HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1938-01-06, Page 411,1E `ort 68+1+ CII'* i...1. +'+++ +, ++++ +.4.++i*+++44,4?r+++++,w.i..,i•44++++++ R + +"+`"`I 4 } • All Ingredients sed are a�� the Highest Quality .F ,,Q. � TRY am OREL'S +'• ownlk" Brea 4. also CIIJIGE VARIETY QFCAKE, 'IES AND 1 SWEET GOODS. -.8,, y ' ,,,,,k,.,-,N.,,CREAM `. AG'� CONFECTIONS. ....',t't I�E::..M � w • ,, • Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evel ireg 4. • Eckel's Bakery — Zurich Zurich 4. 4. Telephone 100 4— ++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +34'1++1+++++++i++++++' +§ +1 *++.;++++ cI Women's Laced N.iritor Boots, black or brown, ltsw and med. Heel. No. 1 quality at ...... $2:19 Women's 2 Dome, -all rub- ber fleece lined Overshoes, black or brown, med. 'heel, 'Only "98c For the First Ten Days in January Heavy 6 eyelet:Rubbers, solid Heel, Reinforced back, wide Last Men's sizes 6 b 11 ...+ $1.59 Boys' sizes 1 to 5 ' 1.39 Youth's sizes 11 to 13 . 1.29• Child's sizes 7 t Y0 * 1.19 These are all First Quality Rubbers. No cad dock. No -carry overs. • A11 Wome 's .fancy- '�lippers GreatlyReduced l Visit Our Store for More Bargains Pfile's Shoe Store—Dashwood DASHWOOD. Mr. Leeland Guenther, ,who spent a few, weeks relatives, left this week for his horne in mak. Miss I.rene Martene 'of `Detroit, spent the holidays wilh'Ilex:mother, I1irs. Martene. Mr. 'and Mrs. Duncan McCollum ,and Mrs. Tillie Restenseyer of Lon - +don were visitors with 1Vlr..ancd Mrs. Duncan Snider on Wednesday. Miss Zeta Nadiger, R.N. ,of aowen, rich., and Mr. and Mae. N. Ogden of Exeter, spent a few days with Mr. .nd Mrs. ,Wm. Nadiger. Ma and lvirs. Wen. Smith ;cif 'V':ind- nor and Miss Florence Baker of Lon- tlon spent New Year's pith their 1/gr- ants, Mr. and Mrs. R. Baker. Mrs..Hoope.r of Etieten _eyelet 'tine +holidays with her daughter 'Mrs. E. R. Guenther. Miss Onieda Resterneyer of St.' Joseph Hospital, London, opevet New 'Years with eller parents. DRYSDALE Mr. John Duchsrine is visiting 1tiis son, ilea. Father Dacharme at Winds sor, at present. Mr. and Mrs. ]'reel Papineau artd. family of Detroit, are visiting fide pends 'Here, Mrs. AdolphBedard Is on the sick Bet at preterit, Rev. F lx larchait d,spent a few days witty his parents at Tilbury last week, ° Not much lee is prevalent on Lake Huron at present, •regardless of the ;cold and steady v4otor we are hav- ing . . The Provincial snow plow is. kept imsy going tee end down the Blue , Vater Highway. - e tho. e dtiys, as there ,e a few i r drifts �r p p.ces where it trityl 1i 1 f'ts lln Arid .oto• 'ai 1110t9r tXf Mei STANLEY TOWNSHIP Mr. Albert McCl ec;bey sof McGill- ivray Township speed a "few days With his -cousins ,in Sear ley. Dorothy Peck, S;ql le ;Keys and Isabel Robinson have returned to Cl- inton Collegiate and Gttrt}on Keys and Arnold Keys to Seaforth Colleg- iate -after spending the 'hp1itlys at their'homes here. At 'the Municipal Election -on 'Mon- day Fred Watson was elected Reeve of Stanley, over Mr. Roy ;;stttn.ont, The council for 1938 will be: Reeve Fred ;Watson; •Councillors, • ruiner Webster, Ed. Glenn, ' Joie Itelpper, Wrn, Fa/coner. HIiLLSr REN Mrs. Rc `.Merner of the 14th. (avid is spending aa, few clays at the ho+me of Mr. and:Mrs. Wilfred Weidel .axidr family. Mr. and. a, ,G. Love were via by relatives:frj-liensall during the eseeek. Mr. Dalyriispiie of Chiaoihurst spending a few dies at the home of 111, sister and kith_er-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. H. rijove visited their daughter and sip i}nj aw near l xe tar. Mr,.. and Mrs. Wolter Fairbairn are holidaying in the Southern States for a few - weeks during the -winter. • Mr. and Mrs. Hugh AleNurtrie of Kippers -visited at the 'lsome of the latter's :uncle. The Woman's Auxiliary 'si11 meet At' the desseise. '.,of s Mrs. :1iobert Steph emote on 'Wednesday January I2, of 2.30 p.m. 'The 'president, Miss cine Cochrane w111l be in -charge of ithis meeting. HENSALL Mary Hemphill of Toronto, was a Holiday visitor, • with her patents, Mr. and .Mrs, A.W.E.., Xdemishfll., Amy Lionan;e of Vv iiolllcox. was a holiday yr itor with her mother and .er.: Mra Vilna lesear ic' 'Sant Miss Greta Lits mire, L!RI !' : HERALD Leroy Dean of the Batik .of ,'flan Hoe'ored By Friends teasel staff here was a holiday vieitoz A pleasant eve was spent at the Tilsonburg1 e - N ti• Hee- Men. a witli.friends. •• holm- of Mr, and Mxs, a :1V%s,. Ferguson, druggist at 'Iennp- man, Stephen Twp„ when about 75 hill's drug store, was n visitor at TM- friends and neighbors gathered to say sienbltrg, farewell prior to their departure for Mr. and .Mrs. J. Lorne Ballantyne Exeter. During the evening, Mr. and and children of Detroit ,were visitofs Mrs..Heaman were made the recipi-. here with his mother and aunt, •Mrs. errts of a walnut table. • Carrie Ballantyne and ' Miss Katie ! Customs Officer Namect Scott. R. J. Deachman, M.P., • was in Mary Goodwin was a holiday visit- town Friday and announced that or with friends at London: Donald E. Campbell, Nelson st., God- Over 500 packages of candy and, Pariah, had been appointed to the pos- nuts were distributed from the ,beau-- ition of customs clerk and excise ex- tiful Christmas tree reoently. •arniner at Goderich Mr. Campbell Mrs. Harry Abray and :little san `.succeeds :hector Hays, who retired at and Miss Myrna Hudson •of London, the 'end :of Nov. after 25 years' `ser-- were holiday visitorh with their pare vice. He. is a Grea t Wad: veteran,— ents, Mr. and' Mrs. Cohn :Hudson, 'Goderich Signal -Star. Joseph Hudson, who has Seen ire a, - 65th Wedding Anniversary Toronto hospital for over a year tak- . Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Jacobs, of ing treatments, spent the 1noliday'with '.Seafortia celebrated the 65th anniv- •his family. He is re•covering nicely' ersary of their wedding at their and hopes to soon be home to stay, home on Christmas Day. I3oth are Mr. and Mrs. Harold Scrawl and in good health, Mr. Jacobs, who is in little daughter of Port Dever :and his 94th year, was born in London Miss Joyce ,Scrutaan ,of Toronto ',were Twp., and in 1872 was married to visitors here with their mother. Emily Brownell by Rev. C. Lavelle, Mr. and Mrs. Fearis tGai felon :and one of the early ministers of the Me - family of .Stronaberg were holiday thodist church. With the exception of visitors with Mrs. David Cantelon 5 years spent in Bowmanylile, they Grace Brock of `London was a vis- have lived continuously in Seaforth. itor at her home for a few .days. .'Far many years Mr, Jacobs carried Harry Cook of the teaching: staff on a tinsinithing business. Mrs. Jac - of the Toronto University is spend- el.'s is 85 years od but is still •able to ing the holidays with his ,parents, Me attend to all household duties. and Mrs. G. Coml. - Attempts Suicide Mr. and Mrs, Albert Herxyniig.and Arrested for Seaforth police in Mit Mary Little of London, spent holiday : shell, Pat. Curtin, a farm worker, with Mrs. Holland Little and their attempted suckle while waiting to be brother E:dwar.d Little. brought to ,Seaforth. Chief of Police Dr. A. Moir who ` has .spent the, H. Snell was notified early in the month of December in New York' evening that Curtin, who was want - and other medical centres has re -''ed for ciisturbancee he is said to have turned to his home at Huron Springs caused at Huron Road farms during Sanitarium. • • • recent weeks, was in Mitchell jail • Mr. aid Mrs..Andr:ew atrarray of and left immediately to bring his to Regina spent the holidays with Mr. Seaforth. IIt was after their arrival and Mrs. Robt. Paterson and other in Seaforth that Chief Snell noticed relatives. • Curtin was sick and immediately cal - Mr. and Mrs..G. C. Petty, acconlp- led a doctor, who rushed him to the anied by Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Abbott ; hospital. Curtain is said to have ad - of Detroit, were holiday visitors at .'mitted he took a small dose of stry- St. Marys, the guest ..of Dr• . and Mrs. ' chnne in Mitchell while awaiting the Smith. 'arrival of the Seaforth officer. Mrs. Mary McKaig was .taken to Succumbs At Clinton London Hospital 1V1onday last by De. James T. Clancy, C.N.P. agent at Steer where she underwent an •oper- Clinton, died on Friday after an ill- ation for appendicitis, and is progress ness of one month from heart cond- sing as well .as .can he. looked lot ition. He took over Clinton agency in Roy Kyle who spent several months Marth 1935, was engaged in railway at Sudbury was a holiday visitor with wank for 35 years. •Born ac Cargill his parents, Mr, and .Mrs: .Thothas in 1885 he was in his 53rd year. In Kyle. 1917 he married Marion Frank, who Mr, and .11?rs..L.orne '• Zuefle and survives, There also survives one bro children of Listowel spent the boli- her, J. J. Clancey, postmaster at days with his parents, Mr- ased Mrs ''Southampton; his father, John. Clan - John Zuefle. 'cey and three sons and: one daughter Large crowds are patronizizng the "survive. The funeral too:: place •at local rink, and :the ice is gaud. Guelph on Monday. - Mr. and Mrs. Orme McKenzie and 50th Anniversary ,children of Kincardine were `ihehda5 , lTr. and Mrs. James Scott,.well visitors with her .parents, Mr: •enc' , ;ow Cromarty: residents; celebrated Mrs. Earl Dxu°miriond. : Mrs. Maude •Redden of Glanworth spent the holidays with relatives and friends ]here~, Pheania Logan of Varna was a holiday visitor with her brother -in- law' and niece, Geo. and Mies. Irene Douglas. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Douglas :a ud daughter Norma and son Gordon, .all of Hyde _Park :and Allen' Douglas of London, were atietert -.with ;1Vfrs. Jno Johnstone .and Miss .Margaret: Mr. and Mrs. • Walter Moffat : and children of Stanley wer visitors with Mrs. Peter Fisher and Miss Eleanor. Dorothy Kyle sof Mention \was ,a holiday visitor at the .home of her parents, Mr and .ice. [rs.Thos•. Kyle. ---s— the 50th anniversary of their .marri- age at their residence, Elmgbank Farm: In, the same residence he was united with Margaret Laing 50 years ago by. Rev. P. Scott, Minister of Cromatty -Presbyterian ' -congregation fpr 29 years. After the marriage they resided on the farm formerly , owned by the groom's grandfather, for 19. years, but for -the past 31 yrs Mr. and Mrs. Scott have lived on the farm where Mrs. Scott's parents set- tled in 1870. -They have a family of three -children. Thief 'Invades School A sneak thief was successful in stealing some articles of clothing from one of Wingham school cloak- rooms. Apparently while the classes were in session the thief invaded the cloakroom and successfully, lifted COUNTY NEWS , some weari7ig apparel. The missing ar` Iles .include an overcoat, a felt Joseph Brandon., .of 'Eeigrave, pas- hat, scarf, overshoes and rubbers: sed away Wednesday lase in'his 78th year. His wife surve:vas. Mary Emily Ramos, s, 'wife ,of Lorne H. Elliott, twp. of _VIe$il'1op, dlied on Dec. 15th after a fe!is day's :illness. She was 51 years of ;age, a -native of the township in whieh she spent hex' life. Besides her musbnnd, .she 'leaves two sons and one daughter, also her mother, Mrs. Barron of Seaforth. New Armories Open The new Armories of -C. Company Goderich, will be open fey inspection on New Year's Day. Vigil -eon were welcomed. • Left Fof California Mr. and Mrs. Jim Hain, ri, .;of Clam,, arose, Alta., who have -en 'vieiting.. With the ,Brexiners at Gland 'Bend,, lefe :last week 'for Caliim ala, 'Where, they intend spending the wit; yr. YVIr+} and Mrs. Morris Brenner -went an : nits jjPetroit with them for a visit, ouncement i ,Mee Ann ani Mrs. Reuben "Frost, Sea-} foetal, swish to announce the engage- mesa ;of thertr,;daughter, Dorothy Lila t linin, ;,to ;II,egter, V. Hayne, of2nauyn, Qui bec; eioe.. ;of Rev. and Mrs,. .:W.O, Hayne, tOf 'R.gtiney, Ont. The snarri-' age to take p'i' on Imes 1332. .. Son Is Killed Doug. lsbister, son of John Isbis- ter, fernier Winghamite, now of Ona - way, Mich., was killed in a motor ac- cident. Jack was a student ,at Aztn Arbor 'University, and in company with thetee other boys was motoring home for. the Christmas holidays. when the accident occurred. Officials Honored Tuesday last, the Huron County Hanle 'Committee paid a visit to that Institution at Clinton' in the Bourse of their daties in winding up the affairs for the year. Being the 14th. anniversary' of the arrival of Mr. and Min. Jacobs as manager and matron, §lie occasion was fittingly marked by the presentation of .a beautiful areas- io,ast .chair as e. :mark of appreciation for their faithfnil service, and a cam- plinientary,address was read to the honored couple wrobp were completery taken by surprise. P i n k ey-•..t udmn o r e t^5eafoi°th United Church parsonage Was ;t ehscene - of a ,seniet + wedding. ..When Annie M. L. only dughter of ;. Mr. -arid Mr's. S. 1Cudimo's , Seaforth, Was united in marriage to t,or ze' Jes- f ittle.Pried S.nsl:ded eph Pis ney, Rev, T. Carnlel:iel'offi. 2 yr.. fold Andre'' 'Miller Jr. -eon, t±i'atiii; : e The bride Was' attended by Y of Andre'ue ,N1i11e6' f :R.2,. ":Crediten; this Margaret garet Beattie of I#u11ett, and was takeri..10, London Hospreai frons the gr•oorn supported by Harold Cunt - his home wit'b, severe scalds about Mins. ,A supperway served at ,the The back: The child ie reported to •bride's paren;.,s. have fallen -into a tub orf hot wator. His irniurie , although '*inful was. Pr xoweaazer at London s g 1 i iss E,1leii �. .ares o tti- 11' ivi 1 w L l,.of Cln net beliovr;d, to; l7<; irnrriedrate sdi;ous� • ::. , a , . :: � , oar xs ,reserving congrltult tons;, i`rain ;Man ant,Mi1e't1 a less.;than Wb& k ers fir'r~tida on the, standing''.reer Lv'ed„ At Puss r' •. redeceased •:lest hair 'i t the' :Miisfeal': Feitivel held in Lon- Week a . �J..,r� : � , ,t a i LPL week'. b >b]s:','wife Wm., H. rvicG� vir ' en•,last week, CoMpet ng• iii: tiLe con - died �,; r d s. d., �� r 1. +� •..Fi e`' q 0 ho, t Lir ins _ i 7 i j - to '�•oi cls,,, sn� , a i .' „ o• : at. lii�+'. t .. > .� 1 yc;tir. I ,,,.aS . s Q u .Li'ed' f r. `•_ e / : s` ens- i } t .1,. t a lon'- ,-resident ofd a' a � t' iia- � r � ilLe v s a+ii.t. g tic Beton 11 ifp,�;nc . s pyvvti ded 1 ii161a-•Twp. IXtI,'is .survlvr:' by one i;nee• modal She also inredo .a very' son in ;v]'r::CCi1ih and a brothti, jt};j,he ca+dfiitable showing at tl-e !'estival Weet. p } i•1r, iii'emnnoietion with ths5 TOrolito Exhibition. She obtained 75 marks and was only 10 marks below the st- anding obtain t- andi gabtaxn d by the gold medalist --Clinton News -Record. Left For Australia Fred G. Sanderson, KF:, Deputy - ,Speaker of the House of Commons, lefta St. Marys recently for Vancou- ver, B. C., where he wff embark on the steamship Aorangi of the Cana- dian -Australian line which will sail :for Sidney, Australia. As ,previously announced 1VLr. Sanderson and Dr. 3. R, Hurtubiso, 1VI.P., of Nipissing, are to be the official representatives of the Dominion of Canada at the 160th anniversary celebration of the found- ing of Australia, to be held in the State of New South Wates: They will be absent three moritl s. Bandmaster Turns Inventpr G. A. Schott, Wingham bandmaster and violinist, has invented a new sy- stem sound post for a violin that will improve the tone and power of a vi- olin by 100 per .cent:. He also el'ai:ms that the future violins made accord- ing to his discovery will be much bet- ter balanced for higher positions, the high notes being clear and true and retain their fullness of tone, No change has been made in the manu- fecture of violins in this respect for 200 years and 1VI,r. Schatte is satis- fied that -his invention .will be ,a boon to all stringed instruments played. 45th Anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dearing of Exeter, celebrated their 45th wed& ti Thurst3'ay Xa ivary 6th, 1938 ing anniversary last Tuesday, Mem- bers of the immediate family and were near friends entertained in the home during the day. Friends are extending congratulations and best wishes for malty more such cel- ebrations, Large Arctic Owl Be',.iFord, of Usborne recently shot an Arctic owl measuring 63 inches from tip to tip. It is a beautiful ,bird and avery large species, weighing a- bout nine pounds. It is mottled white and, brown with fine brie.on the legs and feet. It -was shot with a .22 ,rifle just as 'it was :abort to fly rtom the top of,L. Parson's barn. The bird is being :mounted. Fernier Councillor Succumbs' .James Walker died at his home; Clinton in his 83rd year, after an ' illness of 0110 week. Barn in Tucker - smith Twp., near Brucefield, he lived his entire life in that community, ex- cept for a few weeks spent in' Clin- ton. in January, 1896, ne < married Isabella McQueen of Stanley Town- ship, -who survives. Surviving also are one sister, nMrs. JennieK Me enzie of Fargo, N. 3aak.l two sons, James A., at borne;; Norman, of Brucefield;: one daughter, Mrs. Mary Brown, at home, and ;one grandson. Mr. Walk- er served his township as councillor for several years, was a member of iBrueefeld United 'Church and was a Liberal in politics. The funeral was held on Friday, Dec. 24th, with Rev. 1111141 Iii 16111111 Ilii 111 lir Ill hili Ii1r IldltJQI>il 1 II Ilii 011111 EglillEMIRE 111 HERAL 01:itIJOI3 Do You Know? 3 Mr... MERCHANT! You know thoroughly well that you have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely onyou to give them products which in use or consumption,. will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nationaly- circulated magazines them by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers? I am the Master Salesman of this Community, and my name is AD-W'E,R'I', E 110f1' If10111111111101i111111111111 i0il111Il111 Ii lUtlIIIl I I III II EIREEMEN I<Id 0i0L1i,t :' 0iIH0f II, I!l+11011110 01111111111110111 !HI 1111111 111111 11111111111111111 t eSNAPSlaOi GUIL HOW U1 ILISU.AL! A picture snapped .from inside, the proves to, be- a• -rase TT'S almost unbelievable hutit is true that many amateur snap - shooters have the notion that it. is only the unusual that is worthwhile snapping. When they tragi. a, camera is taken along to gat Uig• tures of new scenes and new Tames but they use it around their beams only on special occasions. "But," You may saY, "I've already. made good snaps around the house:. What else is there to shoot?" Wobody can answer that guestien, Car you directly_ Rut it's dollars to doughnuts that them are dozens of 'untottehed picture poseibilities. And all at them interesting as the• one already in your album. the secret of flxlding them is sim- ply a matter of keeping year eyes °pore Get the habit of lookilag at tlzingee—everything— as ttouesat yen bs,t1 never Been them beam., 14's amerditg t#xe way - :is lislt„it, will sharpen youf interest---•i.ow els•+' eci' by sheer familiarity -1u event the niest commonplace things. 610/40 41E 1'E the fittest pieces of Oboe co;-oaphsie ,art Ira•Ve been reeazl:tg of eporeoiative eyes in the beads aI' gtaeoat-tiitn es. The pattern �'A gun And shade ai tho fLtLfs.epe, the 4 house and through a window often inating bit of work. faseireating interplay of roof lines,. tree Portraits—are ' typical of pic- tures that may be made at home -- =tassel pictures of usual subjects.. Don't be afraid of doing things, differently. It's a tonic to tackle, olds subjects from new points of view.. It to get a shot that appeals to•you,,. you have to upset the "laws" of safe - and -sane snapshoothig, 'don't' hesi- tote. If your eye enjoys the scene; wlratiever it is, the; chances• arertItalp your camera, will enjoy it tori! - With such helps , as. tlia: in- ;u eaapensive pltotO4ioba+ Unite. (fit- wisteli efficient reflectors are avail-• a fe-1+ yen cnn do yotir gilaYpisho,,t ng; indoors as well as out. Presan3xday' ceras, films and lights give Vont unlimited ,scope for your sn epa1oot•-- ing. Today almost any piettana° is; peasibte—and at any time. Of a'ii words of praise fax the, snapshooter,; the sweetest are tisose,. spoken by. a f.rend:—"Well, Weald& you fook at that! I've seen that spelt: every day for the last fifteen years' and never dreamed it had the mak- lags of a pioture like thie," Maybe you've' heard these words altriately1 Congrattilationsl tie John van 'Guiltier,