Zurich Herald, 1938-01-13, Page 4t
TownI " Bread
• also
All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality .
4 Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening
4. 4.Eckel's Bakery --. Zurich
Telephone 100 r
re? ke
Huron Erie Debentures!
The dependable investment
that yields a,;D
per annum, payable half-year'
for 5 to 10 years
500 will earn $ 17.50
2,500 will earn 87.50 w
5,000 will earn 1175.0Q la
,Increase your interest return by,
Investing in a Huron & Erie Trus-'
tee Debenture. -�u.� k! {
. . Erie
Charterecd 1854
Applications for Debentures Accepted by:
(Corrected -every Wednesday)
... : Mr. ,and Mrs. 'Emerson Anderson,
Mutter, Creamery
b•are-ridal eou le etttin settled on
lautter, dairy
32'c. p g g
Eggs, dozen ............... 27, 23, 20 'their farrncontthe"Town Line. Con -
Chickens, &eased ..... 19-L2 c••gxtt&ion.
Chickens, live 1641
Ducks, dressirl'i ............. 11€6
'Geese dressed ... • 15)1
Turkeys, dreamt! ........ 22
''Wheat, bushel! ............._ 1.0€1'
Butchering is ;'still setting the for-
mer's -buoy :theseeideal days for that
Cats, bushel .. ........ 48
Barley bush. ...,.,........ 64;
Buckwheat, ballet. ,......._ ..... 60;
flour, cwt.. . 3.00 3.901
:ran, ton ....-, . , 28.001
Shorts, per ton ........,.,....aa 28.00
/Hogs, cwt. ..,, . • . 7.50
_Potatoes, bag ... 40c
Mr. and Mrs. S. lamer mrd son
Jack, spent the past veWle 1 hq fri-
ends in Detroit and Whaelaer,.
Mrs. L. Morenz spent the 'l -end
with friends in Guelph;
Mr. and and Mrs. Hy. aaffeaan,
.'Marry and Gertrude we ,Sueday
visitors with friends in Kittelheaser
Miss Anna T,ieman is s .e ediaeg
his week in London.
Mr. and Mrs. Felix Wild lefty
.Monday for Chicago where they ;lel
remain for some time.
Mr. Oauf Pedersen has been very
*busy putting in his supply of ice
Crich is very good this year.
'The Hydro folks in this vicinity,
;are .tri ,paring now and 'having their
-wising done as well. It won't be
n1any clays .tow before some will
lave -the pleasure of the hydro.
We are pleased to report that Mr.
W. Turner is slowly recovering from
bis r were illness; Miss E. Elliott of
94iinton caring for him at present.
.Mi. ff. Beinitor returned to his work
aft r a pleasa•nl; holiday far a, few
St. Joseph and Beaver Town
ektitime oPeviiting we are wander-
iing-Where nour refi1d Miter prophets
:are - gone 'tao.T,Peahapethey are snow -
esti in , sttineeehen \Offic .out on a soft
=winter trip!
11<liss .itenoneefeSt. Joseph
rias returned`to"Lflndon where she is
s ngageY1°its! :St. Joseph's Hospital.
'Messrs. "Wm. Ducharme, Leonard
Deammnre zandeleeeereard Sa»anss ,mot-
ored to Wia;wiiscr+ a {l; petraite l;e past
!!Chis• :Itsfiii3 r,velibienne of Drysdale
Mr. aand Mrs. David• Geromette.-of Mt
Carmel, spent Sunday with Mr. and
Mrs,ucharaterofet ,Blue -:Writer
Highway ,south.
•Mrs. ;Solomon -Williams of •C4 h,
who :liras epent =bwo wed with • her
parent, inti:•. acid "Mrs. -D. •Duchaeree,
bas rettcirllitei to thtr'home.
The teatatees 04' cSch el Section.
No. 11, Hew 'bad a eonsiderable amo
nut of evemenes done to th�
school ,the tract ;being .gieen toe
Mr F. C. Js' 'Chfle=sch of .Zurich.
A number o¢ men ere -working on
the Blue Water Vtghwaay •at •pre/ ent,
and they have it in exee1lent -condit-
leei for. motoring.
Old Lake Huron flea now a coat
of ice and some of, the old time fish-
ermen are making preparations for
setting their nets.
Mfrs. Reline Jeffrey, lairs. IPe rey Be -I
dard of. Beave+rtown and Mrs, :Fred]
Ducharine were Monday visitors +w4th:
Mrs, James Masse of the Blue' Water;
Those that have been ter the sick
list the past few weeks are ,now ful-
ly improved 1 nd out again.
Mrs. J, W, Peek, of Clutton for.
were holiday visitors in town,
Mrs, Wm Hildebrandt ,and son
Joe were recent visitors with xnernb
ers of the family at London,
Mrs. Lee 1Hedden, after spending
week here with relatives and friends
returned to Glanworth with her bus
band, who came up that day.
Sunday, January 9th, being •the 4
anniversary of the organization c,
the Woman's Auxiliary of St. Paul'
Anglican church, special service
were held at 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. A
1.1 a.m., the rector, Rev. M. A.Hun
was the speaker. At 3 p.m. Mis
'Vic -Naughton gave the address.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hudson . an
family and their relatives, member
of the Fairbairn family, pent a da
lately with their relatives in Exeter,,
Mrs. Wm. Lamtnie and daughter;$
Amy and Greta, and her sister, Mis
Martha Bunter,• spent Sunday last
Exeter' with Mrs, Lammie's son, Ra
and his wife.
Joseph Hudson, after spending
couple of weeks' holidayh here • wit11
his family and many relatives and
friends, left for Toronto to re-enter
the Veteran Soldiers' Hospital in that
city for further treatment.
Mr. and Mrs. Ferris Cantelon, of
Schomberg, were holiday visitors at
the home of his mother here.
Mrs. T. W. Parlmer°has been quite
ill for several weeks. Mr. Parliner
has also been in poor health.
Robt. Pa'saenore, who is attending
the University of Toronto, was a vis-
itor at his home here.
Rural mail couriers are finding -the
roads very heavy owing to the much
Mia and Mrs. John Elder motored
to Toronto where they visited with
Mrs. Elder's sister, Dr. Jeni.ie Smillie
and sister, Margaret.
Mr. and Mrs. Jaynes Bonthron we-
re at Hanover the past week after
learning of the sudden death from
heart failure of their brother-in-law,
Norman Peppler, a prominent furn-
iture manufacturer of Hanover. His
wife is well known here as Lillian
Yungbhit, and a sister of Mrs. Jas.
Bonthron, and. who often visited in
Alex. Filshie, accompanied by a
friend his his, a medical student of
Toronto, spent holidays here, as also
did Harry Cook, Ray Paterson and.
Miss Mae McNaughton, of that city.
Miss Minnie Reid and Emma John-
ston left for a winter's vacation in
Florida, ,both having. spent former. •
winters there, so than . in returning
they, will not be strangers. •
Plan Big Dance, Carnival
The Chamber of Commerce intend.
holding a euchre and dance inaid of
the Band to secure uniforms for! the
same, .on Jan. 19th. The dance went.
over big the last time and no; doubt
will, this time. They also intend help
ing the council in :sponsgring a great
opening carnival .at the rine: ,on ,Jana
ary 12th.
Resigns' Office
Fred Bonthron who has been ''the
village tax collector for number of
years and assessor for 1937, resign-`
ed his position at the rotmcil. meet
ing and will devote his -whole 'time to,
his duties as postmaster .arid the 'in-'
nuance business. At ;the natant axe-•
eting' of Council Robt. Paterson' was;
appointed tax collector and assessor,/
James A. Paterson wan reappointed'
Clerk of the village and •ei1of ,el icer:
also treasurer of the village.
A Chimney':Fite
Considerable excitement was .caused
in town the other siay when word,
was received that the home of Fred:
Corbett off Hay. Twp. was burning.
The Hensall Fire Dpt. left immediat-
ely but on 'Oxen. ,arrivall lit was '.'found
that it was just a cbinmi,ey'f'ire. The
farm buildings are straight west of
the hour and the high !prevailing
wind made iitt <dangerous. 1
School Board Organiz•
At the organization meeting;of the
school ,boaatti, officers ap einted were:
Chairman, 1Rlrev. W. A. Yeaung; secy-
treas., A. L. Case; trustees are Geo.
Hess, W. O. Godwin, Jn ,. ;,Shepherd
Alf. Clark and Jos. Flynn. .IT.'W. Ort-
wein was named truant neer. The
caretaker, Geo). Hudson; ainti the
musical institteetor Sam Rennie. Geo
Hess, as retiring chairman, des tertain
ed the board to itrn oyster sir at
the close of tlet /Meeting.
Aanous esment
Mr. and Mrs. L. Beed of Vitn,
Quebec, announce the engagemenat tof
their 'niece, Mary Mem O'Brien, ;to
Clrtrles Bruce Steyr son of Mr.
and Mrs'; Harry Ste'wstt, of Seaforth
Ont., the marriage to eke place it
Mrs; .los: Yellow,eti `d 'eon:,Of �•1Ji-,
borne; head the miso tri" f
,tun i� p bird.
fall while attending'. ' to' liter lio'usee' '
Thuarsd4K, January' lath, 1948
a S4
CERNS — indep.endent,well-
managed, established on personal
ability, honesty and industry—
fortunately abound in Canada._
Many of thein have all the ele-
lements of increasing success. They'
may need only sound financial
assistance to make thein even-
tually large and important
contributors to Canadian.
prosperity. Conservative borrowing
may be a constructive step.
The Bank of Montreal welcomes
enquiries from such business con-
cerns regarding loans, and the
manager of our nearest branch will
be glad to discuss -with you,
in strict confidence, any plans
you may have for taking a
constr7sctive step forward.
r4 zt ilf!
"a hank caber small accounts, ars, welcome"
Zurich Branch: E. M. DAGG, Manager
MODERN, EXPERIENCED BANKING SERVICE ... the Outcome of r,o Years"Svaressfu1 Operation
tA delightful New Year's wedding
was solemnized in Caven Presbyter-
iapi Church, Exeter, when Kathleen
Rath, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. I-Iy.
Strang was unite! in marriage with
.George Million Lamont, B.A., son of
Mrs. Ilsabella Lamont of London and
the late Malcolm Lamont. The cere-
mony was performed by the Rev. D.
C ,;Hill. To the strains of -the wedding
1VIs rch ,played by. Mrs. J. G. Cochrane
the bride entered the church on the
arm of her father.
Early Morning Fire
.Eire broke out in the local express
office shortly before seven ,o'clock
Friday morning. The fire was extin-
guished before it had gained too gre-
atia headway. No expressi was burned
and the damage small. Miss Parker,
who occupies . the rooms above the
office, was arounsed by a noise and
smelling smoke and hearing the cra-
ckling of the flames, she onimediately
.summoned assistance and turned in
the fire alarm. The blaze was held in
check with pails of water by those
who first arrived on the scene.. —Bros
sels Post.
Dies At Goderich
Following a brief illness, iVlrs. Don-
altl N. Makenzie died early on Sun-
day .at the
un-day.at'the Goderich Hospital. She
was before her marriage, Emma Bol-
len,. -After her marriage to Mr. Mac-
kenzie 20 years ago they moved to
Gacterich, . residing on Cameron st.
There were no children. A brother,
Rolat..,is the only immediate surviving
relative. The funeral will be held on
Tuesday afternoon with service at the
family residence conducted by Rev.D.
J. Lane, : 'of Knox Presbyterian church
of Which she was a member. Interm-
ent will follow in Greenhill Cemetery,
Car Tudns Turtle
Last Thursday afternoon R. S. He-
theringhen and H. C. MacLean escap-
ed serious injury when the former's
car turned over into the ditch ,a short
distance this side of •Belgrave. Mr.
Hetherington was not injured at all.,
but MacLean wag hurt on his side,
tris ribs being bruised. The car was
proeeedeing.south when the hind fhe-
els caught he a rut and then the car
slideon the icy surface into the ditch,
turaingCompletely over.. The car was
only,,,slightly ,damaged— Wingham
Advance -Times,
Helps Bailiff Out
too t.
01VXoore, e+,f Lucknow, towai.
citable ;and local, bailiff, is one man
'+ ,a does his. •appo0ttated tasks thoro-
ugh*. He erecently had to seize a car-
arali i amolitn�t of. Chattels from the
horn �f a .man ,who•ik' near Wing-
baGoingin r .
mthe la wasstuck
s e e s ck GENERAL
n lieNEws
fasein the snow The man not antic -
hold Wednesday last. , She `iii two
bones broken in the left' atree near
the •:shoulder and was. taken, St,
Joseph's Hospital, London, the' ,foll-
owing day for ex -ray examination
.Fall Prey to Flames
While )ie was in Goderich deliv-
,•ring a load of Hay, the farm hotne
of Lorne Thnrlow, 7 miles north Of
that town, ' an the Blue Water high-
way, took fur wild burned to the gro
und. Most of the contents of the low-
er floor were saved. but those of the
upstairs are a complete ;oss. The fire
etftrted whet( t1 i tovepfr t;.s collaps-
ltr . Ludwig Schults and :family merly of .i[ dlisall, together with :her .
av'isited friends near Nike. sonRonald) Dial daughter, a iegne,
Do You .now?
You know thoroughly well that you have power
it, your store, to influence the decision of your cus-
tomers in regard to+ what they buy from you. Your
customersrely ont you to give them products which
in use or consurafiion,will give them complete
If it is right to: use big city dailies and nationaly-
circulated magazines them by the same token, it is
right to use local weekly newspapers!
I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and
my name is
11 0111=11014.1010
whirling it sideways in a skid which
carried it to tehe edge of a culvert
over a deep ditch. Fenders and the
underside of the car were damaged
as the rear wheels dropped over the
edge of the cement culvert, but the
occupants scrambled to safety—+tor-
erich SigneI-Star.
Took Car Oen Trial
Arrested in Goderich by atter of
Police H. Snell and Prov. Constable
McCoy; Carl Kelly and Geo. Bose,
Stratford young men, are in Goder-
ich jail awaiting trial on charges; of
taking ac az without the owner's con-
sent. The officers found /the pair bud -
hied about a small oil stove in a
tourist cabin on the outskirts of
Goderich. The charges resume frern
a visit the couple paid to J. F. Daly,
Ceaforth, the previous day, when they
stated they wished to buy a car, A5
ter looking over different cars, they
asked to try one model on the road.
Mr. Daley agreed to a trip down.
Main. Street, but when after some
hours the oar and men were still iris,
sing, lie (became alaamed ...and noti-
fied police.
ipating his mission, came out and pule
ledhim out of the snowbank. Moore
paid him his fee for the tfls7c, and
.then;, calmly, went into the houee and
appropriated the chattells.
A Close Shave
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sandy had a,
narrow escape from what might have
been ,a serious accident, while en ro-
ute to' paisley to attend the funeral
of a friend. Tho road wits very icy
gnrl ' strOil k1Yl0dY c ugli.i; 'rhe. o'ar>
M. E. Clarke, ,Seaforth trucker,
who testified before the ,Chevier
Royal 'Commission on Transpa.>tation
on Tuesday last; said ,that he did not
keep time books for his four drivers,
because he did nut know what 'tiute
they had off. Clarke etested that Ida
dri'v'ers were paid $15 a week.
den ';think $15 a week le a fair wage
and i !would like to pay tore Tut t
can"t 161,'auso 1 am not making .. en0-1
ugh ttrofit" Gmli..e s Amin,
be forced tar take but commercial
vehicles licenses and this would re-
lieve the rate situation somewhat,
witness testified
A. total of $818 was realized from
county tax sale of lands for arrears
held et -the Curr House, Goderich,
Last Tuesday- Eight parcels were sold
one 20acre farm in Howick Town-
ship fors.. 1.. Five farms; were
bought in by interested parties to, CA
able them to secure a clear title.
Other sales were of beach lots near
Bayfield. Of the 42 parcels offered
for sale, 23 were redeemed. Total!
receipts are now over $2,000, which
is far below other years: Treasurer
A. H. Erskine reports. Eleven, pare
cels involving $343' arrears remain to,
be sol at the adjourned date, Dec-
ember 22nd.
Cyclone Hockey League
Schedule 1958
Fort wing is the Schedule, recently'
d5'as n up by the Executi'vel. of ids•
(ono Llockey''i.Lague The tea'ma •n,
consisting of Crediton, :E eter,; .Hent,
,all :arid Eurichi Seale Teal siiappj►'
games are being looked for this;.sea--
son w]Mch inchtdes the mcxitiis '` i►f
.Tanuary and Febrtth;ry.
.T•an. 'T—•:Rensall at Zurich.
Tan. 11—Zurich at Exeter.
Zan. 13—Crefiton at !tensa r.
Jan. 17—Hensall at Exeter.
Jan. 19—Zurieh et Crediton
Jan.21.-Exeter at Hensall
jan. 24—Exeter :at Zurich.
Jan. 27 -Exeter at Crediton
35ani; 28- Zile& at Hensall
Jan. 10l ---Crediton at Zurich
Feb..2.= Hensall Crediton
Feb,, IteaCteditall itet :cite] .