HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-11, Page 5Flax ay, 1,lnve.txter I1.6., 1937. BUSINESS CARDS 'LEGAL IBAR.RISTER, SOLICITOR, NOT- ARY R}yY P S ETC D. BICE---flamil1on Street, Just off the Square, GODS ';ICH, Ontario. special Attention to Calomel and Court '9ii•.. k. .Mr. Holmes may ha eensulted at ',aroderricb by Phone,. and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W. D. BR.YCE" L. D, S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK ZURICH fiery Thursday, Friday, Saturday. At IIABTLEIB'S BLOCK, DASH WOOD Every Monday, 'Tuesday an Wednesday. 6/.11 H. COWEN L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.I*1 Dr. W. B. COXON, B.T. Sc. VETERINARY SURGEON ;See in the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. Zurich "hone -96. A. R. Campbell, V.S, B.V.Sc. Graduate of Ontario Veterinary ..M.. College, University of Toronto. All ,diseases of domestic animals treated by the- most modern principles, •Charges reasonable, Day or night ,calls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness Hesinels. Office on Main Street, apposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. 1.10ENSTD AUCTIONEER Middlesex Tor Huron and lVli Al'% IN A POSITION TO CON :educt any Auction Sale, regardless :as to size or article to sell. I solicit vow business, and fent satisfied will make no charges for Services Een 3ered. ARTHUR WEBER ---Dashwood Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Faim Pi ice WANTED HIGHEST CASH. PRICES --FQR-= CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY Wm. O'Brien Phone 101,. Res.. 04, Zurich Put Your Want, For Sale Lost, Found, Etc, • Ads, in this Column4 STRAYED ;From 1,ot 13, ,COTr, 'i, Hay Twp. t red 2 -we -old heifer about 900 -lbs, dehorned, ring in "bottom of left ear white on forehead. Notify, Mrs. Win. .Blackwell, Heaysa,ll; phone Sr88 Zur- ich •central. 410.211_1 .10411111,114.1$111•411.411.1....q.1111114114114,41(404114‘0,140111M.nrw WANTED HORSES Suitable for a ox meat, J. R. Murdoch, phone it on .86, Hensalt FOR SALE. SPECIAL -6 cylinder Overland Coach 1926, in good mechanical con- dition, at a bargain. L. A. Prang to Son. FOR SALE 75 acres pasture, Lot 16, Con. 7, Hay, never -failing water in ditch, no waste land, some small bush. Apply: Win. Pearce, Exeter. 200 inches FOR SALE cords of dry mixed Wood, 12 Iong. Apply to: Herb Block, Zurich. NOTICE CASH for dead or alive Fertilizer Animals, Phone 34r15, Dashwood. Isaiah Tetreau, pt25 LOST A Coleman Lantern between my place, Bronson line and Zurich, on Saturday evening, Finder kindly re- turn to Chris. Gingerich, Bronson line. WANTED General Maid. Mnst be good cook Goodw ages. 'Other help kept. Re- ferenebs. Apply, Mrs. - W. J. Till - mann, 612 Richmond St., London. • WANTED Experienced Cook, gener'I, for family of three. Good wages for capable person.—Ramsay, 197 Ridout "t. South, London Ontario.. NOTICE CATTLE WANTED A Farmer in a position to take in and feed a limited number of cattle for the coming winter. Apply at Herald Office. Meeting of The Huron. County Council The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council' Chamber, Goderich, comm- encing• Tuesday, November 16th 1937 BUTCHERS ' at 2 pan. Ad Accounts, Notices of - - Deputations; Applications and Ten- ders should be in the hands of the Zurichs' Popular i Clerk by November 13th, 1937. - MEAT MARKET Let Us supply you with the very Choice of Fresh and Cur- d Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Ext.,' always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool, Hides and Skins Yungblut & Son INSURANCE. Western.. Farmerss Mutual Weather Insurance Co. OF WOODSTOCK THE LARGEST RTt1SERVE BAL- ANCE OF ANY CANADIAN MDT- V,AL COMPANY DOING RUMNESS• OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO alk count of Tnstarance at Risk en Dee, 314, 1935, $20,479,730.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bends $254,621.52. iter—$4.50 per $1,000 far 3 Years E. E KLOFP—JRICH Agent, also Dealer in Lighter. in Rodsand all kinds of .F'ire sktIMINA J. M. ROBERTSON, County Clerk, Goderic'i. Population Climbs in Year Due to increased industial act- ivity chiefly in lumber and salt, the population of Goderich has increased by 151 in the year ending October 18th, according to- returns made by Town Clerk L. Knox. Population is now 4,488. NO GENERAL EL.ECTION Canada is not Iiikely to 3rave a 'general' election until late in 1940 UnIess some nide/seen contingency .arises;.', Prima Iv anister ll+lfackenzie ,King stated; He desired to set at rest rumors which lie said had " circulated recently that an early appeal. to the iLicense Inspector for "Vest Huron. people was to be expected. Cornrnents l Mr. Johnson's wife predeceased hien on election runio,' carne :from the 20 years ago. His three sons, Her - prime minister when he was being old, Oliver and Earl all business men questioned by newspaper men follow of Toronto survive. :Ile was a sta- ing Cabinet Council. 'The premier in- tt tch Conservative and a member of Milked that writs for the past gen- the Clinton Masonic Lodge. The oral election Weil: returnable Novel• funeral was held on Sunday after- ber 9, 1937, and Parliament has a noon from Goderich to Clinton cern statutory term of 5 years. "Whether etery, Rev. Calder, hector of the we continue to the•end of the legal Anglican church, Goderich olieiated: term, as was done by the last Goy- Mr. Johnson was well known in Zur- erntnent, or have an early dissoluti- ich, being a brother of the late Thom - on, will depend upon what will hap- ns Tohnson, and was a frequent vis- fristlrf 3tme nen (luring the interim,+' the prime , for with the Johnson family in lux= miles.tster said: LOCAL NEWS 4'JRICI ! IEl. tALD From the West 1 sk1bank, Bask,, Nov. let, 1937 Editor, Zurieh Herald, ,Your car of voluntary relief arrived at Lake Valley, 1G Y, Sask., on Oet,, '29th and the committee unload- ed the same into basement of the) school, This cz had aliproxtmately 300 bags of potatees, 3 flour, 1 ton ;beans, apples, turnips, beet;, carrot i, 410-14.onio i also cabbage and p:i-, miikins, a small <rllotrixent of cab- ned frult. This was served out to over 507 persons in two divisions of this district No. 198 which cotters an area of about three townships which are six miles square. This gave each family a very generous al;ovninee of vegetables which is very much ap- preciated, as we are in fee 100 p.c. drouthout area. may say fee your information since coming from Ont-, ario 82 years ago, this is the first yr. we have had a complete dryout f'1 't' this part of Saskatchewan. Mass I'Ielen Mc [ rtrie of 14874'4 iS,ask., is visiting with reletives hero. Mrs. C. Silber, Mr, and Mrs. C,L. Smith and Mae motored : to .London on .Saturday. Mrs. Garfield Brown, Mrs, Cole and Mrs. Con, Simon were week- end visitors at Windsor, Mrs. Wellington Johnston and ehil•. dren, Ross and Ruth were week -end visitors at Detroit. Mr. and Mrs. Janice Barry et' Dun - eine are spending a week or so with Mrs. 'Barry's mother, `Mrs.- Helen 'Campbell of town. Mrs. Wan. ',,Schade of the l;Iue Water. Highway' is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs.. Wm, T'ruem- ner of the 14,,th eon at present. Mr.. Irvin D. Smith. of Hamilton, gave his father, Mr. Dan. Sanith and two brothers, a friendly call one day last week. ,Mr. and ' Mrs. Arthur Weber pI the Bronson line have during the GE Frrir 10.4"014,00 0 40 0000 000000004 040000.0. 00 $4114 e (0 411* I* 0600 OW ZURICH °REA ERY 115 We Paysa a Premium of Two Cents per Pound B. .Fat for Churning Cream delivered at our plant, Prompt Service and est Hi h ' Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the same Day. YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY a 0 A We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and • • Poultry at Highest Market Prices, according to a grade. ----Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY eMeie 61. 11140 -ft ID 0 0,00 4itia*6741 d"FB kY. r4`.e p y;, a04:30F14 rOFeitit06 atio Indications point to a recovery a. past week moved to the old, Weber some .sections of this southern parte .I. I has had four inches of rainfall. 1 homestead farm, two cams south o ` where they formerly lived. On behalf of our committee an•, t:d ! district, kindly. conee, ereh your Wins Gold . Medal local paper our most shice c ti cele ; to all ;',nose who aseleted in forward.; ed this very generous Gar of fruit •r• Congratulations are extended to Miss Doris Hamilton of London who won 'the Gold 11eda1 for vocal solo work "at'the Canadian Musical Festiv- al held in that city last week. Doris ranked first in a class of twelve, op- en to. girls under eighteen years of. age. A CORRECTION In last week's issue we made men- tion of the Evangelical anniversary proceeds as being $126 and this should have been $226. and as since that Sunday considerable more has been handed in and the eonienittee' reports that a new high will be reach- ed this year. Make Highways Ready When winter comes the Ontario de- partment of highways will be ready and waiting. Within the next twit weeks snowfences will be . wider co- urse of construction along more than. 300 miles of I(iug's highways. in Wei - tern Ontario Main roans in the dis- trict will be kept open by highwaya ether four years, at kart, proves patrolmen against this winter. time the majority of paving jobs have Feeene niust;be made to provide for the c' :. ties,—the ever increasing ni in been susupended foeetlie winter mon.. of, tinfor�tunates, already helpless. , in e ths. j the toils of the traffic. and vegetables which filled a much needed want: Yours Truly, J. D. MacLachlan, Eskbank, See' Interested in Temperance Hensall, Nov. 2, 1937 Mr. Editor:—Nudging from the re- sponse to my last artict in your pa- per regarding the liquor problem in Ontario, it will not be.out of place to write another. I stated in my last that the confid- ence of airy thousand voters, as well as the knowledge of the backing of thousands of other temperance peo- ple in Huron acts es a challenge to us to advance to the spot where there is the greatest need. Since the bever- age rooter menace roniair.s for an- wr Cut Your Fu.ell i HALF! I 4, Buy Storm ;:; endows ad Doors LET US U TEY U! REPLACE THOSE WINDOW PANES NOW. WE CARRY A43. LARGE ASSORTED STOCK OF GLASS ON HAN., ,,r ,.,a. TIMES.. AND WILL DO YOUR GLAZING WORK WHILE ...¢.0(J WAIT'. Headquarters for Johns -Manville Building Materia': • PHONE 6o .I. ZURICH 'r•!++++''r•F'Pr�r•3�+ Sas..�,.3..:..144 •?��3 .�.4-0 , ,.....+,,, ,..:r,.4 -1-1..i.... } 4.44.a..�,q..�,+4 4 i?? �PI�R�.,P�fd o2Aesn3?e9e,Z.,let$Fts'lRR3��`ti�olme.pr.',' GSA! ,+��ett3y eel SQA*kr4"S1A0004)tr,.0 63 0 }'.. off`^ � _ e We ere now filling ord-rs for the coming winter's fel. Prices will on LT be higher later o� , Fo order nowsere Retire at Goderich PURINA Stock Foods and Chows uarane cl product t et aill help youxr Stock .ucl Poultry 40 • PRE! FREE! Coronation sets of Dishes. and Rodgers dgers Silverware i s given to our Customers in exchange for a revr.�: red a amount of Coupons which we are giving with u.'ur- chases at our store,.. These will make splendid t Christer -las Gifts! hilie tcr A place for treatment: of these is of immediate, and vital impo::tancc. Ch staff af`tiie Zinpexial 1 it nmet be a place where the pa- Goderich eric es in the pe sonael of the tient will be really rehabp.itated, not ;' r merely given a' terupdeary nauseous Co. Ltd., include the retirement o* d two Goderich risen who haveservedperience. inao i experience. the company a total of 4k years.They:2 It must be a place where the cast are Gilbert Plante, for 24. years an `c the employ of the firm, ;latterly as treatment is notprohibitive. gSuperintendent tntciiden`• sales agent and plant3 It must be a place free from the . c and R. J. MccMehcn, eh .litiv.nia of the suggestion of an insti- ,,. t manager, tution for the insane or mentally who has been with tate fi`a 20 year;weak. Before c •mins• to Go le e'••t 11 yee We know of no institution in On - ago, Kr. McMehen was •in tee empl • t•ariovhere there are all these above oy of Imperial Oil at Lenton. J. P. mentioned requisites present. Warren, of Windsor, formerly of Nolc. how are we going toget it? London comes to Goderich with . 15 years' experience to succeed Mr. PIante, Like Father, Like Son A very interesting fifteen minutes 1 fast and spicy selling took place a the auction sale of farm effects o r. .Arthur Weber,_Proneo:i line, Hay 0 t M Your first thoughtas was mine, after the election, may be to ask the Pre- ttier to relegate a part of the liquor revenue millions for this pu•rpose.But second thoughts• are often best thoughts and so perhaps in this case. In the first place: Is it likely the Premier would entertain our neenosi- ion? He releht lightly say, '"T}'ere last Thursday aftenrbon when Mr,1 "ie plenty of local physicians to give Weber's 13 -year-old son Jack was • him a shot, and that rill easily put nicely introduced by Mi. Oscar I�lopp him off the booze; and he'll knew het - of Zurich, who was auctioneeriirg at ter the next tine," or he might say, the time, end who pleaded rvtth the There are several rrirate institu- large gathering to put the boy off tions to go to, and if this fellow has to a good start, and have him begg- ing money enough to spend lavishly for for bids as he and Mr. Taylor, drink, he can o: ;'y enough spend the other auctioneer 'were obliged to,; 200.00 a month for treatment; or: he do. The young lad took the hammee might say: "We have already provid- in hand Iike a vetetran and welded ed and are providing mental hospitals off the articles as though he had a and if people are weak minded en great deal of experience, and . the ough to get the habit, they're weak many listeners were astonished at minded enough to go there." his splendid performance. And so But even if our Premier should en - the saying comes true "Like father, tertain our idea and meet our .request like son," and give us a pittance from the liqu- or ,revenue; would we not be placing Late Oliver Johnson • the Liquor Interest in a position so they could say, "Well, we do admit Of Goderich Dies Suddenly after all that there is a trifling num- Walking in the business section of ber of weaklings, who have to be Goderich, Oliver Johns cm, business considered and we are quite willing man in Huron County more than 6Q- to increase our liberal givings from years . was suddenly stricken with a our legal and respectable business to heart attack and before medical aid help ameliorate this unfortunate corn reached him, he expired ipt his SOth plication," and so would we temper year, Mr. Johnson was born in Hays ince people not the .really in league vine, near New' Iiaznburg. He con- with the .beverage lfquoor traffic to ducted a blacksmith'' shop in Clinton that extent in the acceptance of their for 30 years. He alsobought and donation. sold horses on a large scale in Huron, 0f course it would not be any Middlesex and Perth counties, and worse than what we are doing right few men were better known among now, accepting as a. sop a percentage Western farmers. For a time he of the liquor license fee from the was Government inspector of piere beverage rooters to meet our •municip- construction at Goderich Harbor and al expenses, but this would be even more of an evident sop if we accept- ed direet toll from the araffie. The fact is that we are ,right now, as slavishly under the coutrtol of a dic- tator ea are the people of Germany or Italy and that dictator is the Liq- uor Interest of Ontario. 'I/Riese the Premier gives as much more of evidence of his bravery in the meantime, we will be going on. just ;aa the liquor traffic ant c.tpatas i telt.. we will, splendidly apathetic, until the next election. I thank ,you, Mr. Editor, for your liberal space. Dr, A. lti ,Yd t 1 ZuricDrug Soh ol u We have a full Line, �� all the requirements of .1 chooSupplies All authorized Public School Books,. including tbeNew Speller All High School Text Books, etc,, PENS, PENCILS, INIKS, ETC. Perfumes, Toilet Waters, Partarrtizer5, Toilet ,Soaps, Tooth Pastes, and Brushes., See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations Dr. A MacKinnon, Zurich!