HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-11-04, Page 4- s.s.e-rsessee'ss-
W WA-IS:MOLD -414'11=S
M pAskrwooP on
THU asnA)r, N OVOID ER 11 th
At 1.30 pan.
Writing desk, lounge, setee, 4 cen-
lre 'tables, 2 seicker arm chairs, 2
rocking chairs, arm chair, 2 card
:.tables, lawn chair, 6 kitchen chairs,
.3 benches, "4 tables, refrigerator, ver-
andah swing, Electric stove, brass
land iron large bed, 8 mattresses, 4
rs -washstand, 3 single iron
;beds, 5 double springs, kitchen uten-
sils, toilet sets, and numerous other
In case of rain sale will be held
rhurch sheds.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
Geo. Merner, Clerk.
Mr. McLeod, Proprietor.
hire hens.; Set sloop sleighs.
Everything to be sold.
George II. Elliott, Auctioneer.
Ms. W. A, Rosa, Proprietress.
Auction Sale
Of Household Effects on West hif.
Lot 18, S. 13., Stanley Township nit
miles east of Blake, on.
At 1,30 p.m.
th Premier Treasure Cook Steve,
Kitchen stove new, heater, Iron ben
with springs and mattress, 2 wooden
beds with springs and mattresses, 2
dressers; 3 washstands, centre .table;
3 rocking chairs, couch, Raymond
sowing machine, linoleum rug 6x9;
linoleum rug 101ex9; Congoleum rug
6x9; Kitchen linoleum; 2 odd pieces
linoleum; sideboard, 6 diningroom
chairs, 6 kitchen chairs, 2 tables,
cream separator, pictures, 5 -gal.
crock; quantity home-made soap:
coal oil heater, sink, washing machine
2 wooden tubs, tea set, dishes, work
bench, work bench with vice, bench;
onion rack, spade, iron kettle with
stand; 2 axes, Ironing board, churn,
butter bowl. egg crates, vinegar bar-
rel, fire extinguisher, bucksaw, meat
grinder, wringer, scythe, lantern,
food chopper, apple peeler, binder
whip, buggy whip, sprinkling can,
lawn mower, cross cut saw, Eureka
Planter with scuffier attachment;
screen door, short ladder, wheelbar-
row; forks, hoes, shovels and num-
erous other articles.
Mrs. Henry Brenner, Proprieress.
William Clarke, Clerk.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
O Choice Cows, Young Cattle and
Pigs, at Walker's Sale Barn,
At 1 o'clock, p.m.
CATTLE—Roan cwo, 5 yrs. old,
due at time of sale; Blue cow. 5 years
old, due at time of sale; Blue cow 6
years old, due at time of sale; Brin-
dle cow, 6 yrs: old, due at time of
sale; Hereford circa-, 6 yrs. or due in
'December; Hereford cow, 6 yrs. old,
with calf at foot; Hereford cow, 5
yrs, old, with ealf at foot; Cow, 8
yrs. old, milking, due in March; 1
fat cow; 15 choice two-year and year -
:ling Herefords; 2 calves, 6 months
,olds 3 spring calves; 4 Durham heif-
ers, rising 2 yrs.
PIGS -9 York pigs, 7 weews old;
I/ York pigs, 5 weeks old; A number
;of sheep; 45 1 -yr. -old New Hemp -
'hrysier C rporation of Canada
Distributors for DODGE and DE SOT.A CARS
and TRUCKS for:
Zurich, Hensel?, Exeter, Crediton, Grand
Bend, Bayfield, Brucefield and Surrounding
1938 Models now Available
Agents Wanted
Distributors -- ZURICH
J. Passmore and Son, Agents Hensall.
• `N.,
Whatever your plans for renovating your
property, consult our local manager about
a loan under the Home Improvement Plan.
Ask for a copy of our folder
on Modernization Loans.
Dominion of Canada 1937 Refunding Loan
the Bank of Canada is authorized by the Minister of Finance to receive subscriptions for
this Loan, to be issued as follows:
Oue and One -Half Year 1% Bonds, due June 1, 1939
Issue Price; 99.125% and accrued interest,
yielding approximately 1.59% to maturity
Seven Year 23'?,% Bonds, due,Soveraber 15, 1944
Issue Price: 98.50% and accrued interest;
yielding approximately 2.74% to maw*
Fourteen Year 314% Bonds, due November 15, 1951
Callable on or after November 15,1948
Issue Price: 99.00% and accrued interest,
yielding approximately 3.34% to maturity
The 1% 'Bonds will be dated December 1, 1937. The 23/2% Bonds and the 3%.% Bonds will be
dated NOvernber 15, 1937. Principal and interest will be payable in lawful money of Canada.
interest will be payable without charge, semi-annually, at any branch in. Canada uf any
chartered bank.
1% Bonds $1,000'
Denominations: 21/2% Bonds $1,000
314% Bonds $100, $500 and $1,000
Proceeds a this Loan will be used for refunding, in part, the outstanding total of $122,799,80
unconvertfd Dominion of Canada 51,4 % Victory Loan Bonds maturing December 1, 1937. The
additionakeash required for this purpose will be provided. from the treasury..
Payment is to be made in full against delivery of interim certificates on or about November
15, 1937, in the case of the 21,4 % Bonds and the 314% Bonds, and on or about December 1,
1937, in the case of the 1% Bonds.
will be accepted at par up to the amount required for payment of allotments of the new
bonds. Resultant cash adjustments, where necessary, will be made at the time of 1; very.
- so....044Fwk?-4 _
Subscriptions may be made to the I-Tead Office of the Bank of Canada, Ottay.r, ironri any
branch. in Canada of any chartered bank or through any recognized dealer from who--).. copies
of the,tofficial prospectus containing complete details of the loan may be obtained. The Minis-
ter of Finance reserves the right to allot subscriptions in full or in part.
The subs subsc5on lists will open November 3, 1937, and will close as to any or air of the
ink rities, with or without notice, at the discretion of the Minister of Finance:,
Mr. and Mrs. Amos Gingerich and
daughter Jean, were Sunday visitors
with Mr. and Mrs. Mose Erb at Zur-
Mr. and Mrs. Chris. Schultz were
Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs.
J ohn Boshart at Seaforth.
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and
family were Sunday visitois with Mr
and Mrs. Mose Gerber, near Zurich,
Mr. and Mrs. Rudy Swartzentru-
ber spent Sunday with Mr. ana Mrs.
Aaron Erb,
Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and
;on visited with Mr. and Mrs. 'Sol.
Jechler on Sunday.
Miss Kathleen Oesch is spending a
iew days with Mr. and Mrs. Rudy
Mrs. Rudy .Swartzentruber visited
with her sister at Baden, and who is
quite ill, on Sunday last.
Mrs. Ed. Brisson motored to Lon-
don on Tuesday to visit Father Eris -
,on of that place who is quite ill at
St, Joseph's Hospital with an attack
of pneumonia.
1VIrs. E. G. Wesley has returned to
ier home in Detroit, after spending
a *few weeks at the Mousseau home,
Miss Roselle, Corriveau nas return -
;.:d after visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Edgar Masse of Detroit.
Sorry to report that Mr. Ben
Charette, who is staying with Mr, and
Mrs. Nelson Masse of the 14th con.,
is quite ill at present.
Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Wesley an d
Campbell of Detroit spent. t he
week -end at the Mousseau home.
IVIr. .an.d Mrs, Fred Pepineau left
alfred. Westgate left for his
home at Sussex, England.
Mr. Arthur Paine went to the
lumber camp in the northern Ont.
woods. '
A number from the vicinity took
in. the Lion's Frolic at Seaforth last
Friday. night.
'iMr. W. Jarrott and Rev. E. F.
Chandler attended Presbytery at
Smithsville, Tuesday.
Mrs. R. McAllister is having- the
Novembei meeting of the WANES. at
her home on Wednesday, November
10th at 2.30 p'.m. Mrs. Turner's
group in charge of the programme.
Mrs. Robinson visited her parents
Mrs. E. Proderick of Exeter and
friends frern Bothwell visited at the
b4me of Mr. and Mrs. Orville Smith.
Mr. and Mrs. W. Davidson visited
the latter's relatives near Listowell.
Mrs. B. 1VIcAllister and Miss Dolly
Hagan called on friends at Clinton
during the week. •
The Goshen W.M.S. held their Oc-
tober meeting at the home or Mrs.
Puce Johnston, with a good attend-
ance,. The meeting was in charge of
Mrs. Johnston's e;roup.
ester Helen, arrived. trbto. Toronto,
1where they had. been_ visiting, for a
couple of weeks with her sisters.
They are now getting settled on the
farm vacated by .Mr. and Mrs.. W.J.
Rev. R.. J. Peters is giving a lecture
illustrated with lantern slides, tn the
Goshen. church on Thursday evening.
At the annual meeting of the SU -tele
and Chatter Club, Miss Ella Martin
son was elected president and 'Mrs..
Harry Rader will remain as vice-
president While Mrs. A. Kuntz wilL
be setystreasurer.
It's humorous, hilarious and stup-
endous. Don't miss it. The Happy.
Cousins of Elmira at Dashwood Lu-
theran church on November 12th at
8 p.m.
Mr. and 'Mrs. Leonard Schrader
The annual convention of Stephen,
Exeter and Usborne. Religious Edu- and daughter of Windsor and Mr. and
.. Mrs. N. Sitter and family of Arkona
, cation council will he held. in Dash
1wood Evangelical church on Friday, were Sunday visitors with Mrs. Is
November 5th at 2.15 p.m. and 7.45.
Mr. and Yin& Biesenthal of Wind4
Mr. aldhtlixersB. Normanaztaraof Gzausreihcoh and'we
tlbrast, Sask., are visiting his sisters 1 Etfie alai?
-re Sunday last visitors with Mr. and.
Mrs. Harold Weber.
DA361 CSaj D.
The Five Hundred Club het at the,
home of Mrs. Maurice Klumpp on
Thursday evening the occasion being.
a Halowe'en party. Each member'
entered in appropriate costume, and'
• were welcomed at the door by a.
Mrs. J. Schroeder and Mrs. 0. Miller
•Rev.. K. Grentenger who has been
conducting evangelistic services here
was called to his home at Fenwick,
owing to the death of his mother-in-
law, Mrs. Ream.
ivizs. George Merrier who spent the
past few weeks with her daughters in
:Detroit returned home on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Edighoffer of ghost. The hpuse was beautifully de -
Mitchell and Miss Grace Guenther of corated black and orange. After sr
Kitchener visited relatives here on few -Halloween pranks the members
Sunday. of the cluls„all sat down to a delici-
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Callfas and, oats goose .Supper, the table being,
Mr. Henry Callfas of Sarnia, were. centred witla'a jack lantern, orange,
Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. streamers from the corners of the.
table were connected to a ligh above
The meeting opened with the hy-; V. Schatz.
rim from "Greenland's Icy Mountains Mrs. Carrie Hoffman of London, Following the repast the Old Witch.
•was xead by Mrs. Herb Smith. Prayer
, spent the week -end with relatives, entered and each number was given
also attending the funeral of the late her fortune. Five Hundred was
The scripture lesson, Isiah 55th chap
then Played the winners being Miss -
!ley. The devotional leaflet the chu-I Mr. and. Mrs. E. Oestreicher
rch'ofethe living God" was given: by. visited relatives in Dorchester on
was offered by Mrs. Robt, MeIruss Friday..
Mrs, -Elmore Stephenson, followed has
.the bymn, Sing to the Lord of liars Donald and Eunice Oestreicher at -
vest; prayer was offered by Mrs. Rus- tended a Hallowe'en party on Satur-
sell Emelt IVIrs. John Armstrong. day evening at the home of Mr. and
for Detroit for the winter. Mr. Rem- Thesbusiness of the meeting was in Mrs. A. Morgan of the Thames Road
snie benomme is looking after ;their „charge of the president, Mrs,' R. IM1- .IVIrs, and Mrs. Ghesna and family
Peck. of Birmingham, Mich., spent the we-
:itoek during this time.
Mr, Rudolph Corriveau has left for
Chatham where he has accepted a
position for a few months. •
The .rainutes of thelast. meeting
were 1;e0•• aiid adopted.
MrssElgin McKinley and Mrs. Robt.
Helen Wadiger and the consolation
prize was awarded to- Mrs. Maurice
Death of Mrs. Finkbeiner
Mrs- Carolina Finkbeiner widow of
the late Clnistian Finkbeiner died at
the home of her son-in-law and dau-
ghter, Mr. and Mrs. Reuben Goete mm
Dashwood, in her 84th year. She
had been an invalid for the last ten
ek-end with her mother, Mrs. F.
Willert. years. She is survived by three dau-
ReV. S. Pink- Ism' er of South Dak- ghters, Mrs. 'Reuben Goets "cif Dash.
• aVIcKinkY' gave a splendid report of ota; attended the funeral' of the late ;weed, lib's. Percy Hirmble of Sarnia,
-4. number from Drysdale enjoyed
the Centre Sectional meeting at Mrs. Finldbeiner on Sunday. and Miss Callan • at home:. The ! fun-
' -he baking sale and excellent lunch
Mrs. P. Mclsaac who spent the past eral was held on Sunday afternoon
et Zurich Town Hall,
s:ven by St. Bonirace Church,
en sattimay, Bi ucefield. 1VIrs. Perce Johnston andMis.
Mrs. Elmore Stephenson sang; Christ week in Detroit returned home en to the Evangelical ehurch. • Rev. IL
is not a Disappointment. Miss Peters Sunday. E. Rop,pel in charge of the service
Mr. and Mrs. Blair of Centralia,
sailed on friends (luring -the week..
Miss Mary Hagan of London, vis- Alter Wsich lunch was serve and a, wititber sister lwrs. Humble to Sarnia Guenther and Simon Moriock. In
Wl her :deer, Miss Dolly ans bro-, social bons was soen.1-. toes:ther iwhexe she will remain for a few we- teinnent took place in Crediton Evan-
/ thcs Frani, VIrs, Vobt, E. Robinson and dans sks. geliced Cemetery.
then favored us with a reading, This 'Mr. Norman Kellerman of Kite).- and was assisted by Rev: S. Finkbein-
Old Clay House. The offs ing was ever attended the funeral of the late er.of South Dakota. The pallbearers
then'received. The hymn, Father We Mrs Finkbelimr on Sunday. were Wesley Wolfe, Albeit Wolfe,
Thank Thee for the night, was sting. .Miss Cathern Finkbeiner returned Oscar Wolfe, Sylvester Wuerth, Earl