Zurich Herald, 1937-10-28, Page 3Prins • ChM - the n -Pro• Chief t Fed 8.t re - )neva, e" he fiction. able!' vadat t that men t the t long down court- lieges. zecho- treat- a. The ovakia if the ?es jo ion in a min - r stall issue, coup- e • last le and Spain Faced trench lrawal as the crisis ar was fondle China irit of Frank et and e, said k, that •ce do- nee of The e upon ice, he ade at • 00 e00 O 00 i 00 o 14* O 14% O 15 0.13% J 14'18. d were. d eggs, to 00 to 00 to 00 to 28 to 00 graded to 40 to 37 to 00 to 26 to 23 oerst Milk (Fed A. 22 21 23 24. 25 3sed. Sel. P, 14 13 12 11 10 plow B sed .28 -,..17 0:K:. •F,w.6''t,AIgg4:4W4:� A 4:$ 4:J�o�4'..dxr®%1P���P��^0�4C,1 gig 0��,'"i A A 0; PANM ii.6�®4 S1 .1i Classed lh © :�4� .. © Aifiv r smm• ' -,..w.w.+ .<','�:;+`Z' i�%:'E"4;:'t'� 0.0, v,:^r:G� �.4±�?:9hi•0'P 9; :G,�i,:0,+(,9,'i•O�h�O:oa0�4,'.-0i4':-0�^=. <A'w4.�. �44`R�?':'',•9`v:� AGENT S WAN 1 E DOGS P01 , GUARANTEED BLUE Steal Blades, $1.00 per 100, post- paid. Free samples. J, Dennis, 4227 s Marquette, iVlontreal, LOCAL leIDPitES.ENTATIVL;S wanted, for subscription work, ite- trewc:l list supplied. Good comrrtissiou, Write Canadian Magazine, 347 Ade. hide St. West, Toronto. EN, WOMEN, ALL AGES, MAKE money spare time in home, experi• once unnecessary. Write Business As• saciates, Chatham, Ontario. SA.LESMAN WANTED 13Y "TI -'E Old Reliable Fouthill Nurseries" (Established 100 years). Send for Centennial Catalogue, and Special Lines. Start now, exclusive territory in town ar country, liberal terms free outfit, Stone & Wellington, Toronto 2, • +s.EPRESENTATIVE WANTED IN each town for subscription work. Renewal List supplied. Good com- mission. Must .be energetic and re- liable: Write Canadian Magazine, 847 Adelaide St. W., Toronto. MEN, WOMEN, EARN :RIG MONEY. Start now to represent the Cressy factory in your neighbourhood. Two hundred guaranteed home necessities. Tea, coffee, extracts, etc. Real, im- mediate and steady profits. Repeat brsiness. Free premiums. No money risk, Big field for profitable, fast -sell- ing Christmas lines. Established ter- ritories available in some localities. Write at once to J. R. Cressy Com- pany, 1536 Dundas St. West, Toronto. SELL SOBIES GUARANTEED LIN- gerie, hosiery. Manufacturers. Stores. Established 25 years. Christ- mas seller. Experience unnecessary. Get details. Sobies, 140 Farnham, Que. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED FOR hosiery manufacturer for this dis- trict. Only energetic man considered. Write full particulars to Mr. Elliott, 72 Queen West, Toronto. AGENTS SELLMEN'S NECKTIES. 140 % profit. We carry largest as- sortment. Lowest prices. Orders fill- ed by return mail. No substitutes. Samples free. Ontario Neckwear Com- pany, Dept. 75, Toronto. QOLD WIRE NAMES ON PINK OR green leaf, 35c. Agent's outfit 500 deposit. Geo. Rossiter, 50 Torrens, Toronto, Ont. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST CHARLES ALLDER, ANALYTICAL Chemist, established 1926, Analy- sis of poultry and stock feeds. Box 117 Ingersoll, Ontario. BUILDING WRECKERS WE WILL BUY OLD OR CON- demned buildings to wreck. Green-. , wood House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood- Ave., Toronto. • CARPETS RE -WOVEN INTO RUGS OLD CARPETS WOVEN INTO RE- versibie Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. FURNITURE LYONS' USED FURNITURE BARGAINS Great savings in our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices have made this department the larg- est and most popular in Toronto. Just a few of the hundreds of specials are listed here. If you don't see what you want advertised come in or write, Lyons are sure to have it and at the lowest price 3n town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. 159.00 Beautiful American walnut bedroom suite, large chiff- robe, full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4 -poster bed with sagless spring. Completely refinished. Cost new over $200.00. $21.50 Walnut finish dresser, in !P perfect condition, with full size steel bed to match, sagless spring and brand new all -felt mattress. $19.50 Solid oak dining -room suites, large buffet, exten- sion tables and 6 leather upholstered chairs, In perfect condition. Your choice of golden or fumed oak. $89.00 Beautiful solid walnut din- ing -room . suite, Large but fet, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. A really fine suite and looks brand new; completely re- finished. Cost originally about $300.00, 47 00 Eight -piece, 2 -tone walnut finish dining -room suite - Queen Ann design; large buffet, ex- tension table and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Completely reiln- iihed. $4'9.00 Luxurious 3 -piece cheater - 'P field suite (unclaimed). - This suite has been rebuilt and recov- ered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible spring cushions and Is a real bargain at this .price. Originally coat $175.00, is exactly like new. $29.50 Full length chesterfield and two roomy chairs to Match, upholstered in •a novelty repp with reversible Marshall cushions and show -wood walnut frame; completely re -conditioned and dry cleaned. $35.00 Large Chesterfield with two big chairs, covered 1l, a French Jacquard Taupe shade; completely re -built and thoroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen Cab- inets, Sewing Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, Beds,' Spring Mat- tresses, Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. TRADE-IN DEPT. LYONS' REDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Save 40%. Buy Direct fermi Factory 478 YONG8 ST, TORONTO SCOTCH, ENGLISH COLLIE PUPS, all ages; failures replaced free; trained cattle dogs; trained coon, fox, doer hounds; great lanes, pupa; buy from largest trained dog kennels in Canada, Guarantee satisfaction, Rap- idview Kennels, Morrisburg, Ontario. FILMS AND PRINTS CHRISTMAS CARDS FROM YOUR favourite negatives, 12 for 75c; 3 for 25c. Complete with envelopes. Sample, 1Oc. Brightling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto, ROLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED, One free enlargement 25c, Re- prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 183* King St. 1J.. Toronto. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS ORIGINALLY COSTING WHEN new up to $800., good makes, beau- tiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano . benches; bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, $59.50. Idea] for homes, schools, churches. Write for our bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales, 2418E Dufferin St., Toronto. FUR FARMING PINE DARK EASTERN MINK from foundation stock and high kit production; correspondence invit- ed. Maple Leaf Mink Ranch, Blen- heim, Ont. GLASS EYES QLASS EYES, $4.50 EACH. THOUS - ands to choose from. Twelve sent to select from. Satisfaction guaran- teed. Pitman Optical House, Vancou- ver, B.C. HAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAiR- dressing. Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus. 961 Bloor west, To- ronto. MEN WANTED WANTED - AMBITIOUS MEN, 18 years or over, to learn detective work. Big pay. Rewards. Interesting home -study course. Free information. Write to Morris L. Julien, Box 25, Sta- tion T., Montreal. MEDICAL S''TRONACH'S TAPEWORM REM- edy, simple, inexpensive, effec- tive. Write today for complete infor- mation. STRONACH'S STOMACH POWDER Quick ye -lief. Indigestion, Dyspep- sia, Sour. Stoinach, Heartburn, ,Bloat- ing, Billiousness, Nausea. Successfully. used many years. Large package mail- ed postpaid 50e. Stronach Medicines, 536 Dovero"r.",` Toronto. WHY SUFFER? ONLY' 35c, WILL convince you that Mazar Salve will give permanent relief from ulcers, running sores, new or old wounds. Money -back guarantee. Mazar Mfg.,` 331 Flora Ave., Winnipeg. MISCELLANEOUS FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30c. TWO choice Dresser Dolls, 50c. Large Bed Spreading Doll, $L00. Boxed - postpaid. Robert Harvie, 238 King East. Toronto. SONG ~POEMS SET TO MUSIC, Anthems, hymns revised ready for publication. Henry Graves, Mus. Bac., 4266 Old Orchard Ave., Mon- treal. NEW FALL MUSIC FOLIOS OF Cowboy songs. Wilf Carter Folio No. 2, containing "Moses River Res- cue" and fifteen others. Jimmy Davis Folio, containing "Nobody's Darling" and forty-nine others. Jimmy Rodg- ers No: 5, containing "Boots and Sad- dles" and thirty-four others. Bradley Kincaid Folio containing, fifty songs ineluding many old favorites. Price 50e each or four for $1.85, Dominion Music Supply, Hermant Building, To- ronto. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE T"umpet, Trombone. Become a Musician, Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms -no in terest. Literature free. Greene Music Company, 57 Queen St., Gast, Toronto. PATENT AT'IORNEY ROY L. KNOX, Registered Attorney. Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Salad. 14 Metcalfe, Ottawa. PATENTS INVENTIONS PATENTED. WRITE today for helpful, illustrated book- lets free. W. Irwin Haskett, 18 El- gin, Ottawa. AN OFFER TO EVERY INV1fiN- tor, List of inventions and full information sent free, THE RAMSAY COMPANY, Registered Patent At- torneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa. Can, PIANO BARGAINS pEANOS-IF YOU ARE INTEREST - ed in securing good guaranteed renewed pianos, write Heintzman's for mail order bargain lists with dos. ciriptions prices and terms of all pianns being featured in our Oetobc.:' Sale, Heintzman & Co„ 195 Yonge St , Toronto. PROPERTIES WANTED GOOD PRICES PAID FOR (11.11 Buildings anywhere for wra'"I;ing Greenwood House Wl cel.ers, 410 Greenwoods Toronto. s /00oass 4 ll/Ih lel Up Tell us what You need, The low cost will, surprise you, Built In Canada for thirty years, vitional Lfquipnient Co., Ltd. 502 Wabash Ave., Toronto. Canadian -American Friendship To Mark Royal Winter Fair Opening Enhancing the cordial Canadian American association which for six= teen years has characterized the` Royal Winter Fair, the Hon. Norman Armour, United. States Minister at Ot- tawa is formally to open the Fair dur- ing the evening horse show perform ance of Tuesday, November 16th. Many of the 15 trophies of the Royal owe their distinctiveness to the friend- ly rivalry of American and Canadian'. competitors. Their Excellencies the Governor- General and Lady Tweedsmuir will' make their official vice -regal visit, noW a fixed tradition, on Monday evening, November 22nd. On the following day PIis Excellency will informally spend•,: some hours at the Fair in a general in- spection of the live stock and other exhibits in its eighteen sub -divisions, As "Regal and Imperial Year," the. Winter Fair is dedicated in loyal trib- ute to their Majesties on their coron- ation. Special trophies and ribbons will carry a memento of the historic event while the decorative scheme for the Royal Coliseum will be in keeping with the idea, Five army officers' teams, those of Belgium, France, Irish Free State, Holland, and the United States, have been invited through the customary diplomatic channels to compete with Canadian Army Officers. Fashions While You Wait According to an American expert, rayon, or artificial silk, will be pro- duced without any complicated pro - eases in the near future, and he fore- sees the day when material will be de- signed, produced and rushed to the fashion shops quite as ciuilv"kiy as the modern printing machine produces newspapers. PERSONAL 3o0Ks EVERY MARRIED COUPLE and those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and;Youth," 104 pages, postpaid, 25c-. Our 20 page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies and household novelties. free upon request. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. ARE YOU RUPTURED? RELIEF, comfort, positive support with our advanced method. No elastic or un- derstraps or steel. Write, Smith Man- ufacturing Co., Dept. 219, Preston, Ont. REMNANT S FREE! --70 QUILTING PATTERNS! Giant washfast remnants! "Makes five quilts" Cottons! Prints; $1.00 ''Collect". Sample bundle, 25c. Re- fund guarantee! Maritime Textiles, 3049 Degaspe, Montreal. STAMPS AND COINS CORONATIONS, JUBILEE, COM- memoratives, Triangles- 40 dif- ferent stamps 10c to approval appli- cants. Edgard, 108 Maple, Windsor, Ontario. CANADA, 96 DIFFERENT 31.00; 60 Revenues 50c. Coronation; 52 Do- minion $8.25, 135 Colonies $6.75. Cana- dian Catalogue 200 illustrations 250. Free Price List 500 sets. Vincent, 294 St. Catherine West, Montreal, SWINE ®NE HUNDRED YORT{SHIRE PIGS six Weeks old, select bacon type' Rapid growers, 10 pigs $40.00. Boar or Sow $5.00. Ship anywhere Canada. Wilfred Zeron, Morrisburg , Ontario. WATCH REPAIRS 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1 00 replaces mainspring, jewel, cleaning, hands, crystals, dial repaired. Providing no parts missing. 2 -years guarantee. Re- turn postage paid. Formerly with Hamilton Watch Factory. American Swiss Watch Spec'.alist Reg'd, Dept. 319 Brehenf. Montreal. FLUSH KIDNEYS STOP GETTING UP NIGHTS WHEN pain over kidneys or bladder irregularities keep you getting up at night; if you feel nervous, despondent, heed the warning. Read what Mrs. T. A. Berney of 595 Wellington St., W., onO,, said : ' Ily kidneys wbnldTorbe lrregnto,larntin actkn and the too frequent .passage of the secre- tions was very annoying, but Dr. Pierce's A -auric Tablets save me great relief. In fact 'A-nurie' is the only thing I ever used that wo dd relieve these symptoms. Buy of your neighborhood druggist�ynoov Consult Di. Pierces Clinic, Botf tlo, 1\'. Y., for ercc medical advice. SLICED VERY "`HI1' By Sixbits "No Matter How Thin, You Slice It It's Still Baloney" It is sorno years since we attended any horse races -but if we could only And the same bed of four-leaf clovers that Argonauts must have grazed in prior to their game with the Montreal Indians we think we might desert our well -ventilated perch on top of the Varsity day StadiumatDufi'egranrindstand. this Saturday and go out and take in the last Not that the Scullers didn't exhibit a whole lot of nice feetball between fumbles -but with the same kind of luck that they had in recovering loose balls we think we could run a seven horse parlay and come home with at least half of the Dufferin grandstand, * * * But if the Indians got few if any of the breaks, their Montreal fellow -townsmen -alt=hough maybe it is lose majeste or something to call McGill team fellows of a rude city outfit -seem to have got none the worst of it in their tangle with the lads from Queen's Park; and it must have been fairly painful, for Warren Stevens -the man who first showed Canadians the true possibilities of the forward pass - to see a game snatched clean out of their grasp by means of that very same play, twice repeated. From this distance we are not going to try second-guessing the officials in charge of that game in Montreal; altbougn, if the news- paper accounts we read of that affair were not somewhat screwey, the decision that gave McGill that winning touch would seem to be slight- * ly that way, We will say, however, that no matter what the rights and wrongs of the case, the Varsity pass defence must have slipped very badly to allow those Montreal heavers to sink home those money passes, especially when they must have known that they were coining. And we hope their faces were properly rosy in the dressing room after the game. As we used to say up country when we were a lad -if a dog bites me once, shame on him; but if the same pouch takes a nab at me twice -shame on me. Which -nova we come to think of it -might be very well applied to the stock -market situation as well as to football. * Like what another old-time horse -player remarked to us when we ran across him the other morning. Walking down Bay Street we took a gander into one of those broker offices, and saw there a flock of citizens, their eyes glued on the changing figures on the odds -board, or whatever you call it, and their expressions that were by no means pleased or happy. "Give a look," says our friend. "See all those people engaged in high finance -those are the same kind of folks that used to call you and me goofy for betting on horses and shooting dice and the like." However, every man to his own favorite poison; and if you have the bug for gambling in your system -Whether you call it that or some politer name -it is pretty hard to eradicate. We read a piece recently which said that race followers, down New Jersey way, are finding it difficult to see sufficient white horses out the race -train windows on the way to the track to maize betting on their number very interesting. We can recall when that used to be a very favorite way of passing the time when going to the races. You would take a window on one side of the train, and the man you were wagering with would take one opposite -and whichever saw the largest number of white nags would win the stakes, which sometimes rose to fairly large dimen- sions. * * a So large, in fact, that there was one guy who got so lucky in this pursuit that there was some suspicion that he had arrangements with farmers along the line by which they would park their white horses in the proper situation each day. 1 1 This may, of course, have been 'iioffing but suspicion - and groundless, at that. However, when the, first modern elevators -with floor indicator above the doors-Yippeared in a down -town hotel, and the boys would'wager on what floor a certain car would stop at, this same chap also seemed very lucky at this, until it was discovered that he was working a nice little arrangement with the elevator jockeys, and when the betting grew heavy enough to be worth while, would slip them the highrsign, justwbere to stop on, the next trip so as to Tie most profitable to him. He believed, in fact, in taking as much as possible of the gamble out of gambling, and when last heard of was down south of the line somewhere running a flock of slot machines; which -if we know perlcentein favor of the house.riged so 11atOr hot very won't mti h more. than ninety An Honor Well Bestowed One of the medals struck in com- memoration of the Coronation of their Majesties Icing George and Queen Elizabeth has come to Editor Rixton Rafter of the Arthur Enter- prise. Commenting on this honor, he writes: "Why we have received this recognition we are at a loss to know, or to whom we are indebted for it, but certain we are that 310 recipient of this decoration among the loyal subjects of their Majes- ties appreciates it more or accepts it more gratefully." But, as the Dundalk Herald says, many people have "a pretty good idea" why this editor was singled out for distinction. Mr. Rafter is blind, but he gets olit one of the good weekly papers of the Prov- ince, and writes his own editorials: clever, well-written editorials. A reader keeps him posted on public affairs and news generally; then he makes selection of what he wants to use in his paper; and he uses a typewriter. Though sightless, he PB08FERINE quickly helps Jangling, sleep - robbing nerves gain new vitality. Then you steep soundly, and go through the day with new energy. Take Just a few economical drops daily. Chit PEOSFERINE from your drug 89 too, shoo end 31,50. PHOSFERUTENER GREAT tp8.C!luteMinard's with onUAPPCD Slim De -half sweet oil or cream, Apply d once a day. For roost Bite use the Liniment freely and w undiluted. No (rouble. Very fleetingt Issue No. 44 -- '37 1)-1 secured at the University of To- ronto his B.A. degree. This is another instance of the compensating faculties apparently given to those who lose their sight; also a philosophy that enables them to face life and its problems cheer- fully. As the Dundalk paper puts it: "Isn't a man who friumphs over his great handicap the way Mn Rafter does worthy of a Coron- ation Medal? We'll say he is." So do we. -Globe and Mail, Stuff and o1l ns Doubt whom you will, but yourself. Pathfinder makes this wisecrack: Waitress -"May I take your order, sir?" Ogdonelle - "Yes, two hard boiled eggs and a kind ward," Waitress (returning in five min- utes) -"Here are the eggs." Ogdonelle-"That's fine. Now what about the kind word?" Waitress' (whispering) - "Don't eat the eggs." never HAPPY ROLLING TO YOU ear it's always happy birthday to yot, when you roll -your -own with Ogden's, For Ogden's Fine Cut is always mild, cool fragrant he Friendly tobacco that peeps you "smoke -happy" downs to the last puff. Of course you'll use the? best papers-" Chantecler' or"Vogue"- f-to round out the bestsmoke. 15c buys u bigger package of Ogden's now. P -S,- Your Pipe Knows l Ogderes Cut Plug A kind-hearted English vicar one day observed an old woman laborious- ly pushing a perambulator up a steep; hill. He volunteered his assistance and when they reached the top of the' hill, said, in answer to her thanks: "Oh, it's nothing at all. I'm delight- ed to do it, But as a little reward, may I kiss the baby?" "Baby? Lor` bless you, sir, it ain't' no baby, it's the old man's beer." It ain't what a man gives, but the way he gives it that shows his truai character. A MISTAKE WHEN "ACID INDIGESTION!, STARTS CARRY YOUR ALKALIZER WITH YOU ALWAYS The fastest way to "alhalerze" is to carry your alkalizer with you. That's what thousands do now that gen- uine ennine Phillips' comes in tiny, pepper- mint flavored tablets -in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are always ready. • Use it this way. Take 2 Phillips • tablets -equal in "alkalizing" effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' from the bottle. At once you feel "gas," nausea, "over -crowding" from hyper -acidity begin to ease. "Acid headaches," "acid breath," over -acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distress -avoid offense to others. MADE IN CANADA NERAL "SUPERBILT" General "Soperbilt" "A" & "D" Batteries The best and most economical battery equipment for your radio. THEY LAST LONGER Write for Pamphlet on "SUPERfB''LT" 'e.4" Battery General Dry Batteries of Canada Ltd.