HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-10-21, Page 5Eiursday, Octoibnr 20t, 1937 BUSINESS CARDS LEGAL :BARRISTER, ARy' �'�U>ESLiC,y Cr. NOT- , `.FTCE--Hamilton Street, Just off the Square, GODERICH, Ontario. Special Attention to Coutscel and Court Work, Mr. Holmes may be consulted at Goderich by Phone, and Phone charges reversed. DENTAL Dr. W." D. BRYCE L. D. S. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON At DEITZ BLOCK --ZURICH }Every Thursday, Friday, Saturda At HARTLEII3'S BLOCK, DASBW OOD Every Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday. Dr. la H. COWEN L. D. S.. D. D. S. DENTAL SURGEON OFFICE: Main Street Exeter - Ontario VETERINARIA.N Dr. W. B. COXON, B.V. Sc VETERINARY SURGEON Office hi the Home of the late Dr. J. Routledge. "hone -96. Zurich A. R.. Campbell, V.S, 'Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, University of Toronto, al,.la seliseases of domestic animals treated by the most modern principles Charges reasonable. Day or night scalls promptly attended to. Also Bre- eder of Scottish terriers. Inverness IHennels. Office on Main Street, r•-siposite Town Hall. Phone 116. HENSALL. LICENSED AUCTIONEER For Huron and Middlesex 1 Am 7N A POSITION TO. CON-. uct any . Auction Sale, regardless ;ss to size or article to sell. 1 solicit your -business, and if not satisfied will wakeno charges for Services liven dered. ARTHUR WEBER—Dashwood 'Phone 13-57. PRODUCE Farm Produce WAN N T E HIGHEST CASH• PRICES --FOR-- CREAM, EGGS AND POULTRY W rn. O'Brien Phone 101, Res. 94, Zurich Put Your Want, For Sale .Lost, Found, Etc. Ms. in this Column, WANTED Experienced Cook, general, fo family of three. Good wages fo capable person.—Ramsay, 197 Ridott St. South, London Ontario. i• r NOTICE CATTLE WANTED A Farmer in a position to take in and feed a limited number of cattle for the corning winter, Apply at Herald Office. WANTED Girl for general house work— Mrs. N, E "Cook, Hensall, Phone 63 FOR QUICK SALE A quantity of mixed dry wood. Apply to Mrs. Mabel Snider, Zurich, sant.pn.ton^rm.,. ..1y,. --+nwatr-.., FOR QUICK SMP, A Sucking colt (Carriage) ; Year- ling Jersey heifer in calf; a Ford power jack. Apply to: Ed. IIaberer, Zurich WANTED A housekeeper for two adults, (father and son), to tales full charge the house. Apply to Jos. Greer, R. R. 3, Bayfield. FOR SALE We are offering our supply of buckwheat honey for sale at 6e- a pound in customers containers. 3. ,Haberer & Sons,'Zurich. FARM FOR SALE Pasture farm for sale or would like someone to lease it and crop half, 2 or 3 years; 120 acres near Clinton. good buildings with electricity, tele- phone; 125 acres handy to Brussells and Wingham, a1I tillable but.3 acres orchard, all tiled, brick House ' and bsement barns. Several houses in Exeter, with and without extra land and buildings suitable forchickens, fruit and vegetable growing Write or see, Wm. Pearce,'' Exeter.: FAr'- -flu SALE 100 acrea, being lot 15, Con. 7, Stanley Tp., one mile south of;Varna '"here are on the premises a Iarge frame house, bank barn, strawshed, all lighted g ed by hydro, water in both house and barn pumpe.d by windmill, about 12 acres bush and 2 acres or- chard. The farm is all seeded to grass except six •acres of wheat and possession could be given at any time. A most desirable property. Apply to Phem Logan, Varna, or to Box 212 Hensall. FARM FOR SALE LOCAL it 4IUR1C1-1 HERALD Mr. and Mrs.. Elmer W illert of the. Bend were in town on Wednesday. Miss Gladys Gingerich has left t;; attend Normal Sebool ani London.. Mr. 'John Contin of Montreal gave his Zurich friends a pleasant call one day last week. Mr. Harry Price and son Bruce of Waterloo were Sunday visitors with the former's sister, Mrs, Annie Kola hems. .BORN --At Detroit, on October 1 to Mr. and Mrs. ArthurMeinger .(nee I illian Weseloh) a son (Robert Ar- thur. ) Mr. and Mrs. John P, Rau who spent some time with friends in the Wes, have returned home: and, report a pleasant trip, , Mr. Ward Fritz made a. Business trip to Windsor early 'this week and returning with a few new Dodge cars. Mr. and Mrs. Werner" Eilb a; and family of Detroit were week end vis- itors at the home of Mrs: Martha Routledge. , A goodly nu nber. attended the sup per given by the Evangelical ch.urcl at Dashwood last Wednesday c:venine which was enjoyed by all present. A spicy program followed the supper. Mr. and Mrs Martin Warm of town, Mr. arid Mrs. man 'Oswald of the Bronson line; 31ir. and Mrs. A.G. Levy and family of Clinton, -. were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Karl McClinchey, near Chisel)turst. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hagan..who have been residents for some time in Zurich are this week leaving for Sea- forth where they have purchased a dwelling property. Their many Zur- ich friends regret their Ieavirig':' At a special meeting of the .Coun- cil of the Township of Hay held in Zurich on Monday eveningof last week to consider appeals against the assessments on the Aldworth Muni- cipal Drain, it was found that no ap- peals had been entered and . the - .by- law was finally passed and the Clerk instructed to advertise for tenders for the construction work which will be opened at th held on Nov. 1 ,. .., M.� 1. •71.r:i \n 4e 4'. •.._ ua .4a«n ,.. .a ai New h urk .91.04: n VI 044P t? 1140000.0041110.(110.0**40000100 chis .route to esee on;: along a most i d ; t 0 0RI0 EA Y aW e Pay a Premium of Two Cents per Pound; a Fat for Churning Cream delivered at B. Prompt , our plant. a .mpt Service and Highest Cash Price Guaranteed Your Cream Graded, Tested and Paid for the Same Day. a YOUR EGGS AND POULTRY We also buy and pay Cash for your Eggs and Poultry at Highest Market Prices, accordingto grade. Your Patronage Appreciated! THE ZURICH CREAMERY °a ..r a a seises esae etoovao 4 ; :.,,._ a ?s.c ,teatr x a:��r�mg?eaas;m Lea4tiesel cuuatry, where one Soci miles upon miles of fruit orchards, grape vineyards, peaches, plums, ap- ples, eta., most of these are sent to New York city, as well as other big centres in the State, As you near the more easterly section of this highway, the farming districts and large herds of dairy cows are evidence oe supply- ing milk and butter to the cities. Af- ter leaving the Cartage, N.Y, district im for an hour or so you are at the foot of the Aidorandacks Mountains which are mostly surrounded by r woods, and large State game reser 4 vations, with its many small l&:e..• u dotted around the mountains, which makes the landscape scenery most beautiful. The first town of note here is Tup- t4ci 06e/ per Lake, but it seemed to us ,just like any other town, oily it was built; on the side of a large; hill. As you! follow .the highway the town of Sar-' - ---.`' +" "`" ' '•x''..,`'.•'..; antic Lake, about 9,000 population is: ee .•r.4. a very important place in this region , c li , praeticall surrouncK, Flosses ! ± � °° Y e "e Tin'; i + and nestles very cls.•c li into tae n t:.- If you intend doing any Building or Repairing this Year 5 by. mountains, The city le well built �r urich t large hotels and caters tier,; we will be pleased to supply you with the finest of teethe tourist traffic, has a.,in��r : eccomodation for large conventi and gathering, .and is also noted its winter sl erts. When we a'r' at Saranac Lake it ..as ,•.;';n t o'clock and talk about a heavy down pour of rain, which lasted for a hours; and as we were in an altit of 2,00 feet, we were just a lit closer to the clouds, which seemed "Pour out their blessings"" upo;.i u The next morning we went on Lake Placid, known as the wine playground of North Are r ee, Saranac Lalce, it lies in a high add ude, and from here one sees the high- est mountains; White Face, The Mc— Intyre Ranges, Mt. Marcy, Etc., all reach skyward over five thousand. feet. There is a memorial highway built up to the summit of White Face (a toll road) but as we started' on our way up we met an auto from Windsor, Ont., who had just return- ed from the top and they advised us ons' Building T'aterials. Let us quote you. foe t SUMMER SCREENS in } Combination Doors --screens for the summer and g':i ,s fewf * interchangeable for winter. Will make screens top -:-.9- udee I ..1. erly fit your windows, Etc. Etc. Let us havee your o::ler t t :, Headquarters foorJohns-Manville Building Materia ' h Y.AAI• �� II v.. - Ie r Ah�1 n, '�,� r �t�/ , p Y M ":. _:,� �J. 1. ZURI CI �4. ,&•44÷44+4.+44++4.4.+++++++ ..s..• 4 ta 4 PHONE orb 1- ' 'a..,�mra� ANYINati *40eg astimvag� asaaD rotaoo eaDeeofsses 0 E ea that you were unable to see anything f as the peak was surrounded by cloud t vl. e a r f 110-w• fii l I i! v e council meeting to ,:}�e and there was no , visibility, so we av Ord( s for h e 1st, oiled the eight mile uphill P grad' a coming '�lliter�'s fuel. Prices will Hydro Off which would elevate us another three 6t thousand feet phis tie two thousand d Again practically aII day Sunday we already were above sea level. On the Hydro power in Zurich was off, a clear day one can see the city of •:red tno:;e depeniding. 911 hydro stoves Montreal over 100 miles away from It - to supply waarn meals had to beon this Mt. time of eat cold lunches,. We under It is near Lake Placid that the r stand the lines between Dashwood :famous Mt. Van Havenberg bob Ste %' tn d1(�j ('('"()Ltlt'� and Lucan are being rene Feeds the insulation is getting enc adv o a sleigh run is contested in the winter, where a number of Europ an noun Plow points t) all and the work is being done' mo,itiy .tries compete for: speed, and which makes of-: on -Sundays. We trust that it'Al soon be completed, radia sts are ,broadcast over the big .. pl of s P conte 7 � netweiks, A few minutes drive Placid a es "you to a 0 quiet and historical spot where the e SEEDS! SEEDS! t , We are in the Market for Red, Alsike, weet Clovers and 3 aTimothy Seeds. j o oal am ." 1 be higher later 011, so of der now 50th Anniversary Irani Lake Plz id takes -' 'Ernrirani:el Evangelical •Church. Bridgeport, are celebrating ,,blipir Sot' r>•rains of John Brown, the great anniversary on October 22nd to 25th atitern slave liberator, are buried Rev. W. Y. Dreier, the forts ei: pastor :;' a suitable monument is erected. of Zurich church is the mi iiseter, o.' '' •; as here we accidently met Mr. the Bridgeport church and •s puttins i Ri; s. J. Kirk from Flint, Touch„ this four clay event over big, The o are known by some people in public are cordially invited to at. Zurich district. Mr. Kirk's these rallys. A very interesting pro mother being a sister to the Iate :kir, gramme has been arranged for each R Dryeclale, after whom the villav day, and a big :blesing will be the re- of Drysdale was named. Nowhere suit.could we view the scenic beauty of the mountains quite so well as at this A Good Supperll memorable spot. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Rousseau and It made a lovely afternoon's drive Mr. Wm. O'Brein were on a hunting to Ottawa, Canada's capital, crossing trip to Michigan the past week. the mighty St. Lawrence river by the_ large number of peopre of thb Rosevelt Bridge at Cornwall. Whenl..?: rict attended the Varna fowl sup we arrived at Ottawa the day was' NIlast Thursday evening, vvhrels fairly well spent, and we were in every way a decided spc eels, at Landguests sdowa Park . camp, whic is the exception of the weatherman operated by the city and which gro- a little chilly. The attendance unds adjoin the Ottawa Industrial e supper was all that could be Exhibition space. The Exhibition ed for, and of course the mens,: was ` just beginning and as it was was excellent, and the program folk celebrating its 50th anniversary, it owing the supper was of a very high: started a few days earlier. This Ex- b standard. •hilbition in cite would rank some - 'where between Toronto Ex. and Lon - A dist per Consisting of 100 acres of good was farm land, being lot 16, Con. 11, with Stanley Township. Farm is equipped was with good bank barn, frame house at th and other outbuildings. Good fenced, look some bush, water in house and barn. BUTCHERS For further particulars apply to Pro- prietor, David Stephenson, Jr., Varna P. 0. eVEIRIPPOli1agealegiiiligEMSEiIOMatomcc: e4' &9gpam+Yseir9gatri+cQ gbacoa ea ; nrichs' Popular MEAT MAT KET 'het Us supply you with the 'very Choive of Fresh and Cur- ed Meats, Bolognas, Sausages, Eact., always on hand. Kept fresh in Electric Refrigeration Highest Cash Prices for Wool,, Hides and Skins 11. Ya ngbiut & Sou INSURANCE Western farmers' Mutual Weather k serance Co, OF WOODS TOCK Anti, LARGEST RESERVE BAL- ANCE E OF ANY CANADIAN MUT: 'SAL COMPANY DOING .BUSINESS OF THIS KIND IN ONTARIO. Amount of Insurance at Risk en Dec. 31st, 1935, $20,4799,730.00 Total Cash in Bank and Bonis $254,627.52. "Bates—$4.50 per 31.000 far 3 Years E. F KLOPP---ZURICI Agent, also Dealer in Lightn-. "n' Rods and all kir& of .Fire a.., insumu er IL AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stock -and Implement! an Lot IQ, Concession 11 of Stan- ley, four miles north of Zurich, on THURSDAY, O -CT. 21st, 1937 At 12.30 o'clock Team of good work horses, mare and gelding; Roan cow 9 yrs. old due Feb. 18; Red cow 6 yrs. old due March 4; Blue tow 6 yrs old due Mar. 10; Red cow 7 yrs. due Mar. 14 Grey heifer 3 yrc due June 1; 1 roan', steer rising 3 yrs; 2 blk heifers ris- ing 2; 4 spring calves; York sow due Oget 28; 75 yearling Leghorn hens, laying strain. M. -H. binder ti ft. cut; M. -H. 10- :lt. steel rake; Deering mower 6 -ft.; Bisset disk; spring tooth cultivator; 13 spout fertilizer disc drill; M.R..• bean scuffier and puller com- bined; .Noxo= hoe drills wheel Farrow 4-si:ction diamond harrow with 2 and 3 Horse evener, hand scuffler, stone boat, gliavel box; wagon, truck wag- on,' flat rack, Oliver riding plow' Fleury NO. 21 t+valkin • plow; Varity sod plow; buggy, cutter, wagon box: weigh sealer, M. -H. cutting 'box, set doubletrees, new neckyeke, colony house, set badioband ha less, set of Isreeehing harness, a number of coll- ars; Fleury /loot pxlpar, Itenfre:v cream separator, set sleigh'. TERMS—CASH Win. .I. Dowson, Proprietor. (440Ii F lino, Metianee . So , Clerk:, Cold Weather don Western,it was very in all its whiteness and cold interacting to ness that usually accompany it, was"• attend. our experience last Thursday, as sev- ' By taking daily drives around the ,city anddistrict one can see many interesting places; Rideau Hall, the home of our Governor General is a well kept and roomy place, the flow- ers at that time of year are very picturesque, and as there is no ad- mittance to tourists into the build- ings, one wonders what all there is in the large wings of costly structure. Around the large grounds trees have been planted by some British nobility that have visited these grounds from time to time.. Parliament Hill is al- ways interesting, but as we covered this in our article of two years ago, when we ^v3'sited the capital, we do not wish having repitition. ' Leaving Ottawa, we stopped over at :Gananoque, the heart of the Tho- usand Islands for about a day and again enjoyed some of these lovely .sights. Another day's drive (335 miles) brought us back to what we call (the best place on earth) namely, home. ,Regardless of where or how we live, there 1s no place like our own homes. 'Then with a Provincial election only a few weeks away, we were soon settled down to daily hard work, and found September the busi- est•montli in many a year, and as a consequence did not finii it possible to publish, in our humble way, these few thoughts of our ten day vacation trip, and owing to the weeks of pro- eastination we had thought of drop- piag it entirely, but some of our renders insisted on having an article ; appear in our columns. 1 . eral inches of the beautiful white greeted these parts, the' weather was unusually cold for this time of year. and was a great handicap to farmer who still have a lot of plowing anfl other outdoor work to do. The frost was also heavy for a few nights, as water was frozen over with a heavy; coat of ice. We are looking for to spell of nice warm weather after this but the weather prophets all over tell us that we are in for the hardest winter in years, so we will try and be one of the survivors to tell the tale the next six months. OUR HOLIDAY TRIP In recent years since the automo- bile has become part of our utility. equipment, a great many of us find it almost an annual necessity in or- der to preserve our health to take a trip ex two away from home during the .warren summer months, and it was on such an occasion that your pub- lisher and party enjoyed for ten days during August. We .have thought that probably an article of this kind would be disinter- esting• reading to our friends, but re- quests have come in so repeatedly from week to week that eve noov must submit, Leaving Zurich on Wednesday' morning Aug. 18th we arrived at Niagara Falls bdfore noon and cros- sed the bridge at +Quenston at about i tutrely O'clock; here we took 104 Zurich Drub Store INSECTICIDES We have a complete stock of poisons and sprays for the de- struction of all Binds of irsects and vermin We Stock Paris Green, Arsenate of Lead, Bordeaux Mixture, Black Leaf No. 40, Fly Spray, Cyano Gas, Sodium Fluride, Common Sense Rat Poison, Rat Nip, Mothociele, Ant Traps, Insect Powder and Corrisive Sublimate,. See Our Supply of Toilet Preparations ' NEC