HomeMy WebLinkAboutZurich Herald, 1937-10-21, Page 4'R
at Farm .Steels and 11mplemerns
! 'arjxn Siioclt, ts and Oil tot 19, Conceeeien 9, Babylon
ous lraw.a, Hay Township, 4 mules from
aI ehold Lf'teets, on Let Is, Town Y;,•ttrich ., nd 41i miles from Dashwiod
wne, 1:1i miles east of 1)ashwood on. On TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2nd
11'J1URSDAY, OCTO.BER 28th. Commencing at 1 o'clock pan.
HORSES ---Grey Percheron horse
4t .12 o' clock sharp, the followinR 8 yrs. ohi Mout 1500 lbs; Bay Clyde
HORSES -1 brood mare 8 yrs:! horse 8 'en's. old 1600 lbs; Wagon
old. supposed to be in foal; 1 bay
tUrSe 17 years old; 2 grey mares
yrs, old; 1 bay mare C:•yd,, rising
"2' *rs: old; 1, sucking colt •Gil' ie. •
CATTLE ETC: -2 COWS fresh with
r 7f
at foot; Cow fresh; Red cow; wile; 2 -yr, old roam steer; '4 Durham.
4%04beef about 600 bits; 2 roan yearling heifers. These cattle are all
eressys Snipposed to be 4n calf still :good Durham and have been tested
(milking; Red cow in call; Steer 2 - for T.B. and Abortion stied. found
•: old; 2 year ok1 heifer suppose l 100% pure.
*o be in ca=lf; 2 -yr. old heifer; -4 PIGS -1 brood sow due December•,
l*etre rising 2 yrs; 4 spring calves. 2ncl.
Above cattle are all good Durhrims IMPLEMENTS, ETC; -McCormick
PIGS -7 'stocker _pigs weighing binder 6 -ft. cut; Deering mower 5 -ft
about G0 lbs. eaelr; cut; Steel hay rake; McCormick -De -
POULTRY -75 White Leatorn` ening fertilizer drill 11 -di .c new; 2 -
&ens. yearlings.drum steel roller Massey -Harris; Ma-
GEESE—,2 geese and a gander. I grey -Harris springtooth cultivator
IMPLEMENTS, ETC: McCorm- new; 3 -section harrows; walking plow
IRS( binder, McCormick mower, lira riding plow; in -throw "disc; horse scu-
ratford 13.B. M. -if.. Mower; Mc•Corm-i flier McCormick -Deering new; Wagon
ick 11 -disc fertilizer drill; 10 -hoe Wagon box; ,stock rack; flat rack 10-
rain drill; International spring tooth I ft. nPw; road cart, pr. bob sleighs
ieultivator stiff -tooth Tudh'ope cult=-. Cockshut new; platform for sleighs;
!iratar; McCormick low-down manure turnip seeder, 2 -heel trailer, buggy,
pr,eader, MeH. bean scuf1er with Clinton farming mill, 1200 -Ib. scales;
;/+.oiler eombined, 2 -wheel trailer, cit-, cutting box, root pulper, stoneboat,
;enter •saw; 8-h.p. gal engine; 2?a h. 2 -furrow plow, ladder, set double
,gas 'engine, 3 wagons, wagon box, harness practically new, single harn-
steek rack, 2 heavy flat racks 16 -ft. ess, 3 -horse harness, 4 horse collars,
;isterinational hay loader, McCornnick sweat pads, a quantity of twine sacks,
Iii ft. steel rake; steel drum roller; Viking cream separator, chop boxes,
-side delivery rake, double light sleigh steel drums. whifilet^ees, neckyokes,
with tongue and shaft, 2 set bob sle- dolabletreee, honey extractor, 12 ton
ighs, 2 set bunks, 2 cutters, Internet- of mixed hay, and numerous other
conal walking plow, 2 Fleury walking art.icle.
splows; riding plow, disc, 2 2 -furrow No reserve, as the proprietor has
+blows, road cart, 2 gr '. c-1 boxes, Int- sold his farm.
penial incubator holds 19 c -g • • 400 TERMS—CASH
•capacity incubator; broaslart , adds, ' Arth,.ir 'Weber, Auctioneer.
:boring machine, large fence stretcher Clayton Pile, Clerk,
.scarper, neckyokes, eveners, canthook Martin Laub, Proprietor.
3 set of iron harrows; 1 -horse scefil.er
root pulper, cutting• box, army saddle ;
power emery, 2 set of heavy harness,! BLAKE
:bells, 2,000-1b. can scn1e , Clinton!
-fanning mill. Jolliet grain grinder, 1
-zrrrantity of haze externo, grain' Mr. •and Mrs. John Steekle we're
blower, and -numerous other articles. Sunday visitors with 11s. and Mrs.
HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS — Kitch- Rudy Oesch.
en cook stove, large heater burn coal -lir. and Mrs. Merino Kipfer, Mr,
„r•.'wood, Detroit vapor 3 -burner coal and Mrs. Edward Kipfer from Tav-
o;.l stove_, law -n swing,DeLaval cream s=tock were visiting with friends on
,separator, Eaton separator, chopper,the Bronson Line.
kettle, iron kettle. Mr. Edmund Swartzentruber was
a week -end visitor at Tavistock.
Mr. and 1VIrs, Allan Bast, Mr. and
Mrs. Sam Gerber from . Wellesley,
spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. C.
Mr. and Mrs. Amos oingerich,
horse 4 yrs. old.
LIV.Til STOCK—Roan cow (hie in.
March; Roan cow fresh; 2 -yr,' old,
whi4S 'heifer fresh, both whir calf at
focit; 2 3 -yr.' old .cows clue ,at tinee of
No reserve, as everything will be
:sold as proprietor ha; Bold his farm.
Arthur Weber, Auctioneer.
George Merrier, Clerk.
Jahn Bender, Proprietor.
Chrysler Corporator of Comedo
Distributors for DODGE and DE SO TA CARS
and TRUCKS for:
Zurich, Hensall, Exeter, Crediton, Grand
Bend, .hayfield, B-ucefield and Surrounding
•1938 Models now Available
Agents Wanted •
J. Passmore.and Son, Agents
Free Mountings and 'Plenty of Free Air for all Tires
purchased from Us; Quality Best; Pricest;
r' Lowest,
Written Guerantees; .Ass•; :to See the Tire which
has over 125,000 miles of service. .T
l3rng your Cat-
alogues, we will tweet all lI cOIYl}9et1t10I1.
Seeding Im=plements should be
in good working
shape shortly; Order M.H. parts early.
points for Y
r many makes
Tel. Shop 149 0.LOP
� P & SONS REQ. 67.
Mr and 11Irs, Ed. Oesch, ,Mr, and iY'Cma I Jiimny returning' a ' J 'etu't;nii�;• with Awn,
Roy Gingorich were Sunday visitors :']r, ana, Mrs. T, B. Moffatt and
with Mr, -amid Mrs. Jacob Swartzen- l daughters 1 alea� and Jamje .of Sea -
trot et•, � forth and Ni. and Mrs. W. L. Mc
Mr, 'and .Mrs, Peter Zehr and faun- ' Ewen and:Joyce and Miss Emma
ily, Mr, and Mrs. Dave Swartzerltru- Anderson of Ailsa Craig were Som-
ber and family, Mrs. John Swartzen- ; .day visitors with Mr. and Mrs, A.E.
trtibbr from Tavistock, spent Sunday' ,Oestretcher,
with friends and relatives on the
Bronson line,
W.M.S.—The Women's Missionary
Society met in. the clniien for their
October Meeting on Wednesday after
noon Oct. 18th, With (Miss Annie Jar-
rott presiding, The meeting opened
with call to worship vers. 3 and 4 of
No. 123 were read in unison, Hymn
297 was then sung, Thanksgiving
prayers were then offered and follow-
ed by meditation and prayer. The de-
votional leaflet "The unchangitig
Christ, was then given. The secrete
ary and Treasurer then. gave their
reports which were adopted. The'
business was then taken . The 'roll
was called and answered by 4 pointe
for Mas. W. Turner's group and 4
points for Annie Jarrott's group. The
offering was taken. The Isiovenvlier
meeting will be held at illrs, R,.1Vle-
Allister's. Hymn 577 was . sung.The
meeting closed with the niizpah :bene-.
There was a large imbiber from
this vicinity at the Kippen church
:'nniversary on Sunday to hear Rev.
Herbert Workman of Petrolia. He
being a former resident of this;,'vic-
inity in former years. Several spen-
ding the day with friends at Kippen.
Mrs. Lattimer of London is`''visit-
ing relatives in this vicinity. •
Mr. and :Mrs, W. Weide and fam-
ily spent an evening with Miss Lill-
ian Rade: at Zurich.
Mr. Frank Corriveau lost a. valu-
able horse one day recently.
Mrs. C. Ayotte of Zurit e was a
Sunday visitor at the Gelinas home.
Dr., Alneys of Gross St, Farmers'
Mich., is taking holidays visiting at
the home of Mrs. Joseph Rau.
Mrs. Philip Denomme- i 3 spending
a few weeks with her children in
Detroit. •
Mr. Dale .Mousseau from Windsor
REXALL lc Sale next week, Octo-
ber 27th, 25th, 29t1r, and 3.0th, Phone
orders accepted,=.floniphill's Drug
Store, •i-leneail, Ont.
Mss. Herbert Britton of Dnblin,is
spending asetew' weeks with her moth-
er, elYlrs: ': Hannah Workman.
.Miss 'Olive Walker, R,N,, is nurs-
ing ° at i1i t'j t>n.
Miss ;Margaret ,;Perley, R. N., of
I.,ortdon,%'visited -with Mx. and Mrs..
Roy McLarein,,
Miss) Alice Dougall of Toronto vis-
ited wjtl3 her parents, 'Mx. :and Mrs,
Wm Dougall, .Sr, '
ii12r, antl,,Mts. 13. O. Dayman was a
visitor.in North Bay.
Mr G.. l2. D,rySdale; spent. a week
in• Tot.oniso on'b:tsiness.
Joyce Scx•uton of Toronto was a
visiiior .with her mother Mrs. A, Scr-
utoii .end sister, Mildred.
Mr.'end' Mrs: Leslie Knight and
two children and Mrs. A. Bowen of
Kitchener were visitors with r:•elati-
ver here, alito at: Beach -o -Pines, Sea-
:forth and Blyth.
Miss ,Myrna Hudson. of_'Londonvis
ited with her parent:,here
ldr. sand Mrs.'Roy Palmer and da-
ughter of Windsor visited with relati-
ves in town.
Born -At Clinton Hospital on Oct.
'9th, to .'Reeve' and Mrs: Shaddick, a
Ray Paterson of Toronto was a week
end visitor with his parents here.
Prof. 'and' Mrs. Anderton of God-
eeicl `visited here with Mr. and 1VXrs.
W. O. :Goodwin.,
.Mrs.'kIauikinson is visiting at Lake
side, the guest of Mr. and Mrs. John.
. Albert Passmore of Delhi was .a
visitor with his parents, Mr. and Mrs
John Passmore.
Miss Amy Lammie of Windsor,
was a week -end visitor with her mo-
ther, Mrs. Wm. Laramie.
Alf. Clark, Wm. Welsh, Thos.
Welsh,_ Royce Welsh and James Pat-
erson were at •Meaford on a fishing
Funeral of Miss Moir '
services for Miss.Jane:
Miss Evelyn Wesley of Detroit were Moir were held:on Sunday . at the
week -end visitors at the Mousseau home of her brother, Peter, and aft -
home. erwards at the Henson United Church
Mrs. E. G. Wesley of Detroit, is1el re her pastor, Rev, A. Sinclair,
spending a few weeks with her sister
.Mise B..Mansseau.
There seei=rt to 'be an abundance of
wild geese feeding; on the farmer's
fields at. present. The . hunters sa e
ve re si 11y— trey echoer- er•enefi . wi it
the gun. Strange to say they seem
to he much Carnes this year than us-
A 'very quiet .but happy matrim ,
onial event was celebrated inStt e',
Peter's R. C. Church. 'on Tuesday
morning., when Rev. Father L. Mar-
chand united in Holy weddlock Peter
Masse, son of Mr. and ]iirs. Nelson J.
Masse, of the 14th concession Hay, to
Mies Genevieve Etue, daughter of
Mr. Edward Etue and the late Mrs.
Etue. Owing to the bride being in
mourning through the loss of her
mother• recently, the event was held
very quietly. After the ceremony whi-
ch was attended only by immediate
relatives, the bridal couple left on
a short honeymoon trip to Northern
was assisted by Rev. W. A. Young,
nunistei, of Cannel Presbyterian
Churchnlgehe pallbearers were Dr. A.
Moir, F; W. J. Jones, Geo. Brock, R;
ra.rw u IaS•w millie. ale& W, Ciaazg-
".Interi��"irras' in :Henson Union Ce-
Late Wm. Hog arth
The;death occurred on Oct 6th.at
' el residence of his daughter Mrs: W
5;n, Henisd, of William eloggarth,
dell known ,farmer of Tuckersrnith
i. �Ie.rias°:been poor. health for
e time and 6 'weeks ago was tak-
e ` o the Seaforth hospital for treat-
ment, and about three weeks ago was
brought to the home .of his daughter
M_s. Green but unable to rally. Born
71 yeiirs ago in Hibbert, ani after
his marriage to Jean Davis of Staffa,
they moved in Thckersmith where he
resided till his death. Was a very sue
cessiv farmer, a Conservative and a
memb r of the Presbyterian church.
His w4fe :predeceased last .Tanuary.
Is survived by ' one son, Archie on the
homestead, two daughters, Mrs. W.
Green; Hensall and Mrs. John Ingram.
also three brothers.
Mrs. Sellery of Seaforth spent
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. Wolfe
Mr. Elgin Merner spent the pas
week with friends in Detroit.
1VIr. and Mrs. Fred Preeter and Al
"leen were Sunday visitors in Kitch
Rev. and Mrs. H. F. Wilson and
son. Herbert of Bunacco were week
end visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Leon-
ard Bender.
Miss Margaret Watson and ;friend
of Seaforth spent Sunday with Mrs,
Mrs. Percy Weido and son Jimmy
who spent the past week in Waterloo
have returned to her home here. '
Dashwood Planing Mill has been
given the contract of building a new
ho=ne for Mr. Isaac Rathwell, of
Varna whose home was destroyed by
fire several weeks ago.
Mrs, George Merrier is spending a
few weeks with her daughters" in
Rpbert Ropecroft has secured a
position in the A and P. Stores in
Niagara Falls.
Mr. and Mrs. L. Bender spent Sun-
day with friends in London,
The Anniversary super given in
the Evangelical church under the ai,s
picas of the Ladies' Aid was a big
'""r s. 'tale ,S'rryrlrty School orches-
tra provided music during the Supp-,
er period and the program consisted
of the Diamond Octette and Miss Hel•
en Plyley of Rodney and Mr. Clo
of 'Seaforth, and was se
:rho well received.
proceed; and
to $111..4.0,
Mr. Harry Price and son Druce.
and Mr. Percy Weida of V4'aterloo,
pwere last week -end t-isitors at the
atter's home, ' In, WGIc'o and son
t A new fire truck has been added
to the: equipment of the Wingham
- fire d pai;tment.
of Annie Ardall Corri-
orr%g;an, widow of George Hudson; oc-
curred at Seaforth,- in her 67th yr.
- Deceased is. survived by two ,deught-
Hers, -Mudsonrs,; S, Habklirk and' Miss Vera
Wan., Peal -sons, of ,Seaforth, anno
unee•s' tie engagement 'uf his • young-
est daughter, Viola Jean, to 'Charles
Pinder,son of the late Win. (Pinder,
the wedding to take place the latter
part hof' October.
Catherine. Richards'on', a lifelong
resident of Goderich Twp., died, of
te,r a •long period of failing health.
She survived by a sister; Mrs. An=
nie Ticks, and a brother, Robert,
with, whoin she lived.
",Two Moto'r: Cara- Wrecked
• Afte'r'pleeing letters in a mail
+box at Glidee.feli, John H. ,'Webster,,,
ruraeena l driver, is alleged by police
to `hdve'tbrned his motor' car into the
ipath of'Another driven by Bruce'
Bailey, •a ;flour :traveler. Both mach-
ines vrr ire wrecked but the drivers,es-
caped iniury, Counter Tnaffc Officer
lfoiaautt Lever investigated.
Barn Burned
Fire of unknown origin 1eetreyed
the Ibarii and crops of Angus.. Mk-
son, M.L.A.-elect for Perth early
Pri day • last with a boss estimated at
frog' $,5,000 to 310,000, partly cov-
ered by insurance. Hundreds of pee-
i)le turned out to help save the other
bW'dint!•s and house. Mr. Dickson
wa ' away from home at fr,,,
Intel r.sitnr ied hozee to find the reed
floeked. for et. «n''le in• front of ti
farm by cars,
• R ns Into Herd of Cattle
When he ,drove his car into a herd
of cattle on. highway No. 4, north of
Belgrave in last 'Wednesday night's
ato=m, Rev. A. A. Maloney, Anglican
rector at Auburn, with sub -chargee
at Blyth and Belgrave, escaped seri-
ous injury but his auto was badly
damaged. Se far the owner of the
cattle, two of which were injured,
has not been determined. They were
impounded by Co. Consta=ble Jack
Stewart, who investigated.
Electric Shock
Clair Ruffell, yong son of iVir. and
Mrs. Chas. Ruffen,- Gocrerich, was
knocked unconscious and painfully
=burned when, while at play, he threw.
a wire over a main Hydro line on
Bridge st. The boy received the force
of a heavy shock when the trailing
end of the wire :wrapped around his
leg. Ile was unconscious tett minutes
The short .circuit resulted from the
contact left the northeast section of
the town in darkness until 11 p.m.
Died at Varna
At an early hour, Sat, Oct. 8th,
A. Austin of Varna passed away ,af-
ter suffering for four months from
a malignant disease of which only
death could relieve him. The late Mr
Austin was a native of England, Th-
ere he was born '73 years ago and
was 9 years old when he carne to
Canada. In his youth he was a nae -
T urrsds*, Detour 2let, :I.93
a tiikmr�r' * f the Salvation Arany encs en.
joy 'd zinging the Army tunes, He
also tiad, a mail route for 20 years
and loath signed up ,;for another term,
ever hopeful. that his health uig1 t
improve, During the 20 years serv-
ice to the public not one complaint
iwas ;tirade, (being' faithful in every
kind of weather,
Car is Side -Swiped
An auto accident took place on
the Exeter bridge Monday last. Wal-
ter- H. Mason, of R.R. 3, Llytlt, acco-
mpanied by his wife, son and daught-
er were on their way to London
where the young lad was being taken
to the hospital for observation for
infantile paralysis, According to the
pollee !Mason had nearly crossed the.
bridge when' This new car was side-
swiped by a truck belonging to Ed.
Mmer, a Stephen, and driven by R.
Bo'peroft, The left side of the ear
was caved in but fortunately none of
the occupants were hurt. Mason was
able to continue his journey to the
West Huron Teachers'
The :annual convention of the West
Huron Teavihers' Association will be.
held in Goderich on Thursday and
Friday, October 21st and 22nd. A
feature will he an explanation of our
new curriculum by the representat-
ive of 'the Department of Education,
leg ee=le.
AF`i11R ROOK Ehret°.
SCoAREE a cit
.ty'LDI'Y CSI :.i h'.i. I & KALi3FLE1,C13
Zurich Ont.
''t: i 1.1 44(4,e4 ., . vivegv."eok J6.
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uta 3w D1;'a8�x .z neer '•.sews\,.ssest,
n cos
The photographer, fairly close, took care to focus on the child, not on the;
distant scene. Exposure 1/100 second at f.8 on a fair day.
mis year when you go on your persons list posing, nor "scenics" .as;:
vacation, .resolve to come back void of noticeable feature as an irrny-•
with better snapshots than you; did• blanket, nor any more conglomera-
a gear ago. tions of meaningless composition..
Determine to take mere care with shot at random for no good pictorial
your lens stops; your shutter speeds. reason. Such pictures aro, as you
and your focusing. Decide that be- know, products of no ambition to,
fore you take a picture you will give make the hest out of the possibili--
thought to the light conditions; ties of a person's camera, the film_
whether the day is hazy, drill or very he uses and of himself as a photog-.
dull; whether a midday sun is rapper.
shining from a clear sky or the less In terms of entertaining, eye -de.. -
intense early morning or late after- lighting, emotion -stirring and photo"
noon suu; 'whether the light is in- graphically excellent pictures,' these.
creased by reflections from expanses possibilities are unlimited, and on;:
of water or sand; whether your sub- vacations, whether you head for the
jest is in .average shade or deep ocean, mountain, lake, river, event
shade; whether under any of these the prairie or the desert, the oppor-,
conditions you are photographing tunnies for real
nearby objects• or a distant scene: limited. I)o make pictures /Our are iii °
Say you will consider these things time 'to think before yen shoot. this
each time and carefully adjust your Special supplication oIf yotjt,
camera to hitt thein. never used a color filter, you halve;
Make u ,treaf your -
A' your mind thatyou will self to two or three of different: .
think also about the composition of types, or at least one average' filter'
each picture, that it shall have :merit spelt as the K-2,and ex
of its q t. F Tera
becausePictorial qualities and with them before you start. ,Filters:. .
that hi each scene showing human bring in clouds distinctly, cut .
or other beings there shall' be story- through haze, combat too 'bright re-
telling .interest. flections from water or sea sand..
• Declare that you will bring back Like deftly placed cosmetics on mi-
from this pear'tl vacation no more lady's face, deftly used filters en -
out -of -focus pictures nor underex hence beauty. , Learn to use there..
posed or overexposed ones, nor plc- You will be surprised and tielig1itetf<
tares blurred by camera movement; with the results:
no more of those lifeless plotures b 1
John. van Guilder