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Zurich Herald, 1938-02-03, Page 5
Thursday, February 3rd, 29'38 BUSINESS CARDS ` J . Fut Your Want, For Sale LEGAL )UDLEY.: � .UOLMi1$ BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY PPUBLIC, ETC. Ol4r1CE--Hamilton Street, Just off 'the Square, aODERICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Conned and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderieh by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At »ELT Z BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HABTLEIl3'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 H. C O W E N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - O,ntario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. S. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96, late Zurich A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto. All Riseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, night Charges reasonable. Day calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder ers. erness Hemeet , S Office on cottish i Main n Street. opposite Town Hall Phone 116. HENSALL• LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will Make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood !Phone 13-57• PRODUCE Farm educe W A N ray HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wrn. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., edways 011 hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. Yuxrgblu ! ik Sort INSURANCE Western Far es s' Mutual eztbei • : s s r ce Cc. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF TIIIS KIND IN ONTARIO .;A.mount of insurance at Risk on Dec. 81.st, 1935, $20,479,73.0.06 Total Cash in Bank and Ponds $254,627..52. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 8 Years E. F. KLOPP --ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn- ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance Lost, Fouad, Etg. Ms, in this Column. NOTICE Wind driven Genexata,rs rewoun for Iew speeds. Propeller drives dir oat to Armature emit Out in speed 200 to 350 R.P.M, Zleetrie motors also rewound and: repaired also bought and sold. 31-3 Lorne. Johnston e Exeter, Ont. LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Herb Bender was a rec visitor with friends at Kitchener. Mr. and ales, W. II, Pfale of sail were recent visitors at the he of Mrs, Lydia Me of town, Miss Hilda Neeb .of near Das/Iwo d was a week -end visitor at the ho of Zr. and Mrs. Theo, McAdams,. Mrs. Lyde Chesney of Seafo Mrs. Paul Bushman of Calgary, . were guests at the home of Mrs, Dibel r last Thursday. Former Kaiser Wilhelm was hale and Hearty on his 79th birthday, And where .are the men who were going to hang him two decodes ago, ent Hen-� ane sod me ri h,. A NOTICE A meeting of the U. F. 0„ known as the South Huron Co-operative will be held at Hensel] town hall on Feb- ruary 1,2th, 1938, at two o'clock to settle some very ampoetant business. Also those who have shipped live stock in the past are urged to be present. We need you! —The Committee, FOR SALE HAY FOR SALE Alfalfa and timothy mixed. 8 ton in barn, and stack outside. Apply to: Elmer Willert, Brewster. FARM FOR SALE Consisting of '70 acres of good farming land, being lot 24, conces- sion 10, Hay Township, one mile north of Zurich. The farm has good buildings, 5 acres of bush, plenty of good water, and .a fine young orchard Apply to Henry or John Gillman, Zurich. tf30 AVM Farm Tor Sale A 50 acre farm for quick sale, three-quarter mile south of Dash- wood. Farm has a house and barn on premises. Fur ,further particul- ars apply to—Gerorge Koch, Dash- wood.. 31-3t FARM FOR SALE Consisting of 200 acres of good farming land, being Lot 22, Con. 4, Flay Township. The farm is in good state of cultivation, • has hardwood bush, also some standing cedar; well fenced, drained,good buildings, 2 miles west of Henson. Appy to Pro- prietor, Oscar Koehler, HensaIl. FOR QUICK SALE Henall—Comfortable brick house, acre of land $1300. Exeter—Two storey frame house, nice hedge, large garden $900. Snug cottage, garage, large garden $1000. Several farms. Write: Wm, Pearce, Exeter, Ont, Names Shap 4 I wish to advise the Public that I have opened a new Harness and Repair Shop, at west door in C. Fritz et Son new Garage, opposite the Zur- ich. Creamery. I have engaged Mr. Alex, McKenzie as instructor and am in a position to take care of your harness needs. No old Stock. All hand work. New stock and hand sewing. Let us ,oil and repair your Harness. A calf will be appreciated. HARVEY G. CLAUSIUS Zurich. May We Serve You! King to Broadcast Feb. 17. His Majesty's voice wilt be Beard in the United Kingdom and the Dom- inions Feb. 17th when he speaks at a reception at the Guildhall by the Lord .Mayor of London, Sir Harry Twyford, in corin•:ctio:i with the Na- tional Fitness Campaign. ILL; :speech will be broadcast over national net- works and picked up for BBC Empire short -water c c adcasts several times during the day.. Dies in 94th Year :-ries anger, K. C., former Crown Attorney of Huron . County, and venerable citizen of Goderich, who lately had lived with his son, Bishop Seager, at London, passed a- way there last Monday in his 94th year, Two weeks before his death he suffered an attack of pneumonia, from which he appeared to be recov- ering when a relapse occurred. Born May •1844 in England, he came with his parents to Canada the following year. The family remained for a time at London, -then moved to Port Rowan, later to Port Dover, where the father, Dr. Seager practised his medical profession. The son. Charles practised law at Samcot,. Toronto, S'a,.rnia and then Goderich, 1 C. Mr. and illes, James Rennie of Babylon line, entertained a numb er of their friends recently to a so ial evening. A very pleasant time reported by all. Mr. Elmer Restemeyer of the Bro son line, Hay, had a practically ne bridle taken from his horse while the Lutheran church shed at Zuri and the party. is known, and is her by notified to return same -to the Zu inch Creamery within a week, or will 'be put in other hands. Dr. and Mrs. H. H. Cowen -of Ex ter .spent Iast Wendesday night wit friends in town. They experience considerable .difficulty in gett'ng th ough the heavy snow roads, but be ing full of pep and ,anvbition, it wa somewhat of a change, and probabl served as an ,outing instead of snow shoeing, tobaggoning of skiing. • Could See Shadow the er c- is n?. w in ch, it e- d r- s y Wednesday, to -day, Feb, 2nd, is when the groundhog comes out to look for its r'xa-:ow, and if same ca' be seen, well back he goes for an- other six weeks of cold weather. The day is mostly hazy here in Zurich but at times the sin has been quite clear So it just depends at which of these periods this monarch of weather prophets comes out, which will gov- ern the destiny of the next six we- eks. Anyhow, we will have six more weeks of cold, and then "some ! - Postal News Parcels weighing up to 25 lbs. may now be sent by mailthrough your Local post office. This applies tc CANADA only. For foreign countr- ies the weight limit is 15 Lbs. Par- cels may now be sent by SPECIAL DELIVERY to any post office in Canada (only) where such service is in operation. The -Special Delivery fee on parcels in addition to -regular post rates is as follows: Up to and -in- cluding 15 lbs. 20c; Over 151bs. tip to including 20 lbs. 25c; Over 20 Iles up to and including 25 Lbs, 30c. Popular Bridge Collapses Honeymoon Bridge, for four de- lades the footpath -of the world's brides and bridegrooms, crashed :spec- tacularly'late on Thursday last into the massed ice of the Niagara River Thousands on the Canadian and U.S.. Bides of the famous gorge, 400 yds eelow Niagara Falls, shrieked in ex •citement as the 1,260 foot steed spar. stretching 175 feet above the river- bed, gave way to crunching ice -blies. that had threatened it since the pre- vious day. Over the week -end it is estimated 100,000 tourists were pres- ent to see the old bridge. Hotels we- re crowded as they never had been before in midwinter. The most dam- aging ice jam in 30 years, which al- ready had put the Ontario Power Co plant cut of operation, was rigid in the river for hours, filed 50 feet high at the foundations of Falls View T;,riclge, where the abutments or the 11eridge finally gave way. Fortner Resident Plisses (Battle Creek, Mich,, ISI -on-Journal } Dr, Robert H. Steinbach, 64, a practicing physician in Calhoun Co. for 22 years, died at a local hospital on January 17th of a stroke which he suffered et his home, 10 dews ago He was a specialist in obstetrics an:' pediatrics who came here from Pieh- ville, near Saginaw in 1915, Ritee Henry Steinbach was been in Zurice Ont. December 4, 1878, the son Mr. and Mrs, Daniel Steinbach. Hr attended the public school of Zurich :tntil he was 16 years of age and then went to Co leeich where he complet eel his high school education. In 1896 he wns n a:hated from the Detrol! College of Medicine and went to Rich Mlle, where the practiced for 10 years During his residence in -the Saginaw ^omxnunity rte married Miss :Minna Mueller of Saginaw. 17 years later tan 'uo--ed to E. Leroy where Dr. ete'•i'.:ach praciced for nine years,be roving to BattleCreek. 10 yre ago the Steinbacli's built their hoi,w on Terrace ave., where they have liv- ed since, Realizing -his failing health four years ago, Dr. Steinbach closed his office in ,the Post bldg. and r "ac- ticed from his home, Surviving be sides the widow, is a daughter, Mea. N. W. Smith of Battle Creek: a bro- ther, Chester Steinbach, of Kitchen- er; two sisters, Mrs. Beatrice Fitz- gerald of London ; and Mrs. Geo. Baldwin of St, Thomas, Can; four nephews and three nieces and a grand son, Robert Smith, The funeral wee .conducted by Rev, Dr. Lloyd .11. Nix- on, pastor . of the First Methodist Episcopal church, of which departed was an active member. w i 1 LD ANNUAL MEETING The annual meeting of the Daysfleld Agricultural Society was held in the' town hall, Beyfield, on Wednes- day, January 19th, when election of oiilcme was made. Mr. John McClure president for the past eleven years, ,retired and was appointed Honon;ary President. The officers are: Presi- tient, Wan, Sparks; let `trice, Fred • a 0 Middleton; 2nd Vice, Albert Dunn; + a 0 0 l reasue'er, dames If, Reid; Secretztry, A, E. Erwin; Board of Directors, T. W. Woods, Samuel Houston, I+ ,d. Fos- ter, Mrs. Thos. Snowden, W. R. Ste- phenson, 'Carl Diehl, l ebeet Penhale, W. W. Wise, Mrs. George Little, Jno. Bothwell, ,ears. Fred Middleton, A. H, Warner, T. M. Snowden, Mrs. Fred 0 • 0 A 0 .atcEwan, Frank Keegan, Mrs. Ed. ; • Fester, Harold Stinson, John A. How - R. erd;,CaA:muditaeron. r, AlA,thE.ough FeaththeerstonBoard, J,.'s +OS000•00Is•0•S00$o0o©cson eo0000000000000 surplus was reduced a little last year, they are in fairly good shape, financ- ially and have :arranged Fall Fair dates for 1938 as the 28th and 29th the last Wednesday and Thursday of September. PAGE 'mei AZU r j I�/'`� ,„ H CREAMER We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pounl B. Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant.. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Prue Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested andpa a i d for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. -.-.Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH[ CREAMERY LETTER FROM ENGLAND Sussex, Eng,, Jan. 22, 1938 1 • • 3 • • • • 0 0 0000041501i!** Cut Your Feel Bill In ALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors I 4 LET US QUOTE YOU! Dear Editor: 3 REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A + 4. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND Al ALL 4. 4 I thought it might interestTIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU you to know of my visit to old Eng- land, the land of my birth, of which' r WAIT. I. Left 32 years ago, Thought that my friends back home would Lice to know how things are over hese. I am 'a Staying in southern England the best place in England, 60 miles from old London, direct south, along the Eng- lish channel, am only a few miles from Battle Abby, where William the Conqueror fought. A very his- torical place, I have also had the ple- asure of seeing the famous stone on which the same man sat and waited for Harold the Great and where they fought the Battle of Hastings; anoth- er great place -of interest was the famous building of Madame Tuss- ands, the most wonderful wax mod- els of all tunes, the price of admis- sion is free and many places of in- terest in Old London is the Zoo where they keep every known animal in the world. The most likeable part of my trip over here was through the beau- tiful farming County of Devonshire, which lies on the Northern coast of England, with their beautiful hedge. ences and red soil, the quaint old louses. I got off the boat at Plym- outh where they build the great bat- tle :ships. On my way from Plyxn- outh to London by train some 75 miles we passed the world's greatest air port Coyden, from there we see the great air liers leave for Paris and Germany every half hour; from there go through the beautiful .residence of Hownslow where I visited my brother We had a wonderful reun- ion at Christmas. My mother 'and 3 sisters that I have not seen for 32 years. I have. visited the old hone of Rudyard Kipling, the famous pout pass his house every day; one in- stance I muet not omit, was on the 8th of January, a most beautiful day elle sun was shining and we were ly- ing in the shade of the Old Yew tree, it is stated to 1'e 1500 years odd where the men of ancient times used to get the arrows from, it is held to- gether with large chains. It is a common sight to see a large number of planes about 16 in number flying in formation in army drill. If you ould ask what I think of the pee- ` pie here, I would say they are tee Mint contented in the world. I was to a church services on the 15th of Jan., this church was built in 1560, one tombstone I noticed was erected h 1512. Trusting that these few ines' will be of interest to you all, as must close for this time. I remain your humble friend, Henry J. Adkins, Etchingham, Sussex, England. 4. -F 4. .9.01.416 Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Matet•ials C. K�`LBFLEXSC-- PHONE 6 9 a • is a • a t a a e 0 5 a rru o Z RIC 1 4 -•--4-•:•+++++++++++++4 le Qacmoott.O••!B•o +pest eniot• :5�eaev Coal and 0600000008140006004 We are now fillir]g orders for the • coming winter's fuel, Prices will i be .higher later on, Fo order now I PURINA. Stock Foods and Chows A guaranteed product that will a help your Stockiiud Poultry 0'1 • • • • • Pi • • sa • sa • 0 FREE! FR EE ! Coronation sets of Dishes. and Rodgers Silverware given to our Customers in exchange for a requi_ 4d amount of Coupons which we are giving with pur- chases at our store,.. These will make splend'd Christmas Gifts! ®glee 11 03000010WOOaa0000::00ora.%: 4,01=3 g10Q0a+�&000800ifi 1eigeiaeOg iI THE HERALD ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAI NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RAPES --$1.25 year, -strictly in advance; $1.50 in arrears or $2.00 may be charged, U LwY heet S. $.1.50 in advance. No paper disoon Untied until all arrears are paid an less at option of publisher. The date of which every Subscription is paid is denated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES ?° Professional Cards not exeeedir,; i3t inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50e, 25c for each additional verse; Card of Thanks, 50.c. Display advertising made know' on application. ?Miscellaneous articles of not more than four lines, For Sale, To Rent, Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser- tion nsettion 25-c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2,00 for first month, $1.00 for each fol- lowing Month, ;Auction Sales --$2,00 per single insertion if not over four inches ii length. Address ail communications tot M ,G H ill Y Ty , , t 4 V L - of A MIA4A Mi ii if {tl 'i1WLi`ii'{ 61),,r! ZurichDrugr e. .o . Supplies lTe have a full Lure of all the, teauire en:s cf School Supplies All authorized Public Scho l Kooks, inch dii g t.1reNewSpeil:-i• All School Text Books, PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Perfumes, Toilet Soaps, Toilet Waters, Perfa;r.r�7�r�, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes, See Our -Supply of 'Toll ;t Preparations Dr, A. V wMacKinnon, Zuric t i S ,1 1 tMffVW MMMWMT MMM ' 0 ALF