HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-02-03, Page 474.
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E CE.L S4.
r ik,„, I
own Iva_ :,
also •
Ingredients All Yn
Used are of the Highest Quality ;4
Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening
Eckel's Bakery -- Zurich
Telephone 100
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Do You Know?
You know thoroughly well that you iha\ve .power
in your store, to influence the decision of your .cus-
tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your
customers rely on you to give them products'which
in use or consumption, will give them complete
If it is right to use big city dailies andinationaly-
circulated magazines then+ by the same token, it is
right to use local weekly newspapers'!
I am the Master Salesman of this Community, .and
my name is
81118111111111111111111111111111111I IIII IIII
111118 ' 101011111111111111111
Ill l
'Miss Violet Oesch who has spent
the past few months at Kitchener,'
returned to her home on Saturday.
Mr. and 1VIrs, Jacob Swartzeritru-
'ibes, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich:and:
son spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs.
itudy Swartzentrubnr.
Mr. and Mrs. Rud Casa. were
-.Sunday visitors with Mrs.- 'Caroline
Miss Laura Gas cho visited With
Mrs. .Alien Swartventruber •on Men -
day afternoon.
Mrs. Pfaff from 'Crediton is spend-.
ing some time with lees sister, Mrs.:
Caroline Oesch.
Mr. Curtis, Wallace, Ervin Ging-.
erich, Miss Alice Erb were Sunday,
evening visitors with Mr. and Mrs.
Aaron Erb.
Mr. Gus Clarke from Goderidh,
Zpent the week -end 'with his mother,
firs. E. Clarke.
1 11111111111111111111111181111111111
111111111111 11111111
111 11111111
Homan teams. Exeter winning 4-3.
Ray Patterson .of Toronto was a
recent visitor at his home here..
'Howard Hemphill has left for Lon-
don to resume his studies at Western
The annual congregational meeting
of the Hensall United Church was
held in the church IMonday evening,
Jan. 31.st.
Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Zuefle of Mt.
Forest were visitors with his par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. John Zuefle.
Lock Petty, of the 2nd Concession
of Hay, has been quite ill during the
past week suffering from a eart at-
tack, but there are hopes f, r his re-
John McEwen, of Peace River
District. who. carries on farming ex-
tensively there,, after an absence of
about 19 years, is here visiting his
sisters on the homestead farm on the
Zurich Road.
Irene Douglas, assistant teacher at
the Hensel' 'Continuation School;who
was, confined to her home through ill
ness, is able to resume her duties.
During her illness, Miss Verna iMce
Clary of St. John, had charge of the
Dr. Samuel Coulter, of Toledo,
Ohio, accompanied by his wife and.
daughter, motored here to visit his
father, John Coulter, who has been,
quite poorly, confined to his room.
for several weeks. Mrs. C. A. Red-
mond, who is also here keeping house;
for Mr. Coulter, has been quite po-
orly for several weeks, suffering from
a severe cold, both are improving
nicely. ,
1111111 I
of dollars damage was caused. Ap-
artments on the second floor were
emptyexcept for the office of Dr. F.
J. Bcachley, dentist, whose premises
were not damaged.
Returns Safe and Sound
Jack llr,rness, son of A. T, Harness
ee ,Lexeter, who was seized with the
wanderlust last spring and who hit-
chikod hnany miles and who again
last fall went on a more extensive
trip whichtook him to Alabama and
Other Southern. States is back in the
village safe and sound. and in the
best of health and condition.
$curried at Clinton
The funeral of Mrs. Wm. Walker
a lifelong resident of -Clinton, was
held from her late home to Clinton
cemetery. She is survived by her
husband, two daughters, Mrs, W. Tan
ner, Timmins; and Mrs. Dean Wilson
Ottawa; also four sisters and one
brother survive.
Wed. 57 Years
Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Scott of Win-
gham last Wednesday celebrated their
57th wedding anniversary in good
health and with the good wishes of
Many friends. Mrs. Scott, now is in
her 76th year, was born in Morris
Twp., Huron County, and was mar-
ried on Jan. 20, 1881. They lived in
Morris before moving to Wingham
24 years ago.
Dies in Hospital
Mrs. Margaret Hern, of Exeter,
widow of Thos. Henn, died in London
Hospital, in her 77th year .and has
been ill for two weeks. She was for-
merly Miss Johns. With her husband
she resided in Usborne Twp. for
many years. He died in 1933 and for
the past two yens had lived in Exe-
ter. Surviving are a daughter, Minnie
Bern of Exeter and a son Wm. The
body was removed to Exeter for bur-
James T. White Passes
James T. White, a native of God-
erich Twp. died in his 91st year. He
came of hardy Irish stock, his parents
being among the first settlers in
these parts. 12 years ago he suffered
a broken leg and other severe injur-
les when •a team of horses ran away
on his farm in Colborne Twp., where
he fanned for 35 years and he re-
tired to Goderich. His wife predeceas
ed 16 years. He was a Presbyterian.
Injured in Car Accident
Bert Pridham, Detroit, who was
called to Clinton on account of t he
death of Mrs. Pridham's mother, Mrs
E. W. Cook, met with a serious ac-
cident when returning home -Sunday
last. Slippery pavement and poor vis-
ibility on account of fog were factors
causing him to lose control of . his
car when near Chatham on No. 2
highway. His car swerved to the
ditch and ran head-on into a hydro
'The snow plow cane up the Coun-
ty Road, (Parr Line) a few miles and
rifted the snow 'off somewhat, which
will no detjbt.help considerably to get
rid ,of it.
St..3osehh'and Beaver Town
Norman Turnbull of Grand Band,'
has bought a loRt from Joe Sharrow,
and may build a new home onit.
Geo. Weston, Percy Weston and,
Dick McLennan of Bayfield were re=•
cent visitors with friends in Detroit..
Geo. Murdoch has sold his chop=.
ping and feed business at 'Olinton to
Canada Packers Ltd.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry T. Thompson
of Wingham left recently to spend-
the remainder of the 'winter 'in 'Flor-
-Owen Geiger of Hensall is reported
to be well on the way to recovery
from an illness that had confined hini-
to his home for -weeks.
Receive Charter
At a banquet held in the Exeter
arena recently the newly -organized
Exeter Lions Club -received its char-
ter from the organizers, 'Lions 'Nich-
ols and Robinson of London. Dr. W
E. Weeks is president of the Exeter bole. Pridham .suffered a broken rho
club. ulder and other injuries and his car
Sixteen. lack Ice .leas extensively damaged.
Killed by Circular Saw
Struck by flying pieces of -a buzz
saw which shattered during operati-
ons •on a farm near Goderich, Cliff-
ord Al1in, 20 -yr. old popular resident
of -Collbourne Twp., was almost inst-
antly killed. The tragic accident oc-
Exeter ugh ' without any warning. Sud -den -
Mr. and Mrs. Eph. Hern, •of Zinn,1lv a good-sized piece of the saw flew
1VIr. 'Oscar T.orelin,•'ssho`has spent a
few :days:in'the vicinity'has returned
to his home in London.
Mr. Clarence 'Sopha of Detroit, is
spending a few weeks with his par-
ents of Point Aux Bouleaux.
Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey were
Sunday -last visitors with Mr. and Mrs
Ile ctor Laportte..
Mr. Wm. Jennison motored to Lon-
don last week on a business trip.
Mr. and Mrs. Clayton ' 0; Smith and
two sons of the Blue Water Highway,
were a few days away • in Baden at-
tending the funeral •of Mrs. Smith's
• we.
The recent rain was • very welcome
in this vicinity, -as -many farmers
were already draleing,evater'for their
On 'Thursday last,,one of C. 0.
• h ant 'Smith •Wz 'Son's regular, chopping days
Miss Verna Birk got wuelei p teams •could be sten travelling back
a few days here last week. and forth from'the thopiiing mill, un -
Mr. and Mrsr. Maurice Iilumlrlt til a 'late hour loathe •evening. Mak-
and Mr. Louis Rader spent the week- t.1 the 'burg a zeal' e eve intro, and
end in Detroit visiting Mrs. Rader 2eininiling .one meal' e Food old days
'who has been an the sick list there w:hnn teamwork was' the • popular way
for some. time. off 'travd1.
iiIr. Milford l%c-Isaac and Willis of
On Friday evening ,of• last week,at
'Detroit ,pent the week -end with Mr. their home'Bireh Point, Mr.- and Mrs.
and Mrs. P. 14IcI aac, Leon Bedard entertained' in all about
Dr. and Mrs. Taylor and:h iss Rose fifty guests, the •eccaelon -of. their
Guenther, and Mr. and lYTrs. Mervyn Twenty -Fifth anniversary -of married
'Tiernan motored to Niagara Falls. life Th
Carnival is Success
In the first ice carnival of the sea-
son in the new Exeter arena, both
the ice surface and the spectaror's'
gallery was taxed to capacity. The
grand match, composed of skaters in
costume, presented to the public a
vivid display of color. Competition in
every event was keenly contested and
the choosing of ,winners: dlfficuit. The
Exeter Band was in attendance. The
new sound 'preroducing machine re-
cently installed, played for those who
wished -to dance in the gym. section
of the arena.
The Tourist's Dollar
The 1937 annual report of the To-
ronto Convention and Tourist Assoc-
iation, which has restelied the public
is interesting to anyone who has an
eye on the tourist business. It is esti-
mated that tourists spent $57,000,000
in Toronto Iast year; of which sum
Toronto hotels received' $4,000,000!
and other business groups $53,000,-
000. This estimate .of the distribution
is based evidently on Babson's find-
ing that of tourist money spent intim
average community the Hotels receiv-
seven per cent, and the merchants
ninety-three per cent.
Coes to Prison
Thursday, February 3rd, 1038 '
'cars in Exeter 'wtts received on Fri-
when Ed.Noel of
the •doss :of a motor rug and
other articles frim his car. He had
left his car parked on the main str-
eet while he spent the night at the
hotel. Police are investigating.
Falls to Death
Reg. Douglas, 32 -year old radio
announcer of Wingham, was fatally
injured when he plunged three stor-
ies down an elevator shaft at the W.
H. Gurney glove factomy where he
held a day time position. Ho died in
Wingham Hospital within 15 minutes
of The accident. Examination showed
he suffered a fractured skull and a
broken back in the fall from the
third floor of the .building into the
Goderich, Jan. 28—eFreed earlier!
in the day on a charge of attempted
suicide, Patrick Curtin 'went on trial
this morning on a charge of breaking
and entering the Tamm' home of Thos.
Arams, two miles west of •Seaforth'
and for whom he formally worked,
and was sentenced to three months
in jail. `You'll be out in tine for
spring seeding,'' Judge Costello' said
in .passing sentence. "I think the
rest will do you good." "He's been
in jail a month now -awaiting trial and
he already looks .a new man," ad'ded
Crown Attorney Holmes.
Londoner Robbed
The first complaint to be' received
in some time of theft from parked
e evening was spent in card
on Sunday to see The ruin't1 bridge ; playling -and dancing and: A11 enjoyed
and the ice. ' a mil old time. "Many -valuable pres-
Mrs. Gonion :fliott and lPeg>ry' ents were given to them i d wishing
who have spent the past „xoirth here Mr. and 'Mrs. ea dard -Sion -years of
. ,..., _ . tier -no..*. 7n Thedf rod on j happiness.
Messrs. Elliott, Btai'tli•1t and -Kelso I
Streets of Clinton ~pent -the week -1
end with friends in town.
Miss Gertrude Hoffman entertain -1
ed a number of her Moises on Wed-
iesday evening.
Mr. Wm. Willis is on the N`ic'k Aust
We hope for a speedy rt+.ca•neee
will meet
v x11
Woman's; Auxiliary
at the home of Mrs. Ross Love ort
Wednesday a£tcrno.en, February f1t ,
at 2.80 p.m, .Mars. l . McAllister will
he in charge of this meeting.
The Hydro was turned on to the
new installers in thio .i icinity last
A rtcoption was given to ;tji.e bridal
couple, Mx. and Mrs. Emerson And-;
arson last week of the sum -ending
Miss. Elliott returned to her lhonie;
in Clinton after looking niter Mr.;
W. Turner for several d v:: rineirg
hes ill/lase. We are pleased to kern
that he is getting etf enceer 07617," • 'yv
xtow, • .
l-l'E'N'S A LL
The first ice to be drawn fronthi
river this 'season was hauled 'by C.
Sheam. He says the Ice 'is of good
quality and about 16 inches in `thick-
ness. This is early in the 'season 'for
procuring ice. Mitchell Advocate.
Operation for ,Appendidit'is
Laurene Hern, a Student at the
E t Hiph School and daughter of
underwent an operation for epprrr_cl.'through the air. Allin accidently
icitis in London Hospiital.
In !Clinton Hospital
Friends of Mrs. (Rev.) A. W.
Gardiner of Lonclesboro, will be
sorry to learn that she is in the Clin-
ton General Hospital suffering from
a broken knee cap. Mrs.:Gardiner fell
a couple of weeks ago -with this un-
fortunate result.
Mae Simpson of .Detroit sent a
week -end with her g;7 rnclmo:her;'VIrs
Robt. Bonthron.
Norman Sinclair and emeter 'Mar-
lon, of Toronto, ~pent a week -curl;
-With their parents, Hev, trod Mrs. Af
'Ar. and Mrsr. John Kaisar have
retum:ned home after visiting for a
couple of weeks in Detroit,
1VI,r, and Mrs. Lee %laiden •of Gl'u
worth were visitors with relatives in
Matt. Elwood of 'llnrlingford,
Mao., was ceiling on :friends in town
• Sunday last, fir. Ellwood conducted
a barber shots here about 35 years
ago, leaving for the West. His many
friends here wore pled to see him,
Mrs. Walter Fee is quite ill at her
home here. Her c eee titer, Mrs. Jno.
Wallace of Buffalo, :{7,;'.i Mrs. E.I•Iar.-
ris of Ailsa Craig,:.were (•;.ailed to her
walked in front of the saw when the
breaking process occurred. Approxi-
mately one-third of the saw had be-
en separated from the rest and was
'thrown at the young man, hitting him
in the face and neck. Death was in-
,stanta.neo:us. The accident occurred
On the farm of Wm. Snider, BenmilI-
er road.
" Carries Mail Route for 25 Years
Public S'pealcing Prize :Much thoutht is being given to
Speaking on the subject, "The True "Wen. C. Goode, of Mitchell, this win -
Legend of Mary Had a Little Lana" _'ter, who for nearly 25 years has been
Phylis Manning, daughter •of Mr. and a faithful mail carrier of R. R. No.
Mrs. J. P. Manning of Londesooro,
won the Clinton Collegiate junior
girl's oratorical contest. The -prize is,
the shield awarded in the Tautest
from year to year and •a hook as a'
permanent possessive.. Eleanor Cos
ens, second daughter of Rev. C W.1
D. and Mrs. Cosens was a -close sec -1
and in points, as :decided by the jud-1
Cyclone Hockey League
Schedule 1938
Feb. 2—Hensall at Crediton
Feb. 7—Crediton at Exeter.
The main Sim of the weekly news-
paper as the name implies, is to give
news of its own district. It may have
other aims, such as to give the mer-
chants a chance to tell of their goods
in its columns or to try to influence
Public opinion through its editor-
ials; but first of all it must give the
news. Some of this news is not easily
'obtained and no editor can cover it
;all without assistance. Especially is
this true when you have visitors.
Many of the ladies think that per -
sonars are the most interesting read-
ing in the whole paper. Your visitors
are usually glad to have their names-
'appear, so send them in. Sometimes
people come in and give the impres-
sion that they are asking a favor
when they want us to insert the
names of their friends who have been
spending a few days with them. No
person need feel that way about giv-
ing us news items for we are indeed
glad to get them all.
_?`Mitchell. To make iris trap each
clay he has to cover 18 miles. In
gookl.weather the daily trip takes 4
hours with horse and buggy -or cut-
ter. He is always in the best of spir-
its and • never has a complaint to
;snake no matter how stormy the we-
Dies at Eaeter i
Grant Frederick, youngest son ,oft
Mr. and Mee. Edgar Rundle, died
last Friday night after ae illness oft
two months. He is snevivecl by 'hit
parents and three brothers, 'Legere
Ralph and Jack. The funeral was held;
at 2 pen. Monday with Rev, A.E.
E.11i.ott officiating. Interrnorit iiri 'Bade
er Ceneeeeree-i
Woman Heads School Board ;
For the econd time a woman has
been named chairman of Goderich;
public school board, Mrs, Geo. O'ohn-'
sten having 'been accorded the 1988
honor. Two -years ago, Mrs. D. D
Mooney, was -c'bsirnran. The plan
to elect men anal ,-svoreen alternately.- .
A F'i'rs Job 1
The sidewalks of the main st in
Wingham are built sap with a sig+
foot bulwark of soll'd rice covered
with sallow. The collo.* snowplow,
cleaning up the main st. during t he
last thaw, piled the slush sncl ice up
to a depth of six foot and then it
froze. Now with the snow on top of
it, the men who work on the streets
find it almost impossible to 'anove
this bulwark of ice and snow. Roof oof Caves In
The roof of W. e. Smith block on
main si•., 1Seafovth, eine ining the drrig
stere occupied by J. ' Keating', col -
Santa Visits Goderich
-On:Saturday afternoon last Santa
Claus needed more than in previous
years ;the help of the good-natured
ini•ifommed firemen as he made his
trip 'to Goderich to treat the children
of the town and vicinity. His arrival
ai. -the :haziness section in a sed and
green -;sleigh, wrawn by a team of
dapple greys and escorted by clam -
erring fire engines, was greeted with
shri ks •of delight frcm the children,
Who 'fol'lowed the good Santa to the
fire 'hall. Mere a stream of children
filed •hast the fire truck for nearly
two hours where approximately 1,400
bags containing. more than a quarter
of a ton of mixed candy and'nuts
mere distributed during the after -
100 'Pounds of Honey
A regular, pr should it he said 'ir-
u1S.S.No. 9,
he c
r "bee" was held at
Wallace decently. It had been riotic-
ed for ,some time that bees were
swarming In and around the school
building and they caused consider-
able nusiance by buzeing about ,the
heads of the pupils on 'warn summer
days. Severe 1 puny attempts were
made to rid the buildin3' of the un-
wanted guest's but all to oo avail.
Finally W. Spoor's. local apiaeliot, was
called into consultation, and w#ti. the
lid of W. Gregory, he removed a
big section of the plaster on the wale
Mother gauze in the Clclol;e Hee- andremoved the insects and were re-
Fri- lapsed, awltt ' to the msjting snow warded for their ef£ests with about
re -
key League vrac; played hr=rr. on 1, g
t, a S t Tong w s dred:Y f1 lamina pounds of honey,
„end and i l lns>v n
d1:thy. li"l; :between the ExeterC„ Lid .1 , ! ,
An Outdoor Exposure Guide
Taken against o d,lstop f:11 with puppies
camera.ench. Exposure;
1/25 sec
WHAT kind of camera is yours?
What do you -want to photo-
graph? Below is a dependable out-
door exposuee guide for average pic-
ture subjects.
This guide is for days when the
sun is shining. When the day is
cloudy, the exposure should. be
about twice as long and when very
dull, about four times as long.
Kind of Camera
Shutter Speed
Stop Opening
For the chrome type, supersensi-
tive and panatomic films, the guide:
is good from one hour after sunrise.
until one hour before sunset. For
ordinary film, make the margin 21le
Why not cut this valuable guide
out and paste it in your hat, or some-
John van Guilder.
Group 1. Me.- Group 2. Or- Or 011 p 3,. Group 4_
rine :a n d dinary land- Nearby land- Portraits in,
beachscenes, scapes show- s c a p e, s t h o open,
distant land-. , ing sky, with showing 11t- shade, n o t;
scopes, snow , a principal t i e or no under trees
(scenes with- object in the sky, groups, or the roof'
au t promi- foreground s t r e• e t oP. a porch,
• nent [lurk scenes shad a dl
o,b j e e•t s•in •n e a r b r'
'foreground scenes
BOX—Single tens, three stops
Snapshot Snapshot Snapshot1 second
,Middle. Largest Largest ,Smallest
Kind of Camera BOX—Double lens, three stops
- Shutter Speed Snapshot I Snapshot I Snapshot1 second
Stop Opening ; Smallest Middle Largest II Smallest
Kind of Camera
Shutter Speed
Stop Opening
BOX—Single and Double lenses, two stops
'Snapshot .Snapshot Snapshot 1 second
Small! Large Small
Kind of Camara
Shutter Speed
Stop Opening
FOLDU1G—Single lens, three stops
Snapshot I:Snapshot 1 Snapshot 1.1 second:'
Mare: ;Largest Largest ' Smallest
Kind of Camera
.Shutter. Speed
Stop Opening
Kind of Camera
Shutter Speed
Stop Opening
Find -of Camera
Shutter Speed
Stop Opening
FOLDING. -•Bauble lens, three stops
Snapshot [Snapshot Snapshot 1 second:'
;Middle Largest Smallest
FOLDING --Double lens, two stops
Snapete tl I Snapshot Snapshot 1 secoud'
Large Sn
Sm a
i FOLDWG AND MINIATURE --Openings miarrked'
with the f. system
1/25 1 1/25 1 1/251/25•
f.22 . 116 1.11 ( f.7,7, 7.9, 8;
FOLDWG—Openings marked with U. S.
Uniform System
1/25! 1/25 I I 1/25 1/25
U. S. 32 U. S. 16 i7. S. S i7. S. 4
Kind of Camera
Shutter 'Speed
Stolt Olrening
Kind of Camera,
Shutter speed
Stop Openhig
FOLDII'IG—Openings Marked 1, 2, 3, 4
lees I 3'2,5 I 1/251 second
3 2 1 I ;8