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Zurich Herald, 1937-10-28, Page 4
VOIM .0 `1 i•Q N SALE Of Household Effects. At Zurich, an =SATURDAY, OCTOBER, 30th At 2 o'clock, pan. Utche,n. range and pipes, coal oil ettiva with oven, Studio Couch, Kit - =cabinet; Rocking chair `: 'lin- ,grip froom .chairs, 2 tables; Dres er, 2 wash stands, Bed, Springs and mai:- trees; Clock; Handy cupboard; Cen- time table, Stove board, hitt and Coat --act, Toilet set, Bench, `2. .coal oil Tans., "ironing board, Coal scuttle, Wash. board, Set Davos sad irons, :oaet:ing pan, Cabbage cutter, Water !pat, Pictures; Fire shovel, Picture tames; 2 Puller mop, Chamber pail, 3 Congoleum rugs, Kitchen Linoleum, 2.eia'uall rugs, Bedding box, cup rack, ,T'enther Tick, 6 pillows, Pr. Drapes; f? Comforters, Damask table cloth; 'l. res er scarfs, Com fee. ':0,.. covers, ''Creton drape, 5 Ca :jars canned ;goods, 2 lamps, Dishee, Ca o'. , a red .numerous other articles. TERMS _CASII Decor Klopp, Auctioneer. :Henry Steinbach, A. F. Hess, Exec - actors, John H. Schnell estate. AUCTION SALE litter at foot; 'j suciciiig pegs 8 we- eks old; 7 York stocker pigs, Also 0 Stocker pigs, 140 tbs. each. IMPLEIYIENTS__'dcCormiek binder 6 ft. cut; Deering mawes 5a, ft, cut; McCormick spring tooth cultiv- ator; •111eCormiek 11 -disc drill; dou- ble skim plow; wagon, gravel box; 2 Fleury walking plows, 3 -section harrow, 2 -drum steel roller; pig box, wheel barrow, root palpor, lot- ting box, 1% h.p. gas engine, stone - boat, 15 -ft. ladder; 36 -ft. ladder, extension straw blower with hood, crowbars, owners, bob sleigh, hoes. single harness, double harness, co -al- ters, rolling coulter, 2 skimmers, cow chains, 20 tons of nixed hay and numerous other articles. No reserve, as the proprietor has. rented his farm. TERMS—CASH Frank Taylor, Oscar Klopp, Auction- eers. George Merner, Clerk. Arthur Weber, Proprietor. AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock and Implenretria' On Lot 19, Concession 9, Babylon. Df Choice Cows, Young Cattle and .line, Fray Township, 4 miles from. Pigs, at Walker's Sale Barn, j Zurich and 41a miles from Dashwood BRUCEPIELD, On On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5th At 1 o'clock, p.m. Commencing at 1 o'clock p.m. CATTLE—Roan cwo, 5 yrs. ol:t, HORSES ---Grey •Percaeron horse ue at time of sale.; Blue cow. 5 ye ''s .`i yrs. old about 1500 lbs; Bay Clyde •old, due at time of .lc; Ilee cow 0 'gorse 8 yrs. old 1500 lbs;. Wagon ;years old, due at time of , : Brine horse 1 yrs. old. elle cow, Ci yrs. old, due at time of LIVE STOCK Roan cow due in .sale; Hereford cow, 0 yrs. oe! due in Marrh; Loan cow fresh; 2 -yr. old. December; Hereford cow, 0 yes. o1.1, white heifer fresh, both with calf at • -with calf at foot; Herefeed cow, 5 foot; 2 3 -yr old cows due at time of yrs, old, with calf at feat; Cow, 8 sale; 2 -yr. old roan steer; 4 Durham rs. old, milking, due in Ti m, li; 1 yearling heifers. These cattle are all fat now; 15 choice two-year and year- no. '. l uric ...r and hare boon tested ling Herefords; 2 caber, R months for T.D. and Abortion and found Old; 3 spring calves; 4 Duileain hell- 100 pure. • ers, rising 2 yrs. PIGS -1 brood sow due December. PIGS -9 York pigs, ': v1 w, oid 2nd. r , ETC:—McCormick Carmicl: 9 York pigs, 5 week old; A number IMPLEMENTS, NTS, ETC;—= of .sheep; 45 1 -yr, -old '\:env Hamnp- binder (3 -ft cut; Deering mower 5 -ft .shire hens; Set sloop sleighs. cut: Steel hay rake; McCoimick-De- fertilizer drill it -disc new; 2- Everything to be '?old. eerie;, TERMS—^.ASH drum steel roller :Hassey -Harris; Ma - George H. Elliott. Auctioneer. ssey-Harris Fpringtooth cultivator :Mrs- W: A. Bore, Proprietress, new; 3 -section harrows; walking plow -_-4-- riding pow; in -throw di:.c; horse scu-. AUCTION SALE t flier :McCormick -Peering new; Wagon Wagon box; :tock rack; flat rack 16 - Of Farm Stoert and Implements ,• ft. new; road cart, pr. bob sleighs On Lot 8, Con. 12. Paonson Line, Cockshut new; platform for sleighs; Hay Township. on i turnip seeder, 2 -wheel trailer, buggy. Clinton fanning mill, 1.200-Ib.cales; 'THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4th • !cutting box, root pulper, stonebbat Commencing at 1.00 o'clock p.m. 2 -furrow plow, ladder, set double HORSES -1 grey Perelreron mare ' harness practically new, single harn- :6 yrs. old with colt at foot; 13 -yr. ' ess, 3 -horse harness, 4 horse collars ' aid Clyde mare suypo,ed to be in sweat pads, a quantity of twine sacks :+a1? Dark iron grey Gen. Purpose Viking cream se*+arator, chop .boxes. • =are 'rising 2 .yrs; Black Percheron - steel drums, whifiletrees, ne•ckyokes ire rising 43- yrs. old. doubletrees, honey extractor, 12 ton ' STOCK -3 Holstein •cows in of Wised hay, and numerous other enroll, still milking; Red cow •supper- articles, `• ,x13 to be in calf; Durham COW5 5'n's-1 No reserve, as the proprietor has egd With calf at foot; 4 beafers 2 sold his. farm. *yrs. old; Two 2 -yr. old steers; h TERMS—CASH ts'teers weighing 1,000 lbs.; f, fat Iheifert Durham and Polled Angus; Arthur Weber, Auctioneer. "Hereford babybeef ; Purebred Dur- Clayton Pfile, Clerk. Mean bull. PIGS York .sow with Martin Laub, Proprietor. JOHNSTON & KAe..BFLEISCH•I Zurich — Ont. MAS.SEY -HARRIS NEWS FREE! FREE! FREE Free Mountings and Plenty of Free Air for all Tires purchasedUs; Quality Best • , rices Lowest; from ualt P Written Guerantees;Ask to See the Tire'" which as h_ . over 125,000 miles of service. Ern ' brie Cat- , gy we will rhea all, competition. Cat- alogues, p m ending Ilerrients should be in good working . J p shape shortly; Order M. -H. parts, early. Cultivator points for many makes GAS OIL • AND GREASE Tel Shop 149 O. KIOP? & SONS Rea, 67 AUCTIOIEERING? YES! i!. p '�hursday', October 211th, 1937ZURICH HERALD � , . ,a. ,. NEW DI D FRITZ CT DEALER IN ZURICH FOR ORPRON CARS AND ODG C1AL CARS AND TRUCKS r r':�' '. :i�,.���y�',•� �'�4 a�'`�F,•... :i:.. .. � do �.; Nit, .: Ward Fritz cordially invites you to come in and inspect the new 1938 Dodge and DeSoto cars on display at his showrooms. BIG, BEAUTIFUL DODGE CARS The new 1938 Dodge cars are here to save you money on gas . . on oil , . . on tires on general upkeep ! There is the big luxurious Dodge Custom Six, the strikingly beautiful Dodge De Luxe Six, and the Dodge Six that is priced right down among the lowest price Cars. They give you not only staking new artistry of design, but 47 new advances in riding, driving, appearance and performance, including: New "Relaxed:,Driving Control" . . . To make every handling operation — brakes, steering, gear- shifting—easier, quieter, smoother and more quickly responsive than ever! .. < Nevi interiors Ex quisite new decorative notes in trim, finish, up - bolstering and appointments! . New roomier Front (Driving) Compartment ... Ease of entrance and exit ... all controls more accessible than ever before! ... 1938 "Silenced Airglide Ride" ... A. sensational combination of restful riding features. WHY NOT A NEW DE SOTO? You will enjoy a millionaire's comfort and luxury, when you drive the new 1938 DeSoto. Its Con- tinental smartness, grace of lines and perfect pro- portions, its restful Floating Ride, its all steel safety body and equal -pressure hydraulic brakes will win your instant approval. Its initial price is surprisingly low and present delighted DeSoto owners report amazement at the low operating costs. , Visit Ward Fritz today. He will be glad to let you and your family see and drive these beautiful mew ears without obligation. Showrooms 6, Garage &irk h, J. A. PASSMORE & SON Agent Hensall DASHWO©D The Ladies Aid of the Lutheran church have a real treat in .store for ysu. The Happy Cousins of -Elmira, are coming to town with an evening of humorous entertainment. It's full of laughs, so don't miss it. Full par- ticulars next week. Miss Anna Morenz of Detroit vis- ited with her sister Mrs. Edith Mason last week. ;Mr. and Mrs. Fred Burk and Mr, and Mrs. Earl Burk of Detroit, spent the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. Chs. • BLAKE I and Mary and two sons word recent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Geo Hud- • Mr. and Mrs. Sam Gingerich and son. Kemp and u er of family, Mr. .and Mrs. Amos Gingee- ich.and "daughter Joan, were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. cake Kip- fer on the Babylon line. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Gingerich and family spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Peachey, near Dash- wood. Mrs. Chris Bechler and Miss Mary and Alvin Bechler from Pigeon, Mich were week -end visitors with relativ- es here. Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs Guenther. Ed. Desch were: Mr. and Mrs. Jac. Miss Ruth Tiernan and Florence Swartzentru!ber, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Gingerich and son. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swartzentrub- er motored to Stratford and Shakes- peare one day last week. Baker spent the week -end with their parents. Mr and Mrs. Everett Heist and family spent the week -end with fri- ends in Kitchener. Miss Kthleen Merner is visiting with friends in Detroit. Mrs. Witzel spent a few days with her daughter in Port Huron. Harry Hoffman spent a few days in Detroit this week. Mrs. P. Mclsaac is spending a week with friends in . Detroit. Fred Haperoft has secured employ ment in the Woodbridge Dye Factory and has left for that place. Miss Ruth Hoperoft is spending a weeks with relatives in Toronto. Miss Anna Hess of Zurich spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Hy. Hoff- man. Mr. and Mrs. Meerburg and twins of Port Frank were Sunday visitors with Mr, Jonas Hartleib and Lavada. Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Musser of London, have moved into the house they recently purchased from the Glraybeil estate. Misses Clam and Martha Cramp - tee ;a;nd Mrs.. A,. Meyer (nee. Louisa Graupner) of Farmington, Mich., vis- ited friends here on Sunday.. Mrc. Mary Neeb and daughter, Mrs. Ira Tetreau and family and Miss Karen Pedersen are spending a few weeks with friends in Pontiac, ,Mich..' Rev K. Gretzengor, of Pelham Centre, will' assist the Evangelical pastor, Rev. Roppel at Dashwoed in a two week's campaign with the "Far ther With Christ" program which is eing promete 1 by the lavangelical 'lo:'ominatie , y ' "n-.. will ♦ be lielcl tch t,ent;r^,` :.:ring far, v>,el:. f H1LLSGREEN Mr, Robert Stephenson. is confined to his .bed, and at time of writing,k improving. 'Firs many' rends. will be pleased to hear of him being n soon. -Mr. John Usborne of London was renewing acquaintances in the akin ity+ during the week. The Sacrament of the Lord's Sup per will be observed at the. chose of Her - !during the sum:rner months. Mr. Van -sons. Burial was made in St. James; church cemetery. R:ooyen came here a few years ago and started in Diss. D. I` K p da ght Letroit were visiting with ner mo- ther, Mrs. Geo. Sparks. Joseph Flynn, who has conducted a barber shop in the Davis block on the south side of ICing st. for several years, has purchased f. em Dr. Mac- Kinnon of Zurich what is known a the Hardy building a fe•,v doors ea - of :his present location. He intends fitting up the front part of the build- ing- aa a bather shop and a residence • COUNTY NEWS A choral .society has, been organi • zed at Crediton; with 20 members. Wolves are reported to be taking• toll of flocks of sheep in Huron twp,. Bruce •County. Mrs. Wm. Elsie of Grand Bend, who has been quite ill for the past few weeks is much better which re- pent is gladly received by her fri- ends.. Dr. W. A. Hall, of Walkerton„ former M.P. for S. Bruce,'had his. •lecic dislocated in a motor accident,. d when his car ran off the road after' in the rear. He gets posses lion Nov. striking a loose stone on the pave 1st and hopes to he located in his ment. He is confined to his homet. new SIUkr by tIh5t:•. tune A branch of the United Farm Wo - In the ,Steele Briggs and Rennie men of Ontario has been organized anion k storing -warehouses, .gangs of men are iF.he Grand Bend district, with Mrs.. at work storing the onion setts for Lloyd Taylor as president and Mrs.. ;the winter. Melvin Desjardine as treasurer, iifllr. amd. Mrs.. James Mc�Clinchey Opening New Grocery ,.and fa.mll'y have secured apartments Bruce Rivers of Exeter has resign - ,in i the Petty block and' will take pos- ed his position with iSouthcott Bros., ! session Nov: Tst, a and intends. opening - up a. grocery business in the building north of ' J. Passmore & Son and C. Fritz & Leavitt's Theatre.' The building was: Son of Zurich have secured the ag- used for several months as a nnission�:. jemrcy for the new Dodge and DeSoto Late. William Nngh 'cars for this district. The new 1938 • The funeral of William, Nigh, at !model's are on eirsaiitiorz in their lifelong resident of Seaforth, was:, !showrooms. at Ifentsalf. ..held from St. James R. C. Church,. Wim. Pan R'ooyen has •dispoosed 'where mass was' sung by n s son,Rev • of -iris produce 1�usittess here to Ibar- l'nther Nigh. Mr. Nigh is survived ld' H wTitr liar beer, asaistine by hist wife, one daughter and three the service iin the Hillsgreei church on Sunday afternoon, iOetober 31st, at 2.30 o'clock. No morning service now. ,o anson, business, working up S. Huron Plowing Match The annual match of the South Huron Plowman's: Association was:;• held en Thursday on the rarnis o$ (fhomas Ballantyne and Harry Rohde,,. :east 'of Exeter. The. bad;weather•tie-- creased the attendance,. but the event `rte a eaccess; and ,the 'high staindar& of: work maintained. W. Oestreicher • :of MVlalton, was' judge of "the various. events. and he expressed,appreciat1Ylnt. Of the:'Wth'1c .done, Sombi,6f the, win;r°. meas. Open, jointer .plow, in sod, A. Nairn, Mnnro; Plowmen from Tuck-. ersnsith, Usborne, Stephen, Hay and, l eteLert, jointer plow in sod, A. Allem 'Croniafty; sante boys 18 and under, Eldon Allen, Cromarty, same open,~f:L 1,1 1mity, Dublin; Riding plow fn sort open N. lH.arbur..n, Cromarty; Tractor Tractor "ad, ,.seen T. P. (1',?Talley, Tees- tester; Pr'^tor in sod, Tuckersmith, i3srinrn�e, Stephen, Hay and Hibbert,,.,. T•' ✓Ki .7 rn.., ht< Nwr•t".Yr. . t The scholars had two holidays• fast..a good trade with the farmer's. week.. It being Teachers' Convention at Goderich. Mrs . James Jarrott is vtsiting her di.ughter Mrs. Harry Norris! in Tuck, cr!sinitli Township. . D Miss Dolly Hagan, R. N.. le attend ing a .ease" at Hensall at •present .;• •Your•Cori•espondent greatly enloy- etreading the Editor of the I•iera1d';sc item of his summer trip last August. published In last weeks issue., and w3 birthday Oil Sunday last, Oct. 17th,at ale ued the lvilI have fond his home itz Hensall, with members memoriesasstto 'thinkeditor •of£ tli.e; correizti,;• of• his family present during the day. Months. Urr. Fee received numerous corir;rata•' Tations and girls from his family and many ,fri'end's: fa, 'w'onderfully hiright and engaging -with a Most kindly disposition and tares• a real interest in ell Current events.and Me: t and Mrs. Fees many fe&ri•ls hope Mrs, Cly T•i o, 't''p+rYrrr. of CoCotertT:tn•rfi. tTiev' rr��ry be to enjoy many .y,' eneane".tttied • :e- ala."t; it; L" Mrs. Mex. Hildebrand and little daughter are ...visiting friends in De- troit. Van,3i,i,t nn hus.gane to Sa nia where he has secured a good fio sfti:oirk;41` 11. the:i'mperial Oil: o-. • • 4 : .Celebrates S8th Birtholay ;Mr. Walter,'1'cc celebrated his 88th IENSA.LL:. e n'..£e.•"'-7: ct iii:^..