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Zurich Herald, 1937-11-18, Page 1
XV U;1 L Mo zurtici-4 THURSDAY matilsolp NOVEMBER 18, 1937. ww,.; 4144 Chester L. Smith, Pulbli it& $1.25 a year, U.S. $L50 iia Lela 0.0* 81,50 INARN4ARS,912 MAY In GY447Z0111100 Let the Ads, in the Jieral ; eco your Fall FB Fanners! Attention! We have been appointed selling; Agents for the celebrated Viking; Diabolo Cream Separator: he a .tor with a ten year guarantee. Letus demonstrate this machine to you; and compare it with all others. Audi don't forget, the. best feature is the, ,unusual easy terms. Liberal allowance.' for .trade-ins. tf�£4 C. SCHRAG & SC1N- ST. PETER'S Evangelical Lutheran Church', ZURICTI -- ONT. "A Changeless Christ for m Chang- ing Warta.." *Friday, 8h—Luther? Lear Thursday—Chair Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service.. 11.15 a.m.—SundaySchool. 7.30 p.m.—English: sere Everybody Welcome to all Service. E. TUERKI••IEIIK, Pastor. HAIRDRESSING THIEL'S 14AIRDRESSING PARLOR Mrs. Fred Thiel wishes to advise; the public that she is now open for, business. Peenianents and Finger-; waving ,a specialty. All permanents' guaranteed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich. y COMFORTABLE GLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Z ur b>r_ igg, R.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every week day except Weclinesday Swith f And Save Money Phone or See US for a Demonstration.. Before Buy- ing a New or Used Car. We can Save You Money USED . CARS NOW ON SALE( 1931 FORD. COACH, Original Finish and Tires, and Original Tluougheut. This Car is like New. 1931 `CDEVs DleLi•1 COi)T9 . 1a LE. SEA.Ta:. Owner s Name_;o 1928.:_WWH1PPN-X 'COACH:: -- 1930..CHE.V.> COACH,. Looks :and Runs..like 1930 FORD COACH, Original upholstering. Blue,; for. ..... 1.929 FORD COACH, as is .,.....__.. _•-- 1924 MODEL. T. COACH, good tires -. 1928 FORD COUPE .` ONE RUBBER. TIMED BUGGY C. FRITZ. & SON DODGE .AN DLSOTA DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH, HENSAVL, EXETER, CREDITON, GRAND BEND AND .suR.riouNDINC COUNTRY r'. •ew. New Paint, dark. . "` .$240.00 . 418.00 $12500 ..,.�...,.,.-.,�....m,�,.._-..�...�.�..�..,n...M. .---"rte WE SELL TL 3 BEST FOR LES Specials for Thursday, day, Friday and Saturday .AYLME, tRhe Corny 2 .tins . _.._..17c Sunlight .Soap (save the. .cartons) 4 -ceakes ,.,..,...,...,21:c Pumpkin 2'' • eiz s tip, 2 tins ..._. ......._...—. ..19c Catsup, %5 -oz:, bottle, , each ... ......... ......-. .... ..... _. 15 c Old English Floor wax, per Eh. .i*__. -_..__T..,.;..... -.-.--.59_c McCormick's. Sandwich Biscuits `per .lb....__......•,....19 c Toilet Paper,. 4 rolls for ., ._.....,w„ ... ...,...._...15c Castile Soap, B rakes -..... ,...25c Snowflake Ammonia; per pkg...................,....,,:5c Household Waiting Soda„ Per ri g:, —.................-.5c Sultana Raisins, 2 lbs. ..... ....,....... 25c Candied Pineapple _ Cit Lemon and Orange Peel. LLedda Raisins - th. seas, :241irs'., .fox ....... --.25c 25c Ft Highest FM for Ems. Mud= 140 Layla s• Theatre EXETER -- ONT. Thurs., Fri., Sat. Nov. 18, 19, 20 IOBER.T TAYLOR and JEAN 'HAR- LOW in "PERSONAL PROPERTY" Yletro.-Goldwyn Mayer Picture 'OUR GANG" Comedy, Tecnicolor, TRAVELCOCK Mon., Tue., Wed., Nov. 22, 23,24 "CORONATION PICTURE" King George VIth and Queen •Eliza- beth. In. Tecnicolor. Added feature: "SING AND BE HAPPY"4 Coming—Salute to Vallor, under the auspices of 'Canadian Legion. Laurel and Hardy in "IPick a Star" with Patsy Kelly and Jack Heley. All star cast. IN MEMORIAM wenn—Anna M. Warm; in loving memory of our dear sister who pass- ed away twelve years ago. November 10th, 1925. Dearest Anna we have laid thee In the peaceful grave's embrace '', But thy memory will be cherished, . Till we see thy heavenly face. Loving Sisters and Brothers, CARD OF THANKS The bereft relatives of the late Mr; Amelia Schnell wish to greatly thazil the fez rids ;and neighbors.+�ffffor thei y it ' , 91.1 ` W ' r and Pxssrirg ' Also "those \uho loaf their cars and 'the Choir. —The Children !Manufacturers of iron and steer and their products in Canada had E gross production valued at $441, 244,332 at factory prices during 1936, anincrease of 13 per compared with the preceding year. Hensall Couacil Minutes Regular meeting" of the Village Council was held on eve of Nov 1st. in the Council Chamber at 8 p.m, with all .members present. Minutes of the previous meeting were read and adopted. F. G. Bonthron •reported the Tax Collections as being $600 ahead of last year at the same time. nig ase -40 y `Mr. Henry Pfile of Hensall was a Monday visitor with Mrs. Lydia Pfile of; Town. 1'1r. Nicholas Deichert of Detroit, wps a visitor at the Deichert family recently. It+tr. anti :.Irs. Ed. Greb of Detroit were recent visitors at the home of Mr.; and Mrs. John Brenner. IVLr and Mrs. Joseph Gascho, and aMle and Mrs. Norman Gascho were week -end visitors with friends at Kitchener. IVIr.. and Mrs. Samuel Gascho and family of Harrison, were Sunday vis- itees at the home of Mr. and Mrs. 1111ton Truemner, 14th con. and Mrs. 'Menne SteekIe Jr., EWee"abeth and Mildred of the Bronson lirkeewere recent visitors with friend at¢llnrira. , {IVIr..l:--larry Rose has been appointed a ` manager of the Universal Service ;ion in town, which is under the 1 sa:of the Imperial Oil Co. till. Alex. Ehnes of Plattsville,:• a sl en few days last week with ' lr a a:others and sister, the Williams mi7y. Also calling on other old fri- e 's. Mabel Snider . and sons Elgin e ;Wilmer;' have returned home af- pleasant motor trip visiting with es and frien;ds et Windsor and 4, _mnN r • Mr Nfilford Schilbe Who. Was on a business trip -to Buffalo early in the week, has received the district agency for the International Agric- ultural Products, and this will neces- sitate Mr. •Schilbe being on the toad, most of the time, and as a con- sequence will be obliged to withdraw from the L. Schilbe & Son flour feen seeds and coal business. in Zurich. Mr. •Schilbe's territory has Been en- larged to the extent that he will be practically full time with this line of work and his Zurich friends wish him well, The home business 1vil1 how- ever be conducted as usual as his bro- i then•, Mr. Erwin, will take charge of the former's duties in Zurich. A CORONATION TRAVELOGUE Illustrated with Lantern Slides will be given by Mr. Harry HoffmanIn the Evangelical Church, Dashwood on Friday Evening, Nov. 19th at 8 o'click He will be assisted by Dr. F. G. lionthron also appeared as Bel}_ or a delegate from the Canadian Legion slides taken on a world tour. re Remembrance Day arrangements Admission -25c and 10c. Reeve Shaddick reported re the Pro- vincial Wreath. Motion, that we purchase a $5.00 wreath for Armistice Day from the Legion. Communications read as follows: Dept. of Puiblic Welfare re Old Age (Pension, Mrs. W. Liebold, Dept. of Municipal Affairs, Firstbrooi:, Mont- eith & Co.; County Engineer, Univ- ersity* of Western Ontario re Muir icipal Officers School; same filed. MM,IotioAei that, the Traffic By-law be given first and second readings. Bills and accounts read: 0. Rowcliffe relief milk $3; T. E. ship in the person of Mr. Benjamin Drurnrnond relief meat 2.05; T. D. Charette passed away at the home. of Wren relief groceries 16.75; H.! his daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Simile labor park rink 3.75; H. Wolf Mrs. N,el 0nnMassho Masse, con. n.n the ditto 1.65; T. Rands do .i,'5; T. Shaddick do $12; G. Johnson do $3; French Settlement, his parents corn - A. Hildebrand do 3.80; J. Verbeen izrg. from Lower Quebec many years do $2; T. Richardson' do $14; A. Be.. ago, and was well •,nd favorably rtoweliii teaming $r6; S. ricArthur known, having operated a threshing do $20; A. Clark catch basins '$4, outfit for many years, and later he 13onthron & Drysdale, repairs furn farmed on his farm two miles south ace, hall 47.81; W. Sproat tile; sta.of St. Joseph, until his life partner eve; • €?en.all Hydro, hall and motor, predeceased some years ago, lie their .34 ,J, Passmore supplies hall 1.70; made his home with his daughter,Mrs 3. A. ,Paterson exp. • school London, Nelson Masse; Mr. Charrettie had 18.15,. A. Dick trucking` sts.' 3,50; Y+"• reached the ripe old age of 82 years G. l3onl:hr.'on selecting jurors .1.50; R.1 month; and 23 days, angwas � a E. '.Sha.ddick do 1.50; J, • A. Paterson very honest and hardworking man to do 1.50. Motion that bills be paid, his days. The funeral will be held to vivo Clerk reported re the school 1? reach Settlement R.C. Church 01 attendance by him for Municipal of- Thursday. Surviving are: Seven da - Boos in London. ughters: Mrs. Nelson J. Masse, Mrs. That by-law no. 8 be given first Frank Denor'nine, Mrs. Fred Simon, and 2nd reading. Mrs. James Masse, Mrs. Armand Motion, that 13y -law 3 be given De omme, Mrs. Adolph "Bedard. Mrs. third and final reading. A: Brisson all of Hay 'Township, and Motion, 'that «'c, ad,;ourn to meet 'Mrs. Jordan of Niagara Falls; One on November 15th: soli, Mr. John Charette of the Blue James A, Paterson, Clerk, Fater, Hey, A IN' EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTE TUESDAY EVENING. Of Each Week C. E. ZURBRIGG, Reg. Optometrist, Call for an Appointment • SUPPER AND BAKING SALE • On Saturday, November 20th, in the Town Hall, Zurich, a supper un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran church from 5 to 7.30 pen. Also a. Baking Salo beginning at 3 o'clock. Children un- der 10, 15c; Adults 30c. Everybody Welcome. OBITUARY Late Benjamin Charette An aged and highly respected resi- dent of the western part .of the Town - )Ie Put Your COAL in now at the low price. A sharp. vance may be expected soon, Tile and Brick W. R. !DAVIDSON A G. HESS We pay Cash for Eggs Jeweler and Optician Phone 10 • • • • • • • e • • • • • • 4'•®•400•046•.?0©000 ;$4.4.0' 04-* 4004000G4*<2.4)<P4:/ 3rov^43,4,0 u'`.`4>Q44: SOT'S alloyed a SEM S J r OV _COA TS A FINE RANGE OF THE NEWESTSTYLES AND PATTERNS JUST IN, AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES SEE OUR New Fall Hats, Caps, Sox_, Ties in all the latest Styles and olors. c.}1e.,./ E 'y� { i o L , an EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL. DIRECTORS ft'r' ki ca• <0, 47) 0 4.0 4.Gc tt i iiia .UE'^?T.du,-k ,intro -e zr a 411M -IM. e h , �� -. eGoods UN DIBPLAY Wool Blankets, White,"Grey and Plad Flennelett - Bl. Flannelettes, Mackinaw Flanrsels,, Heavy Winter Shirts for Mesa and Boys. Spe.t iall Bargain Prices on: House Dresses, Prints, Mares and Bays' Sweater Coats, Pullover Sweaters; Boys' Bloomers and Knickers. Harness .Repairs a Specialty. Stove Pipes, Elbows,. and Stove Fixing Cement. FRESH . GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND: R "�1i� {+ ' .t . S t. 01,1 /.!1.� b ,!" GENERAL' ,aI"'x'HANT PHONE 97 .;