HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-01-06, Page 5Tl urecIar Janua:ree 6Th,. t932: BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY E. Roils =BARRISTER, SOLICI'T'OR, NOT- . ARY PPUBLI'C, ETC: OFFICE—Hansilton- Street, Just off the Square, GODERICle, Ontario. Special Attention to Councel and Court Work. Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr, W. D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK—ZURICH Every Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASHWOOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. O. 11 H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINAR IA.N Dr. W. B. COX ON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Oif'ice in the Home of the late • Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Toronto. Veterinary College, University >siiseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles, Charges reasonable. Day or night calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness uennels. Office on Main Street, opposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and ' Wdiddlesex I AM IN A POSITION TO CON - duct any Auction Sale, regardless as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. ARTHUR WEBER --Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm P- oduce WAN T E ] . HIGHEST CASH PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Win. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS Zurich s' Popular MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ect., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash. Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins H, Yun,gbit1 & Son INS.U.RA:NCE Western Earmers'' NAB Weather suurance Co. OF .WOODSTOCK'' p'HE LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- UAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk ox Dee. 31st, 1935, $20,479,730.0. :Total Cash in Bank and Bonds • $254,627.52. Rates $4.50 aper $1,000 for 3 Years E. F. KLOPP. -_ZURICH Agent, also s ler inLight*. hit g ►g Aug Rods and all ands of Fire t: r Insurance incl i Put Your Want. For Sale Lost, Found, Etc. Ads. in this Column. FOR QUICK SALE: A. good. 3 H. F. gas. engine. L. Prang & Son:' FOR QUICK SALE Henan—Comfortable brick house acre of land $1300. Exeter Two storey frame house, nice .hedge, large garden $900. Snug cottage, garage. large garden 51000. •Several farms Write: Wm. Pearce, Exeter, Ont. SALESMAN WANTED WANTED: Man to take over profit- able IDawleigh IRoute. Establisher' Customers. Must be satisfied wit, earnings of $30- a ,week to start Write, RawIeigh's Dept. No. ML. 458401-A, illlontreal. MAID WANTED Wanted, Maid for general- hous, work, for home nn Lake Huron wit modern conveniences. Must be into: ligent, healthy and fond of children Appiications will be received in writ- ing at Herald Offiee. NOTICE Wanted, Dead • or Alive Fertilizer Animals.—Phone 34r15, Dashwood. Isaiah Tetreau, pt25 Meeting of The Huron County Council The next meeting of Huron County Council will be held. ii- the Council Chambers, Court House, Goderich. Commencing Tuesday, January 18th, at 2 p.m. All Accounts, Notices from Depu- tations, Applications, Tenders and other businese requiring attention of Council should be in the hands of the County Clerk by January 15th. ' • -J M. R•obeits, County Clerk,. Goderich, Ont New Harness. Shop I wish to `advise the Public that I have opened a new Harness and Repair Shop, at west door in C. Fritz & Son new Garage, opposite the Zur- ich Creamery. I have engaged Mr. Alex. McKenzie as instructor and am in a position to take care of your harness needs. No old Stock. All hand work. New stock and :hand sewing. Let us oil and repair your Harness. A call will be appreciated. HARVEY G. CLAUSIUS Zurich. May We Serve You! Applications for enlist/tient in the Royal Canadian Mounted Police are said to be falling off. Can it be that the famed force is likely to experi- ence mare difficulty b getting its. men? ONLY ONE PAPER Only one paper per week is now being issued at Qoderich, namely the Signal -Star, and .the mailing lists ere being adjusted to snit the new conditions. The size of the weekly edition will vary according to require ments from 8 to 10, 12 or more pag- es. This amalgamation was effected during the past summ=er, and both the Signal and . rthe Star were published at the same place, using practically the same reading matter. Owing to the heavy increased costs of publish; ing a newspaper this wa;c brought a- hoist, CANADA FREE FROM JITTERS The federal, budget at Ottawa Wo- nld, have been balanced this year•if' drought had not struck the prairies, Mit decreasing Canada's agricultural e 1 wealth byenellions' of 'dollars, Fin- Ex ince Minister Dunning stated in his edit annual economic survey. The'prairie Mr. disaster resulted in added relief costs his and less railway earnings, the minis -sup ter said, but despite it, Canada mar- He shed steadily forward during the and veal. Only the influence of outside tors factors impaired a high degree of op- whe .for the corning year. Despite late the crop failure in the West and the.corn •business recession in the `fruited St- care ates, the• finance minister expressed loo the Ieel,ief the objectives set in his gu=n budget speech last session to keep the wlie over-all' deficit ..do t o 3 down o $c,r,000,000 vest this ye -r, and baldric° the budget iii sires e year eliding March 31, 193;x1, wo- I turk prove to be cot c,rvetive.. 1 °ate LOCAL NEWS Mr. Noah Sararas of. Kitchener, is visiting with Zurich friends this week Mr, and Mrs, C. L. Smith motored to London, Thursday,. Mr. Stuart Dorton .o f Huron Coll- ege, London, :was a visitor at the !horn of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Smith. If only all this Christmas :spirit 2ould be ceeried into the whole' year, what a great world it would he - Miss Ruth ;Turkheim of Hamilton, was a holiday visitor with her parents Rev. and Mrs. E. Torkheirn. 112r. and Mrs. Len..Haist of Detroit were visitors' at' her home, Mr,and Mrs: 0. I 1opp. Mrs. C. Eilber spent a few;' days Last week at the home .of Mr. a nd Mrs. Jarvis Holton, near Brucefield, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. .Wagner of Guelph, spent a few 'days at the i1snne of his parents last week. ' Mr. and Mrs. Daly and family of Detroit are at present visiting at the `'one of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis .Be- dard. • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hamilton . and laughter Doris of London, were vis - ting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Galster. Mrs. W. F. Finkbeiner and Miss Hazel, of Stratford were. vr.;itors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hoffman, •one day last week. Mr. and Mrs. ,Gerald Bedard, (bridal couple) of Toront, are spen- ding a few days with the .former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Bed- ard of•town HYMENEAL Moriocic—Gaiser A quiet het pretty wedding tool - place Christmas nio_ning at the Evart gelical paasonage, ,Crediton, when Bliss Adeline Gainer, daughter of the late Wm. B. and Mrs. Geiser, war' united in marriage to Mr. Freeman W. Morlock, son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. D. Morlock, of Sharon. Both are popular young people of.Credit- on. The ceremony was performed by Rev. A. E. Pletch. Mr. and Mrs Morlock left on a wedding trip for Toronto and other points. ZURICH HERALD 'PAGE FIVE MEN ARE FOUN,U 001,40•100111000••••••••••0•000•106•1,0110 MMS= IOSe•'; s•l. . •N •• ZURICH A y I Food and rescue came out of the skies on New Year's Day for 15 star- ving anon, members of ,a Quebec Government .survey party who lived 39 days in the frozen. .muskeg country of Northern Quebec on the meat of 14 'rabbits. In. desperation they even resorted to an attempt to make soup put -of birch bark and peppex., weak they staggered and so hr they cried, the ]'rench-Canadian' veyers crowded around an' a'ep that snatched them from death : a brief search. They were'' in c. , 1 3 miles from the Ontario -Qu border, about 6.0 'miles southeast of Moosonee, Ontario's end -of -steel town on James Bay: l Pso ••N.00i•!•• ►1i► ►sroao o We Pay a Premium* of Two Cents per Pound B. eFat. for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. r Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for th same so 6 ' ;Y 410 Day, Su lane • after e a I Ontario -Quebec e P We also buy and pay Cash for your `Eggs and e Poultry at Highest Market Prices,.according to s grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated 0 0 YOUR, EGGS 'AND POULTRY COURSES FOR GIRLS Over 100 ,rural young women in six, Ontario counties will receive four week's training under the Doninion- Provincial training project, Miss Bess McDarnzand, Superintendent of the Women's Institute Branch, Ont. Dept of Agriculture, stated. Courses are scheduled for several counties in Feb ruary and fourteen in March, she stid Women's organizations all over Ont- ario are most enthusiastic a''sout the courses and are lending hearty sup- port she, declared. The courzes are planned so that the girls will be able to earn their owit living in a rural environment. TWINS BORD IN DIFFERENT YEARS Up at Elora unusual was the cele- hration of Joseph cznd Patrick Connor life long residents of that village when they joined hands on New Year Eve. in marking the 77th anniversary of their birth. Born on different days in different months and in different years the twing on New Year's Day celebrated their 77th birthday. Joseph was born shortly before mi,rnieht on December 31, 1860, end Patrick v. - born after midnight on January 1 1861. Sons of Mr. and Mrs. James Connor, Elora pioneers, the brothers are popular residents of the village. w u HURON GETS K. C. Frank Fingland, barrister, of Clin- bl ton, is receiving congratulations upon' th his being included in the Cheestina; 01 lise of new King's Counsel issued li ;h the Ont. Government. Mr. Finglan i . it is a son of Mr. and Mrs•. John Finespa land of Londesboro, formerly of Aub: h urn, and has been practising his peat .v fession at Clinton since 1930. Be ' fore coming to Clinton he was assoc; .v iated with a Toronto firmsznce grad- wi sating at Osgood Hall in 1925. He wa is held in high esteem not only in ho. •connection with his profession heti ee as a citizen, and:the honor that ha come to him is worthily bestowed. SHARE OF XMAS CHEER PROBLEM AT WINGHAM One of the main problems which ill confront the Wingham Town Co- ncil for 1938 when they convene or their first meeting of the New ear will be that of the housing pro- em,in the town. As it now stands, e town is short of houses, and only ze new dwelling has been built•in e past eight years.. Five new fam- es which moved into the town in the pa year have been unable to find ones and heave been: boarding at pri- teahomes. At htis •'year's nomin- at of n -meeting, almost everyone ad- anted some proposition to help out th the situation. The most logical s that of offering to make new -nes or apartment houses taxfree r the first three years. Huron County Council • Genial J. B. Reynolds, governor of the the County Jail, •Goderich, is a fres! favorite with "his boys"—seven o; As them—who spent Christmas holidays Bly as guests of the County. They were Br, given all the comforts of home a nd treated to a huge "spread" on Christ- Christ- mas Day, and it was one of their E own •ch.00sing. Mr. Reynolds hoe' God prefer - made r God 1 The members of the Huron Co my Council for 1938 will consist of following: hfield—Richard Johnston, Gilbert Frayne. th—George McNoll. ucsels—Walter Kerr. nton-Fred Livermore. borne—Geo. Feagan. eter—W. D. .Sanders. erich Twp.—W. Haacke. erich — Robert E. Turner, Doug - as Bi own. Hay --George Armstrong. Hullett James Leiper. Hensall—R. S. Shaddick. McKilIop-John Eckert. Morris—W. Cardiff. Seaforth- Tohn H. Scott. Stephen—Chester Mawhinney, Ed. Lamport. Tuckers-lith—Charles MacKay. Turnberry—Roland Grain. Unborn—Percy +Passmore. • Wawanosh . W.—W. J. Stewart. Wawanosh E.—Peter Scott. Winghain F. L. Davidson. made arrangements for a turkey din ler, but the inmates stated a refe ence for .goose, so the order was cha- nged. With the main goose course. went soup, vegetables, pudding—in. fact, literally everything from sour.. to nuts. The feast was topped off with cigars sand cigarettes.-,Signr.l '! Star, God. TALK TO Dr. DAFOE Mr. and Mrs. Onexime Masse, par- ents of 21 robust children, telephon- ed rChristmas greetings to Dr. Defoe for the Dionne • quintuplets and their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Masse invit ed Dr. Defoe and the Dionne family to visit the Masse home at St. Jo- seph on the Blue Water freeway at any time and promised themselves `o make a trip to 'Callander this com g .summer. Baby Martha, the 1'oengest of the Masse children, 1C boys and 11 girls, will be one year old on Febfuary 16, 1938, and the entire family is looking forward to a big •celebration at that time. On July 25, last, at a special service .at the Frencz Settlement ohurch and parsonage, Rt. Rev. Bishop Kidd, of London, bestowed the blessing of Pope Pius XI, on the Masse family. - GOOD FOWL RAISERS Jacob WilIert and daughter s Edna, odr near'Dashwood.deliver- t'h'e largest flock of turkeys tc rear, the number being 131 for ch they received $413. In addition Willert supplied many birds to neighbors for breeding as well as plying a number of retail orders.• attributes the fine condition and d finish of his birds to several fao- , one that they were innoculated. en young, each bird being innocu- d in the wing against the diseases mon to turkeys; and also to the his daughter. Edna has taken.in king after the birds during the Men He grew five acres of buck - at which he let the turd eys lar • and, .the bird when finished and sed were a 'splendid sample irf ey rasing. ---Exeter '.l=ines Advo - THE `HERALD ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDA' NOON FROM THE Ilerald Printing Office SUBSCRIPTION RATES—$1.25 year, strictly in advance; $1.50 1. arrears or. $2.00 may be charged. U S. $L50 in advance. No paper discon tinued'nntil all arrears are paid UT less at option of publisher. The dat, of which every Subscription is pair is delated on the Label. ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards not exceed -a.; J.% inches, per year $5.00. In Memoriam, one verse 50e, 25i for each additional verse; Card o. Thanks, 50c. • Display advertising made known on application: 14liscellarieOus articles of not mor, than four lines, For Sale, To Rent W.nted, Lost, Found, etc., One inser tion 25c, 2 ins. 40c., 3 Inc: 50c. Farm or Real Estate for sale $2.00 for first month, $1,00 for each fol lowing month. ,Auction Sales $2.00 per single ineelrtion if not over four inches Is lonh • Adgtdress ell communications to: 1 2 THE ZURICH CREAMERY soilemmeseeimeesesrec000goe oaora 4000mo llgo o see crov ail* Cut Your Fuel .Will iHALF! 1 3. .r, Buy 'Storm Wi4.ndows and Doors 4. 4. i. LET US QUOTE YOU! - • REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW, WE CARRY A + 4. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL I • TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE YOU a. WAIT. + .3. 4 PHONE 69 Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materials ors 44+++.9.9+.94.44.9444.44++++++++ ,r, rj EIS CH P U i ti oeogoecsesseee aaoot,aeozose qme,.-ci.000eo>staeena*** sezoea e 3 Coal -r g• We are now fill i g orders for the • coming winter's fuel. Prices will • be higher later2 . on ) G 'dc . now • PTJRTNA. Stock Fcc ds ai.d Chi ID'S 3 A guaranteed product that will help your Stock 1.cl Poultry e a e 5 i D 000 e3sss's+elrs00ebccs FREE! FREE! Coronation sets of Dishes. and Rodgers Silverware given to our Customers in exchange for a required amount of Coupons which we are giving with pur- chases at our store... These will make splend'd Christmas Gifts! L. Schilhe 1 1 b 3 0 e► 9 0 ;s 0 0 0 8 171 o slue, memma1Tt s,emm ieoe Seat' escooe9amem espe9s 2 1 Zurich Drug Sto 'z 1 At this Grand Yuletide Season We cannot express our Gratitude in any more Tangible way than by Wishing our Many Friends and Customers a most MERRY CHRISTMAS and a PROSPEROUS NEW YEAR. Full of Happiness Dr,Zuriel . kJ ,a1, 4,w i ,kinirwramewl; RAAPP J 5ww RM PA!