HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-11, Page 3/Z4: xs: wO20:4AO*4:Oi4xcoisl4^4ws,Igs fro omOIsx4Ta4!xsis.p :4wsIsisa:4T.4wsz4T: 4 f'14 talassitied Advertising * C.tr1 4.wMA444i1^4. k4tA4.4k4k4kQOA444OTr4 414k4AA 4.40Aek0.404tA®AAvT4s,1.aA4 AGENTS WANTED AGENTS SELL MEN'S NECKTIES. 140 PER cent profit We carry largest assortment. Lowes prices. Orders filled by return mail. No substitutes. Se,mPles free. Ontari o Neco. k. wear Company, 357 Eastern AVO., SALESMAN WANTED BY ""THE OLD RE- liable Fonthill Nurseries"" (Established 1.00 years). Send for Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines.. Start now, exclusive terri- tory town Stone�and Wellington, Toronttermo free SELL SOBIES GUARANTEED LINGERIE, hosiery, Manufacturers. Stores, Estab. eri- encedunnecessary. ears. Christmas 25 Getdetails, SOWN, 140 Farnham, Que. ninPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR HOS- fiery manufacturer for this district. Only energetic man considered. Write full Par- ticulars to Mr. l0fllott, 72 Queen West, To- ronto. AMAZING PROFITS; -AGENTS, ROUTE MEN selling stores, homes, Hundreds of big money makers: Clothing, dry goods, toilet preparations, household specialties, drug sundries. Free catalogue. Write Ralco, Wholesale, Box 1404, Montreal. AVIATION ELM PARK ABERDEEN ANGUS - START breeding beef cattle now. They are scarce all over the Continent, Aberdeen Angus have produced Grand Champion Carcass of Beef at Chicago International every year since 1900. Bulls and Females of breeding age• for sale reasonable. James Bowman, Elm Park, Guelph, Ontario. DUAL-PURPOSE SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twelve months. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen nearest dams in their pedigrees av- erage over eleven thousand pounds milk per year. rdPrices $55.00 580.00. ly Ac- credited. ayidelarm,Owen Sound BARN ROOFING -FENCE POSTS OURmmoney uperti egalvanized REFACTORY iAVYOU gran- ary SteelSuperior and lining. Superior ProductsLimttedLimited, Ont. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES ROOMING HOUSES FOR RENT, CONTENTS for sale, reasonable; rooms all occupied; good paying guests: Ottken, 17 Isabella, Toronto. CARPETS RE -WOVEN INTO RUGS OLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO REVERS- ible Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4, CATTLE COURSES IN FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vigation, aeroplane and engine mechanics, Instructora.licensed Leavens Services,Limited, Barker Airport, Toronto. DOGS S ALL HfailuresLreplac dISR 0 free; trainedLLIE PUPS, ages; cattle dogs; trained coon, fox, deer hounds; great dames, pups; buy from largest trained dog kennels in Canada; Guarantee uari nt eg satisfaction. Rapidview Kennels, SAINT BERNARD PUPPIES, RARE BEAU - ties, reasonably priced, safe delivery In- sured. Paramount Kennels, North Batley, Que. ELECTRIC WELDER ,THE TRINDL ELECTRIC WELDER-WON- derful new invention. Operates from 6 -volt battery. Welds -=solders -Brazes. 53.95 de- livered. R. H. Anderson, Lindsay, Ont. MEDICAL STRONACH'S TAPEWORM REIVSICDF, SIM- pie, inexpensive, effective. Write today for cornplete information. STRONACH'SSTOM4013 POWDER, Qt1ICK relief Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Heartburn, Bloating, Bllliousness, Nau- sea. Successfully used many years. Large package mailed postpaid 00c. Stronach Medicines, 036 Dovercourt, Toronto. MIX SUFFER? thatSalvegOwil0 l Igive po CONVINCELL Mazeraven relief from ulcers, running SONS, now or Old wounds. Money -back guarantee. Mazar Mfg., 331 Flora Ave.,. Winnipeg, PREVENTION 15 BETTER THAN OPERA- tion. Beasley,'s Bitters (all, -herb tonic) a.ch oils you ulceris a e3 suffering ulcerationafro rnthe inter al trouble. Write fdr the testimonials we have from iving' people, Mrs, T. Van Camp, manufacturer, 107 Langley Ave., Toronto. FILMS AND PRINTS ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 1 FREE enlargement 25c. Re -prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 18314 King St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement nna Stud- ios, 93NiagaraSttreet, St Catharines, S nes,Ont. PORTRAIT IN FOLDER -FREE WITH EVERY ROLL PERFECTLY DEVEL- oed and ). Star Snap shot Service, 168 Kinted. ng St. (coinc West, Dept. YY, Toronto. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR- ite negatives, 3 for 25c; 75c a dozen; com- plete with envelopes. Eniargementa 5 x 7 In easle frame, oll films developed ad printed, 250rreprints3c each. Free enlargement 29eevery Srlghtiing, RichmondSt. E., Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED AND EIGHT PRINTS with free enlargement, 25c. Reprints 8c each. Commercial Photo Service, Dept. B., Outremont, Que. FURNITURE MUSIC BY MAIL. MAKE arethreeChristmas FoliSICAL osltoM CHRISTMAS. every purse and brimful of cheery holi- day songs. Treasure Cheat Christmas Songs and Carols, 150. Yuletide Melodies, includ- ing "Adestee rideles," "Babe of Bethle- hem," `First Nowell" and many others, 25c. Christmas Music, including Overture,"naas "Christ - 25 hymns, 40carole 'and a Solo fChrisstor mas''Play- let, SQc. Dominion Music Supply, Hermant Building, Toronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRU- xnent ,at evenings. hHawaiian ome - shorten tSpanisheGuitar; Vio- lin; Mandolin; Piano Accordion, etc.; com- plete with course of home study lessons, sold on very easy terms. Send at once for par- ticulars. Whaley, Royce and Company, Lim- ited, 237 Yonge Street, Toronto, or your loc- al Music Dealer. MISCELLANEOUS FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30c. TWO CHOICE Dresser Dolls, 50c. Large Bed Spreading Doll, 51.00. Boxed -postpaid. Robert Har- vie, 238 King, East, Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. KNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa, PATENTS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and full information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa, Can. PERSONAL BOOKS EVERY MARRIED 'COUPLE AND those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25e. Our 20 page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies and household novel- ties free upon request. Supreme Specialty 169 Yonge,- Toronto. A dear old lady returned from her first visit to France. "What impres- sed you most?" she was asked. "Well," she replied, after a moment or two's thought, -"I think it was the French peasants singing the mayon- naise." Now follows a better way to pre- pare for theInorrow All of us are always going to do better tomorrow, and we would, too, if only we started today. Five-year-old Billy was talking to his Aunt Mary. She said, "Well," Billy, I suppose you'll start to school next year." • "Oh, no, auntie," replied the boy. "What would I do in school -I can't even read or write?" A friend of ours believes it is per- fectly alright for the government to spend a million dollars before break- fast, but thinks it is a terrible squan- der of money for the city board to spend $3,000 over a period of years for gravelling the streets. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive supportwith our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. POWER (BRAND) TONIC, ESPECIALLY recommended for men. Retains Vim and Vigor. 50 pills $2.00. MRS. LE-ROYS FEMALE PILLS, FOR PAIN''.. tut and delayed menstruation. 30 Pills 54.00. DIRECTIONS ON BOTTLES. MAIL ORDERS , postpaid, plain wrapping. Hygnio Labora- tories, 460 Richmond St. W., Toronto. City Agents, sky's Pharmacy. JUnc. .3332. POULTRY NEW HAMPSHIRE@ AND RHODE ISLAND Reds. Best quality cockerels $3.00. Rhode Island Red hens .90c. M. Fisher, Enterprise Ontario. LYONS' TRADE-IN DEPT. The wonderful bargains in our Furniture Trade-in Dept. have mado this the most popu- Iar in Toronto. Space will not permit us to list more than a few of our specials. If you do not see what you want advertised, write and let us know your needs. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. All orders care- fully packed ready for immediate shipment on receipt of money order. $39.00 Beautiful 5 -Piece .bedroom suite 3 in two-tone walnut, dresser and vanity with large swing mirrors, full size bed, sagless spring and new all -felt, roll edge mattress; new condition.. tact 0 6 -Piece walnut bedroom suite - large dresser, triple mirror vanity, chiffrobe, fait size bed, sagless spring and all-feltbrand new mattress. re- finished Ike neveCotover $200.00. /. real bargain. SAG.�1 on Modern 9 -piece walnut finish din - •4/4.0 Ing room suite. Buffet, china Cabo inet, extension table and 6 leather seat chairs. Completely refinished, A real smart suite. $14.91 Dining room suite, 8 pieces, large 5 buffet, extension table and six strong leather -seat chairs; guaranteed clean and in good condition. dry4.f�I>, 'Chesterfield outfit, 8 pieces, In - eluding 3 -piece chesterfield suite upholstered in a good hard wearing brown repp, with' reversible Marshall cushions; end table, bridge lamp aed shade, metal smoking stand and silk chesterfield cushion. A real outstanding value. $1 z.gn Large 3-plece chesterfield suite, up - '11" a317 holstered in brown repp with flg- ureed ;'eversible Marshall spring cushions. A real good looking and comfortable suite. Hurry for this offer. $9.95Bed outfit, full size steel bed, sag.... less spring and new roll edge all felt mattress. Large assortment of kitchen cabinets,'sewing machines, gas stoves, library tables, wardrobes, beds, springs, mattresses, odd dressers, chiffoniers, studio couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. Trade -In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO, 478 Yonge St., Toronto HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING, Government licensed, W6 train you for Board Examination. Special wipter rates. Write for prospectus, 961 Bloor St. West, Toronto. HONEY DELICIOUS AMBER HONEY, CONTAINS NO buckwheat, 6-10's, $4.20. H. D, McIntyre, Bridgeport, Ont. PROPERTIES WANTED GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD BUILDINGS anywhere for wrecking. Greenwood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood, Toronto. QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! - 70 QUILTING PATTERNS! GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! - "Collect." Sample bundle - 25c. Refund GuaranteeI Maritime Textiles, 8049 De- gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, $8.00 up. Write for free Price List. Palace Radio Shop. 721 Pape, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS CANADA, 90 DIFFERENT $L00; 60 REVEN- ues 50c. Coronation; 52 Dominions $8.25, 135 Colonies $0.75. Canadian Catalogue 200 illustrations 25c. Free Price List 500 sets. Vincent, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. WANTED WANTED -CHRISTMAS TREES, BALSAM, Spruce, Scotch Pine, State Pine. W. Easton, Route 6, Brantford, Ont. Just because a man was getting tired of fastening his boots, the zip- ceived and Iater perfected. per (slide fastener) idea was con - Free Transportation ! The Royal Winter Fair If you visit our Used Car Department, and purchase one of our guaranteed re- conditioned Cars or Trucks, we will. re- fund single railway fare up to thee Hun- dred miles. 80 Cars and Trucks to Choose from PRICED FROM $145. UP The Old Reliable Firm SEE and UGGA N MOTORS, LTD. 599 and 621 Yong° St., Toronto NATURAL MINERAL • PHOSPHATE ' Nature's Non•Burnina PLANT FOOD for Better Pastures - Better Crops Send for Folder "R" to Room 709A, 137 West Wellington Street, 'Toronto. CREAM WANTED Highest Prlcos podWeekly' (Toronto Creamery) UNITED FARMERS' cO.OPERATIVE Duke and 6 orge 'Ste. - Toronto Sailor- We just dropped our an- chor, lady. Lady -I thought you would. It's been dangling outside for some time. They were entertaining friends in their new house. Suddenly one of the guests sat up and listened. "Surely you are not troubled by mice already?" she said. "That's not mice," replied the householder. "That's the people next door eating celery." Two wives were discussing their" respective husbands over a cup of tea. The first complained that her husband never came home from. his club until it was past midnight. "Well, my dear," said her friend,. "for years I wondered where my hus- band was spending his evenings. And then one night I reached home early -and there he was!" Captain - "Have you cleaned the deck and polished the brasses?" Sailor- "Yes, sir, and I've swept the horizon with my telescope." Modern Blu p a s s "Bunch of Sof &' Captain WaitexoSunorts at Nava Scotia's Pleasure -lamina. Youth Bluenose sailormen, descendants of those iron men who sailedwooden ships 5O years ago, are a thing of the bast, in the opinion of Captain Angus Walters, of Halifax, 'skipper of the Lunenburg banker Bluenose. "The pleasure -loving generation of today are a bunch of softies," com- mented the man who took command of the Bluenose when launched in 1921, and has helped her keep her title of Queen of the North Atlantic Fishing Fleet ever since. The future of the fishing industry in Nova Scotia was threatened by a shortage of young men willing to dare the hardships and dangers of Bank fishing, the Bluenose skipper said in an interview. He did not know if this shortage was caused by pros- pect of pcor returns from fishing or ,whether it was "just the effects of :,our pleasure -seeking age." Automobiles, radios, dance music and other distractions had lured the young men away from the sea. He added the time was not far distant when Lunenburg's famous fleet would put out to sea maimed by alien crews. Already there was a fair-sized sprink- ling of sailors from Newfoundland and other countries manning the Bankers. In everyone's life there's more prose than poetry. An Englishman visiting an Ameri- ean lake asked a native if the place was good for fishing. "Sure, stranger." "What kind of fish?" "Oh, all kinds, stranger." "What did the largest fish you •ever caught weigh?" "Wall, stranger, we don't take weighing machines, when we go fish- ing, and I'm an honest man and would not like to say how much the last trout I caught would weigh. But when I pulled that fish out of the water, the lake went down a foot." There is, just now, quite an argu- . Ment on among those who study the (brain and nerves, about worry. Sur- prising as it may seem, there are 'high authorities upon the subject who 'say a certain .amount of worry is a ":;thing , This depends upon what rstood by worry. If it is a nervatia 'anxiety, it is bad. If Old Gent -"What do you mean by it is more or less calm effort to figure saying your oceupatign has gone?" , out one's troubles and seek to find Tramp.. "They've! p F d :down t)lg=r°a re`lYiedy, it is, of c • a good house I used to lean against." thlllg.' The old British trawler, "Espero," which was used in the filming of Victor Hugo's "Toilers of the Sea," is now the floating home of Sea Scouts of the Island of Guernsey. The old- vessel, which had been abandoned by the moving picture people on the conclusion of their work, had sunk ' in St. Peter Port Harbor. It was purchased at auction by Rev. G. A. Taitt, and handed over to the Boy Smits. The Scouts are. refitting the old craft, under the guidance of a ship's carpenter. * * * When at home at Pax Hill, Hamp- shire, Lord Baden-Powell, World Chief. Scout, begins his day at 6 a.m. with a walk, accompanied by his three dogs. One of these is a big black "Labrador," old and blind. At every stile, relates Mr. J. F. Stewart of Toronto, a summer guosa of the Chief Scout, Baden-Powell helps the old dog over, and guides hint through the gate. When they turn back for home, the old dog presses his nose against his piaster, and is given. his cane. Proudly carrying this, the dog goes ahead, and arriving in front of the house, walks slowly in a circle until the Chief Scout conies, and with a pat, takes the cane from him * * * B. -P. is pictured as a most enter- taining host, still fu4' of the play spirit of boyhood. "At dinner one night," related the visitor, "he gave us his ideas cif a Caledonia market -- a jumble of people, shacks, booths. and noise, and wound up with a live- ly portrayal of a caster selling "bar- malade." !APPETITE .g 9 1 BUiLD UP YOUR NERVES It's nerves -starved, weakened, upset nerves that usually aro the eaugo of failing appetite. Build up your nerves with the great nerve tonic--PBOSFERINL-and see how quickly - your appetite improves, and strength returns. At druggists, 80c, *1.00 and $1.80. 71 W A ETONIC �'I OSFEE J A story told by B. -P. with great zest described a military reception when he was a young officer in India. As a prank, he and another youngster ' carefully disguised themselves and went as "newspaper correspondents," one allegedly for a French news- paper. the other for "a London daily." Chuckling as though the af- fair had happened but yesterday, B. - P: recounted the chats he had with •various people present, including one elderly lady who was pleased to re- call having met him in London the previous season -when B. -P. was in India. * * * The Chief Scout was described as remarkably active, and "at 81, as fine a specimen of a well preserved elder- ly man as one would find anywhere" He always sleeps in a corner room which has no walls on two sides; he rises regularly at 6 o'clock, and goes for a walk with his dogs. On his re- turn he goes through his small mountain of morning nail, and has it ready for his secretary before breakfast. * * The visitor marveled at the amount of work done by the entire Baden- Powell family. "Sometimes there were three typewriters going- Lady B. -P. at her machine on Guide af- fairs, -the Hon. heather B. -P. on news matter for the press, and the Chief's secretary on his correspond- ence. A regular workshop!" shessawamsasEampaxagmas END PAIN Soothe SORE HANDS by Rubbing in ss, Cu+ 'I• c* arse or fl key, .; s you Iikc, DIXIE burns slower ant lasts`lknppr, 0° `s celloplione-wrappecl, with the cc6'9veniP'lf' easy -opening ribbon! Along Canada's Mining highway Regardless of wars and stock mar- kets, mining and oil developments denote continuous progress. Recent highlights in Quebec are the indications of big mine probabilities on Sladen Malartic and Feast Malar - tic, and an enlarging and higher grade ore outlook on Powell Rouyn. In Ontario's Larder Lake area, Barber Larder is the rising star, with important mine indications. Omega, Kerr Addison and Martin Bird con- tinue to develop favourably. Oriole has new developments of promise. Kirkland Lake Gold is meeting with splendid success at depth. Other ,Kirkland Lake producers show steady production record. In the Porcupine camp, Moneta anti Pamour have outstanding favour- oble ore disclosures. In the Long Lae camp, Hardrock is preparing for production, with the mine indicating an important future. Hutchison Lake, on underground work, is shaping up favourably. In Patricia, the Albany River mine, after a long period of uncertainly, is developing important ore. Crowshore, adjoining, is proving the continuance of the favourable structure. In Alberta, the Turner Valley oil field is showing rapid expansion. Recent new production successes indi- cate important future dividends for Royalite, Brown Oil, Davies Petro- leum, Monarch, Foundation and Com- monwealth. One hundred miles to the south of Turner Valley, at Taber, the Plains Petroleum Company has attained success with a commercial producer. British Columbia has new gold in- terest on the west coast of Vancouver Island. Ninety -Foot Drop Down Mail Chute Englishman Has Surprise Alice -In - Wonderland Journey Janes Thomas, 69, is recovering from the surprise of an Alice -in -Won- derland subterranean journey he made last week. Mr. Thomas stepped off the New- market race train at Liverpool St. station, London, England, and walk- ed across the platform towards a cab. He stumbled over a railing, and dis- ' appeared head first into a hole. His wife screamed and fainted. Porters rushed up. Meanwhile Mr. Thomas plunged at express speed down a 90 foot long steel letter chute to the post office in the tube station under the street. Turned Up In Post Office Ten seconds late, breathless and aghast, his bowler hat bouncing be- fore him, he shot on to the revolving band, Charlie Chaplin fashion. Dumb- founded postal workers stopped the machinery and picked up the white- haired man, who had suffered nothing worse than a slight cue on one hand and a bad shaking up. He was taken back to his wife. She revived at the sight of her lost husband. "Oh, Squibbs!" she cried, and they embraced as hundreds cheered the return of the mall "who went down there." Diamonds and Found On Lake Bottom The South African Government last week despatched a special force `EN SUFEIR i .. v`V0.,MEN who suffer Vv in silence often pay double penalty for Scaring this gag of un- l:ishness or silly pride. at:ifui periods are na- ture's warning that s;tnething Is wrung and needs immediate atten- .ton. Growing girls as well as women in mid- dle life are often suf- ferers from female irregularities. They find Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription Is a de- pendable tonic. Read what Mrs. John Roth, Rotito 4, Enrbro, Ont., said: "I lost weight, suffered from headaches and my strength wag completely gone, It was almost imposs- ible for toe to eat. Mother advised me to take Dr. Pleee's Favorie Prescription and ' in a short time I was feeling fine again." New Size, tabs. 50e, Buy now! Issue No. 46-'37 of diamond police to Veriletik Pan to-, guard a newly discovered diamond field, pending a Iegal decision on an action to stay prospecting. Verneuk Pan is a lake bed in Calvinia where Sir Malcolm Campbell established automobile speed records in 1929. It is located in a desolate part of Cape Province. Some experts edclared the stones found so far were small and of poor quality. Coal deposits in Manchoukuo have just been estimated at 8,000,000, tons. WAS NEVER SO -FOR I KNEW THAT AC DiiNDIGESTION WAS 'DISTRESSING TO ME AND OIFENSIVE TO OTHERS BUTNW- I JUST ALKALIZE T4IE EASY Pl (' fbI®PSO WAY The quick way to alkalize is this: Take two teaspoons of Phillips' Milk of Magnesia 80 minutes after eating and drinking. Or, when among others -take two Phillips' Tablets that come in a small flat tin you carry in purseor vest pocket. -You do it unnoticed. Relief is almost immediate., "Gas," nausea, acid breath and other offensive symptoms leave. - That "stuffed" feeling and pains from "acid indigestion" cease to annoy. You feel great. This is the way, we believe, snore doctors use than any other when alkalizing upset stomach. MADE iN CANADA