the net of justice those possessing them who, having previously been convicted. hope to escape farther detection or at least to pose as first offenders. Confronted with their finger- and eat' -prints, their past will surely find then out. Finds Americns And Br thhhers Coming Closer Actor Believes They Are Both Be- coming More Human Through Laughing With Each Other. The Britisher who guffaws at an American joke - but at the wrong point -is a figure of the past, Fred- erick Leister, the actor, declares. Conversely, the American or Cana- dian who is left as cold as a frog in a frozen pool by English wit is van- ishing rapidly. Britons and Americans are tending to laugh more and more with each other, less and less at each other, and the reason for it mainly is that ubiquitous m0(111)n art medium, the cinema. Movies Have Helped "The 01 11011111 has done much to bridge the gull between English and American humor" M1'. Leister said gravely. A recent arrival on these shotes from Great Britain, Mr. Leister hits had abundant opportunity to male Iaboratory experiments comparing the North American and the Britannic characteristics which a certain Broad - Way columnist calls a In the dual role of leading player and director of British 111n Haty'w latest comedy, "Tile I'lor.sernaster," he was In Toronto in January. Both Sides More Alike On both sides of the Atlantic, Mr. Leister found that the laughs e0nle at the same time, were of approxi- mately the same intensity and dn1'.t- tion. '7t was most rental liable," he +:li•1. "pi l3ostoll or Toronto I felt just as if I were playing in London," Patting yont1'elf on the L:1cic w111 not push you forward. "MAKE TRACKS FOR DEH S!" w° Hit the trail right now to more enjoy- ment from the cigarettes you roll your- self 1 Slip into any tobacco store and Fet yourself a pact<age of Ogden's' ine Cut, Then --roll a cigarette with. this fragrant, mellowiobacco, touch a light to it and -man ! You're there you've found the Fine Cut that does roll 'em smoother, sweeter, better. And don't forget CDgden's rolls best with Chantecler or Vogue papers. Pipe- Smokersl- Rsk For Ogden's Cue Plug P4, '44 a4 1,4 p'4 Sf les and P4 14 P4 1,4 1'' 4 via D4 y;q Oa P.1P .V PP P '78 ..44v� 84ha O�,CP46:9. 0 PP-dj6'd :4#1 A certain justice of the peace. who was not over -alert recalled a witness. "My man," he said sternly, "you may ye find yourself committed for per- jury. Only a few moments ago you told the court that you had only one brother, but your sister has sworn that she has two. Now, out with the' truth." Lemuel - "May I take you home, Annabelle?" Annabelle - "Sure, where do you live?" There seem to be three kinds of workers. For example, when a piano is to be moved, the first gets behind and pushes, the second stands in the' front and guides, and the third grabs' the piano stool. RULES FOR HAPPINESS Life should be filled with love and song, Who cares when troubles come? For when a little thing goes wrong, Just hum. If clouds do darken skins cf blue And blacken everything, Take this advice, it's quite the time To sing. If the whole world seems very drear And lonesome all the while, And you 111a1Ce the skies seom clear, Just smile. For when tItere comes a',r 'toiled time That's full of days so gray, To ,rake the world get bat: its rime, Be gay. In the good old days of adventure and romance a king's jester one day found IIis Majesty bending over a basin and washing, his foe,". In a spirit of fun the jester gave the king a re- sounding kick on that part of his sac- red person situated directly behind his stomach. Deeply enraged the king ordered the immediate execution of his audacious jester, but finaaly con- sented to pardon slim if he would make an apology more oturageous than the original insult. The con- demned jester reflected for a moment and then remarked: "Will your Maj- esty please forgive me. I slid not know it was you. I thought it was the Queen." There was an eminent lawyer in New York, years ago, who was fond of displaying his legal iearniug, es- pecially to members of his office staff. Be. was not too prottcl to give even the office boy the benefit of hid wisdom and his experience, Someone asked the boy : Questioner -- "(low lunch does your boss pay yon?" Office boy - "Ten thousand dollars a year." Questioner --- "What, tan thousand a year for an office boy?" Office 130y - "Yes, fn11r (loners a NV rk in cash and the rest in legal ad- vice. :. jt (Igo aa9;i ,1 a prisoner if there 117115 ally 1;'.15911 rte rnuld llama why be shined not 1.;" 1' silenced to ten y."urs at hard Is', r.nr. The prisoner bold flim 1. t . ,e''t 1111 think of any, but he v1•' l sur',' his lawyer could be- cause that 'vas why he hired him. STOPPED iN A MINUTE ... Are you tormented with the itching tortures of eczema, rashes, athlete's foot, eruptions, or other skin afflictions? iron quick and hapDy relief. use cooling, a ntiseptic,,liquid D. D. D. Proscription. its gentle oils soothe vitt krt. Med filch. Clear, greaseless and 'stainless-- dries fat* Stops' the most Mom itching 1'stantly. A 35c ,vial bottle, at drub stores, Mlles it -or mousy back, 20