HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-25, Page 1X.XXVIlE + i„ UT 1CH0 THURSDAY NG, NOVEMBER 25, (9 7. 4.00 Chester L, Smith, PubLW 0i $1.25 a year, U.S. '.$1.50 in Advccaftvit a1.5o [N ARREARS. sv MAY 874 OnA3PalA' • Let the Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling, Agents for the. celebrated Viking; Diabolo Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee. Let' us demonstrate this machine to you; and compare it with, all, others. And • don't forget, the best feature is 'the; unustal easy terms. Liberal aliowance, ' for trade-ins. C. SCHRAG & SON. • tf44 ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH - €»IT. "A Changeless Christ far a Chang- ing `iarld.." :*Friday, 8h—Luther League. Thursday—Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—Germain Sezvice. 11.15 a.m.—Sunday sehooL 7.30 p.m. ---English- servi�.e. Everybody Welcoane to ail Services. E. TUERKHEIM, Pastor. ds in the Hera HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR Mrs. -Fred: Thiel wishes to advise the publicthat she is now open for business. Permanents and Finger - waving a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor loeated in rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich. \LY COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zur<brigg, R.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every week day except Wednesday SWit And Save M 11, d e ney Phone or See Us for a Demonstration Before Buy- ing a New or Used Car. We can Save Ycu. Money USED CARS •NOW UN . SALE: 1931 FORD COACH,Original Finish and: Tires; and "Original Througi rut Th . Far 1s `like New. �3�1 t ` lae latAkl>u" z ,t .c. i lb1r. 1929. and 1928 FORD GOACFHFS (Your Pick a Four) 1928 POI`4T.EAC SEDAN,: O-wner's Name on Request 1928 'WHIPPET G&Atlti_ 1930 •CHEV. COACH, Looks and Runs like new 1930 FORD COACH, •Brie, nal Upholstering. New Paint, nark' Blue, for •_- $24.003 1929 FORD COACH, as ss .. _ _ _ . _ . _ .... .. _ _ . 10x00 1924 MODEL T. COACH, :good tires .. :$18:00 1928 FORD COUPE-, $123.00 ONE RUBBER TIRED I37;GY. C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESOTA. DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH, H.ENSLL, EXETER, CREDITON, GRAND BEND AND SUR D•UND1N'G COUNTRY L avH° tis Tho EXETER — ONT Thurs., Fri., Sat. 25, 2 "PICKS A STAR": Laurell and Hardy, and rats: an all Star Cast.` Met. 'C Mayer Picture. elly wyn Mon., Tues., Wed., Nov. 2,9 5 Dec. 1st. AT LAST A Page • from Canada's Glai. i, tory can be read. A`• page 'mast birth to a priceless record of Ian Heroism. The Pilgrimage to SALUTE TO VALOUR Dedication and Unveiling by ,Er?ard VIII. Added feature: Gena R'Ai,thur and Herbert Marshall, in Ives' ad - "IF YOU COULD ONLY , COOK' Eillirou's Comedy dance CARD OF THANKS The bereft family of the Iatea9 Pfaff wish to greatly thank t gains and friends for their! athy and assistance shown diiiaiz>,,,the illness and funeral of the c1ep ted. Also for the many floral tribileltlle choir. and- those who, loaned! cars. .�.1 your Fall Purchases .0' Mr. John Bender of Dashwood was a Tuesday visitor in town. Mr, and Mrs. Henry Howald mot- ored to London on Friday last. Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Hagan of Sea - forth were visitors with friends here one day la week. - Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Gascho and Mr. Milton Oesch were week -end visitors with friends at Desboro.- Mr. Waiter Burn of London, was a Sunday visitor with his parents at the Evangelical parsonage. Mr. Paul Hess who is attending Toronto University was a recent we- ek-end e- ekend visitor at his home here. Mr. Wallace Ross of near 13ruce- field was •a Monday visitor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. L. Snaith. Special meeting are being held in the. Evangelical church this week, and some outside speakers are taking part. Dr. E. F. Klopp of Kitchener and Mr. Leonard Klopp of Waterloo vis- ited their mother, Mrs. Louise Klopp in town on Sunday. Hay Council will meet on Monday kir November 29th, this .will be the sec- ond last regular business meetingheld this: year, and there is always a Iarge amount of business transaccea• at the last few meetings. Isnamniem 112:r. 'ant". ' ilirs -V3iairtte'-'6..r.as `ori$ son Lorne of.•near Kincardine visited Waving preliminary Nearing, Har- at the home of Mr. and Mrs.Menno hap - old. Livermore, Clinton and ` Harryi Desch this week. Mrs. Cardin hap Bradley, Godehich were Iast• .Thugs- pens' to be a twin sister to Mrs. Oesch day at Goderich cornniitted for trial Mr. and Mrs. Martin Wurm of on charges of criminal negligence, ar- town;., Mr. and Mrs. Dan Oswald of Thing from the dcath,:,of Mrs.' Win. the Bronson line; Mr. and Mrs. Karl Doherty in a motor accident en.. the McClinchey and family of Chisel - Huron road. Both elected triall by hurst were Sunday visitors with Mr. judge- and jury before Mag. Maki/is in county police court. -2 months in jail was the sentence given Geo. Mo - and Mrs...A. C. Levy, Clinton. PHONE YOUR 0 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED TUESDAY EVENING Of Each Week C. E. ZURBRIGG, Reg. Optometrist, Call for an Appointment • •: • • • • • • s • • • • • • Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Hamilton and • ulton, Dashwood, for keeping liquor daughter Loris, of London, spent the for sale. His home was declared, a week -end at the home of Mr, and Mrs • public place for one year. A Blyth l John Galster. , Doris rendered a very • A Blyth beverage -room waiter paid acceptable solo on Sunday morning $10 and costs for serving beer:.to in e Evangelical church • . two minors, girls who' later figuredth IlYIViENEAI. in an auto accident. The girls. also J wore assessed similar amounts, one o paying two additional fines of X10 hippy matrimonial event wi o costs, each for reckless driving ig, elebrated in Salem Lutheran church, o Nly ELL THE PEST FOR LES5 Specials for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Sultana Seedless Raisins per` lb • .. 1 Oc. Quaker Oats„ large laxrt. per pd14. Helmet• Corned Beef, 2 tins _... 25c Singapore Sliced Pineapple, 2 tins 21 c Maple Leaf Peas, per tin1 Oc Handy .Arrnrnsa„'per pkg...,.............. .... 5c Bee Hive Corn Syrup Ss Country. ist Com, 2 tins .. 21c Hemphill's: .meat Berries -1b bag' ...:..27c Life •Buoy Soap I. p . srnall.,Rinso.free w.wat 3)) •for _ ..::21,c :B Pork and Beans .21•z. 2 tins Hawes Float,. per tin . _.____..._..�,... Infant's Food. 2 tins .._,._. _ _._ ___.. 9c Bleached Sultanas Finest, per Ib.:... Currants, 213 K..._� _ ...,..r .,W. w,.:� ...._ ..,_..:27c Get Your Pram for 'aur Chrastrudd Cake., Highest -h P 140 .ai;t;.$42 Detroit when Mise Adelide Hager, d drivirg without a permit oo daughter of in all. A. charge of assaulting his son Ars_ William Rinke, was h f d Cha. Clarence Tuc united in wedatock to air. Garnet enuiet , ace Wal e1 kersmith farmer, and wal adjourned ver son of Mrs. C. Wolper and for 2 weeks. R. Di leiuy, MVluncey In - Saturday late Casper Wainer of 'Zurich, on dian already in .jail for severai days .Saturday evening November 20th, at on a vagrancy charge, was told to be 8 o'clock. After the wedding a re on his way and 'keep mirn arg;''.S?n ception was held at the Wittier. The tense was deferred one week on, Call many Zurich mends extend eongratu- .k Heipel. found guilty of theft. Laivr lotions. ince Sullivan, Detroit magazine :.sal- , Bedard—McClincney esnnan, charged with false pretences, had his bail of $500 reiletved aiid his An interesting matrimonial event case remanded one week, celebrated in St. Peter's R. C. church, laryidale on Monday, ivovein ber 22nd, when Rev. Father L. Mar- chand united in Holy Weddlock Miss'r Alva McClinchey, of Staniey Town- ship,.aand daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. :Henry 1VIcClinchey to Mr. A Statutory meeting or the: Villa Gordon Bedard, son of blr, and llr . F: age Council held on the eve of,. Nov t1l�erc 13eciard of tlne Blue Water 15th at 5 p.m. in the Conniicil Cham .' gightvay_ Friends join. ii extending' lensall Council Minutes . a • •s • b • • • 0 • 0 0 V1Ate3.18®at,Nl.i►Qe'&s*DV]OQV•I oG.l <sl4C6 04'J 4w.+!`•d• . • A G. HESS Jeweler and Optician Why pay for cheap Coal when, you can buy Blue Coal for the same price and have the best... Also: Miller Creek Alberta (Rose-, dale) ; Glen Rodger's Briquets aid' Coke. W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Pone 10 - Hensall .••••••••••••taaO0000046•44.••••••.00000004.0044--a0 3.0•• T rS 1 S Nt4 lt441Jr, 22,0 Up +� VERCOATS COAT S A FINE RANGE OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS JUST IN, AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES SEE OUR New Fall Hats, Caps, Sox, Tins in all the Iates't Styles and Colors. alum cla EMBALMERS AND !<'U14I RA,.L DLRECTCME. berg with all members present. .lViin congratulations. Utes of the previous meeting„were' read and adopted. �_• '• Ayotte—Deitricn Repot, that the streets needed A happy wedding was celebrated cleaning' and repairs. Coiniiitnn cations leas! and' filed: L. at`�'Lt..Carnniel R. C. Church on Set-. V nglzan.rc belief utcljai; dadAd ;urday Nnveinber 20th, when Father'. verrtising.:Associati,on; D. E 1-;olmes 1`'oghar•tsr united. in wed.11o.ck, Lucille re revision of Veters'. List; Dept of�~Chia,'.elaughter of Christ. Dietrich Public'Highlways re Traffic lay -law and the late 1121 s. Dietelich to iltr. Bills aid accts. read: M1ior( Floyd Ayotte ion of llr: and A. Spencer '& 'Son, re. rink, streets Mrs. Theo, Ayotte of the 14th con. 325.12; T. 'Welsh, material parya rnk y flay. The bride was given in mar - 112.32; V. 'White electric oto mage by her father to the strains of rink 35.00; T. Shaddiek alcor nnnlc .anusie played by the organist. she was 1.20; J, Sangster & Son rink $41, W dressed in white satin, carried. orange Fraser do 13.80; T. Richardson do blossoms and carnations. Dorothy, si;-i $19; T. Rands do 8.30; E. Willarci':;10r..of the bride was bridesmaid, and .trucking 27.501W. Taylor labor' Reid. Was dressed in sky-blue taffeta with i ,a,.„;,, 4 95; Pro "Crri+s: insir'iu :3,50;1- floorlength ',dress, carrying baby A. W. Easton. wreath -$5; Eitpositoir tnuxtns ware silver shoes and band; prini•ine; 2,10 ; School board current Two little nieces of the bride and Menses $700, groom dressed in pink and blue made Motion; that bills and accts be lovely flower girls. The wedding bre- paid. ' akfcst was served at the bride's In -nue P„e•ir, •i„fr„nied the Co- and the dinner' in the afternoon at nincil that he was going to stand fqr the groom's home, where a very Iov- re-election. elv":evenin;ir was spent. The happy • • m CP 14, raaa 1?.. I . r -xt53, 4 r .?'*Nit 1t :.' 'gZE$' dE'o i.W.gzittr'err•!^ap''E' ::hm" 5.V..Miis'rin:'t” t'az: easonable Good ON DISPLAY Wool Blankets, White, Grey and Plod FI•elmere ie Flannelettes, Mackinaw Flannels, Heavy Winter Shirts for Men and Boys. Special'. Bargain Prices on: House Dresses, Prints, Men's and Bays' Sweater Coats, Pullover Sweaaeree., Boys' Bloomers and Knickers., Harness Repairs a Specialty: Steve Pipes, Elbows, and Stove Fixing Cement, FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND R. N. DOUGLAS GENERAL NERiOiMNT PHONE 11 ' 97 James . A. I atcrsoin Clork. ' yo wig couplo will reside in Windsor. " :, n , ..er