HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-01-06, Page 8rAGv EIGHT THE STORE VVITH THE STOCK .11.1114.1.111/M40,..1=1.141,11Ms..01= TO ALL. OUR CUSTOMERS .AND FRIENDS: in Apprewaa0on of Our Pleasant Business • Relations. We Value this Opportunity of Wishing You A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS J. G e Year J. Gascho and Son PRODUCE WANTED PHONE 59 y Peace and Happiness be Yours Andrew F. Hess, - Zurich , /• MY MOTTO -SERVICE AND SAFETY, 4 'Mille HERALD 'vim mill no Hui 111110 moll 11111 ftftiiliiliiiniiiiti 11111111111111111111111111111111(111 11111111111011111 1 ZEJ R rocery ORANGE MARMALADE ;32.0.z. JAR 'IRISH STEW, per epar GOLDEN BANTAM CORN, „per cam • • ,,, , „ ,10c SALMON, LARGE CAN-, ...... .. .... 10c . DATES WITH PITTS,- 4 -lbs. :„ • ... . TOMATOES, LA.RG," t m oil JIbidimminii re 25c • , , 15c I,EMONS, 'LARGE SIZE, per Pozen BRUNSWICK SARDINES, per Can , ...... . .5c 85c Menno Oesch EGGS WANTED. Aig511111 Zurich Phone 165. 1151111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111411111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111h. 411.4=tmarmsuomoss=tmazoomemomal0.11.9 Thursday January 611, 1938 4++414;ti444+14444444.0+++++++++++++*++++444i 'or 4. tr. 7.• N. f ilirli) OF LAICAL INTEREST , 'LOCAL MARKETS +. New + Yeai 1 • We regret to report that Dr. A. Y. ,(Corrected every Wednesday) 35c his room the past week with a bad Butter, dairy lEggs, dozen to I Butter, Creamery 277 23,302c0. : MacKinnon has been confined,, 4e cold. Chickens, dressed 19-12 + 4, Chickens, live 16-9 + Ducks, dressed . 16 1.. Geese dressed 15 . + Turk22eys, 'dressed + .. Wheat, bushel 1.00 + Oats, bushel 'Barley bush. 60 40 +:11.4.++++++++++++44++++++44.415++++++++++++:++++++++1944/ BuCkwheat, bush. Flour, cwt.. ...... ..... 3.00-3.90 - 28.00 ., 28.00 7.50 40c We are Happy to take this Opportunity . • of Expressing our, Appreciation. at the Patronage that has been accorded us dur- ing the past Year and Wish one and all for A HAPPY AND PROSPEROUS Mr. and Mrs. A. Aulerich of De- troit were holiday -visitors with herparents, parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. Prang. Miss Bertine Mero was home from London on New Year's day and re- turned to the city on Monday. Mr. Earl Weido motored to London on Tuesday evening, where he met his daughter Dorcthy, who was re.2 turning from a visit to Windsor. Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bedore from the Bran ton Blue Water Highway, spent Novr Shorts, per ton Year's with Mrs. David M'erci of liQgs, cwt town. . Potatoes, bag The various students of Univerj sity and high school§ were obliged to return to their studies on Monday, 01, Johnston etc Kalbfleisch Hardware & Furniture. Phone 63 as all these institutions opened on that date. The month of December was about ix .. Messrs. Jack Me-rner and Carl 6 degrees colder than the same 11191th a year ago, and had more Burn motored to Elmira, Sunday. three. times as much snow, fig- Thcompiled by the weatner obser- ey were accompanied down by the than Misses Catherine' and 'Mary Merner, ur9P -Who etach and attend high school re- "'Y.& at London airport bureau. The, spectively iat Elmira. ,, average high temperature .for the . . month just closed was 29.2- degrees A Grand Carnival on the local land average low 16.2 degrees comp - Zurich Rink has been advertised for axed with 36.3 and 21.8 degrees in January 12th., and we trust- the December 1936.. In the past month weatherman will be favorable, as -this the highest temerature was 40.8 de - is always an interesting event Don't grecs and on the third of the month, forget, next Wednesday evening! a4a8.9 degrees, below zero was the coldest on .the. 13th. There was •only Mr. John Charrette of the Blue orie day over 40 degrees and there Water Highway, south of St. Joseph, were'two days below zero. has taken over the 60 -acre farm on , the Lake Side, opposite his farm, ,,BUSIEST WATERFRONT from the estate of his father, the late..n• Benjamin Ch,thas longarrette, been known that the lower Detroit River •is ' one of the Mr. and Mrs. Percy Rowe and hnsiest waterways in the world, but , family, have returned to their home itremained for the official figures of in Thorndale, after spending the Irving Kelly, Wescott marine report - Christmas vacation with Mrs. Lydia er, to be compiled to find out that the Geiger, Mrs. Rowe's mother. Mr. 1937 season was the largest in the Rowe also spent part of the time history of marine activities in this with his father in Manitoulin Island. section of the Great Lakes. During the 1937 season 23,825 boats passed Relatives visiting at the home of up and down the river at Amherst - Mrs. Lydiia Geiger recently were burg 2,000 more ,vessels than were re Miss Grace and Mrs. Jane Guenther, ported as passing Detroit and 2,178 of Kitchener; Mr . and Mrs. Earl more boats than the year 1936. In the Guenther and son of Dashwood; Mrs. peak year of 1929 20,304 vessels we - Fred Cords of St. 'Catherines, and Mr re reported. The largest number of boats used the river in the earlier Lee]and Guenther of Hallonpuist, Saskatchewan. part of the season. With the recent storms the past i ' LAF'he West few days etter rona t it looks like real Canadian ‘ „ • COLDER THAN IN 1936 89 9 9 Oa 9.9909 * 994119900$6414110114•90 941190) 60124100.1114611941660110 HARDWARE - SEEDS and FURNITURE ; V111111114 ','`'Igt4V-54WW".;?.4.F-40517,1-ttfonii: a a I I I. • 110144411144iiim,. Kfilia"MMO TO OUR MANY CUSTOMERS AND FRIENDS WE WISH TO EXTEND Season's Creetings AND MAY THE NEW „,YEAP, BRING US ALL PROSPERITY. AND HAPPINESS, AND A CON- TINUANCE OF OUR FRIENDLY BUSINESS RELATIONS e a Choice Quality Boots and Shoes We carry a nice line of choice Footwear for Men, Boys and Women. All our Stock is fresh and of very choice materials. No leftovers or second grade lines. Let us fit you up with your next pair of Shoes. See our line of Sport Shoes. GARFILED BROWN Victoria Street. Zurich, Out. WE GIVE ''EXPERT WORKMAN- SHIP IN REPAIRING Your Patronage Solicited - . Eyebrow, Sask., Dec. 8, 1937 winter, and when you get into the sweep o f the wind, it surely feels To the people who donated to the air of.relief foods from Zurich and like it. The roads have become very heavy for the auto, the concessions einity: being blocked, and the big plow is ear sir: is ibusy practically every day trying to , . It with much pleasure that keep the Zurich road oped. Without •acknowledge on ,behalf of thrpeo- the aid of the snow fences, it drifts.''e of the R. M. of Eyebrow, No. 193 in so much more rapidly. Both oUri'donated car of vegetables, fruit Prov. Highways to the east and west nned goods, etc., which was distri- are being kept open, and motoring is nied ' to more thdh 150 families in , •• . . BAGGED 69 JACKS . is mumeipality. I • t arrived in the hamlet of Lake good on these. i .• 23 persons were out on a rbbt - Illei,,in Perfect condition and 1in Usborne Twp, Tuesday aft_ :Sure you it wasgreatly appreci,, ..4- drive unoon gg, .69 Jack rabbits, ' bIT all the recipients. I cannot ex - and baed.', ste,SSI the , gratitude , that we feel for Zurich Garage Come and purchase your Aut- °motive Requirements front Zurich's oldest established Garage and Service Station, We can supply.. your needs., Expert Automobile repairinge Acytelene Welding, Tires. Batteries, Oils, Greases and repairs. LUNCH ROOM And clean Rest Rooms at your Service 11. MOUSSEA_IT Phone: Day 103. Night, 47 Cue of the rabbits weighed 114, 1 41 • and anotben weighed over 12 lbs: • 2Ont of 1:17... Shooters while hiding be - is hind a tree had fiVe rabbits come oiir assistance that has been rend- redto us during these difficult times. expect that the conamittee who had, charge of the distribution of this car. have written to some of the in- divicluals whose names were found in the': car. tou.Will never he able to underst- The New Year • . and the,go,p. that ;these donated cars The New Ycor was -ushered in MI Friday night with the usual ringing of bells and ftrirg or,shots, and what- not, that usually occurrs on this oc-: casion. Perhaps thero is no place in: to Western World where this event is so laborately ,celebrated as in Now York city, where the shouting and cheering is at its matimum, and reP • within gunshot all within a second. Of each other. He succeeded in shoot- • sig two of them.--Egeter Times-5Ad-. • vocate. • qiiiiminummummismitimilinffiuminimoutingenswilimmistiononsimillesommunia THESE PRICES subject to change without Notice Painting Wagon $7.00 and 10.00 Painting Buggy 6.00 and 10.00 Recovering Buggy Top 16.00 and 18.00 E 12o00 3.00 1.00 1.25 Rerimming Buggy Wheels Set Buggy Shaft Cross Bar Buggy Reach Buggy Spokes each 25c HESS, the Repair Man Iloilo Rolm tans moon ilia ism is mom Isis inn m ollounn Immo m} II moon ....1.1401.4.1.••••••••••••••••M....0 • op, 0 0 0 gat of tl cold d heav y Man het of sow this year, the trovAIS • of • TADE R. WE111010, I.Tie„pllbelow-irntehanasp(Tranenitkliyrigetnege ..wcort, OrP a in full swing as the clock turned its • ands to twelve. t would do most Z RiCH, ONT of us good to just listen to this over QUALLTY - 'TRICE - SERVICE 2 'the radio, and then picture the vast multitudes op people celebrating in this good old -fashiediefl wdy`• .; 1 have filled and it is Lam sure .gratify- mg to you and your people to be in the; fortunate circumstances to render thi. service to us in need. It is good. to think that in a time when we have nothing that through the kindness of p6ople such as you we have been provided' with sufficient to tide Os over the winter months. I can COnscienciously say that the distribution of these ears has been handled by the committed with every , desire to make the diStribution fairly and to the best advantage. Will you extend to your people our hearty appreciations for the work that they have done in bringing these contributions about. • - YOUrs Truly, R. D. See. Treas. t/ WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY TO EXTEND TO OUR CUSTO- MERS AND FRIENDS, OUR HEARTY Season's Greetings I i • 1 Tel Shop 149 0. KLOPP & SONS Res. 67 ,AUCTIONEERING? YES!