HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-18, Page 5Thersciayi November I,at 193' BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL DUDLEY JoHoli �ys iBAitRISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARYP?UBLLC, ETC, OFFICE --Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario, Special Attention to Comecel and Court Work. .Mr. Holmes niay be consulted at 'Goderieb by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BRYCE L. D, S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ .BLOCK-ZIIIZICH ,FFvery Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At HARTLEIB' S BLOCK, DASHWOOD ]Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. D. H Pl. C W E N L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario y � y Q ypa %iRINA� VETERIA.N Dr. W. "_. COXON, B.V. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON Office in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich Phone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary er ry f Toronto. College, Universitytreated ll ,,iiseases of domestic anim,' 1.c by the most modern principles,. -Merges reasonable, Day or night. calfs promptly attended te. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Kennels. Office on Main -pposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALI• ;LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex ,1 j* IN A POSC' ION TO, CON duet any :Auction Sale, regardless :as to size or article to sell. I solicit your business, and if not satisfied will make no charges for Services Ren- dered. endered. ARTHUR V4EIiER—I]asliwood Phone 13-57, PRODUCE Fane p oduce T.ffie' HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm.. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich BUTCHERS . urichs' Popular' MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and.Cur ed Meats, Bolognas,. Sausages, lEct., always on hand. Kept fresh. in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins , Yunghlut & Son INSURANCE Western Farmers' Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RESERVE "PAL- BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MUT- ILIAL COMPANY DOING BUSINESS' OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO Amount of Insurance at Risk on Dec 33.st, 1035, $20•,479.,730.00 -. 'Total Cash in Tank and Bonds $254,627.52. ., `dates -14.50 per $1.000 for 3 Yea're- .: F. KLOPF ZURICH .gent, also Dealer in, Lightn' in ; Rods and all kind's:: r ,f' Fir For Purr ;remit., a , 1 su ant Drying, menthe the Put Your Want, Fol. rale Loat, Found, Etc. Ada. in this Column NOTICE• Owing to the withdrawl of M:r, Milford Schilbe from our business, it Will be z eeeseary to have all accounts settled by the .end of 1937. Give this your prompt attention. Please! L. SC,i"f IITJBEi & SON STRAYED From. Lot 18, :Con. 7, Hay Twp. a red 2 -yr. -old healer. about 900 -lbs. dehorned, ring in bottom of left ear white on forehead. Notify, Mrs. Wm. Blackwell, Hensall_ phone 8r88 Zur- ich central. •1�PlCe.L�.16b6�YlID'J.'®C3SA5u.G1'6'¢Vp'1Q1606R�)MIl'I�S4Gbi'rt./�i�.4M WANTED HORSES Suitable for rox meat, J. R. Murdoch, phone 11 on 86, Herisall. FOR SALK SPECIAL -6 cylinder Overland Coach 1926, in good mechanical con- dition, at a bargain. L. A. Prang & Son. FOR SALE 75 acres pasture, Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay, never -failing water in ditch, no wasteland, some small bush. Apply: Wm. Pearce, Exeter. FOR SALE 200 cords of dry mixed Wood, 12 inches long. Apply to: Herb Block, Zurich. NOTICE CASH for dead or alive Fertilizer' Animals:—phone 34r15, Dashwood. Isaiah Tetreau. pt25 LOST A Coleman Lantern between my place, Bronson line and Zurich, on Saturday evening Finderdlv:'r'e- turn to Chris. Gingerich,• Bronson line. WANTED General Maid. Must be good cook 1 Goodw ages. Other help kept. Re- 1 ferenees. Apply, Mrs. W. J. Till - mann, 612 Richmond St., London. WANTED , Experienced Cook, general, for family of three. Good wages for I capable person. --Ramsay, 197 Ridout St. South, London Ontario. t c NOTICE f c CATTLE WANTED s t A Farmer in a position to take in 1 and feed a limited number of cattle i for the coming winter. Apply at I Herald Office. I c V Election Pay e Cheques totalling $2,726.70 wore e mailed last wweek to deputy return I ing officers, poll clerks, constables C and owners of polling plices. The t scale of pay is: D.R.O. $10; pol. t clerks, $6; constables $4; and rent d of booths PL. -Huron Expositor. n r ZURICH HERALD Established 1900 ISSUED EVERY WEDNESDAY I NOON FROM THE Herald Printing Office t SUBSCRIPTION RATES -1.26 a i pear, strictly in advance; ;1.60 u arrears or $2.00 may be charged. 13 3. $1.50 in advance. 'No paper discos Armed until all means aro *paid um i ass at option of publisher. Tho data of which every Subscription is 'paid t s donated on the Label. a ADVERTISING RATES Professional Cards not eaceadin ellt inches, per year ;5.00, o In Menu:ears, one verso 69c, 2&&t t Cor each additional verse; Card of 1 Monks, 50c. ' Display advertising mad known ui application. Miscellaneous articles of not more d Ilan four lines, Per Sala, To Rent, v te,.nted, Lost, Found, eta., One inser i ion 260, 2 ins, 40c,, g ins. 60e. Fenn or Real &t to for sale $2.041 LOCAL P UR1 k i HERALD. Miss. Ethel Hess is spending Borne time with friends in Detrole., Mrs, Oliver Suxerus has left to Vend some time with her daughter at St. John, N. B. Mrs, Dayrnan of K peen called at the home of Mrs. �S..Jacobe one day last week. Miss Ruth Foster and friend of London:, called at the home:of •Mrs C. Eilbee on Sunday. Mx. Ken Routledge •of Stratford spent a' day with his mother in the village. • Miss Beatrice Gaseho of Waterloo spent the week -end visiting ner par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Dan. G•ascho, Rev. and Mrs. Roy M. Geiger and family of Welland, were-roci'nt visit- ors with relatives in t'htis vicinity. Mr.and' Mrs., Joseph Mention of 13elgrave :were week -end visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.` Hor- ner. 'Mr. and Mrs. Ezra. :fender of Drill wood, and Mr. Archie Bender of Toronto were Sunday visitors at the home of Mrs. Lydia Pfile.. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Aulerich who have been visiting with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. A. Prang left for their home in Detroit on Wednesday. C. Fritz & Son have a large. gang of men an trucks busy hauling; in earth for filling around their new service station, just east of the Mel - ick block. eeeMr. William O'Brein is neakirigni ii- provements to his barn.on-his dwell- ing property, a cement ioun�totion and other improvements are in''or der. Friends of Mr. Hilton Truemner of the 14th con., will be pleased to hear that he is now able to be out some and enjoy motor trips again after his confinement with a badly fractur- ed leg. Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Merrier; Mr. and Mrs. Leonard-Merner of the 14th con., have returned home after an enjoyable motor trip to New Hate - 'burg, Kitchener, Hamilton and Bur- lington_ Concert Well Attended The Free Concert put on by :,the1 Zurich Creamery Iast Friday evening Postponed American Visit Paris ---- The duke of Windsor Postponed his trip to the United elates for the study of housing and industrial conditions because of grave "misconception" over his .moves. The announeement of the postponement came less than 15 hours before the Duke aiid Duchess, with a staff of 7 were to start for a 37 day tour o !' America, Takes To Lake Men working on the pier at Bay- field last weak witnessed an unujuai sight, a dog chasing a deer crown the lake' bank in front , of the Metcalf residence. To escape the dog it swam ; slowly into the lake for scam digit- ance, the dog following a short way, ; hut soon gave up, the deer later warn ashore. A few years ago this would be unique in tlre.e part•:. Heavier Cattle- Wanted Heavier and better fleshed cattle g P'i' -' "1"f' k"g'+Y•'¢• '�' • •�••: e-leee are in demand. by Ui'ite:l X1 .''l' r feeders scheme which cern' in to feet Aug. 1937, in Great Britain, ac- cording to advices received by t',e Dominion department of agricult from observers on the market. Un- der the new bonus system cattle meet be held on feed t lt•e 90 dm , pee ter importation, Larose they r t ' "� , for the bonus. Lighter and thinner i cattle require up to 150 days on feed to que.lify for the 5 shilling per cwt l (112 P i.) "quality" cattle bonus er; the two shilling and sixpence pe ern paid fo r "ordinary" cattle that an: imported. Picks up 6-1b. Fi:n xv» .11spMlagps10aopp006.4Wile (MP kr 0.040o,�r00013130000013 es oar c�aaoso t • ZURICH CREAMERY We Pay a Prerrxiunxx of Two Cents per Pound B, 0 Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant. o Prompt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed • • • • Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same o Day. �O • YOUR . EGGS AND POULTRY 0 91 We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and h Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to agrade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH( CREAMERY o o o V( 000a Y +i�1a.6i/fi' o. DSDails cx3"�.4,4,.W'G90 a,:1,1 rL,. o, e. 0.,.. 1•J'W' i• Gi;f':Dd.'`'�+fG Oa1"irfA,distous 1 -- Just at a time when commercial fishermen at Goderich are lamentin• poor catches, Norman McPhail on Sunday morning waded into Labe Huron and caught a six -pound trout with his bare hands, It happened in this way. eH and a friend were tak- ing a morning stoll along the :beach south of the harbor, when they came upon the big fish struggling in a few inches of water and apparently lost. McPhail, who wore long rubber boots waded in for the kill. The squirming fish slipped through his hands a few times, but he finally secured a hold hehind the gills. By dinnertime the six -pounder was in the frying pan et the McPhail home, six in all en - eyed the Sunday fish dinner, aryl A wouldn't? was . overwhelmingly attended, as ov- Manyer an hour before the doors opened Hunters numbers gathered to gain admission. and get a good seat, and as a:con' sequence a large nninber were••turn'. There were 300 hunters. for every deer in South Bruce, last week, in the 'opinion of Game Overseer Mc - ed away.,The program . was of: e i ,..oy of Gederich, who patrolled the fhe nyder, eve'e -far .ly good co�-nideefi fI t ion -Bruce beundry line. All told high order and good quality, en:ll it is estimated some forty have been the Iarge crowd. The pictiz •es ever • ++ shot in the six days. Seven passed indeed•very educational, in fact e i g fro.. ;h Goderich on Friday in route cry .number was good. Considerable i to paints south. Six deer were bro- cominent is being given to the "Har -l E gift into Kincardine, one a 7 yr. -old mony Four" of Dashwood;, whose`' buck, weighing nearly 400 Ibs. All lumbers were outstanding. And the Iublic are very gr:tte.;•ul foethis :en erprising concern's free program. . DIED3T CAVALIER Tragedy stalked into a Cavalier, oath Dakota home on Oct. 2dth when Mrs. Wesley Ritter, well known roman of the Osnabrook vicinity, ;uf'ered burns which caused her Ieath a few hours later. She sustain d the burns on her entire body when he can Prom which she was pouring iistillate .upon a slow kitchen fire, xploded. Home alone, she ran iron, he house to try to extinguish the ire, which was burning her clothing iy rolling in grass. A doctor was ailed who stayed till the woman pas ed away. Her :husband who was hi he field 1 the time was called and y rapid work the fire was extingu- slied with considerable damage. Funeral services were heel from the ainily home and at the Evangelical hurch. Hester, her maiden dame vas a daughter of Adolph and Ven- tta Steinbach, born at Cavalier in 902. At the age of 11 she was con- erted uirder the -preaching of Rev, ohner, was reared in the Calvary. onimunity and was married in 1920 o Wesley Ritter. ,Four children were orn to the union, a son died and 3 aughtees survive. Her father, a step - other, two sisters and a brother su- wive, all of the Cavalier district. • To Take Over Ipperwash Beach Sarnia — The entire shore line of ppervvash Beach, from Kettle Point o Port Frank, will be taken over by he Ontario department of lands and forests and improved for public use was revealed by Milton D. Mac - Vicar, M:L.A.,-elect, Lambton East. Last year the Govt. bought some land at the east end of'the. beach, which t developed for use, as a provincial park. Some four miles is involved in he latest land aequistition. The Gov, etion settles as age-old controversy as to the ownership of the beach. Sirtnmer residents contended they weed out to the water erne and hey regarded persons who drove a- ong the beach or bathed there as trespassers. It was learned emu Mr. 1VIacVicar that a study of the matter has been made by the federal al provincial' ,governrnents and this etermined the property line of pie- ta ownership as the high water nark. The Provincial Govt. has been even the authority now to supervise nd police the shore. A good many ter each i'oI London 'people are property ownex;s in the area affected. Were 'quite fat. Hunted by dogs, teeny neer have crossed the boundary r e into Huron County, wrnca was erohiki.ed territory, and out of the range of gunfire. One farmer who e, -in land in both counties, reports having seen deer every morning of the tv eek. Seven were witnessed cros- sing the road in ono group to safety. Bayfield's New Bridge • Work on the quarter -million -dollar Cut Your Fuels I - HAL' Buy storm I/Eradcws and Door LET US QUOTE YOU! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARR" A LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAND AT ALL rielES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK `WILE YOU WAIT. Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Mater e.A PHONE ar'smrn•.,mmveess 69 .z++++1•+• .1•.•3•ar-i,a•g•,3.++ } h+•*<•3•++..r,.Iy ZURICH a -ea .,;.+ e- •4 a ee 1. Deco n',5J,e c ac?stemas? E.f! me o otD9ris .efar1aF.D®0J 431D E1c4em WE'SDe erg al and • d. 3 We are now filling orders for the owing winter's fuel, Prices be higher later on, .o order, now PURINA Stock Foods and Chows j A guaranteed product that will". .helpyour Stock , � r.n.(a PUu,'lily e 6 4 A a 0 a S 5 5 3 a 0 5 0 elaa FREE! FREE! Coronation sets of Dishes.. and Rodgers Silverware given to our CustomeIrs in exchange for a regt'.fr d amount of Coupons which we are giving with pur- chases at our store,.. These will make splendid Christmas Gifts! Midge proposed to span the ,river at the villagei Peneleld probably will, hiW commence next su=nnier, Jas. Baila'i- tyne, M.P.P. for Huron said clueing ? a brief intel°oiew at Goderich. He stated that although tentative survey; work was being cowl -petit' this fall ib, actual work would be done this Year. The bridge proposal has been mooted many months now. It has tonne to be regarded as an absolute necessity ov,ing to increased speed limits and improved roads. At pres- ent a short one-way bridge spans the river, and it is reached by driving down a long winding hill on either side. Numerous accidents have occur- red on these hills. The new bridge will span the entire river valley. In County Court One of the briefest Supreme Court sessions in many years was conduct - td on Tuesday afternoon of last week at Godeich by Justin Chewier. Of a docket of five cases it was announ- ced two were cc.tt'ecl out of court n.P l one was set over by consent. Two divorce cases were heard by His Lordship and he allowed a decree nisi in each case. Marion Filsinger War- rener, of God`erach, obtained a divorce from, Harold•War°rener and custody oftbeir ;daughter, Avis; and Walter Scott, of`• Seaforth, obtained a di- vorce from Dolores May Scott. A rgu- meet; wase heard over the disposition of costs in one. settled Case, VVIiately vs, Botz et al., in which Mrs. J B. 'Whitely sought to; establish the will of her husband. It was announced a ;settlement of $550 had been made on the defendant three• sister's, dau- gliders of Dr, J.. B. 'Whitely by iirst:marriage. However,- the settle - that was reached on the proviso fire official guardian forego his costs, This precedure was refused and ter considerable dickering course plaintiff and defendants agreed to pay $30 each towards the costa, iixrderstoocl portion of the 3550 is paid by other relatives, ]'lain counsel stated the will was urnla*ted at X7:0.000 and that there were debts Of x:1.4,000 or $15,000 against the estate , his that af- 1 for it 'le tiff's i IMOC/M000-00Qa11.0e74107•• ®13131118614300 ale a 016 131110a.7a430012. g • 0 .0 5 bs FYffiiE Ae s.lMifdili-M8 AAikAMw w WW1; Zurich Store ee; oupplies We have a full Line of all the requirements of School Supplies All authorized Public School Books, including the New Speller All High School Text Books, etc. PENS, PENCILS, INKS, E : C. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Perfumizers, Toilet Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes* See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations ZurichDr, 7r" 1 , e" m'w,A mot MP MM r. PAPM RAMAT 10 V▪ C apt ae ea ve▪ r ss ae Pt 105 FIR 114 Ilt F s