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Zurich Herald, 1938-01-27, Page 8
a eAftF; 'EIGHT • THE STORE WITH THE STOCK GASCH•' 4 r � .; ri Beginning: SATURDAY, JANUARY 15th To: SATURDAY JANUARY 29th. We have a Large and Well Assorted Stock of WINTER GOODS and are Giving You this Opportunity of Procuring Your Supplies at Greatly Reduced Prices. A SALE Here is Always a Real Sale. A Real Money Saving Event COME AND SEE! J. GASCHt & SON PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 v Auto Insurance THE. REDUCTION '® In the cost of 1938 License should be `used' in Buying Auto Insurance Why not protect yourself arid buy a Policy Special Reduction Allowed to Farmers Living �n Township Roads. GET MY RATES. NO OBLIGATION Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich ae ifigiSMAMIHNISOM MY MOTTO—SERVICE AND SAFETY, ZURICH HERALD 11 1 11 1 11111111111111HI1O11 VIII II 01 1110111 11111111111111111 1 111011 II 11101111111111111 111111 minium 11 If 11111 I IMIII III Illillllll IIIiI ll� iews eery Store Toilet Soap, 6 bars Mincemeat, 2 lbs. Peanut Butter, 2 -lbs. Aroma coffee (with cup and saucer) lb Oatmeal, 5 lbs. Orange Pekoe Tea, Half. Ili Sodas, 2 lbs Cookies (malt creams) per. Ib. 25c 23c 25c 39c 25c 33c. 25c 25c Mean® Oesch Zurich EGGS WANTED. Phone 165 I ' l UII111101I101llllIU0111111111111II11H 11111 1111111111111 IIIIIIIII11IIIll1lll1i1111111111 111111111101111 11111111 III 111E1111111111111 111111111111111110 ITEMS OF LOCAL INTEREST Mrs. Flossie Brown spent aunday with friends in London. Mr. and Mrs. R. F. Stade and son, Harold were guests with friends at Ingersoll. Mr. Austin and Anthony Hartman near Blake, accompanied by Madge Houston and Audrey Fisher, motored. to Windsor last week. Mr. and Mrs. John P. Rau and. son Leonard were Sunday visitors at the home •of Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bossenberyy of Forest. Miss Grace 'Ortwein of the Bron- son entertained a number of her fri- ends to a birthday party on Wednesr day evening last. • The Royal Knight's Sunday .School Class of the Evangelical church held a most successful social evening in the basement of the church last Fri- day evening. The most .outstanding day fo'r'Jan- uaiy on Sunday was followed by heavy 'rains .on.Monday., 'and then On* I Tuesday it turned colder arid to -day, .IWednesday we again in the midst of a .severe., sterner and- cold: ; ,•9i Sun day, when the warm sun made it possible to, sit nicely in a sun room without and fire, eve thought sure'the weatheranan was showing.' ,a lot of mercy, but before the week is out a- gain we will have well paid for the treat on Sunday. Road's are again becoming heavy with the fall of snow and the icy condition of the roads make it dangerous for driving. :r i 1 1 1 ea* attekge 0041 ow•••• •••••o•ma20• • a e 0 HARDWARE — SEEDS and FURNITURE Winter's Fuel Colder Weather able FUEL E L for Suit - a 0 • • Always Demands • • 0 Your Heating Equipment. Let Us t the More Supply Your Needs with the Right Kinds of Fuels at Moderate Prices! HEATIPIG EQUIPMENT aamalt t Have You Looked Over • Does Your Stove of Furnace Need Attention; or Prob • ably You Need a new one... Let Us Look These Over 3 for you and Offer Our Suggestion to Your. Best 3 • Tinsmith - 0 • 0 • • Your Heating Equipment? Advantage Plumbing, Furnace Work, Evetroughing and ing our Specialty. Full line of heavy and shelf Hard- ware always in stock. STADE & WEIDO ZUoitL OPIT. QUALITY -- PRICE SERVICE •'HEADS,AGRIG.,SQCIE,TY ;,;;;y .,Hugh Hi11,1Col1ourrie,; Towfisliip Guernsey, .breeder,, was re=elected' as president of. the Goderich Agrciilt ural Society : in, annual, session 'tin during the (past week Tuesday! and Wednesday, Sept. 20 and 21st, were fixed as this year's show dates. POWER DEALS SIGNED Toronto—Ontario's new Gatineau, Beauharnois and Macs,aren-Quebec power contracts were signed by all parties concerned in the office of the Ontario Hydro Commission. At the same time the commission announced it had applied to Ottawa for author- ity to export 120,00 horsepower. A ROYAL MARRIAGE The ceremony which gave Egypt one of its most beautiful queens, through the marria •e of young Far- ida Zulficar and King Farouk, was held last Thursday at Koebeh Palace, More than 100 acres of formal gar• dens and model farms surround the rambling five -story palace which the king and queen i n who are 17 and 16 yrs. of age respectively. It was a very nifty affair with plenty of pomr and lavishness. LOCAL MARKETS .(Corrected every Wednesday) 1.00 40 60 60 Wheat, bushel Oats, bushel Basl'ey. bush. ... Buckwheat, bush Flour; ewt.... _ . _ 3.00 3.90 Bhaar, ton ................ _ .. _ ... 28.00 Shorts, per ton ......... 28.00 Hogs, cwt. ---------_------.. 7.5� ,Pbtatoes, bag . 4- 4 + 4 4 'numbly, 3'4/wary 227th,, ;1.0 13 ++4,44, i++++++++44+ u 4k�'r4*++4k4.44.e. ;M+�4r�t� �€�.�►ff ,t. ,r You .. ar«a�� are i Furniture TORE HARDWARE' NEEDS''' We Always Carry a. Full Lime of. the Best of both Shell)' and Heavy Staplfe Hardwa;., Stoves, Furnaces, and • • all Heating E uipments. Let Us Offer You Good Suggestions along this Line:. FURNITURE Always keep a Good Stock of New and the. very Latest in Furniture at Very Reasanabl e Prices, quality- Con- sidered. Let us show you our Beds, Springs, Mattress, "Dining Room Suites, Occasi©nal Chairs Rockers;, Etc_ 0 SLIGHTLY USED FURNITURE' 4 For the most coITservative purchaser, we, have a Large Assortment of Slightly Used Furniture, that will 4 give you big value for.: the- Money, such as: Davenports, ..r: Couches, Dressers, Rous, Other Chairs, Etc:. Be ,�' - sure and look these over; 4.1 4i Johnston & Ka1bfleijh ........_.. 4� Hardware & Furniture. Phone 6341. AIM IN MEMORIAM Rassaw--In Toviing memory •of Frank Nelson Rassoiw, who died 26 years ago, January 3;Ist, 1912. More and more each tray we miss him Many think the wound has healed. But- they Tittle Iluror,v the sorrow Lies within our hearts concealed. ',SIeep''om dear Frank and take •your', ''` : rest, God] called you home; He thought it best.. ' ` Twentyix years have passed, ;our fl.. -el ' ' hearts'still sore, l ,; •A'S tiiiie goes'on vel miss' you more: Hiss loving Mother, Brother and Sisters. New Speed Record Capt. George Eyston, of England, who one day last week broke Sir Malcolm •Campbell's world automob- ;le speed record by driving a car ov- er Utah's salt flats at Bonneville at 311.42 railer as hour, 10 miles an hour faster than the previous record And is now crowned as the speed king on land. TO PAY MORE ,.Adespatch from Ottawa says that radio license fees. will be increased 50c to $2.50 for the fiscal year start- ing April lst, it was announced by [' am -port Minister ,.l ^we. The new i eg .dations' also provide that a separ- nte. license will be required for each receiving set, the present arrangem- ent permitting a license to cover a house and a car radio, being canceled The license increase will represent a net revenue of $650,000 a year to the Canadian Broadcasting Corporat- ion, boosting to $2,575,000 its in- come c• com c from this source. c. . T he minister mid the increased revenue is required to enable CBC to carry out its pro- • grant of expansion, particularly in the direction of better programs andiern.see es6es..e • k+� t+N•O• titan complete coverage. Lete"'Albert E. Edler There passed away at Seaforth one of its most respected and well lov ed citizens °%n theepeson tof • Albert E: Edler who•4was''borrl'•near Elmira. He :received?his'education• in the Elmira Public School, -after leaving school he furthered his sdudation'with 'a mech- anical courseand began as machinist in the Elmira aVlachy. , Co. Later he was einpiloyed by the Robt. Bell Eng- ine Co., !Seaforth, where he remained until the time of his passing. he pos.' sessed a cheerful disposition which endeared him to the hearts of all vu12o knew him and will be greatly misted. In 1919.he was united in marries ;e to E. Nettie Holmes •of Seaforth,. who survives, hirci„ with a ftmily a four, who rriourri•the loss of a laving hue - band and, kind father. Alegi a brother and five sisters, South Huron Agricultural Society Meets • +++++F+++++++++4.44+++i+'+F+++4+,' + +++++FBF+++t+++ ++++++4444.• t Choice Quality Neots and Shoes We carry a nice l"me of choice Footwear for Men; Boys :and Women. All ourr Stdck is fresh 'anel' of very choice materials. No leftovers orctind grade lines. Let us fit fou up with your next pair Q£ Shoes. See ow rtne of Sport Shoes. GAkFILED BROWN Vi*oria Street.`:`• Zurich, Ont. WE Go,VE EXPERT WORKMAN- ' • SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited A recommendation that immediate r •i steps be taken to enquire t it of establishin • a seed advisability g cleaning plant at Hensall, was adopt- ed at the annual meeting of the South Huron Agricultural Society, held in Hensall last Saturday. The meeting appointed a committee including W R. Dougall, Alex Buchanan and Owen. Geiger' and instructed it to inspect similar plants in other centres, to in- quire fully into the cost and opera- tion of such a plant and to report back to the directors. Members were unanimous in their opinion that a seed cleaning plant would be of im- mense benefit to the 'farmers of the district. Rev. W. A. Young presided at the meeting in the absence of the president, Dr. A. R. Campbell. The report ofthe auditors indicated the socioty to be in good financial ,etand- i.rig.. Officers elected were: Presid- ent, Dr. A. R. Campbell; lst vice-prs, Sam Dougall; and vice-pres., oven Geiger; Directors, George Armstrong W. R. Dougall, Wm. Consitt, W. J. Jones, Rev. W. A. Young, Thos. Sher ritt, Wm. Decker, Lorne Chapman, Alex. Buchanan, R. M. Peck, Elgin Rowelifie, H. C. Soldan, A. B. Bell, W. D. Saunders, Fred Watson; and- itors, C. A. 1'1cDonell, Fred G. Bon- thron. At a meeting of the direct- ors which followed arrangements we- re made to hold the annual seed show on Friday, Feby 25th, and the Spring Show, provisionally on Saturday, Ap- ril 2nd. K. M. 1VIcLean was re -ap- pointed secretary -treasurer, Zurich Garage Come and purchase your Aut- omotive, utomotive• Requirements from Zurich's; • oldest ' established Garage and. Service Station. We can supply,. your .needs, Expert Autornobile repairing* Acytelene Welding, T ires; Batttries; Oils, Greases ancj repairs. a - LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at.youlr .,• Service H, 11MOUSS'EAU Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 911111111111! iii •,yll!!1! i:dilllll!1!II!IIIIIIIII!1!!IIIIIIIIII!1!1!!1!II!1!!IIUIIII! infill IIII!II!I!!II!IIII!!1!NNI!!!!II!II!!II!III!!III!INIIII!!1!INIII!!!!II!I NIII!III!1!!!1!!II!III oluIII!III!1!II!1!!II!!IIIII!II!!!1!!III!III!Njifiou 1 THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice m Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 1 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00ffi Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set 12000 - Buggy Shaft 3.00 Cross Bar • 1 00 Buggy Reach 1.25 Buggy Spokes each 25c .... HESS, the Repair Man 1 1111111111111111:1111 I I IIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIl1INIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIViNI]IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIINJIIII►IIIIIIIIII„JI1IIIIII!IIII!il!!1111111111116iiill!iilllllll4!JlIIIIIIIiNIB!Ililllllllllllllllllllillllllllllllliliillllllllllllllllllllllllllillllllllill MASSEY-HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all 'Tires purchased from Us Quality 'Best, _ Prices Lowest Written Guerantees; Ask to See the Tire which: has over 125,000 miles of service. Brng your Cat- alogues, we will meet all competition. Seeding Implements should be in good working shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts early. Cultivator points for many makes GAS OIL AND GREASE Tel. Shop 149 O. KLOPP .& SONS Res. 67 AUCTIONEERING? YES!