Zurich Herald, 1937-11-04, Page 3. v.w ',rwww,wwww wwwtwrwwwwwww K. ww wwwwww www�W�"Ow,PwOw907e4`t; �+, r 4 v ♦ t• 0 S b ♦.4 i 0 9.� d i � 1�� �'► + f,.i 4.���.4.♦r�„o :�►�.�n,¢.'1.15.�%,�,�4+a�R�/., °, *.,e to � r � ,! sp �ow0.a.r .+f ..�� ��f+. r��� ► rs' ..4 D D {10 D p•/ :; u tt d� .• ..'kavertISmg r�. tslr vi v V v w w,iv,,yw v'wA`vO1414: ��i'a►�i 141;,}R14t14 ,rse,� •, o:103,*;.4X•,w°+ �,,w�`0;.40*•,wy IPT, �0i<':01411 AGENTS WANTED MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS AGENTS SELL MEN'S NECIKTIES. 140 PER cent profit, Wo carry largest assortment. Lowest prices. Orders filled by return Rra11, No uSample's otwearComp any,Easern Ave,, ee. Ontario SALESMAN WANTED BY "THE OLD RE - liable Fanthili Nurseries" (Established 100 d yearn). pee al Lines,foStart Centennial exclusliveu0terri tory in town or country; liberal terms; free outfit. Stone and Wellington, Toronto 2, SELL 50313 5 GUARANTEED LINGER,, hosiery, aianufaeturere, Stores. Estab- lished 25 years. Christmas seller. Experi- ence unnecessary. Get details. Sobiee, 140 Farnham Quo. R]1eryLmanW�cturer for ItineDdlsFOR Only energetic man considered. Write full par- tieulars to air. Elliott, 72 Queen West, To- ronto. GOLD 1JTe.11 NAMES ON PINK OR GREEN Leaf, 300, Agent's outfit 506 deposit. Geo. Rescuer. 50 Torrens, Toronto, Ont. AVIATION ' COURSES 1N FLIGHT INSTRUCTION, NA- vigati.m, aeroplane and engine mechanics, licensed Instructors. Leavens Brothers' Air Serv.'es, I.ivlted, Barker Airport, Toronto. CATTLE ELM PARK ABERDEEN ANGUS - START breedias.s heel cnttie now. They are scarce all mor t'.:e iinntinent. Aberdeen Angus have produ '-1 t:rasd Champion Carcass of Beef at Cleo -. „ international every year since 1900. lathe and Females of breeding age for sale rens.,.^''10. James Bowman, Elm Park, Cue'S.!t, Cnterie. DUAL t 1 C.:;;.1 SHORTHORN BULLS, ONE to twoire lo' "tin. Twelve to fourteen out of fifteen. nearest dans in their pedigrees av- er^,•s r:or e'e:aa thousand pounds milk per c� redit� . Eaysid0 Farm,d Owenw80.00. ly c - Sound. E:E-WOVEN INTO RUGS OLD • ; ,. WOVEN INTO REVERSIBLE Ito,;,. Wr.te fair price list. Baker Cleaning C„ -t • 4. s'' ELECTRIC WELDER ELI TRIC WELDER WCNPT.'teletTL NEW INVENTION. OPER- ates *r:._ x 0 -volt battery. Welds, Solders, '.1'5 delivered. R. II. Anderson, Ling' :,, Ont. FURNITURE L;-'Crx, USE FURNITURE BARGAINS Greet ,'s,i1145 1a our Furniture Trade-in De- partn o. t. Cur low prices have made this department the largest and most popular in Torent•• 30'1 a few of the hundreds of spe- cials aro listed here, If you don't see what You wns are suret tcicome have it ndat the in or lowest prite, rice In town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. Sween Beautiful American walnut bed- room suite, large chiffrobe, full length fin1e mirror vanity and full size 4 -poster Led with eaglese. spring. Completely refinisana. C. et new over 5200.00. $.31 WALNUT finish dresser, in perfect y"`d• condition, with hull size steel bed to maty st,gtess spring and brand new all - felt 1,. trees. g' tZi slak�iYJrSolid oak dining -room Suites, large $P wwrr buffet, extension tables and six leather upholstered chairs, in perfect condi- tion. Your choice of golden or fumed oak. t�©© Beautiful solid walnut dining -room tiVQ � ' suite, large buffet, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. A really fine suite nod_ rooks brand new; completely re- finished. d. Cost originally about $300.00. v.onEight -piece, 2 -tone walnut finish 1 'u dining -room suite -Queen Ann de- sign; large buffet, extension table and six chairs upholstered In genuine leather.,yCom- pletely refinished. $49.011 Luxurious 3 -ole e Chesterfield wr Suite (unclaimed). Thio suite has horst rebvilt and recovered in veryMat- tractive brand new brown repp; has sha11revereth'e spring cushions and is a real Bargain at this price, Originally cost 5175.00. Is exactly like new. .$^•dya'3'.R3® Full length chesterfield and two �3 roomy chairs to match, uphol- stered is, 0. novelty repp with reversible Mar- shall mtobinns and show -wood walnut frame; e.omn'etely re -conditioned and dry cleaned. ,o, nr Larne Cheeterfleld with two big ' ' D choirs, covered in a French Jac- quard Taupe shade; completely re -built and thorni0hly dry cleaned. Larne nssertment of Kitchen Cabinets, Sew - Ing Mnehines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, Beds, Spring Mattresses, Odd Dressers, Chif- foniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low priced. Trade -In Dept. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Savo 40r'. .buy Direct from Factory TORONTO 478. Y0N0ls ST, DOGS SCOla, i, i'INCI.IWI COLLIE PUPS, ALL :es; fainirea replaced free; trained cattle doge; trait,er1 (non, fox, deer hounds; great lanes, Pape; buy from largest trained dog kennels in Canada. Guarantee satisfaction. Rapidvlew Kennels, Morrisburg, Ontario. FILMS AND PRINTS LEARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE, TEW4 pet, Trombone. Beoome a Musician, Send for Form for six nays' Free Trial. Ten months' terms -no interest, Literature free.. Greene Musio Company, 57 Queen St. East, Termite. LEARN TO PLAY A MUSICAL INSTRU- rnent at home - shorten those long winter evenings. Hawaiian or Spanlslr Guitar; Vio- IVIandolinP ete with course of home study Piano lessons,esold on very Whaley, terms. d at and Corppanyce r Lim- ipar- ted, Whaley, lied, 237'Yange Street, Toronto, or your loc- al Mole Dealer. MISCELLANEOUS FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30e. TWO 01,000CE Dresser Dolls, 50e. Large Sett Spreading Doll, 51.00, Boxed -postpaid. Robert Har- vie, 238 Bing East, Toronto. CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR FAVOUR - Ito negatives, 12 for 75c; 3 for 25c. Com- plete with envelopes, Sample, 10e. Bright - ling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto. ROLLS DEVELOPED, PRINTED, 3. FREE enlargement 250. Re -prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Graft, 183'h King St. E., Toronto. ZERO PRICES, EXPERT WORK. ROLL with free enlargement 250. Trevanna Stud - los, 93 Niagara Street, St. Catharines, Ont. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS PATENT ATTORNEY ROY L. IKNOX, REGISTERED ATTORNEY. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. ORIGINALLY COSTING WHEN NEW UP TO 5800., gond makes, beautiful walnut, ma- hogany and golden oast cabinets, in real good Condition, tuned, including piano benches; bargain prices, 539.60, $49,50, $59.50. Ideal for homes, schools, churches. Write for our bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales, 2418B Dufferin SL, Toronto. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL PATENTS ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIRDRESSING. Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus, 981 Bloor West, Toronto. MEDICAL INVENTIONS PATENTED. 'WRITE TODAY for helpful, illustrated W. Irwin lkett,16Elin,Otwa AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR. LIST of inventions and not information sent free. The Ramsay Company, Registered Patent Attorneys, 273 Fnn1c St„ Ottawa, Can, PERSONAL BOOKS EVERY MARRIED COUPLE AND those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15e. "Sex and Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 256. e of books, Our suppliesage illustrated n andh usehold govel- ties free upon request. Supreme Specialty 169 Yonge, Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, COMFORT, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or understraps or steel. Write, Smith Manufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Pres- ton, Ont. POULTRY -NEW HAMPSqaES AND ISLAND Reds. ucockerels OO Island Red hens .90c. M. Fisher, Enterprise Ontario. ;ITRONACH'S TAPEWORM REMEDY, SIM- ple, inexpensive, effective. Write today for complete information. STRONACH 05 STOMACH POWDER. QUICK relief Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Sour Stom- ach, Heartburn, Bloating, Bliliousness, Nau- sea. Successfully used many years. Large packaMines, mailed 30Dovercourt, t,l Toronto. Medicines, WHY SUFFER/ ONLY 350 WILL CONVINCE you that Mazar Salve will give permanent relief from ulcers, running sores, new or old wounds. Money -back guarantee. Mazer Mfg., 331 Fiera Ave„ Winnipeg. MUSIC BY MAIL.. THREE NEW DANCE 1!OLIOS CONTAINING the n's tunee; the new DICIpt6POWELL 040k of the new 90 3,a contains Dream Boat," "I Know Now," eta SELECT DANCE FOLIO contains "Sweet Lollard." "Pennies from Heaven," etO. The NEW FEIST DANCE POLIO 9ontatning "That Old Feeling," "Lovely One," "Where Arc v'u," etc, Price 50c each. Dominion Matic f ply, I1ermant Building, Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD BUILDINGS anWreckers, ckers, 440 Greenw wrecking. Greenwood d, ToronHouse Toronto. QUILTING PATTERNS FREE! - 70 QUILTING PATTERNS: GIANT washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints! Silks! Eiderdowns! - 51.00 "Collect." Sample bundle - 25c. Refund Guaranteel Maritime Textiles, 8049 De- gaspe, Montreal. RADIOS RADIOS RECONDITIONED, BATTERY AND Electric, 58.00 up. Write for free Price List. Palace Rodin Shop. 721 Pape, Toronto. STAMPS AND COINS CANADA, 98 DIFFERENT $1.00; 60 REVEN- ues 50c. Coronation.; 52 Dominions $8.25, 185 illustrations 2 c.75 Free Radian Price List Catalogue50 200 sete. Vincent, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal. Cost of Living High in Yukon Steep Prices Asked For Necessi- ties - Only Rents Low E WAS ALWAYS TIRED AND ILL Three Complaints Slave lIirn A Miserable Time Suffering from three complaints - disordered kidneys, sciatica, and rheumatism, how could this man be anything else but always tired and ill? This is what he writes; - "Up to .a month or so ago, I had suf- Pored continually from kidney dicer der, sciatica, rheumatism, and general- ly felt off colour. I was constantlY tired, and under medical supervision. i tried many remedies, but without ef- fect until I gave Kruschen Salts a trial. In four weeks, I(v'uscllen has broutransfht about orma- tion. have a ahealhy completeor appetite and once more feel that if is good to be The kidneys are the filters of the human machine. If they become slug- gish;inlpui'ities find their way into the blood -stream, and the seed of half -a- dozen common ailments is sown. The scientific combination of salts in Kruschen quickly coaxes the kid- neys back to healthy, normal action. Soon your ailments are relieved and life becomes a joy again. The cost of living in Dawson City, Yukon, famed for the gold rush of '98, is high but does not seem to worry the hardy inhabitants. On a 3,000 -mile aerial assignment, from Lethbridge, Alta., to Dawson, a Lethbridge Herald reporter, J. St. Claire Rivers, learned what is meant .by the "high cost of living." Canteloupes $1 Each "Apple Jimmy," a Greek fruit dealer and a famous character dur- ing the gold rush days, who sold ap- ples and oranges in the dance halls at $1 each, told of present costs. He still runs a fruit store in Dawson, his wares brought in from Varcou' Ver. Fruit is the most expensive. Can- teloupes today sell for $1 each; oranges and peaches, three for $1; plums, three for 25 cents. Potatoes sell at $14 a sack and meat at 50 cents a pound, regardless of the cuts. House rents are cheap, $10.00 a month, but water is costly, $10 a house a month and electricity is 25 cents a kilowatt. Telephones come high, too, A party' line costs $10.00 a month; a private line $20 a month. Cigarettes are sold in packages of 50. The cost is 75 cents a package. There is no draught beer in Daw- son and no permits are needed to purchase liquor. Beer sells at 50 cents a pint and $1 a quart. Telegraphic kisses (to be deliver- ed in kind by the messenger) is New York's latest. NO TERRIBLE HEADACHE NOW Found Quick, Sure Way to End Them It's fortunate that a great Canadian doctor made the famous fruit, herb and tonic remedy„ Fruit -a -Lives. Mr.C.D., Toronto, writes, "I was bothered with very severe headaches. Pain op top of head and in forehead was more than I could bear, My doctor advised me to take Fruit -a -fives. Since then I have not had any trouble with headaches. When you take Fruit- a- tives, your liver is cleansed. Stomach, kidneys and intestines work natur- ally. Poisons and wastes go, Food nourishes. Health comes. 25c. and 50c. All druggists. c c IVEtt FRUIT -A TIVES TABLETS Double 8x+3oronto Fireman Cant. jack Young of Miami, fors mer fireman, has been a s;:oedbaat racer, an undertaker and a tuck driver daring his adventuress life. Mils °newest role is impersonating Pre- sident Roosevelt. ft began in 1934 when a gasoline station attendant in Florida lost a $5 bet that Young was the Chief J xecu- tive of the United States, With the fpair ' e ofpince-neznil Id aglasses a a a flip of his 'slouch hat brim, Young resembles the President so much that police reserves were called out when he attended a baseball game in Wash- ington, IIo11y.wood heard of the likeness and Young is now on his way there to do a series of character impersonations. Interviewed in Detroit, he said that he was improving his chief act, which until now consisted only of the fa- mous Roosevelt smile and breezy greeting. One hundred years ago there was not' a block of chocolate made in Eng- land. DOU LE Satisfaction DOU LE Convenience M LE � Automatic OC1t'I C Booklet t *b / 1 He is happy whose circumstances suit his temper; but he is more ex- cellent who can suit his temper to any circumstances. When we're right we credit our judgment; when we're wrong, we curse our luck. Where 'the Steamships Climb the Mountain Atwsaaswe Thorold,ntario, are located those wonderful examples of engineering, the Great Twin Flight Locks on the Welland Ship Canal. Reading from the fore -ground. are Numbers 4, 5, 6, with single lock Number 7 in the background. This construction enables boats up to 800 feet long to pass up and down the escarp- ment at the same time, with a minimum delay to navigation. Each lock raises or lowers a boat 461 feet. It is interesting to compare these locks with those of the first canal built in 1829. The latter had 40 locks 110 feet long by 2f et wide with aith a of fof e8tfeet. The present canal has only 8 locks but each is 820 feet long by• Stuff and Nonsense OWL LAFFS Christian Science Monitor gives this as an example of truthful ader- tising. Let us hope the owner sold the property. Advertisement in New York news- paper: - Tumbledown house on ,hilltop for sale in Litchfield Hills, Connecticut; two miles from town. No babbling brook. Extensive grounds for push- ing lawn mower. Bad golf, fishing, etc. Twelve acres inclosed by horse . fence adjoining hunt club. Dump near house. Approximately 30 apple trees. Domestic problems terrible. Price, $29,000. Merchant -Everything that college men endorse is not necessarily good. Friend -Why do you take that stand? Merchant -Because I have a check. from one of them. Marrying in haste is all right if you are marrying the right one, but usually the earlier the wedding the greater the gamble. Mother -in -law -That's a cute little. tree on the front lawn, John -I mean the one that's about a foot high. Son -in -law -Yes, I just planted it,•'. I hope the next time you come, you'll„ be able to sit in its shade. Hesitatingly, hardly daring to look, - he paused and scanned every inch of the space before him. As far as the eye could see, there was just the saline drab barrenness. Nothing. With sinking heart he turned sadly away. Again and again he had come to search, anis had returned despondent, There were days of renewed hope, fol-.. lowed by deeper despair, and as the days passed and there was still no sign, no change, he began to lose faith. • Then, at long last, came the in- credible, unforgettable. inorning when they finally appeared -the first two shoots from the four seeds he had planted in his bed -sitting room ruin rlow box, Troubles always stein to learn to add and multiply a lot c s:cr than they do subtract. A fira;lcal rote that didn't worst: Tine' young 8 • bride had heard Title Husband speak of borrowing money o:r, notes. So she took to the bank a few of those he wrote her before their Marr -age, Vie cashier read each one with great care and evi- dently wth much pleasure, but the mean thing wouldn't lend her a cent onthem. rit yry ake-Howsabout joining 0 of tea, old boy? ike-Oke, m'lad. You crawl in first, and then we'll see if there's any room for nag. One need not be a criminal to catch the force of this: Daughter looking up from her novel)- Papa, in time of trial, what do you suppose brings the most com- fort to a man? Papa (who is a newly appointed magistrate)' -An acquittal, I should think. me in a Teacher -Who bury Caesar"? Nervous Youngster - teacher, the undertaker. z,. Another Pig Starts 'War" On the Canadian Border said: "I come to P -p -please, For the second time in eighty-one years a pig was blamed for trouble n the peaceful boundary line be - "ween the United States and Canada. Back. • in 1856 a British porker crossed an imaginary line west of Bellingham, Wash., rooted up the crops of Lyman E. Cutler on San Juan Island, and nearly precipitated a war between England and the United States, the famous "54-40 or fight" incident. Mrs. Zella Minnick, Canadian, charged that her American neightbor, John Scheres, of Bellingham, Wash., struck her with his fists. Scheres said Mrs. Minnick's pigs crossed the boundary line and rooted up his crops. But this matter was left to a jus- tice of the peace, Scheres submitting to arrest on all assault charge. Indoors 5 months with RHEUMATIC Pill ''S Now walks 3 voles a day Everyone who suffers the sharp agony of Rheu- matic Pains should read how Mrs. S. P. madea remarkable recovery from this crippling pain. T wasso i11 with Rheumatism in my knees,': she writes. "that I was not out of the louse for five months last winter, 1 tried about every thing, then l happened to meet a friend who told me about Fynnon Salt. I have taken it regularly and am so much better that I can walk 3 to 4 miles and am gettingbetter every day." Doesn't that experience mean something to you? You, too, can look forward to quick, lasting relief from rheuinatie pain if only you take Fynnon Salt. This is why. Those sharp, jagged crystals in the blood that cause Rheu- matic pains arc due to an excess of uric acid in your system, lly'nnon Salt, tate proven British remedy, neutralizes this uric acid using Nature's own weapons - the mane,,.. salts of the earth. A half ,teaspoonful of ?ynnon Salt in water equals in medicinal client three large glasses of ntu •mineral waters. S0 start now using lr yn .on Salt, t2^,,;'re it every day, Large peetsees cost only,„� at. ',Ave It dlfncu an drag stores. 15 you ave any y Sgetting supplies, write Laurentian Agencies, t, Gabriel Street, Montreal. 2 ebrew Typewriter Operates Backwards A typewriter that goes "backward" and writes in Hebrew was presented to A. J. Goodman of Nashua, N.H., by his four daughters as a birthday gift. The snadhine was made by a na- tionally known typewriter concern, which Goodman said, maintained it never before had constructed one like it. The keys bear Hebrew char- acters, and the carriage operates from right to left, instead of from left to right, as on ordinary machines. Goodman, a merchant, long has been regarded as a Hebrew scholar. Find Apple Pie Losesf' Experts Discover That Pie Has Only 20 Per Cent. of Orieinaal Vitamin Content in na?. !n Ap- pies. Scientists at the State Ara.:ou'tural Experiment Station at •Get'ura, N.Y.,, have revealed that apple pi: loses the fruit vitamins. The 111s.i-:'c :rl y sub-' stance in fruits and ;.;: • lees, Vita- min C, tines'.^ascs cent. when the 51 pli;S are l.i:'1'.' .:'.t) a llie,. the station said, and L7 place of pie which f;.i , i a mid- night snack rates nilly 1;1 per cent. of the original v11.,l,lrin c-.>.1te.1t in fresh appl4s. Er.search workers at ''.E1 station found that apple varint.i s t, xar wide- ly in their Vitamin C c':. ,i, with Baldwins and Northern S;'1 the best sources. Apple sauCo CO":' gout two-thirds as much of the '' ' a'airt as' the fresh apples from 1. '.l it was made. The studies were n _, :,' '.:,) ascer- tain the effect of varion t:c••:t.'1cnts of fruits and vegetables on 11 r Vit-; aurin C content. Soviet Gets Air Record The International Aeronautical Federation has formally recognized the Soviet claim to the world's long- distance air record, set last July 13 when the Soviet flyers Mikhail M. Gromov, Andrei Yumashev and Ser- gei Danilin flew from Moscow to San Jacinto, Calif., a distance of 6,305.7 miles, in 62 hours 7 minutes. The previous record was held by the French flyers Maurice Rossi and Paul Codes, who flew 5,657 miles from New York to Syria in 1935. Buys Entire Town At Auction ,este M. R. Tyre, of' Lufkin, has bought the entire town of Manning, Texas. More than 250 buildings -theatres, lodge halls, business houses and resi- dences -are being razed for lumber. Manning, serving almost exclusive- ly the employees of a lumber mill, once had 1,500 inhabitants. Civic tragedies such as fire and abandon- ment of a railroad sent residents away. The company decided to salvage the lumber in the old buildings and looked for a bidder. Tyre made the best offer and bought the town, A list of S8 persons who have been deprived of their German nationality because their attitude is "in conflict with the duty of loyalty towards Reich and people," includes two babies of 1. year old, a child of two and one of 3 years. TRENCH'S REMEDIES Energy building TONIC TABLETS, STOMAC1f TABLETS to relieve stomach troubles, TRENCH'S REMEDY, free Booklet on request. Write today. TRENCH'S REMEDIES, LTD. Dept. W. 110 CHURCH ST -TORONTO !nue No. 45-'37 Labrador Inrtpc<":.a tc3 BATTLE HARBOR, Labrador, usually pictured eat a land of perpetual ice and s:' is now importing ice. A scarcity of icebei-: in the Strait of Belle Isle has . ed fish- ermen to import ice froil Canada to pack salmon catches. American banks hold i' ;.tten de- posits worth altogether neatly- $190,- 000,000. Of these 65 aro worth more. than $50,000 each. CARRY ALKWITH YOU FA`C'ING CAIJ "r.S: ACG ea ,--HERE'S THE SENSIBLE THING TO DO The fastest way to "alkalize" is to carry your alkalizer with you. That's what thousands do now that gen- uine Phillips' comes in tiny, pepper- mint flavored tablets -in a flat tin. for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips° tablets -equal in "alkalizing" effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' from the bottle. .At once you feel "gas," nausea, "over -crowding" from hyper -acidity begin to ease' ",,Acid headaches," "acid breath,' over -acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distress -avoid offense to others. MADE iN CANADA POULTRY RAISER CONQUERS "ROUPyte Praises Minard's Liniment As Remedy for Roup or Bronchial Flu Read in this letter from G. atinviellq, Fort Garry, how he checked Roup (Brous, chial Flu) when it broke out among hiss young hens. "After trying other retnedie$ and obtaining no results whateda" write*, Mr. Minvielle, "I tried Minard's Liniments, five to six drops on the tongue and somon times more, depending on the btr!s. I ami positive that it helped me out a lot," ,Minar's Liniment is a tried and proven remedy for sprains, burns, bruises and old diseases, as welt as for Bronchial an solo by `or y a itheum tic trouble, b druggists.