HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-25, Page 3``,;::,rFT14r .ri:�r�rr�..r�rry.r.r... '• �7w;�4ri:.?itR4.*.41.+: :+;$74 iO4P4`o4404.X404,4..4P*,4`4���11��P.o.P,1.y*40. 4V 0 1 • 41 4 IIr 4 ClassifieJ4; t.1.1 _,. .„r..r1rrrrrr17rr'+'• .4%.*:'40Y0ggi 407,4.:0:+70.7..4:.:0 .�0,•,4,rp�4^0,�0�0•.0�,4^Oe0�4n0�4�4�O�Y 4i4i0�0,,,4 ; �, � A r R A r4�►0,� i, ,a e +,. h ,w + i, +..r. M GRAPH() AGENTS WANTED EIALESMAN WANTED BY "TEE OLD RE - liable Fonthili Nurseries" ('Established 100 years). Send ler Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines, Start now, exelusive terri- tory in town or country; liberal terms; free outfit. Stone and Wellington, Toronto 2, SELL SOBIES GUARANTEED LINGERIE, hesiery. A4anufaeturers. Stores, Eetah- Ilshed 25 yearn. Christmas seller, Expert- Farnham, Que. ails. Sables, 140 nee unnecessary. Get dei REPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR HOS- lery manufacturer for this dietrlot. Only energetic titan considered., Write full par- ticulars to Mr. Elliott, 72 Queen West, To- ronto, AMAZING PROFITS, AGENT$, $OUTS MEN selling etores, homes. Hundreds of big money makers. Clothing, dry' goods,.toilet Preparations, household specialties,• drug sundries. Free catalogue. Write Ralco, Wholesale, . Box 1404, Montreal. R AGENTS Christmas. GoonLpofits.SNECICTIES Write for samples and price liet. Murgatroid Agencies, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. SELL GLYCO HANDCLEANER AGENTS WANTED IN ALL COMMUNITIES to demonstrate and sell Glyeo, the perfect hand cleaner. Glyco overcomes competition, sure repeat sales summer and winter. Ex- clusive territory. Glyco Company of Canada, St. Nicholas Building, Montreal. WATCHES, BLANKETS, SETS OF SILVER- articlesTgivenware and to our agents. Send for useful free catalog. Royal Mail Order Co. 88 Sherbourne Street, Toronto. ARMY STORES WRITE FOR CHRISTMAS CATALOGUE, special prices, Boots, Blankets, etc. ArmY. Stores, 338'Queen St., East, Toronto. BARN ROOFING -FENCE POSTS OUR DIRECT FACTORY PRICES. SAVE YOU money on 'Supertite galvanized roofing. Superior Steel Fence Posts and steel gran- ary lining. Superior Products Limited, Sar- nia, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES roLIN- ger a business of your own.MEN - START A A shop, SS o r from your own home. Excellent profit, increasing business. Prices to meet competition, and garments superior in quality. Small invest- • ment starts you off. Write, Canadian Dress Company, 7A Camden Street, Toronto. ROOMING ROUSES FOR RENT, CONTENTS for sale, reasonable; rooms all occupied;. good: paying guests. Ottken, 17 Isabella, Toronto, CARPETS RE -WOVEN INTO RUGS OLD Rugs. ETWHQeO for price INTO Ilstt..E Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. CATTLE DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees av- erage over eleven thousand pounds milk per year. Ac- credited,ces Baysidea0 to Farm$ Owen Sound.80.00, ly Ac - DOGS SAINT BERNARD PUPPIES, RARE BEAU - ties, reasonably priced, safe delivery • in- sured. Paramount Kennels, North Batley, Que. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargemept 25c. Re -prints '10 for 250. Fh"tn-Craft, 1832, King . St. E., Toronto. • ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with tree enlargement 25c. Trevailna Stud- ios, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. PORTRAIT iN FOLDER -FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- n). Star Snap - hot Sered vice, 166 Ring St. rinted. 250 lWest, Dept. Y, Toronto. Ig,:,CII?USTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 250; 75c a dozen; com- nete easle th frame, 39c; 2 for Enlargements Roll films developed and printed, 250; reprints 3c each. Free enlargement with Brigbtling, 29 Richmond every E., Toronto. ROLLS fr ee V enlaED AND rgement, ment, 250.IGHT ReprintsTS 3c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. SPECIAL OFFER! THREE, 5 x 7 GLOSSY enlargements, 25e. Send your best negatives. Everett Woee, Route 3, Sarnia. ELECTRIC WELDER THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER-WON- derful -new invention. Operates from 6 -volt battery. a de- livered. R.'iR: • Anderson Lindsay, $3.95 Ont. FOR SALE FANNING MILL (KLINE) PROOF BEST Mill, sells price new g(Aucti tarales). Kline Manufacturing, SPECTACLE FRAMES, 51.50. PRESCRIP- tions filled. Special low prices. By mail. Schaefer Optical, 156 Yonge, Toronto. FURNITURE LOGY YOUR HANDWRITING REVEALS MUGA.. 250 full reading; two questions anewored. O. Mayo, Graphologist, 204 Bleeterer Street, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS ANDREWS' ACADEMY Or' it1AIRDRESSING, r BBooarddn Examination, Free prespectua 901 Board West, Toronto. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. The wonderful bargains in our Furniture Trade-in Dept. have made this the most popu- lar in Toronto. Space will not permit us to Ilst more than a few of our specials. If you do not see what you want advertised, write and let us know your needs, Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. All orders care- fully packed•••tOr immediate shipment on re- ceipt of money order. $.ggp./p® Beautiful 5 -Piece bedroom suite :]ee' Yd in two-tone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full rise bed, sagless spring and new all -felt, roll edge mattress; new condition. $69.®®tar6-Plewalnutsebedroom suite - ge adier, triple mirror 'vanity, chiffrobe, full size bed, sagless spring and brand new all -felt mattress. Completely re- finished like now. Cost over 5200.00. A real bargain. $49.0® Modern 9 -piece walnut finish din- t/ ing room suite, Buffet, china cab- inet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished. A. real smart suite. $1495 . Dining room suite, 8 pieces, large a i3 buffet, extension table and six strong leather -seat chairs; guaranteed clean and in god condition, $24.n00 Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, in eluding 3-plece chesterfield . suite good hard wocr;ng brown 'Upholstered tared in a go Marshall, cu shlons • end repp, with reversible table, bridge lamp and sharia, metal smelting stand and sills chesterfleld cushion. A real outstanding value. $i .2x- Large 3 -piece chesterfield suite, J upholstered in brown repp with fig- ured reversible Marshall spring cushions. A real good looking and comfortable suite. Burry for this offer. $A:9Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag- a" less spring and now roll edge ' all. felt mattress. Large assortment of kitchen cabinets, sewing machines, gas stoves, library tables, wardrobes,beds, springs, mattresses, odd dressers, ebiffonfers, studio conches, etc., at amazingly low 'prices. Trade -In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CD. 478 Yonge St., Toronto HONEY DELICIOUS AMBER HONEY, CONTAINS NO buckwheat, 6-10's, 54.20. R, D. McIntyre, Bridgeport, Ont. MEDICAL WHY SUFFER? ONLY 35c WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Varicose Salve will give permanent relief from ulcera, running sores, new or old wounds. Money -back guarantee, Mazar Mfg., 331 Flora Avenue, Winnipeg. ARE YOU SICK?' NATURE HAS A REMEDY FOR ALL COM mon ailments. No drugs, pills, capsules, or Iiquida-ONLY NATURAL REMEDY Free Booklet, "Nature's Way to Health"- Com- No ny, 2000W Dundas n. Indian Herbal West, 'VorontO. YOU CAN BE ENTIRELY FREE FROM ASTHMA HAY FEVER AND BRONCHITIS. REVOLU- tionary discovery of European physician has worked wonders. It quickly removes all traces of respiratory troubles however stub- born they appear to he. Write for free in- formation. R.M.B. Laboratories of Canada, Ltd., Dept. 1-629, Vancouver Block, Van- couver, B.C. WHY SUFFER? WHEN YOU CAN GET IMMEDIATE RELIEF from Head Colds, Catarrh and Deafness, by using "NAMELESS" Cold Remedy. Trial will convince. By mail 50c. A product of The Purity Chemical Co., Exeter, Ontario. GARLIC PEARLES SOLUBLE CAPSULES PURE ESSENTIAL OIL of fresh garlic. No disagreeable odor nor after-taste. For arthritis, prostate gland, ea- tarrh and other obstinate disorders. They are an internal disinfectant regulating the entire digestive system and are an excellent safeguard against common colds. $3 per 100 (enough for five weeks). R. Adam, P.O. Box 374, Vancouver, B.C. DR. LEFEVRE'S GENUINE DEHYDRATED Garlic and Spinach Powder In capsules. Na- ture's germ killer and antiseptic, odorless, tasteless. blood builder, strengthener; anti - catarrhal; for men, women and children. 500 and 52. Prepaid. Address Frisco Importing Co., Ltd., 441 Seymour St., Vancouver. PREVENTION IS BETTER THAN OPERA tion. Beesley's Bitters (MI -herb tonic) prevents ulcers or ulcerations of the stom- ach If you are suffering from internal trouble. Write for the testimonials we have from living people. Mrs. T. Van Camp, manufacturer, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS MUSICAL CHRISTMAS GIFTS. MOUTH OR- gan with Instruction Book (fifty cent value) for 25c; Ukulele with Instruction Book, $1.95; Hawaiian or Spanieh Guitar with`In- struction Book, d Instruction Book $5.45. Order nowViolin with , ww hile stocks are• complete. Whaley, Royce and Company, Limited, 237 Yonge Street, Toron- to, or your local Music Dealer. MISCELLANEOUS LEARN SHORTHAND, ACCOUNTANCY, Typrewriting by mail. Satisfied students throughout Canada. Write for free prospec- tus. Dept. C, Canada Business • College, Hamilton, Ontario, ,16 LBS. VERY GOOD BROKEN LEAF To- bacco $2. 7; lbs. 51. G. Dubois, 262,4 Rideau, Ottawa. CHOICE QUALITY EASTERN MINK, RAIS- ed from best strains of Labrador and Que- bec. They have all the fine characteristics of rs sold in 2 mink from Last ayear's pelt t section. a verage5 o$27.75. Reasonably priced. C. Bisbee, Alliston, Ont. MEN WANTED WANTED AMBITIOUS MEN. 18 YEARS or over, to detective Big Rewards. Interesting home -study course. Free information. Write to Morris L. Julien, Box 25, Station T., Montreal. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Invention Patents; Draw ngs; Regiation strations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PERSONAL ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, Positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or underetraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. PERSONALITY CHART SENT FREE RAYMAR, CANADA'S FOREMOST ADVIS- er on human problems, will send a Character and Personality Chart free to anyone who writes him. This amazing free offer is made merely to advertise Mason's 49 Cold Remedy and is available for a limited time only. Write today enclosing a self-addressed, stamped envelope and your birth -date. Ad- dress. - RaYrplar, care of Mason Remedies, Limited, 10-18 MOCaul Street, Toronto, Ca- nada. PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. The RamsayCompany, Be tawaedC Can. Attorneys, 273 PIGEONS Russia Constructs Children's"'�. r4lroaids MO$COW.-A al w system, :of rail- roads is being built in Russia - system intended only for children. Thirty lines are under construction now, all patterned after the one ,lit Dnepropetrovsk, which has a loco- motive and six cars and makes Chir ty-eight trips en a one -and -a -half- kilometer road. Six hundred and thirty children are the locomotive engineers, conduc' tors, dispatchers, station masters and other employees of the Dnieprope- trovsk road. Their activity is encour- aged by the Soviet government as education in railroading, along with education Stuff and : Nonsense long Canada's. Mining M M h? a owner in Barber Larder, is one of the best known prospectors and developers of mining properties, having entered the North country thirty years ago. Mr. Potter's well warranted success with Barber Larder will assist other mining ventures. He has already announc- ed the reopening of the Laconia Gold Miningproperty, in the Pro- vince vince of Quebec. The foals of mining interest in Eastern Canada, is the rapidly un- folding diamond drilling picture 9n the Barber Larder property, si- tuated to the West of Kerr Addi- son and to the Past of Omega, in and Larder Lake district of Ont- ario. Barber Larder is conceded in Vining circles to give promise of a major mining operation. R. S. Potter, President and big ▪ Thililt" it was Ella Wheeler Wilco/ who divided humanity into two classes, -those who lift and those who lean • Good enough! ... [f sitdoWners are included as loaners ... Personally ,.`. favor a division into assentors and dissenters . . . More simply, head nodders and head shakers ... Or yes- men and no -men ... Assenter$ gener- ally have the best time , . In politics they get all the gravy . In business they get by smoothly, avoiding argu; ments'... Must have been one of these who corned that excellent slogan. '""he customer is always right . . . Mill- ions assent to it, saving themselves much brow -wrinkling. But if there never had been any dissenters where do you think the world would be? . .. Pick out your favorite historical hero •and you'll find him dissenting from something he thought wrong ... Many are born dis. senters, like this ink -worm, others get that way from having their.. illusions' dissipated , .. Young folks, as a rule, assent, older ones dissent... Which should be enough to provide material. for a literary debate. Young Man -"Will you marry me? Heiress -"No, I'm afraid not" Young Man -"Oh, come on, be a support." MAGPIES, HELMETS, HOMERS, NUNS, Fantails. High class pigeons priced reason- ably. Write Perry Anderson, Kincardine,. Ontario, POULTRY SHIP TO EDWARD WILSON REG'D TOP MARKET PRICES PAID FOR DRESSED' Poultry and Eggs. Ed. Wilson, Reg'd., 44 Bonseceurs Mkt, Montreal, POULTRY MEDICINE ROUP, COLDS, SCRATCHES, SORES, ETC., quickly relieved with Briggs Electric 011. Many home uses Twn sizes - 79c (8 Oz.) 250 (2 0z,). Makers of Briggs Black Olt, Kennedy's Founder and Hoof Ointment. De- pendable over 88 years. Seld by drttr;g1ats. For FREE information write G. C. Briggs & Snne, Toronto QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! - 70 QUILTING QUILTING�PATTERNS! GIANT quilts" washtast remnantal "Makes five1 Cottons! Prints.' Silks i hide•dOwns! - 51.00 "Collect." Sample bundle - 25c. Refund Guarantee! Maritime 'Textiles, 8049 De• gaspe, Montreal. SONGS •• TWO NEW -FOLIOS FOR CHRISTMAS "Shirley Temple's Favorite Songs, from her newest pictures, Including "Good Night My Love," "When I'm With You," and seven others complete with words, music and many pictures of this famous star. "Carols for Christmas" containing thirty famous Christmas songe together with a condens- ed version of Charles Dickens' "Christmas Carol," and reeltation with music "'Tway The Night Before Christmas," Price 00 cents each. Dominion Music Supply,, llerrnant Building, Toronto. Worry is the price you have to pay' for being an intelligent human being , instead of being an animal. A tourist visiting a country fair, stopped by a merry-go-round. Present- ly he noticed a little man seated' en one of the wooden horses. What struck him as strange was that every time the merry-go-round stopped th4 little man matte no 030V8 to get off. the horse. At length curiosity overcd.me th tourist, and when next the than. o the horse stopped opposite him hi said t'Pardon, mes }' -t it' 'do. you, joy going :round and round like this?"' The unhappy one grimaced. "Not a bit," he replied. "Then why do you do it?" asked the tourist. "The man who owns this contrap- tion owes me five dollars," informed the little man, "and this Is the only way I can get it." - There are .a number of persons who never get next to themselves -and we don't blame them. Saul -"I was so hungry that the. moment I got in I began eating the tables." Paul -"Do you expect us to believe that? What sort of tables?" Saul -"Why, vege-tables, of course," "People aro pretty much the same the world over," asserts a writer. Aw, don't be so pessimistic, Diner -"Waiter, look at the ends of this sausage." Waiter -"What's wrong with ,them, sir?" Diner -"They're very close togeth- er, aren't they?" , There is no medicine to cure the loss of enthusiasm. TAXIDERMY ARTIFICIAL EYES AND SKULLS - TAXI- dermist and furriers supplies (as used in our own workshops). Send for free cata- logue. Oliver Spanner and Co., Ltd., 28 Elm Street, Toronto. TANNING FOX PELTS TANNED AND MADE INTO Scarfs. Animal skins tanned and made Into floor rugs. Deer and Moose Heads mounted. By expert Furriers and Taxidermists. Setis- faction guaranteed, price reasonable. Oliver Spanner Co., Ltd., 28 Elm St., Toronto. TOBACCO L]]AI' ", BURLEY, FOUR POUNDS 51.00, fourteen pounds 53.00. Five pounds Virginia Leaf Cigarette 'tobacco 5000. Postpaid with flavoring. Natural Leaf 'Tobacco Co., Lea- minrtnn, Ontario. ; WANTED WANTED-•.CFIRISTMAS TRESS, BALS;iM, `Woe. scotch t Pine. State Sp e. W. Euston, Rn price. C Route. 6' , Brantford, Ontario. tYt.. STOP THEM SCREAMING I If you worry" -with that queertaut'foeling in your etoreacli-take PI OSFERINII. A few tiny, economical drops each day will help steady these ragged nerves, improve your appetito, build up Your strength; At druggieta, 500, 51.00 and 61.50. 48 P IO F I� MR�ETONC Beauty In a New Car There's a double fashion note in this view of an attractive young person inspecting the handsome interior of one of the 1988 cars on view throughout Canada. Flowers in her hair ornament are in tune with the very latest in styles for 1938. So is the "breathing back" mohair velvet upholstery which forms an appropriate background for the moire evening gown, over which she is wearing a velvet cape with fur collar. Artists' Honeymoon Resumed Ir -l? :isl cl.ethi', ::xu,ti::a1-:elf conductor of the Itictropoliian Gi.era, New York, and his bride of six months ago, Rose Bampton, noted •soprano, are shown above at the Windsor Station as trney arrive at Montreal on a resumed honeymoon. For three months Miss Brampton had to fill concert and operatic engagements in Europe, while Mr. Pelletier had other professional engagements on this continent. "If you want to see the past, look to Europe and the Orient; if you want ...to see the future, look to South Amer- iha,"-Stephen Leacock.. "A horse is a good common denom- inator for the amoreit of common sense one has." -Lady 'Wright. Tale Lights -When 'a couple Mar- ries, the woman is merely trying her luck, while the plan is risking his. rop, ra u 5 RELIEVE ITCHING In A Minute Lien the most stubborn itching of ceeemu, blotttes, pimples, athlete's foot, rashes and other skin erup- tioes quickly yields to Dr. Dennis' (Moline, linlisep. t1F liquid D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION. Its gentle oda soothe the Irritated akin. Clear, greaseless and stain. les--dr)ee fast. Stops the most intense itchingi n. *rattly, A 250 trial bottle, et drug stores, proves 9 or moneyback. Ask for D. D. D. PRESCRIPTION • r �R Issue No. 48-'37 D-1 Our fathers and mothers called them "tramps' and "bums." Now we soft-soap thele as "transients". Trbe ,Flat int totyyj��ero J TONIC (SOLUTION OP SIPHOSPHATES LIME) ) DIRECT FROM THE MONASTERY TO YOtM Will build you up rapidly. Used suc- cessfully for over 150 years for nervous debility --diseases of the brain -anaemia -diseases of the bones. Especially good for growing children and the aged. GOLD MEDALS WON AT WORLDS' EXPOSITIONS OP HYGIENE PRICE 51.00 At All Drug Stores THE Ogden's Fine Cut has the taste that appeals to Canada's roll -your -owners from coast to coast-thefragrant flav- our that makes each puff a prideful pleasure. With .a package of Ogden's -and " Chan tecler" or"Vogue" papers -You'll quickly seewhythis mild,cool fine cutis the"roll" of the nation. 15c now buysq biggerpgckageofOgden's. P.S.- Your Pipe Jfeows Ogden's Cut ,Pug Novel Alarm Clock Makes Morning Tea Bachelors - and bachelor girls - have been remembered by the inven- tors at last. The latest thing, according to an English scientific magazine, is a combination alarm -clock cum electric kettle cum teapot, all part of the ap- paratus which automatically awakens the heavy sleeper and prepares his - or her-beds'de cup of tea. Double Action Double action on the alarm. clock does the trick. Before going to bed the alarm is set, say for 7.30 a.m., the kettle filled with water and the required amount of tea put in the teapot set beneath the kettle's spout. At 7.15 the clock switches on the current. Ten minutes later the wa- ter boils and empties itself into the teapot. Five minutes later, the tea being correctly infused, the alarm awakens #' sleeper. No me'tt- ai Wrias made of milk • in the article . perhaps another alarm -rings in-_the•.cciy-..stable and wakes "hassle" trained to make her way to the bedside'. Urges Hunters Wear Red Caps and Hats To make deer hunters poor targets'' R. G. Parvin, Colorado State Gme Commissioner, suggests they wear red capes and hats. "Last year we had only three fa- talities among 16,000 deer hunters, but this year we would like to get by without accidents," says paivin. "And if hunters must drink strong liquor they should do so moderately," he added. '`Liquor and bullets do not mix successfully." MAKE YSUR LIVER Produce its bile Your liver has a big job to do. Make it do what it is supposed to. Its job is to pro- duce 18 to 36 fluid ounces of bile every day and send it through the system. it it fails down on its job you suffer. AND HOW! The most effective stimulant for the liver known to medical science is calomel, which in small loses is of the highest use 1n con- gestive conditions those over-eating,overindulgen inalcohol, lack of exercise, etc. Tanol Tablets contain a cer- tain proportion of calomel, blended with cas- cara and oilier medicines. They are mild and harmless. But your liver understands and takes the hint. For sale at all druggists, 500. (B) Add INIPLES en equal amount of cream, or sweet oil, to Min- erd's, and apply the mixture once daily. A simple treat- ment which will 20 Clear up your skin! A YOUR KIDNEYS? ,L F you suffer from rest - less nights, if kidney irregularities break your rest and you are tired and drowsy - suffer Iran headache or t i z Y .spells, ell these may be the signs o f disordered kidneys. FOE the relief of minor kidney irregularities Dr. Pierce* A-nuric Tablets leave been found very beneficial. The action of this stimulant diuretic in flushing the kidneys, diluting acid, and relieving irritation has given relief to men and Women in every part of Canada. Taking a cup .of hot water and "A-nuric" after every meal should bring remarkable improvement. Buy of your neighborhood druggist now, Tablets 65c and 41.35. Niall the symptom blank which is in the A-nuric packatc and send a sample Of urine for free analysis to Da Pierce's. Clinic, Buf- falo, 13. Y.