HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-01-20, Page 5BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL Uu.DLEY E.110b1VIE S ISASINISTER, SOLICITOR., NOT - ETC. Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this LOCAL NEWS Mrs. Rey Merner of the 14th con., Column. prtaent spending a few days visiting with relatives and friends at FARM FOR SALE ARY PPUBLIC, • Deabwood. The Dare,as Class of the Evangel- ical S. S. apent a well attenaed asoc- ial gathering on Monday night in the church basement. Also elected new officers. OFPIOE—Hamilton Street, Just off ConSiSting of 200 acres of good the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. farming land, being Lot 22, Con. 4, flay Township. The farm is in good state of cultivation, has hardwood bush, also .some standing cedar; :well fenced, drained, good buildings, 2 miles west of Hensall. Apply to Pro- prietor, Oscar Koehler, Hensall. Special Attention to Counsel an Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at &Klerk& by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON M DTZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASH'WOOD Every i4onday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. 11 H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. •DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIAN Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, BN.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, 'University of TOTOTAO. All oliseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges xeasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Henneis. Office on Main Street, epposite Town Hall. Phone 116. FIENSALL. - LICENSED AL1CTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dash-wood PilOile 13-57. PRODUCE Zurich ,1■01.11..M.I.M....11111011111 NOTICE TO FARMERS The annual meeting of The Hen - sail United Famine Co -Operative Fertilizer Mixing Station will be held in Hensall on Saturday, January 22, for appointing Directors for the Co- ming Year and other business. Mr. R. J. Scott will be the speaker. Everybody welcome. The Hensall Fertilizer Club. NOTICE CLEARING SALE The snow storms over Sunday night made the main road to Hensall almost impassable, as the going was very hard, and by the time the road was well packed down, the big plow came along and shoved out a track that is now quite navagitable with the auto. Balance of harness stock, sewing machines, traces, harness parts, both double and single, double harness, single white rubber harness, leather coats, mitts, leather caps, sweat pads, trung, suit eases, collars, balance of leather, 'etc. Clearing sale to be on WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26th, • Store will be open all day. Mr. Fred. Thiel, - Zurich Nickel production in Canada dur ing 1936 established a aew all-time high record for the third successive year. Finally revised statistics show an output during the colander year of 169,739,393 pounds valued at $43- 876,525 compared with 138,516,240 A student of Toronto University, pounds in 19,35. who is a very conscientious reader of Mr. Ward Fritz recently made a our columns favored us with a few business trip to Windsor. Ward ad- comments on two articles of last vises us that the firm of C. Fritz & week's issue which bespeak for them - Son have just closed the best year selves: in the auto business since they have • started, as during 1937 they handled, a little over 250 autos in all, and if they were all in a string it would make a nice possession. People are confident of the future, they are buy- ing cars freely. Former Resident Passes Battle ,Oreek, Mich., Jan. 17—Dr. Robert H. Steinbach, 64 years old, a former resident of Zurich, and a specialist in obstetrics and pediatrics died here Monday, following a strola- of apoplexy. Dr. Steinbach, a nati-;a7 of Ontario, had practiced 38 years after graduating from the Detroit College of Medicine in 1896. He came to Battle Creek 22 years after practicing in Richville, Saginaw Co- unty, and in East Leroy. FOR QUICK SALE A 2,000 lbs. capacity scale for quick sale, very cheap. Apply to: Theo. Haberer, Zurich. NOTICE No Job By Bribery °You eannot bribe your way into Goverament contract or a Govern - Went position" declared R. J. Leach- man, 01.P., for Huron North, in an address to voters at Wingham the other $Jay. "On eontraets, the job goes to the lowest tender. On civil service 4ppoirktrnents, it goes to the man best qualified. I cannot help you. Wouldn't you be foolish if you tried to bribe me to use my influence to get you n job when I have just told you I could not help you. Would- n't I be a scoundrel if I took your money. No one needs to pay money to anyone to get a Government posit - don in Huron County, or to hold one that he already has." Ss Humorous Side The annual meeting of the memb- ers of the Zurich Agricultural Society will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich on Thursday afternoon, January 20, at 2 o'clock, for the annual business that is transacted at this meeting. F arm duce WANTELi HIGHEST CASH. PRICES —FOR— CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurichs' Popular MEAT MARKET ANNUAL MEETING Dear Editox—I couldn't help writing you to commend you on your so subtle humor, which you showed in you Jan. 13th, '38 issue. I am referr- ing to the two items on page five, re: "Many Wolves" and "A Large Artie Owl." The fellows around here got a big kick out of them. I'm referring to your giving a detailed explanation of how the rabbits have been doing so. much damage to trees, shrubs, etc, to their scarcity this year, due to the wolves hunting them down. You show very well, how, for going to all these pain's and saving the farmer planting new apple trees, the wolves are shot down. The item about the Arctic owl was also good. After showina how. destructive rabbits are, you tell how -the owl killed a rabbit. Then Mr. Stan. Smith the hero after noting ll aathis, has the proud privilege of shooting the owl which killed the rabbit which killed the trees which in turn would have helped increase the farmer's income. Everybody will come back—well the owls kill chick- ens' don't they? I wonder if these same Persons have ever seen an Art- ie owl in their barnyard and also how many farmers have chickens running around in winter and especially at nigh. All owls do inestimable good by controlling the field mouse which as everyone knows is very destructive to trees, shrubs as well as crops. If you don't see this, down at Lake Smith about 50% of the young pine planted there were girdled. The only birds of prey, hawks or owls, which are known to eat chickens once in a while, (this information secured from examination of hundreds of stomachs of all species) are the Great Horned Owl, Cooper's Hawk. Shari -thinned Hawk, Goshawk. Any bird seen •maldng a serious of quick even strokes and short sails will pro- bably be one of the hawks. Those 'hawks commonly seen with a white band on their tail, flying low over a field are the Marsh Hawk which should be protected. The bigger the hawk the more valuable a predator of mice it is.—Tanks. Editor—We are indeed very grateful for this valuable information, and take the privilege of passing it a- long to our reads, and trust that it will not too greatly complicate thei physicotheology conception of WI: life and its conservation, as now wc have added to the list several species of Hawks, a few more Owls, mice, barn yard fowl and youg pine trees. We would suggest to hunters to conserve the owls and hawks and to shoot these only in "self defence" when they should attack you, but when you see a wolf or jack rabbit come your way "let him have it." Thanks for this indulgence, readers. Canada to be Represented Canada will be represented at pub- lic hearings in Washington, starting March 14, on British -American trade treaty negotations, it was announced. A member of the Canadian legation staff at Washington will attend the hearings and possibly tariff expertts from Ottawa. They will have a wat- ching brief, noting the import and export seggestions and studying their possible effects on Canadian trade. Canada will have a vital interest in any treaty signed between London and Washington. War on 1937 Car Licenses The 63rd Annual Meeting of the members of The Hay Township Far- mers' Mutual Fire Insurance Comp- any will be held in the Town Hall, Zurich On MONDAY, the 31st day of January A.D. 1938 at two o'clock pan. for the transaction of the following business: 1. Receiving the Annual State- ment of Accounts and Balance sheet and the Reports of the Directors and Auditors thereon and the adoption thereof. 2. To elect two directors. 3. To transact such other busin- ess as may be for the welfare of the Company. Allmembers are invited to be present Herbert K. Eilber, Fred J. Haberer, Secretary President. Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolog•nas, Sausages, Ect., edways• on band. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H. 1-1131 010 & C U -ess......mroor-snma.cevalcamewrt.rel:-....ftm INSURANCE IC.S. auditors and three We$tern Farre[s' hittitnal Wrzthei I:v7nrce Ce. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amou-nt of Insurance at Risk on Dec. 31,st, 1935, $20,479;730.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonds $254,627.52. Rates—$4.50 per $1,000 for 3 Years E. F KLOPP---ZURICH Agent, also Dealer in Lightn. ing Rods and all kinds of Fire Insurance FOR QUICK SALE A good 3 H. P. gas. engine. L. Prang & Son. PAG! LITSrt , • "'"'"'"" soiresoosseiroe•••••••••••••••••••••••••440••••' asesem 00 8 00 0 0 0 0 0• 0 • 0 0 0 Police throughout Ontario on Mon- day began to "crack down" upon Ontario automobiles. Saturday was the last legal day for carrying the white -on -red "Coronation" markers and from now until March 30, 1939, blue and Orange plates must adorn ears owned by Ont. citizens. In al- most every place Where licenses are issued, motorists jammed offices at the department Saturday seeking to obtain their 1938 plates . But there are still many who have not made the change, and to those we would sug- gest to be on the look -out. FOR QUICK SALE Henall—Comfortable brick house, acre of land $1300. Exeter—Two storey frame house, nice hedge, large garden $900. Snug cottage, garage. large .garden $1000. Several farms. Write: Wm. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. amannimmteemormaleansia& SALESMAN WANTED ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Po -m1 B. Fat fr Churning Cream delivered at our plant. Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to grade. ---Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY 1 ••••••••••••••••••000000• 0000004000000•0•000•1141400.00 4 Cut Your Fuel Bill In HALF! Buy Storm Windows and Doors LET US -QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU WAIT. Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials LBFLEIS—CH PHONE g ZURICH ummod...119 $ossessaooseaceooseessesess oloseetio•••••••••••••••••• MARRIED 55 YEARS (High River Alta., Times) Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Seigner arc just about the youngest looking cou- ple in town, when it is realized. that they were married 55 years ago New Year's day. Both are hale and hearty thoroughly enjoying the stream of callers, who visited them with con, gratularory messages on New Year's day. They started their life together in Hanover, Ont., in 1883. Mr. Seig- ner was born at New Hamburg, Ont. and Mrs. Seigner near Woodstock. After some years of b:acksmithing hI different towns, Mr. Seigner started in the plumbing ' trade at Durham Ont. In 1907 he came West to High River, opening his plumbing shop and and continuin. in the buEine-s ever ince. There ar3 four children in tht iatmly two sons and two daughters . Neither Mr. or Mrs. Seigner have .ttly desire to return east ti They like Alberta. Mr. Soigner's great hobby is fishing, and despite his 71, years, no day is too long, no camping to ostenuous when he is on a fishing expo dition.---A goodly number of our readers will remember Mr. and Mrs. Seigner as they were former residents of Zurich. Mr. Seigner conducted a blacksmith shop in Zur- ich for quite a number of years. MEN WANTED for Rawleigh Routes of 800 families. Sales way up this year. Ealia:1A° hustler should start earning $30 weekly and ix:ere:as' rapidly. Write today. Rawleigh'.e Dept. ML -458 -S-A, Montreal. Can. tow Harms Shop I wish to advise the Public that I have opened a new Harness and Repair Shop, at west door in C. Fritz & Son new 'Garage, opposite the Zur- ich Creamety. I have engaged Mr. Alex. McKenzie as instructor and am in a position to take care of your harness needs. No old Stock. All hand work. New stock and hand sewing. Let us oil and repair your Harness. A cal.1 will be appreciated. HARVEY G. CLAUSIUS Bowman, of Brussels These app tments are to be ratified by the Dev- iZurich. May We Serve You! iartment, a Members of Pensions Board Old Age Pensions, mothers allow- ' awl pensions for the blind wil' c'administered in Huron Coaita by one board, known as the Huron County Old Age Pensions and Moth- ers' Allowance Board. Up until the end of last yeer they wore handley and recorded by the County Clerk, J. M. Roberts, and then forwarded to the Dept. of Public Welfare, Toronto The new board will consist of five members. three 111K1 and two women. County Council will appoint a man and a woman, and the govarnment will appoint the remainder of the board. The two members -recommend- ed by the Huron Council are Mrs Nelson Trewartha, Clinton, and R. J • THE HERALD ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY NOON FROM TIIE Herald Printing Offict SUBSCRIPTION RATES -41.2e year, strictly in advance; $1.50 1 arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 1 8. $1.50 in advance. No paper discor, tinued until all arrears are paid ur less at option of publisher. The daa of which every Subscription is pan is deflated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards not ea. .$34 inches, per year $5.00, In Memoriam, one verse 50c, 25 for each additional verse; Card c Thanks, 50c. Display advertising made know - on application. Miscellaneous articles of not our than four lines, For Sale, To Rent Wanted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser tion 25e, 2 ins. 40c., 3 ins. 50e. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.0C for first month, $1.00 for each fol lowing month. 'Auction Sales—$2.00 per single inSiartion if not over four inches la kortgth. Address all cominunieations to: a a 5 00000000051•000051e1900t5i• 0000000000510000000000000 0 Goal and Coke We are 1101V fihliiig orders for the coming winter's fuel. Prices will be higher later on, F o order now PURINA Stock Foods and Chows A guarlinteed product that will help your Stock 1),nd Poultry FREE! FREE! Coronation sets of Dishes. and Rodgers Silverware given to our Customers in exchange for a required amount of Coupons which we are giving with pur- chases at our store... These will make splend'd Christmas Gifts! e 1 2 • 0 0 • 2 a • • 3 raVAYAWMNWVMAiiVaet Mit VNA4 Zurich Dm Store ool Supplies E We have a full Line of all the requirements of t: • School Supplies All authorized Public Sell« 1 Books, inch dirig theNewSpoll,i. All iiihSchool Text Buoktt PENS, PENCILS, INKS, ETC. Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Dr. A. J. MacKinnon, Zurich fxtommpAmtwAsmv\FpNvwpwMWppmtv4