HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-11, Page 114, u Vol. XX V1 l! o„ i9 ZURICH THURSDAY MOHNIN Let the Ads. in the �Ie"rald Farmers! Attention! We have been appointed selling; Agents for the celebrated Viking _iI?iabolo• Cream Separator, the separ- ator with a ten year guarantee- Let us demonstrate this machine to you :and' compare it with all others. And. don't forget, the best feature is the ;unusual nusual easy terms. Liberal allow.auce .for `trade-ins. tf44 C. SCHRAG & SON:armirrommormararroaraserrogreraesrarcemuratattorriziegararm ST. PETER"S Evangelical Lutheran Church ZURICH — ONT. "A Changeless Christ for a Chang- ing WorbL" t, `riday, 8h—Luther League. ;Thursday . Choir Practice. SUNDAY SERVICES: 10 a. m.—German Service. 1.1.15 a.m.—Sunday SckefL '7.30 p.m.—English service. Everybody Welco=me to all Services. E. TUERKHEILVI„ pastor. ]HCAIRDRESSING THIEL'S HAIRDRESSING PARLOR ]Vers. Fred Thiel wishes to .advise the public that she is now .opera for business. Permanents and Finger - waving a specialty. All permanents guaranteed. Parlor located in rear of shop. For appointments call or phone 102 Zurich. a COMFORTABLE CLASSES At REASONABLE PRICES C. E. Zurbrigg, R.O. Successor to S. FITTON at EXETER Open every week day except WeJInesday S it;bS it ht, a 1 And Save dge oney Phone or See Us for a, Demonstration Before Buy- ing a New or Used Car.. We can Save You Money USED CARS NOW ON SALE: 1931 FORD' COA&a ,, Original Finish and Tires, and Original Throughout- This Car. is Me New.. 1931.tetia.V. IfeLUX COUPE, • 1W VIBLE SEAT. 1929 and 1925,FORD COACHES (Your Pick of Four) 1928 PONTI'.El;. '. `D?il�b, Owvnef 1'428 !WHIP'PE'T' COAs YF - r.. , 1.. �. 1930 CHOV_ •COACH, Looks and hens hike new. 1930 FORD UOACFI, Original Upholstering. New Paint, Mark Blue, for $240.00 1929 FORD COACH, as is .. _ . _ ;10:0.00 1924 MODEL T. COACH, good tires . . _ _.. _ . _ .. _ _ _ _ $18.00 1928 FORD COUPE: $125.00 ONE RUBBER TIRED BUGGY C. FRITZ & SON DODGE AND DESO'I_A DISTRIBUTORS ZURICH, I-1,ENSALL, EXETER, CREDITON, GRAND BEND AND ,SURROUNDING COUNTRY WE SELL THE REST FOR LES Species for Thursday, Friday and Saturday Tomato and Vegetabih tSenp„ per -ti.n . ,. _ . _ , _ ... _,.._ _ ; c "'Merest Shortening, per :Ih Fdy's Cocoa,,% s1f lir lin, per tin , ......._ . ,..,...__.._.,..21c Brooms, Special 5. -strings, 'e.`ach. DeI Maiz Nibiets,. 2 tires _---- _... _...._..27c Ovaltine,. Med. size,. per lin ....... _ .. _._ _._.,...... _.,. _._ ,-_.,..58c Heinz's, Cooked Spa.ghet r_< 17-ez. Mins ;Sultana;. Seedless Ibiles i,, new crop, .2 -lbs, ._.,,._..._...._ 25c Currants, g lbs, for .....,..._.._ — Glace Cherries,. sltxar1er lbs, w Pitted. Dates,, new .rorop„ 2 Thu.._ ,.17c elac Icing sugar, 2 lbs. Tomatoes. large ties, 2tins ....... _...... ....„23c Lushus Jelly, Ps acder,• 2 pikg;_._-._.............» Mince meat, 2 lbs.,, ,... ....., , , , . , _ ., . _ --....25c , tnrr 1=b.. Lemon or orange!. Peel, , ., . _ . ,......, .•» �xc ,Citeron peel', per Highest Pr - .,+an.r ret a cu im MF: kf G. NOVEMBER 11, 1937. Gloster L, Smith, Pubfirshae ;1.25 a year, U.S. $1.50 in Advalotim, 1.69 114 A1ta.sAR8, $2 7rI,A,X BIC MAIM isTr• direct your Fall Pu -r dia,ses Leav t 9S Theatre EXETER — ONT. Thur., Fri., Sat., Nov. 11, 12, 1 WHEELER & WOOLSEY In "ON AGAIN, OFF AGAIN" • Double Feature: Gene Autr, "GET ALONG LITTLE DOG y,• GIES" TWO NIGHTS ONLY Midnight Show, Monday Morning ',No �` 15th at 12.15. Monday Night t' "God's Country and the Woman" e: All Tecnicolor Special. tames.OliveT Curwood (Story). �< Tues,, Wed,, Nov. 16-17, NORMA SHEARER ;. In ROMEO and JULIET Corning—"Varsity Show" Powell. • with Dic In Police Court Since two young men were senten ced to two year terms in Kingsto' ` penitentiary a week ago, for .ehicket and grain thieving, police have cord Untied their drive on the marauder and on Thursday at Goderich it Ileipel 22, Howick Twp., youth, pl. aded guilty to two charges of woo h towns and villages. But no arrange - and cowhgdes stealing. He was re rnents have been made for such in mended one week for sentence h.; Zurich, and as a consequence it will Mag. Makins to permit • a furthe be lust like any other day. check -up. -"They even steal pigs"co inexi.ted;•Provinciel'Constable McCo ,, NaCERT Fou swine d• an75 oliicr et s axe T oofto that five 'thieveshave "s been arrested and convicted. There are still -nearly a score of raids unsolved".—Upshot of a Labor Day motor fatality was the prosecution of Miss Mary Lightly 18, who according to her own testi.: mony at the inquest into her sister's• death, was served beer in a beverage room, She was assessed $10 and costs as was Wm. Armstrong, the waiter who served her. Both pleaded guilty. —Charles Clarence, Tuckersmith far- mer, denied that he had assaulted his • 15 -yr. -old son, rather had he chasten- ed. The jail physician reported that ' Chreles was a mental case and in meet of observation and treatment. To this acre c d aerced, but asked time to put his affairs in order. He was allowed to weeks time and to17 day evening was a big success, as a - to keep a:.way from beverage roome round $100 were taken in. The pro - 'in the meantimne.. gram which followed was of a var- ied nature. The men's chorus and other musical numbers filled he nicely Rev. E. Turkltc+im of St. Peter's Luth elan church gave an iesp t tg ..ddtess as also did Miss Olive O Prein of the Evangelical church. The supper church while the program was given was served in the basement of the in the auditorium. OBITUARY: ti , or X11 -eefeee. FOIA NI IAC Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Yungblut were visiting at Detroit last week. Mir. and Mrs. C. 0. Smith and two sons of St. Joseph were at London on Saturday. M.rs. C. Eilber was a Saturday vis- itor at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Foster .at London. Rev. and Mrs. E. Burn and son E. A,, were at the funeral of their hrother-inlaw, Mr. A. Hagmeier, at New Hamburg. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hey and cia- ughter Merylyn of Royal Oak, Mich, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hey of Crediton were Sunday visitors with their par- ents here. `:Misses Alice and Susie Johnson ''f Zurich, accompanied Mr. and Mrs. u. Stoskopf of Kitchener, attending the funeral of the late Oliver John- son, at Goderich on Sunday. Miss Miranda Brown of Wahstao, Alberta, and Miss Aileen Ratz of Drumheller, Alberta, spent several days of last week visiting at the home of 1VIr. and Mrs. Peter Gingerich of the. Bronson Line. Thursday of this week is Armist- ice Day, and will be observed as a holiday .by many of the surrounding .the Town Hall, Zurich on. Friday evening, consisting of educational and comical screen plays and other varied numbers which will be assist- ed by the famous Harmony Four of Dashwood. • SUPPER AND BAKING SALE On Saturday November 20th, in the Town Hall, Zurich a supper un- der the auspices of the Ladies' Aid of St. Peter's Lutheran church from e 5 to 7.30 p.m. Also a Baking Sale beginning at 3 o'clock. Children un- der 10, 15c; Adults 30c. Everybody Welcome. 4 EYES EXAMINED GLASSES FITTED TUESDAY EVENING Of Each Week C. E. ZURBRIGG, Reg, Optometrist, Call for an Appointment A Go HESS Jeweler and Optician Put Your COAL in now at the low price. A sharp aeL vance may be expected so. Tile and Brick W. R. DAVIDSON We pay Cash for Eggs Phone 10 HENS:AMU e eeee eeeetesoateeeee0©®8• 84 o®t eoetoee teeel eesee •eeeeceal.0 ko SUPPER A SUCCESS The Anniver. ary Supper held in the Evangelical church Inst Wednes- STEPHEN COUNCIL The Council of the Township of Stephen met in the Town Hall; CretI 'iton, on Monday, the first day of No- vember A.D. 1937 at 1 o'clock p.i*. All members were present. The mill- uteg of the previous meeting wire read and adopted. _ The following pay sheets and Or- ders were passed: Jus, Stanleke rd 2 8170.24; N. Late JohnPfaff 'Beaman rd 3 2.50: L. Hill rd 4 16 On Sunday the re per of death 40 and $4; F King rd 5 1811;. . claimed an old and highly; respected. Smith rd 6 217.09; E. Chambers rld i resident of Hay Township in the per - 7 100.81 ; P. Regier rd 10 11;20; 'sora of John Pfaff, aged 81 years, 8 Finkibclner rd 8 286.81; B. McCain Months and 4 days, Deceased had rd 12 10.85; M. Swelter rd 15 6, 0 not been enjoying health for ever a Har. Turner rd 19 1.50 and 12.28; 1 year of more, during which time. he Latta rd 18 11.48; H. Isaac rd 17 $4; was confined to his ben most of the W. Desiaeheline rd 21 4,50; D. Han h , time, and death came as a relief to rd 24 28.11;,C. McGregor grade g; his suffering, as the past few weeks 20 ,'3, same $5; S. Ireland, haul ga. - he was gradually sinking. Being- a vel 9 7 88; Village of Exeter cuttn g !resident of the community since a -weeds 26 6.08; C. McGre^;or gradi g .boy, he is well known by many who 14 $3, ditto 16 $3: Gravel pit ex'- will regret to learn of his departure. 'en es 20.80; Geo. Eilber, Supt. s 1- A very prosperous farmer, and aI- -ary '75.00; pay sheeteeee Catruthe s' ,ways took an active interest in pub- briOge 19 734.15; Russell Shinn r lie welfe,re. He was an official of •gravel 228.18: Mrs. rime anal e .9 the Zurich Agricultural Society, and 1.20; For repairs' 9.25; S. Morris Th a Director of the Hay Mutual Fire 13 5.45.Insurance Co., serving in both capac- ORrI.1ERS--•Postmaster, Credit • r, ities very ably for a goodly number stetirerl en•,^lones 51.47 T' -T.• W1 -1 of yea's. Also took part in, church wire tax -notices 9.50; E. Guettin er activities. Resides his bereft widow account re milk Inspector' 9181 T;e is survived by three, childee1: Mrs. Mcisaac. acct, re Sonthcott bur at, :Peter 'Schwalm of the Blind line; V 2n : Bank of Commerce eashr g ;;.-1.d Miss Elm and Alfred at home cheques .90; Co. Trews. acct ie 1)10-1 en the farm, Blind Line, The fun - Thee 82.40: Taeas.. Exeter re Kett c- I eral took place on Tuesday from the burger 25.00; Ed. Willert acct re family home, to the St. Peter's Luth- 'Weed ed Ir.^pcetoc 29,70; 1 r, •an church for service, and to the ,, The Council adjoiurned to meet 1 •.tther•an cemetery for interment, -., '11- Ti. ,cwt Tl^11 P„-7;fon n” .`-:.`he cortege being a lame on`:, a rel donday, the 6th day of December, i the pastor, Rev. E. Turkheim ofi'iciat• l at 1 t, , 'aek, p.m. .. rel, The bereft family he ^t tee sytri B r'ier, I;. r i ter, Twp. "lcrlk,. t.pathy (If; e. i:srl;e eirclt offriends, 4 m 4 4 4 G^ Fi 'u`� �iTi`3d �n w �� nt 011)71'31. 4 0 paQllbe,449*.tre M•044600.1.5?441, 41.rS, +tAa�, Fi>k?4� •de•.,;.. .�R*.,,,,z SUITS Tail red row r $22IO �. OVERCOATS A FINE RANGE OF THE NEWEST STYLES AND PATTERNS JUST IN, AT REAL BARGAIN PRICES SEE OUR New Fall Hats, Caps, Sox, Ties in all the Iatest Styles and Colors. EMBALMERS AND FUNERAL DIRECTORS: e s.r Cr rt A el ci ON DISPLAY vVoo1 Blankets, White, Grey and PIad Flannelette B:, „_.: ':_., Flannelettes, Mackinaw Flannels,. Heavy Winter; Shirts for Men and Boys. Special Bargain Prices on: House Dresses, Prints, Mer o; and Bays' Sweater Coats, Pullover Sweaters; Boys' Bloomers and Knickers. Harness Repairs a Specialty. Stove Pipes, Elbows, and Stove Fixing Cement. FRESH GROCERIES ALWAYS ON HAND GENERAL 11111 A-:6:Hi NT PHONE 11 r 97 A Lir: