Zurich Herald, 1937-10-21, Page 3Y Y I Y Y V V Y T V Y Y: Y Y Y v Y v V Y V Y Y Y Y Y ♦'. i v � +�:.tibi4. +v.G'.LYa�h:4^bvh�,'�!; 0�4. h�.:'YwoC>i*aM Sab�b40AaF4.a_arN.4;`9',�6.a: o :410,,,0 0:6a* moi', bw4ib!•. 1,4 to NI►• asso m f vertisingi":1 . •, veeeterv,vvvv ,vvv P+lyvYVYVY�vT YvvYeieeeteeefe,440.10:+ 1,.:i,•:02 .W„•R„L:.44""t,�9,v.3,•�P:b_O�, L'�'. .4r'i'n a �'C..�i.'I�Q'..+'>,�'!�.�6',>$rP,d�anN 4;4+i:4'<4rWs s.., �.,, a �.�,► AGENTS WANTED FURNITURE AGENTS -TO SELL MEN'S NEOK•. tis, 100 per cent. profit. Write for tree samples and catalogue. Nur, gatroyd Agencies, Yonge St. Arcade, Toronto. .1BOUKS ]i1V16RY MARRIED COUPLE and those contemplating marriage should read. "Entering Marriage," 24 Pages, postpaid, 15c. "Sex and Youth," 7.04 pages, postpaid, 25o. Our 2Q page illustrated catalogue of books, drug supplies and household novelties,.' free upon request. Supreme Specialty, 169 Yonge, Toronto. FIVE DRESSED DOLLS, 30c. TWO choice Dresser Dolls, 50c. Large Berl Spreading Doll, $1.00. Boxed - postpaid. Robert Harvie, 238 King ]vast, Toronto. c617ODD" GUARANTEED BLUE Steel Blades, $1.00 per 100, post- paid. free samples. J, Dennis, 4227 Marquette, Montreal. VOCAL REPRESENTATIVES wanted, for subscription work. Re- newal list supplied. Good commission. Write Canadian Magazine, 347 Ade- laide St. West, Toronto. Meal, EN, WOMEN, ALL AGES, MAKE ova money spare time in home, experi- ence unnecessary. Write l3usinss As- sociates, Chatham, Ontario. PALESMAN WANTED BY "THE Old Reliable Foothill Nurseries" (Established 100 years). Send for Centennial Catalogue and Special Lines. Start now, exclusive territory in town or country, liberal terms, free outfit. Stone & Wellington, Toronto 2. AGENCY OPEN IN THIS DIS- trict. Double your money selling our delightful Old English Lavender Shampoo, sample fifteen cents. Do - inion Specialties, 213 Pearson, Toronto. REPRESENTATIVE WANTED IN each town for subscription work. I'enevral List supplied. Good com- mission, Must be energetic and re- lii.hle. Write Canadian Magazine, 3•47 Adelaide St. W., Toronto.. ANALYTICAL CHEMIST CEl..q�'IAI2LFS ALLDER, ANALYTICAL Chemist, established 1926. Analy- sis of poultry and stock feeds. Box 117 Inearsoll, Ontario. BARN ROOFING - FENCE POSTS reTTf DIRECT FACTORY PRICES 4.:", save you money on Supertite gal- vanized roofing. Superior steel Fence Pests and steel granary lining. Super- ior Products Limited. Sarnia. Ont. BUILDING WRECKERS E; WILL BUY OLD OR CON dunned buildings to wreck. Green- wood House Wreckers. 440 Greenwood Ave., Toronto. BULBS NARCISSI -PRINCEPS MAXIMUS. Early Yellow Trumpet -Daffodil. Pheasants Eye (Poet's Narcissus), fragrant, white, late. Evangeline, frag- rant, white, fluted yellow chalice cup, mid-season. All field run bulbs, as dug, $1 per 1,000. Canadian Pacific Bulb Gardens, Duncan, Vancouver Island. BUSINESS BROKERS ATTENTION! ANY BUSINESS anywhere, sold quickly, confiden- tially for cash. Consolidated Business Brokers, 24 Bloor West, Toronto. CARPETS RE -WOVEN INTO RUGS ®LD CARPETS WOVEN INTO RE- versible Rugs. Write for price list. Baker Cleaning Co., Toronto 4. DOGS LYONS' BAG EDA FUINS NITURE Great savings in our Furniture Trade-in Department. Our low prices have made this department the larg- est and most popular in Toronto. Just a few of the hundreds of specials are listed here, If you don't see what you want advertised come in or write, Lyons are sure to have it and at the lowest price in town. Every piece of furniture is sanitarily treated and completely refinished to look like new. C9o00 Beautiful Americana walnut bedroom suite, large chile robe. full length triple mirror vanity and full size 4 -poster bed with sagless spring. Completely refinished. Cost new over $200.00. $21.5® Walnut finish dresser, In Su perfect condition, with full size steel bed to match, sagloss spring •tnd brand new all -felt mattress. $19.5n Solid oak dining -room suites, large buffet, exten- mon tables and 6 leather upholstered chairs, in peifect condition. Your choice of golden or fumed bait. $89 00 Beautiful solid walnut din - `n' ing-room suite, large buf- fet, twin pedestal extension table, china cabinet and 6 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. A really fine suite and looks brand new; completely re. finished. Cost originally about $300.00, 16%0®� Light -piece, 2 -tone walnut `Yr 6 finish dining -room suite - tension adesign; nsion tablean66 chairs upholstered in genuine leather. Completely refin• fished. - 49 00 Luxurious 3 -piece chster• field suite (unclaimed). - This suite hae been rebuilt and recov- ered in a very attractive brand new brown repp; has Marshall reversible spring cushions and is a real bargain at this price. Originally cost $175.00, is exactly like new. $29 50 Full length chesterfield and two roomy chairs to snatch, upholstered in a novelty repp with reversible Marshall cushions and show -wood walnut frame; completely re -conditioned and dry cleaned. 00 Large Chesterfield with Q ` ° two big chairs, covered in a French Jacquard Taupe shade; completely re -built and thoroughly dry cleaned. Large assortment of Kitchen Cab- inets, Sewing Machines, Gas Stoves, Library Tables, Beds, Spring Mat- tresses, Odd Dressers, Chiffoniers, Studio Couches, etc., at amazingly low prices. CROSSED FOX AND BLOOD - hound pups, 3 months old, males $6.; females $3. Allen Hill, R.R. 2, Beaverton. FILMS AND PRINTS CIIRISTMAS CARDS PROM YOUR favourite negatives, 12 for 75c; 3 for 25c. Complete with envelopes. Sample, 10c. Brigbtling, 29 Richmond St. E., Toronto, ROLLS DEVELOPED; PRINTED, One free enlargement 25c. Re- prints 10 for 25c. Photo -Craft, 18314i King St. E., Toronto. FUM FARMING rINE DARK EASTERN MINK from foundation stock and high kit production; correspondence invit- ed. Maple Leaf Mink Ranch,' Blen- heim, Ont. RAISE MINK FOR PROFIT - GET started right with Moss " Quetico" strain mink -guaranteed stuck. Write for full information, Moss Fur Farms, Limited (mink breeding specialists), Sapawe, Ontario. GAMES FOR FALL AND WINTER, PARTIES Ten entirely new and original club and parlor games, in attractive booklet form, assorted to suit all tastes and occasions, .10 cents, Can- adian -American Novelties, 122 Well- ington Street West, Toronto. GREAT SALE USED PIANOS ORIGINALLY COSTING WHEN new up to $800., good makes, bean• tiful walnut, mahogany and golden oak cabinets, in real good condition, tuned, including piano benches; bargain prices, $39.50, $49.50, $59,50. Ideal for homes, schools, churches. Write for our' bargain price list. Sovereign's Sales, 2418B Dufferin St„ Toronto. TRADE-IN DEPT. LYONS' BEDDING AND UPHOLSTERING CO. Save 40%. Bury Direct fromTORONTO 478 YONGE ST, (LASS EYES • LASS EYES, -$4.50 EACH THOUS- ands to choose from. Twelve sent to select from. Satisfaction guaran- teed, Pitman Optical House, Vaneou- ver, B.C. I•IAIRDRESSING SCHOOL ANDREWS' ACADEMY OF HAIR- . dressing. Visitors welcome. Write for prospectus. 961 Bloor West, To- ronto. LILY BULBS Used. To Wake Up With A Headache Now Fresh and Lively .Every 'Wonting Here is a man who woke up every morning with a dull headache. Then Kruschen transformed his days. Read his letter: - "I used to wake up in the morn- ings with a dull headache. A :year ago, I started taking Eruschen Salts regularly. Today, I wake up fres and lively and can do my day's week without any exertion. I can recom- mend Kruschen for anyone suffering from headaches and constipation, and for putting new life into you, I intend to continue with Kruschen for the rest of any life."-E•P, Headaches can nearly always be traced to a disordered stomach, , and to the unsuspected retention in the system of stagnating waste material which poisons the blood, Remove these poisons -prevent therm from forming again -and you'll never have to worry any more. And that is just how Kruschen 'Salts brings quick and lasting relief from headaches. PLANT LILIES NOW - ADD TO brightness of your garden with Lilies from home-grown bulbs of re- liable varieties. Also other perennial flowers -and fruit trees for northern gardens; all of the hardiest strains. Send for Autumn Catalogue with in- structions for Lilies, etc. Arrival of all plants in good condition guaran- teed. The Manitoba Hardy Plant Nursery, le. L. Skinner. Prop., Drop. more, Manitoba. MACHINERY REBUILT FARM MACHINERY AND trucks composed of: Grain chop- pers 8" to 15"; Gas engines 1% to 14 h.p.; Tractors 8 x 16 to 25 x 40 h.p.; Power units 26 h.p. up; Ensilage cut- ters; 21 Trucks from %-ton up. We pay spot cash for old tractors. Write or see us. Hanna's International Sales & Service, MacDonnell St„ Guelph, Ontario. MEN WANTED WANTED - AMBITIOUS MEN, 18 years or over, to learn detective work. Big pay. Rewards. Interesting home -study course. Free information. Write to Morris L. Julien, Box 25, Sta- tion T„ Montreal. MEDICAL CONSTIPATED? -IMMEDIATE RE - lief (Money back guarantee), Per- fect (brand) Laxative Pills, 35c box, 3 boxes $1.00. Mail orders invited. Perfect Chemical, 460 Richtnond W.. Toronto. MISCELLANEOUS JEWEL WATCHES ONLY $5.95. Send us picture of any man's lady's wrist watch, sold anywhere up to $15.00. We will closely duplicate it for $5.95 with written guarantee. Wilson's Watch Company, 257 St. Catherine . West, Montreal. 5TRONACH'S TAPEWORM REM- edy, simple, hiexponsivc, effec- tive. Write today for complete infor- mation. STRONACIW'S STOMACH POWDER Quick relief Indigestion. Dyspep- sia,, Sour Stomach, Heartburn, Bloat- ing, Billinusness, Nausea. Successfully used many Year,. Urge pricker/1 mail- ed postpaid 50c, Stronach Medicines, 536 lovcrcot rt, Toronto. SONG POEMS SE'l.' TO MUSIC, Anthems, hymns revised ready for publication. Henry Graves, Mus. Bac., 4266 Old Orchard Ave., Mon- treal. MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS LEARN TO PLAY A SAXOPHONE Trumpet, Trombone. Become a Musician. Send for Form for six days' Free Trial. Ten months' terms -no in Wrest. Literature free. Greene Music Company. 57 queen St.. East. Toronto. PATENT ATTORNEY -own' L. KNOX, Registered AttorneY. .Information regarding Invention Patents; Drawings; Registrations; Sales. 14 Metcalfe. Ottawa. PATENTS INVENTIONS PATENTED, WRITE today for helpful, illustrated book- lets free. W. Irwin Haskett, 18 El- gin, Ottawa. 0BRIN:S YOU fi ISSUES Old' f' ITerbal Health Magazine, a marvellous guide to better health and zestful living. Acclaimed by 20,000 Canadians. Interesting. Story .of herbs in tine life of the American Indians by John R, Cressy, Herbal Specialist. Formulas for common ailments. Frank discussions of symptoms, causes and treatment. Dietary Hints. Questions and Answers. Every issue of this won- derful magh.zine contains valuable coupons saving you up to ono dollar on purchases of herbal pl eoaratione. Send ten cents to 'Teepee News, 1530 Dundee W., Toronto, AN OFFER TO EVERY INVEN- tor, List of inventions and full information sent free, THE RAMSAY COMPANY, Registered Patent At- torneys, 273 Bank St., Ottawa. Caaa. PERSONALS A MAN'S TONIC -MEN'S FRIEND (For men only), 50 pills $2.00 - directions enclosed; mail orders ;(Jost paid. Hygienic Laboratories, 460 Rich- mond `St. W., Toronto. PhoneA• 2448. PROPERTIES WANT'. GOOD PRICES PAID FOR OLD • Buildings anywhere for wrecking. Greenwood' House Wreckers, 440 Greenwood. Toronto. REMNANTS FREE! --70 QUILTING PATT1i INSI" Giant washfast remnants! "Makes, five quilts" Cottons! • Prints; $100;: "Collect". Sample bundle, 25c. Re- fund guarantee! Maritime Textiles, -3049 Degaspe, Montreal. BIG BEN GOES FUPTHER BECAUSE EVERY CHEW LASTS LONGER .I�.., THE PERFECT Chewing Tobacco weeretege sas.o SLICE a TIN By Sixbits "No Matter How Thin You Slice It --- It's Still Boloney►r t One thing we like about the selection of a new Ontario Cabinet is that the newspaPer accounts of same give a man a chance to recall wno were in the last one. Outside of Mitch, of course. We had a sneaking idea that the latter might have preyed him- Belf big enough to have included Mr. Roebuck and Mr. Croll in his stew group of (?) advisers, because when all is said and done, no two men -outside of the leaders of the late Conservative party, of course '-diel more to bring Mr. Hepburn into his present prominence than that pair. However, it was not to be; and probably we were nothing Int a sentimental old such -and -such to even imagine its happening. Per the desire to kick out the stones by which you have combed to the summit -after you have passed them -is one of the deepest seated in human nature. And the experience of reaching with your toot for those same stones -when you are on the way downward -and feeling rather panicky and resentful when you find they aren't there, le also soiee- thing that has happen}ed before. And can haPpen again. * * All of which sounds -now that we take a look at it -as if we have gone mournful and philosophic indeed, or else need seine spring medicine in the autumn. Which reminds us of a little advertisement we saw in a local bladder which opens up many interesting possibilities. It read some- thing like this -".Boils disappear when doctor takes SOANDSO"- SOANDSO being the name of* the medicine advertised. We have often wished we could find that kind et a doctor -one which would take the medicine instead of merely prescribing same - and if we can discover the name of the physician alluded to in that advertisement, we can assure him that he is going to gel all our personal trade from now henceforth. The . Metropolitan scribes are putting the blasterybse ruse he 13111 Terry of 'the New York Giants-eemennbe e then tl because he di ps) •.-over to Mr. McCar ih�y the Yankees, anke, s,.__n t e-_- f.. _ of the series; ante evarm1y' coy g d. We are all for .good sportsmanship and cheerful sing elan the al like -in due.mod-but but we think that Mr. Terry's was ai, :,a perfectly natural one under the *existing circumstances. k" along -knocks you flat -and then wi•c.. ;- When a steam roller comes along- Parades the entire length h you, ad ildom do you jumpmup, run after • it, and then give it a big g * Gro a good game loser the youngerof cgeneration. But tooa very fine aiiuch prac- tice ne much recommended a chance to u would act as aewinner,�vcan become out rather boresome,a wewould think. STAMPS AND COINS But we would like to close on an optimistic note, so here it CORONATIONS, JUBILEE, COM- comes. We hear so much about the degeneration and lack of respect memoratives, Triangles- 40 dif- for the decencies of modern youth that it is nice to run across some- ferent stamps 10c to approval appli- thing that would show this is* not always* the case. cants. Edgard, 108 Maple, Windsor, Ontario. Which is just what we did up at the football game last Saturday. A party of four -evenly divided as to sex -had prudently fetched along something to ward off *the chill, if there had been any chill. So at half time they were observed looking for a spot where tliey could take it -and such spots are sometimes hard to find uP in those environs, or at least so we hear. was d they over too ds and which nt about theire business, yjust draped it over their four h , as concealed as any ostrich which ever stuck its dome in the sands of the desert. what lie would have done if he'd had mine." WATCH REPAIRS 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE $1.00 replaces mainspring, jewel, cleaning, hands, crystals, dial repaired. Providing no parts missing. 2 -years guarantee. Re- turn postage paid. Formerly with Hamilton Watch Factory. American Swiss Watch Specialist Reg'd, Dept. W., 4313 Brebeuf, Montreal. Stuff and Nonsense Wife - ''I'm afraid Oliver, that you do not love ane any more at least, not as much as you used to." Husband - "Wily?" Wife - "Because you always let nae get up to light the fire now." Husband - ''Nonsense, my dear You're getting up to light the fire makes me love you all the more." It is well that a ,flan be not wise in his own conceit, nor make the mite take of taking the conceit, of others fen wisdom. He -- "You've been out with worse - looking fellows than I am, haven't you ?" She did not reply. "I said you've been out with worse looking fellows than 1 am, haven't you?" . She -- "1 heard you the first time. I was trying to think." Ever notice that the fellow who le always in a hurry is usually late. Reamed - "Have yen ever wonder- ea what you would do if you had Reek. cfeller's income?" Wife --• "No, but 1 often wondered Opinions are like watches - no twee are ever alike, and each man swears by his own. Clerk,- "Mr. McPherson, how about buying the latest atlas?" Mr. McPherson - "Not neo, mon; I'll wait until the affairs in Europe are more settled," Some folks insist on figuring life like a custard pie, if the crust is good, the filling will get by. Figure this out for yourself: "What` .does the bride think when she" wellte 'into the church?" "Aisle. Altar. Hyman." • The late Thomas A. Edison was showing a party of friends over his beautiful summer residence, equipped with many labor-saving devices. One exception, however, was a ttarnstile so stiff that it required considerable strength to force a passage. Ono by one his guests pushed their way through, At length ono of them 'ventured to say: "Mr. Edison, why do you have everything so perfect ex cept this awful turnstile." "Ah," replied the host, his eyes twinkling. "Everybody who pushes that turnstile around, pumps eight gallons of water into the tank on my roof." At breakfast one morning, the town bachelor• noticed some hand -writing on "Hum 1, nature is an odd mixture, of credulity and incredulity," remark- ed emarked a lecturer. "If you tell a man that there are two hundred and seventy bile; lion stars, he'll accept your word for'. it. But if you put up a sign "Fresh Paint," he's never satisfied until hen proves it is fresh. THE BETTER THINGS There's beauty all abut es here, And he is wise who finds it; There's ugliness that can't be belpedl Let's pass it by, don't mind it! one of his three-minute eggs. Examin- ing it closely he made out the follow ing message: "This egg was packed by a girl who is prepared to marry the man who notices this message. She is said to be the prettiest girl in this neighborhood." He wrote: "I would like to corres- pond with you - object matrimony." Several clays later he received a re- ply: "I am flattered by your offer' but I am now married and have three chil- dren."� THIS. ,,,„.At�I Leonard Ear Oil 1907'.beeppRoasd� siCaro of the Hearing" in every package. LEONARD OIL For Those Who Are HARD OF HEARING Leonard Ear Oil is rubbed in t back of ears, inserted in nostrils -never put in ears! Relieves catarrh. Stops head noises. druggis%luso. $1.25 Canada's Tru! de With Eraphie Up Increase in Twelve-1,1o>nth of 18.' Percent In the 12 months ended August 31, Canada's trade with Emp'rc counter ries soared $115.000,000 above the similar previous period, according to figures released by the Dominion Bureau of Statistics. The total mounted to $7•12,999,00& from $627,457,000, a gain of 18.4 peri cent Imports increased 21.6 per cent to $221,067,000, domestic experts 17 ped' cent at $520,028,000 and re-exportse of foreign produce 43.2 per cent. tos $1,904,000. .,,Tl.•acle with allgeonn tries for the ",.21 '•"'lino tlis has not yet thegexyereetreg-)erre-e-e r� err l' y-.. months ended August, imports from, all countries reached a total of $351,- 224,000, an increase of 35.5 per cent from $263,014,000 in the same period of 1936. Of this, $105,993,000 was from Empire countries and $245,4 230,000 from foreign countries. In August a.one, imports wertaa $69,996,000, an increase of 39.2 pees cent from August, 1936. Imports from the United Kingdom were $13,- 142,000, compared with $11,086,000. and from the United States $40,180,- 000 against $27,609,000. j Distributors in Canada: LAURENTiAN AGENCIES. MONTREAL _ .- STOP THEM SCREAMING I If you worry -with that quoor taut feeling In Your stomach-take toclaE. fewl tiny, economical drops p steady those ragged nerves, improve your appetite, build up your strength. At druggists, hoe, $1.00 and $1,50. 08 THIGREAT PII�ISFERdNEUWE T0Mc issue No. 43-'37 D-1 1 LE NE TO `BEAT' ACID INDIGEST ONCE LIFE WAS MISERABLE, NO.APPETIT-E... ;LITTLE SLF� ,.011dT11 NE DOCTOR SAID a41NA11rE BUT NOW -AT HE -FIRST SIGN Of ACID -INDIGESTION I USE PHILLIPS' AND I FEEL LIKE A NEW PERSON ALMOST IMMEDIATELY The fastest way to "alkalize" is to; carry your allealizer with you. That's1 what thousands do now that gen- nine Phillips' comes in tiny, pepper- mint flavored tablets --in a flat tin for pocket or purse. Then you are alwaysready, i Use t this way. Take 2 Phillips' tablets -equal in "alkalizing" effect to 2 teaspoonfuls of liquid Phillips' from the bottle. At once you feel "gas," nausea, over -crowding , from hyper -acidity egin to easei , "Acid headaches," "acid breath, , over -acid stomach are corrected at the source. This is the quick way to ease your own distress -avoid offense to others. MAbE IN CANAOA