HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-01-20, Page 4Tam ?mit *4.40.+0.44++++++++++++++$44.1.+.14+++++++ TRY EC .L+ L'S oAL , �► �'ln Taiktsread 4. also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES, AND * SWEET GOODS. Ali Ingredients Used are of theHighest CREAM 44 4. ALL CONFECTIONS -. ICE Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Eckel's Bakery — Zurich 4. i• 4. Telephone 100 r esegataSeneente ZURICH The T,reastll+er of the Hillsg church is writing patiently for close .of the books now. Ano year has began, reel) the t'her per annum, payable half -yearly for 5 to 10 years $ 500 will earn $ 17.50 2,500 will earn 87.50 5,000 will earn 175.00 Increase your interest return 'by investing in a Huron & Erie'.riva- tee Debenture. MORTGAGE CORPORAT1:.ON Char erec 13B4 Applications for Debentures Accepted by: ANDREW F. BESS — :ZURICH DASHWOOD Miss Gathern Finkbeiraer is visit- fig her sister, Mrs. Humble sn Sar- nia el entertained Rev. and Mrs. Edna Cin Cochrane presided. ahee the young Men's Sunday Sehaol Class the year 'The Church,;.in my Life, last Friday evening. Ah .Life, _Ail . Lands.' The meeting M? Elgin Merrier visited 'fair..nds'in (opened by singing hymn 681, bliss $.itchener on Sunday-. Irene Turner presiding :at the piano. Mrs. Sillery of Seaforth is .visiting' The -devotional 'leaflet was taken by her sister Mrs. W. Wolf. Mrs. R. Consitt. The Secretary and Mrs. A. E. Oestreicher and 'Miss nTreasurer's ..reports were read and Willa London. nst�n spent the .eek -arid adopted. The business was .then tak- en LndonenA. letter .ori suply work foe 1938 "At the Evangelical Sunday Sdh. ool was _> cad frRnz. Mrs. Cordon, and the last Sunday morning 10 pupils e bales are to bent in her .hands by presented with certificates for segs- June lst. this year. A motion was lar attendance for the past year, A- passed rthat . eaele member give 50cts. anonr them was Lloyd Guenther, son . to buy quilt material for the bele.The taf Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Guentlit x who February ;meeti'n,g•:.will be held sill the 'received two certificates for •xilglil�an. l,oxrie of �Mr,s. R. ;1 Ove and Ivlrs. R. iiitenc :w 'c eight t .. nth�a a ealcA.ilister will be in charge ofµ thee ».---iraay f'or eight years. This is a -program. The ,Bile reading record long to be remembered bn it• - c urch in i etion' ' „Laken in parts by Annie Jar.ret:t., Rene. Stephenson, Sirs I:, McAllister, Irene Turner, Mae. R, Love. TI .study:itaook, "Men W. or so over the holidays, ,iia Detr lt, W. onen of far HorizPu" was takers';' where his son has given for Dome; on Dr. Fraehe7' , wo.ak on drinkiri watt:, , etc. Pasts by Annie .,' arrott y1: ' le' he had ,beenin 'goad f sling ihealtd' and Edna Cochrane, 'The offering .lJnr some time past, his ,fatber farund was 'taken hymn 4:05 :and the bared- dim very bright and honaful, so that;. fiction. a dainty lunch wa;s then serv- the sad woad came as a: great ok1SCkt1. ed by the hostess with. ,axe •atendance Alw:hie was a very bright and clever, 01 14. young man and spent his •ready ne,Y-'i Notes --Mr. Noah Sarai ae of Kit- li 4 . ears in Hensall He- leave -Set•; o.' chener visited friends in this ;vicinity ht , during the week. Mrs. Mina Love is visiting her sis- ter-in-law at Kippers this week, HILLSGREEN HENSALL Mr. and Mrs. James Patersop, ssp- °ent a pleasant week -end with relati- ves in Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Shepherd, ice of Harrietsviile, near London, spent tight from Crediton fax the local de the week -end with his father, John alers. The lee is about a foot thick Shepherd. and is of excellent quality. It is al - The Misses Lilly and Edith Me- mast twice as thick as what 'was har- Ewen, of Kitchener, have returned i vested last year. to the city after holidaying with their Injured While Skiing brother, John E. of•the Highway No, On New Year's Day, two local ski - 4 just south of town. ing enthusiasts were injured while Owen Geiger, who has been col? In-� enjoying this popular winter sport. ed to his room for a number ofv'e-1 Mary King fractured a couple .of eks through a severe cold, continued. small bones in her hand and M..Rob to improve, but still does not leave' ertson fell off the staves and bang - the house. I ed his chin: Wingham Advance -Ti - :In the hockey match played dithi nes. Crediton recently, Hensall wan: 4-2 Annual Carnival and on Fridya night last Zurich 'wont The annual carnival in aid of the 6-3. ;reaforth Lions Club Milk Fund will Mr. and Mrs. James W Bmrittroizl he held this year on Friday evening, are planning for a trip to Florida nil January 28th. The committee are the near future. :busy arranging a program that will IVIiss Mildred McDonnell is tiro; heap the skating fans busy through - p .sof' out t'ne eventing and at the same time HERALD Misses Xsalbelle Holmes and Ruth Pickett who xecently wrote their ex- aminations for their Registered Nurs- es' 'certificates, received word during the past week that they had been successful, Both Miss Holmes and Miss Pickett are graduates of Viet- oria Hospital, London.*Clinton News: Record. Big Ice Harvest The' harvest of iCe at acco Ex of the eter is now in full swing. n aof the spring washout of a portion dam at the river, there is little orb o0 at the dam. Ice is .now being Thursday, January 20th, 193$ ,v- ---. her sister, Mrs. George T•.•auugh'ton r 1 Toronto. provide lots of fun for the speetat- . C. H. Blowes, principal to the public school received a letter of; thanks to his pupils for therr'tcontri-1 bution of $2.30 to assert With :the; work of War Memorial Tlrosliital,' Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Mummy, of, Regina, ,Sask., who are visiting Dela-i tives and friends in Ontario, and who; were here for a few weeks, left„ :to' visit with their son in Detroit.. "Beating” the Snow John Pepper of Tu�ckerstz►ith has a new way of beating .bad .roads and snow banks. On .Sunday last, he-hit- ched ke hit died his tractor to a sleigh, _gathered: up his neighbors and his own .family and brought them to Sunday '.School and church going over the .bad .roads at from 12 to 15 miles .an hour. ors. A Costly Act Allan Halliday, a garage mechanic of Teeswater, and Tom Leigh, a 49 - year -old war veteran of the Culross Capital, were assessed $21 apiece for malicious damage to property, in Walkerton Police court, and which was the aftermath of their having crashed the kitchen door and carried away two kegs of cider from the cel- lar of Jno. Diebold on the night of Nov. 29th. ' Christmas—New Year Babies The first child born in the new yr. in Goderich first saw the Tight of day at Alexandra Hospital on Wed. last. The infant was the daughter of M. and Mrs. Harold Larder, of Kitchen- er. The last four children born at the hospital should be 'full of grace" three for besides the New Year baby, were born on !Christmas Day. They were daughters of Mr. and Mrs. H. G. Murney and Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Young, both of Goderich, and a son of Mr. and Mrs. Vere Cunninghame of R.R. 5, Goderich. Ice In Full Swing The ice harvest at Grand Bend has been in full swing, and ice venders and fishermen are busyhe laying ice their suminer supply. was about eight inches thick but rapidly increased to 12 and 13 inches It is exceptionally •clear and of good quality. The shortage last year was due partly to the poor quality and partly to the greater number of peo- ple who patronize this suanmer re- sort. Several fishermen have pract- ically finished putting in their supply Retires After 43 Years No longer will Geo. Anderson feel obligated to turn out of bed at any hour of the night at the first sound of the fire alarm. After 43 years as member of the Exeter fire brigade during most of which he acted as se- cretary, he recently tendeared his re- signation .owing to ill health. For all those years he has been ready to answer the call to a fire whether in the balmy days of summer or in the depth of winter and at any hour of the day or night. Senior .Institute M:eet`. The Hensall :Senior Institute held their regular monthly meeting an Jan 11th, ata the home of .Miss, .Gladys Luker. The meeting ripened with;the, singing of the Ode-tolow.ed by the Lord's Prayer. The business was rdis- cussed, the institute members decid- ed to send clothing to Capreol, Ont. Social Event Another of the big social events of the Winter in Hensall will . be the euchre and dance sponsored by'the Hensall Chamber of Commerce and held in the,town hall on Wednesday evening, Jan -eery .19th. The _ January W omens' Auxiliary :met at .the hone of Mrs. Robert noon, Ste- phenson „on Wednesday January 12th. The_.president, Miss Official Qpefin••,g The ;offi,cial _opening of .the skating rink took place on W.ednesdey:.even- ing of last 'week in .the form .:of . a skating carnival. The Rensall..Band was in attendanee,and.a large crowd. The prize winners were:.Ladies'..char� acter or conic, Mrs. Ferguson; Girl's fancy or comic, Joyce Broderick; gent's character, Sam .Rennie ; boys' comic, Jack Drysdale; girls' ,.race, Frances Roche. Listowel; boys' race, Jim Campbell;; ;inen'.s ,race, -Russel Hedden; free-for-all, Roy Brock;. no- velty race, Carl Detars. The judges. were Dr. Bryce and W. A. Siebert of, Zurich, and Miss Irene Douglas- of Hensall. Toyior—Warrener Taken By Death At the First Christian Church, . at9 Pontiac, Mich., on Jan. 5th, ,Miss Miss Alice Mary Archibald, Evelyn N. Warsener, .daughter •of.Mr died at the home of her brother, a ' Wm. Archibald, former reeve of Tu- andMrs. N. formerly .of Hensall, became`.tlle.. ckersmith Twp., bride of Win. H. Taylor .of .x'ontiae Burin County native, had lived in The ceramon' was performed by Rev.. Seaforth the past 30 years and was L. Marion, pastor cf the church be- widely known. Surviving are three fore an altar banked with :palms and brothers, Andrew, Seaforth; Wm. of baskets of bridal roses. 200 invited Tuckersrnith and John of Kitchener. guests witnessed the .eereinony. The' She was an active member of St. Th - bride had •Gowen .fox her wedding' omas Anglican Church, and of its gown a white .satin, with :a .train:fash • women's organizations. Funeral was ioned on princess lixr.es and with i held on Tuesday with Rev. Hurford collar of seed pcsrls. 1 officiating interment in Maitlandbank cemetery. Died �exitoi M.r. Alexander Sparks, of town,.>;e } Struck By Falling Limb eeived the sad message ;of the death. • What might have been a serious of his son. Archie -.of Detroit, and left} accident happened to Wilmer Routl- at. once for that city. Me. ;;sparhs`hadi edge Nile, one day recently while cut just returned from spending a` eek ting.logs for the Goderich Mfg. Co. o' A large limb which was partly torn from a tree but which the men thou- ght was secure carne down when the Men began work. He had only time to take one step, which ,saved him from being struck on the head. As it was, the lUimb hit him in the small of the back. _He was taken t Goderich Hos- pital, -where an X-ray revealed tissue, oca y torn from the spine. mou1 his death in the city Isis young Pars.V. E. Balkwill Succumbs wife, a brother in the Were aid Mrs. -Viola Alice Ballzwil'1, wife of fatheiJ ;i�,r Hensall. William E. Balkwill, an Exeter con- ; tr rotor, diets on SaturdFay in Vi,etor a Hospital, London. She was in her 24 year., and was foi•xnerly Viola Alice Iiodgson:, was -married a year and a half` ago and is survived by ilex liusb= and and infant dt ughter, also by het fattier and twin brother and a sister 3A Sask. The funeral was held from Oils rresidenee of her uncle, Robt. Skinner at Exeter, where she made her 5hoiiie for seine yea -r&, BLAKE Mr. and Mrs. Jacor Swartnc•ntru- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingcrich and son, spent Sunday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Gascho. Mr. Ephriare ani Margaret Ging- erich spent Sunday with Mr. tied Mrs Sol Bechlar. Miss Elda Gingerich of the l eehen line i= en—netheren-nether a few day: with Idris Edmund Erb. Mi Celin da, Mary and Asa B'te- ekle were Sunday visitors with llIa. and Mrs. Allen Sw artzentruber. Mr. Sol I':ichier is spending a few ;lays at Tavistoek. Last Wednesday evening another £hark ng:. contest .of croirinol was played of; at the haler.: of l'Ar. and Mrs .Amos Geseha, when.the champions of if you haven't . • • you are missing something Your fia:vou., rite dealer can get you a variety of Dried or pickled Canadian Fish the flavour of which is as tasty and as perfect as though you had caught them yourself and promptly popped them into the pan They can be served in various appetizing ways .. . Dried Fish such as Cod; Haddock, Hake, Cusk and Pollock, and Pickled Fish such as Herring, Mackerel and Alewives can be brought to' your table as new dishes ...that the family willlike. Serve Canadian. Fish more often. Make "Any Day A Fish Day'. Your:dealer can seccste•Dried or Pickled Fish for you: no matter how far you live from open water ... with every bit of its goodness retained for you_Aurl; by the -way find it pleasingly economital. DEPARTMENT OF FISHERIES,. OTTAWA. WRITE FOR FREE BOOKLET Caessa ` AAIY 'Department of Fisheries, Ottawa Please sends me your free 52 -page Bookies "Any Day Al Fish, Day'. containing 100' delightful' and economxcaL Fish Recipes. 377 Name: tlddreat »-- ..WD I DAY A FIS DAY I\ih Annie Jarott met an accident on Thursday evening last when i;he was thrown out of the sleigh she was about to be seated when suddenly thr, horse moved and throwing Miss Jar, rott ;out, hitting the reach on the back of the sleigh tib her bade. At elate of ea sting se is COUNTY . NEWS 14111111 Miss Ann Turnbull, Reg. N. off'. New York is vislting her another Mrs. Viz. Turnbull, Exeter. The, latter h inn>reving ha,s been quite ill ,recently: farmer dap met ° in .a koon contest, Burned While tlsircg 011 And as on former occawiwns the two PJr. incl $rs. Ross �o' e and Mr. deavouring to light a fire in the stile "Davids" soon vii guished the t;,r ;I, Jarrett 'rid Annie aittelfliiwd •n furnace by using of coal oil, Donald big ':t7oliatlis" from the OU?,i1. The s ,syion dinner -at the Manse, J •y'p en Graham, Kincardine .butelanr, l ace v� v -i' hot and fa,t <Lt tune:;, t Thursday event ',I t 1. contest nn i y fir ed panful iii" ;•n all tho e events, Me: the o . b� •ns . to his lace and l + finds IAA. trainer shot from the Op - Indian trail "only the fittest aurvi�,+e" Mr. Percy Workman r v ars a mill h, and t`zc:. i�:tnr; were juhi1ent in the.lf now, no Wonder 11 baby {lfl•uglitei� t?1t ,furnace s door,: e ! N. Certlticat�e subduing the "big follow."' , can la 111,5 souse, Anderson k-Ca1dwel) A quiet wedding was solemnized at Main St: parsonage, Exeter, when Rev: t. A. Elliott united Doreon Mita daughter o:! Mr: and the lt;te Mrs. John Caldwell, t0 Plnersorr ,Talre.i, 1'111111111111111111a111111111111'IIIIII11011111111111111111111111111110$11 if 1$11111111111111111 't 1'11 ati ng11111i01111R1111 IIII 111111111111111111111111111111 HE ■. ALD tFFIOE Do You Ko ? Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give themproducts which in use or consumption,will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines then, by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! 1 am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is ADVERTISE 11111 1111111111101 0811 11 111 011111 1111 111111111111111111111111111 11 MEN1113190111. 1!t ima 11'111 111111111111111111 1 111 111111 SIM 1111 1111111111111111 son of Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Ander-! one son Frederick survives. He con - son of Kippen. The couple were un- i tinned his profession in Clinton until' attended. After the ceremony dinner i three years gao when he retired ou. swas served at the home of the bride's account of failing health. The Tuner - parents. They will reside on thegro- om's farm west of IKippen. Pas5ee $ri 83rd Year Hiram Hill, a resident of Clinton, for 60 years, died en Saturday in his 83rd year. He was born in Prince Ed- ward Island and came to Clinton as Fl young znan to engage in the trade of stone masonry in which he contin- sed until retirement. Formerly a Me- thodist in religion, he later attendee: the Presbyterian church. The funeral under auspices of Clinton Masonic Lodge, was held en Tuesday,Inter- ment in Clinton Cemetery. Clinton Doctor Dies Dr. Frederick A. Axon died at Gu- elph Hospital in his 57th year after an illness of three years. Tie was born, at •Caledonia, Jan. 5, 1880. He attended the public and tecondary school of his home town and after graduating' Seorn. Toronto Dental Col- lege he toots ,a post graduate course in dental surgoitr At Chicago Univer- sity. Ho commencer practice in Clin ' J'an. 31—Crediton at Zurich ton in 1910 and twd years later mar- F+"'e'b. 2 Bonsall at Creditors l'i."'d Catherine 1 : , y(00111, *h '1;:11:11. 'e i„ :Cxeeditox at Exeter:. " 1, al was held privately Monday, the sea vices being held by Rev. G. A. Peddie of the Presbyterian church, Interne- cut in Mitchell 'Cemetery: Cyclone Hockey League Schedule 1938 Following is the Schedule recently drawn np by the Executive of the Cyclone Hockey League.The team consisting of Crediton�,•;, .Glx etor, Hen-• salt and Zurich. Some real snapper games are being looked fess this. sea- son which includes the months, of January and February. Jaan. 7tensall at Zurich. Jan. 11—Zurich at Exeter. .Jan. 13 --Crediton at Hensall'.. Jan. 1'7•--Hensall at Exeter- Jan. xeterJan. 19 --Zurich int Creditors Jan.21 Exeter at Hensall ±an. '24—Exeter at Zurich. Jan. 27—Exeter at Crediton Jan. 28—Zurich at Heenan