HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-18, Page 4• • It At' 3LAK.: and Mr,-A:iiron Erb and falaa •, ;41-,73, 1111r, and Ml's. Goedot Erb were]: ,Sumlay- vis] osis with Mr. and Meek Sam Gingerib311,. Kr, and Mrs. Jacob GingexiA and iifamily of the Goshen Line south, sp- ;at Sunday with 1V.Ir. and Mee. Chrs. 4Gascho. Mr. ;and Mrs. Chris. Erb, Mr. and `il1'Irs. Emmerson Erb and daughter 7lVIariafl spent en t the week -end i a t Ct» trenez. Sunday visitors with Mr, and, Mrs et13. Anianns at Zurich from here ,acre: Mr. and Mrs. Amos Ginger- la and Jean; Mr. and Mrs. Antos eGasebo and family; Mrs. Peter Bre- anniian; Mr. and Mrs, Roy Gingerich' :hard son Melvin. Wee and Mrs. Aldan Swartzentru-•� ibex, Mr. Clarence and Laura Genteel 'Willie and Earl Oesch spent Sunday with Mrs, Bert Faber at Hensall, HILLSCREEN Miss Doreen Reichert returned to icer home after having a position in ia:rich during the week. at TX km -44 11clna Cochrane, R. N., a;etw ?Carlen II'o her home •afteal leaving ,sikjAt • Montreal, R a 1,114x.4 lahe weeks ix s ev�rt,a l e had a position. • 111x• Bruce Waller spent a few days in Hamlltolk and vicit'tity, Miss Annie i& watt spent a few lays in Toronto and Smithville.. Quite a number took in the auc- tion sties la the loealit'y during the week. Mr:and Mrs, R. 'McAlIister and daughter Jeanette :and Ruth visited friends in Toronto.' r �. F. Anderson and :Mrs, �• and M. �� z1- Mr, daughter Pearl 'of Varna visited at the home of Mrs, McAllister.: Mr. H, R. Samuels of . Toronto, was up -looking after his farm du,t•ing the wick, "on the Babylon line. W,111..S.--The November meetinge.of the Women's Missionary Society was held 'cit :the home of Mrs. R. McAl- lister on Wedne ;clays , Novemaer 10, with Mrs. W. Turner presiding.. The meotiiiii was opened with the Theme "The 'Church in My Life, All. Life, All Lands." Hymn 196 wee used, re- spensive reading was taken :hone the Hymnary 150; Mrs. Turner led ' in 'prayer; Hymn 243 was used, follow- ing was the Treasurer's report.' The quc,stionarire was answered by Miss: Edna Coeht•ane and Ml's. W. Turner. A reading was given by Miss Rena. Stephenson. Offering was taken. The .:l I^^ ..i4.a•.;.Jr.i..'r'y ,;,,a.++4-og.e+e ,:. ,.;,4.4 4 -. , .- ; 4-e ; 44- ,ee ,3..s..;.+4- ,- : ; • :- ` 4 + 1 J 4 Y 4 T " E C.T L' ;also CHOICE VARIETY OF CAKE, PIES AND SWEET GOODS. 1 - All Ingredients Used are of the Highest Quality ALL CONFECTIONS -- ICE CREAM • Our Store will be closed each Wednesday Evening Telephone 100 Zurich a. .2-++++++÷÷÷÷44-:.-44÷4.+4-:-+++++ ....:. a .; ..•:-.+ 's-++++.54 4+14:+4 4 s• 4 A•Re, 0 4. 4 4 4 To New Subscribers, Paid in, Advance, .. W. r; s send the ZURICH HERALD to the end of 1 1938 for only 41. $1.25 in Canada 4 elel-'4444+++444+444-4444-44-44-44 -ea-4e Opportunity! SCARVE i scartFE S CO ` 1 FOR INSIDE OR OUTSIDE -WOOD OR CEMENT JOHNSTON & ICALBFLEL CH Zurich — Ont. 11111 111 IIII 1 I11 II11 (Of 1111]1111 li111111 11111130E111lllf21M111111111 10TE1, Il[1d11111111E181110lllllllll11lll11llllll111111llil!IIIIII01611111I1111i .LER.A.LD OFPIOE Do You Know? - Mr.,. MERCHANT! You know thoroughlywell thatyou y u have power in your store, to influence the decision of your cus- tomers in regard to what they buy from you. Your customers rely on you to give them products which In use Ur consumption,' will give them complete satisfaction. If it is right to use big city dailies and nati onaly - circulated m oazlnes them by the same token, it is right to use local weekly newspapers! 1 am the Master Salesman of this Community, and. fliy name is ADVERTISE 1111111II141114114 1i1-UpIIII{111111111111pili iIH I I I I I@10U00110(I�ll a to e Gi001iilUlll eirll0ru'll1f01001 III 11111111 111 ffl 010V0102111 llll r"; December 4ite,eting . is to be hei.cl in the home of Miss Annie 3 argot{, Hy 11 1 384 meeting '' S n Fon the meet 10. f b d at 4 i �.l using the Lord's prayer in unison.'. DAS1^IW00I) A Coronation .Travelogue illustrat- ed with. lanteraa .slides will. .be given; by Mr. Harry Hoffman in the Evaa- gelieal church an Friday, evening Nov.9 at a19th 8 �' n Ck `� r o'clock. H e. 111 be assisted by Dr, Dell of Hensai'i who will also show .slides takori by hurl-: self on :a world tour, Miss Anna Tieman is :speeding,. week in. Laiidond Miss Catherine Finkbeiuer who spy;. Girt several weeks with her sister iai' Sarnia has returned' 'tome, Mr, and Mrs. J,. Reschke and Earn-'• ily of Detroit spent the week -end `with, .her parents, Mr, and Mrs. G. Meaner. . Miss Kathleen Merx'aer• who spent several weeks in Detroit has return ed .laolxxe. Mr. and Mrs. L. Morenz ,spent the. week -end tirita friends. m Gaelpn, Howard Iilumpp is on the psi lc list We hope for a 'speedy' recovery, Ma. land Mrs. Waiter Heintz, Mn,n Writ. Schroeder and Miss Amelia; Willert of Detroit and Mr. and 111irs Clayton Wildfong of London .were' �voek-end visitors with Mrs. klamach er Mrs. Witzel and Mrs. E. Tiernan axe on the sick list, Mrs. Gordon McPherson and �dau ghter .auth of Bryanaton, spent a few days,with her sister, Mrs. A. E. (les; teicher last Week. ,t!x. Ha.:ry Hoffman was soloist at- the Diamond Jubilee services `et Ad-, elaid Street Baptist church in Loxi don last Sunday Mr. and Mrs. L. Birk and Verne o1 -'e Guelph spent the week -end here. Mrs. V. Schatz spent Sunday With friends in Blyth. Mr. A. Weber spent the week -end in 'Kitchener. A Sauer-K.•aut Sapper, under aur- pices of the Excelsicee Sunday' School class of the Evangelical c a rich, will be given, in the churc'_x basement" on Wednesday Dec. 1st, at 5.30. to S, m. The first supper of this nature in. Dashwood was introduced a year age: by this S.S. Class and the success of it followed by many requests to have it again has inspired the class. to now, make it an annual event. A d'414 couese supper Will ,be solved.• Watch' foe; further announcements. • St. Joseph and Beaver -Tow] Ir. Solonui • W tlliame evife as daughter Maitge ite of ' =Si dforth, e s. led on the latter's parents, Mi, atia Mrs, Oscar Dncharine Sr. of St. Jos; eph, north: 'Mr. and Mrs. Morris Denomme and family 'who have resided in Beaver- fown for a number of years have moved to Blake last week. • Their de- parture is gradually rectuc tig the population of Beaver Town. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ducharme and two sons Victor and Napoleon 'and Mrs, Lenard Jeffeery of Blake mat ored to London on Sunday to call on their daughter Madelen who -was re- eently opedated on for appendicitis. Mr. Norman Sararas of the Niue Water south who has been vieitieg in Dectoit for a few'weeks returned to his home on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Meek of Dc- troit .'i nt the weer -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John Charrette. Mrs. Gilbert Jeffrey was a Sunday visitor with her parentts, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bedard, St. Joseph north Mrs. C. Ayotte of Zurich spent the week -end with Mrs. Rachel Denomiue of St. Joseph north. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Masse of Grand Bend, called at the name of Mr. and Mrs. Leon Jeffrey of Beav ertown on Sunday last. Mr: and Mrs. James Masse of the Blue Water south were Sunday vis- itors at Blake with Mr. and Mrs. Mor- ris Denomme, A number of our young people from: this bug and surrounding nei- ghborhood motored to Mount Carmel on Friday last. While the outer class and minor eines accepted free tickets' to attend the Zurich Creamery's en tertainmen t, Mr. Denis Charrette has purchased a car from 'Ward Fritz, formerly owned by Mr, L. ,Sararas, Bederd._.Masse On Monday morning last a pretty wedding took .place in St. Peters' ohn rch, French Settlement, by the Rev. Father L. Maaphand, of Mr. Percy Bedard, s.on.•of Mar. and Mrs. Leon Bedard „of St. -Josep]i • north,. and Miss Marie Masse, 'daughter of Mr. and M -s. James Masse of the' Blue Water south. The bride, who Was given away by her father, look ed charming in her ensemble of lust with access r lea to match, The gro• om was sup eo- _ed by 1V7t . Leonard Denomme; while Miss Yonne, sister of the '3ride, was bridesmaid, Af't:r the ceremony a dainty breakfast was erved, at the groom's paronts, after 'which the leeid.l pa;ty left on. a mote or trip to Courtright, Chatham. and Win'"sor and other points. On their return they will resile in Beaver' Town, whaee t1-» citizens of : , t' r I berg and surrounding community a ea'' '' 'r7 vv :811 tielitl 'or", J ,. and happiness in their new a 1-i] . lif4.. 'H .E N S A L, L Hugh ,McEwen is spending several Weeks visiting relatives and friends different pasts of the , Canadian.. West, The couatell have moved. the ;dress- ing and waiting room from the old rink property ion Queen 81, to the new rink at the park grounds. The high boerd fences • are being, taken down and the property cleaned up which makes a big impi'aveni.ent 'to ,. that part of the street. Rev, W. A. Young, Dr. Steer, T. ,Sherritt and Reeve Shaddiek were up in Bruce County last week on at hunt- ing trip. 1VIr, and Mrs. Fred Milne and son, of Hamilton were guests avith Mr, and Mrs. Jno. i assmore, Mr. and 117rs. Will McLean and children of !Hamilton, and Lloyd Pass m.or'e and friend of Delhi were visit- ors in town, Mrs. E. Rennie retureed home . af- ter spending sever.a a:eens in Tor- onto visiting with her'daughter' Mrs Paisley. M,rs. David Cantelon has returned home after sPending several weeks visiting at the Name of her son Ferris Canteion at Sehombei;G. 1� r. and Mrs Ferris accompanied hes hone and spent the week -enol there. Mrs, Victor Fee who recently bought from Geo. Armstrong the home on Oxford St., .recently occu- pied by Mr. and Mrs. Harold Hillary has moved in and has now got nicely settled in her -new home. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sparks of De- troit were visitors with his father,Mr and Mrs. Alex. Sparks. Harold Bonithron was a visitor to Por'onto with friends. Dr. Steer sect:scd a fine deer ner Whitechurch while on a hunting trip ;UP 'north last week. Mrs. Louis Mendosa; of Toronto, a former Hensall resident, spent a few days at the home of M.r. and Mrs. Albert Spencer. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Troyer of To - onto• were visitors with Mr. and Mrs Cao,: Hudson. Purchases Block Fred Smallacombe has purchased from. the Beak of Commerce th building on the south side of King St., opposite the Commercial Hotel, and formerly used as a bank but now occupied by Miss Beryl Drtan- mond as a beauty parlor there. Mr. Smallaemmbe will occupy the rooms upstairs as a residence and will' use the main floor for a business venture that he has in view. Smith—Stott On Nov. 8th in the United Chueeh Hensall, Mr. Albert. E. Smith cf Lon- don, son of Mr.• and Mrs. Harey. Smith of Hensall, ;was unitad in mar - a iage to h iss' Deo th Si kA ghter. of Mrs. iorelthy R. -Stott of London. Ther marriage' ceremony was perfor- med by Rev. A. Sinclair in the pres- ence of the immediate families. The young, couple left on a trip to Mon- treal and Eestern Canada after .whi- chthey will reside in London where Mx•. Siniti has charge of a good bus- iness.. . Lammie—Duma A pretty wedding took place at the United Church parsonage, Hensall; when Vera . May, eldest daughter of Mr. .and Mrs. ,Geo. Dunn of Usborne Twp., became the bride of Clayton R. Lammie, only .son of Mrs. Lammie and the late Wm. Lainmie of Hen- sall. The' ceremony was performed by Rev. Arthur Sinclair.The bride was attended by the groom's sister, Miss eGreta Lammie while the groom was supported'' by Mervyn Dunn. A wedding dinner was served to the im mediate relatives of the bride a ate: .groom .at the home of her parents in Usborne. Later in the day .the hap- py couple left on a ]motor. trip to Windsor and Detroit. On their 're - ;torn they will -reside in Exeter. Mr. and Mrs. Lammie are bath very -po- pular. in Exeter and Hensall. Mr. Laxmntniie is a member of the C.N.R. ' station stafiif at Exeter and the ',.ride asmenvber of the staff of Chain - ways Ltd., Exeter, and they have the best wishes of their many friends:. COUNTY NEWS An effort is being inad'e for 1 he formation of a Lions Club in Exeter.. Niue carloads of food'stuff's have been shipped to Western Canada from .points in South Huron. Robert Dinsdale has disposed of his 1Q0 -acre farm„eiteet of Kippen to W. E. Butt and wilt remove with his wife to-K.ippen;'to make their home. A lecture cl.tb has been formed at Seaforth, with. Elmer 0. Bell as pre- sident, with the` object of bringing speakers to the 'town during the whi- ter ,rnontlis. in-ter.:months. Friends are pleased to learn that Mrs. ' Chas Zwicker of died;ton, is llnproving "nicely since- her operation which was performed recently in the General Hospital at Toronto. - Cow Is ProliAc Prolificness of a cow owned d y A. E. White in Bruce Township has ev- eryone in the district. In less than a year it has given birth to four cela- es two sets of twins, ; Clothing For Relief 18 sacks of gnod s"und clnt"tth- and quilts were paol.od recently at Brumfield and will be sent to Regina to be distributed among the noedy iu Sasatehekan. 114iine $1.0,00 Prix* Beavers Iardvaie and stove sore of Exeter, has been running a contest through ,Sept. and Oct., for the old- est cook stove in use. There Were many entries, but Gordon C. Adel- wood, of Usborne, was the winner, he having a stove 44 years old, hay- ing been purchased in 18.93., Evangelistic Meetings Evangelistic meetings are ]being conducted in the Evangelical churen Crediton,. Rev. andMrs. T. Me' lox y Trenton, :are the Evangelists. They are powerful preachers and singers. Their preaching and methods of con- ducting services are Scriptural or: the Old Methodist type. The •services are well attended and members of other churches 'are cordially invited to en -d joy this season of revival. I Kicked by Horse Kicked by a horse while driving them- in from pasture, David Carruth era's, Kinloss Twp., suffered a fractur- ed. leg, Unable to make shouts for as- sistance heard, he crawled 30 yards to his home. He was taken to Luck-' now for exacination tied ]then to Wingham General Hospital, where he is improving. Car Hit Deer Near Auburn,, on Sunday night last, Arthur Yungblut, of Detroit, who was visiting with his parenits,Mr. and Mrs. George F. Yungblut, ran into a deer on the road. The car was considerably damaged but the deer made off before Keith Arthur; who was a passenger in the car, and Mr. Youngblut got out of the car. Celebrates Froth Birthday Robt. Welsh celebrated his 80th birthday, Sunday last. Members of . the family gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. Welsh, No. 4 High- way 'north of .Hensall. For 37 years Mr. Welsh served on the police force in Clinton. He was bailiff for 20 yrs. during this period. He is enjoying the best of health and able to be out and around. Boy's Les is Broken Lawrence Ruland, the `L yr. -old son of Mr. and Mss. Geo. Ruland, Mild- may, was taken to the Bruce County Hospital, suffering from a , ractured leg below the, knee supposedly sus- tained by a horse stepping on it me - Thu stia s- ' 'hursda , Caverr:hea 18th, 1'93 • the lad was -playing on the groun& us the ;animal WAS passing, agitatione t as QFeaned Anbegun more than 401' years .ago to open that part of John street, between William and Main st.. at ,Exeter, has at last been sucees-- ful. The axew street has been cleared the road bed gravelled, a cement . walk laid and »a street light erected, and is now in general use by the pub- lie.. A Flying Trip Flying in three hops from Mon— tana to,Goderich G h is deric his h s o w i• n lane with •private: pilot, Dr. A. Nelson. Smith landed in a field east of Mene- setung :Park, Goderich, .on Saturday last at dusk, and drove in . by taxi from Goderich to Pine River, near Kincardine to visit relatives. The pilot at first overshot Goderich and flew to Kincardine, but on being un- able to locate a field suitable for lan- ding there he retraced his course to Goderich and dropped down on the north side of the Maitland River. The plane was a beautiful four -passenger cabin Stinson Reliant, powered by a Lycorning 245-h.p. engine with a cru- ising speed of 140 miles per hr. Fail To Take Tura Miss Loretta Schwantz, 17, was taken to Goderich hospital and iMss Alma 'Colcloubh, 1g, was painfully cut about -the head and face when the car in which they were riding with Edwin Dale, 22 and Roy Caley 33, both of Stratford, r'oIled over several times on highway No. 8 at Taylor's corners. Miss Schwantz and Caley, who were in the back seat, were thrown through the top of the car as it rolled over, and fell to the highway and rolled to a point 30 ft. past the car, which came to rest on its four wheels. Miss Schwantz suff- ered a broken right arm, fractured chest bone and possible internal in- juries. Caley was uninjured. Miss; ,Colclough, who was driving the car, and Dale, whose father owns the car were jammed against the windshield' and suffered painful cuts about t he, head and face. The girls were taken io Goderich by ;Mr .and Mrs. Moody who happened along. No explanation was offered for the accident by the occupants of the car, but it vas evidenced from marks on the high- way they had missed the corner. ..76S.NAPS1-1071 CUR. WAFER DOE1 • An episode in an amateur photographer's picture Odyssey of the travels - of water. • Exposure f22 at 1J25 second. THD moods of water, tumbling, bubbling'; gushing; Spouting, dashing, splashing, trickling, roll- ing, rippling, dripping, glad, angry, smooth, rough, serene, peaceful, make adjectives for poets; For the amateur photographer with any poetry in his soul whatever,they make themes for beautiful pictures. and the subject of a delightful pic- ture hobby: We know of, one amateur photog- rapher hotographer who used his camera to pic- ture- the grand circle water makes iaits.journey froneland Urseato the clouds- andback to the land again. This picture- epic of water began with a,phatograph ofatiny woodland spring, then pictures of a rivulet, a brook; a river, a mightier.river with Re waterfall§ and cataracts, the hay through which ' it flowed into , the ocean, the ocea,n.,itself, a -cloud and sunbeam picture ,over*the ocean,: thus picturing water being caught, upefor its return journey, and finally, rain. This idea far fr" om. exhausts the possibilities of poetic water pic- tures, especially when human in- terest is added. The Majestic sweep of water ever Niagara Falls is. a poem in itself but a honeymooning pair in the foreground adds romance. A, fair swimmer in clear water on which sunshine is shimmering cre- ates a poetic pattern of lite and Iight. A pseudo-nioonligl t Picture over a placid lake of a youth and a maid In a canoe (a shot into the setting Stan With a small lens of en- . ing) gives a poetic nioeri to- "tho waters stilled at even." Foam at the prow of a careening yacht or its churning'tvake over the stern depicts, the poetry of motion. Verses may be illustrated. "Where the breaking waves dash high ore a stern and rockbound coast" is at place for photographs of one or water's most inspiring moods, and then, from the hilltops "there is not;' in the wade world a valley so sweet„, as that vale in whose bosom thea bright waters meet.” Endless are your opportun ties for making delightful photographs of, water scenes. But there's a trick too successful water photography. It's largely a matter of shooting so that the pictured water has the right "feel" or texture. For example, it's possible to shoot spray too fast, so that it has a hard.,. brittle look, thereby losing its essen- tial Sense of movement. On the other hand, rippling water should. be shot fast enough so that the rip- ples are distinct, each with its own highlights. Another'point is lighting, a. Cboose: the angle that gives you the maxi- /num "texture," the' characteristic interplay 0f iigkt aad shade. No one • cat] tell you exactly how to go about this; a little experimenting will tell. you better than volumes of words.. 13ut keeli'this iu paled. Any fat:' -sizer] body of water refects a lot of light, ',tour exposures, the ef:rate, r,in be faster, or, preferably, your "atop" , smaller than Inc :c romper=irlo suns *,er le7143a,'aa. - -